
Defines functions hc_mvTypePlot2 mvImage wrapper.mvImage metacellHisto_HC metacellPerLinesHistoPerCondition_HC metacellPerLinesHisto_HC

Documented in hc_mvTypePlot2 metacellHisto_HC metacellPerLinesHisto_HC metacellPerLinesHistoPerCondition_HC mvImage wrapper.mvImage

#' This method plots a bar plot which represents the distribution of the 
#' number of missing values (NA) per lines (ie proteins).
#' @title Bar plot of missing values per lines using highcharter
#' @param obj xxx.
#' @param pattern xxx
#' @param detailed 'value' or 'percent'
#' @param indLegend The indice of the column name's in \code{Biobase::pData()} tab 
#' @param showValues A logical that indicates whether numeric values should be
#' drawn above the bars.
#' @return A bar plot
#' @author Florence Combes, Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' obj <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:10,]
#' metacellPerLinesHisto_HC(obj, pattern = 'missing')
#' @export
metacellPerLinesHisto_HC <- function(obj,
                                     detailed = FALSE,
    stop("'obj' is missing.")
  else if (is.null(obj))
    stop("'obj' is NULL. Abort...")
  if (missing(pattern))
    stop("'pattern' is missing.")
  else if (pattern %in% c('', 'None')){
    warning("'pattern' is empty.")
  qData <- Biobase::exprs(obj)
  samplesData <- Biobase::pData(obj)
  if (identical(indLegend,"auto"))
    indLegend <- c(2:length(colnames(samplesData)))
  for (j in 1:length(colnames(qData))){
    noms <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(indLegend))
      noms <- paste(noms, samplesData[j, indLegend[i]], sep=" ")
    colnames(qData)[j] <- noms

  mask <- match.metacell(GetMetacell(obj), 
                         pattern = pattern, 
                         level = obj@experimentData@other$typeOfData)
  NbNAPerRow <- rowSums(mask)
  nb.col <- dim(qData)[2] 
  nb.na <- NbNAPerRow
  temp <- table(NbNAPerRow)
  nb.na2barplot <- rep(0, ncol(qData))
  for (i in 1:length(temp)) 
    nb.na2barplot[as.integer(names(temp)[i])] <- temp[i]
  df <- data.frame(y=nb.na2barplot,
                   y_percent = round(100 * nb.na2barplot / dim(qData)[1], digits = 2))
  myColors = rep("lightgrey", nrow(df))
  h1 <-  highchart() %>% 
    hc_title(text = paste0("Nb of lines with x '", pattern, "' tags")) %>% 
    hc_add_series(data = df, type="column", colorByPoint = TRUE) %>%
    hc_colors(myColors) %>%
    hc_plotOptions( column = list(stacking = "normal"),
                    animation=list(duration = 100)) %>%
    hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) %>%
    hc_xAxis(categories = row.names(df), title = list(text = paste0("Nb of '", pattern, "' tags in a line"))) %>%
    my_hc_ExportMenu(filename = "missingValuesPlot1") %>%
    hc_tooltip(enabled = TRUE,
               headerFormat= '',
               pointFormat = paste0("{point.y} lines<br>({point.y_percent}% of all lines)")

#' This method plots a bar plot which represents the distribution of the 
#' number of missing values (NA) per lines (ie proteins) and per conditions.
#' @title Bar plot of missing values per lines and per condition
#' @param obj xxx
#' @param pattern xxx
#' @param indLegend The indice of the column name's in \code{Biobase::pData()} tab 
#' @param showValues A logical that indicates wether numeric values should be
#' drawn above the bars.
#' @param pal xxx
#' @return A bar plot
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' obj <- Exp1_R25_pept
#' pal <- ExtendPalette(length(unique( Biobase::pData(obj)$Condition)), 'Dark2')
#' metacellPerLinesHistoPerCondition_HC(obj, 'missing', pal=pal)
#' metacellPerLinesHistoPerCondition_HC(obj, 'quanti')
#' @export
metacellPerLinesHistoPerCondition_HC <- function(obj,
                                                 indLegend = "auto", 
                                                 showValues = FALSE,
                                                 pal = NULL){
    stop("'obj' is missing.")
  else if (is.null(obj))
    stop("'obj' is NULL. Abort...")
  if (missing(pattern))
    stop("'pattern' is missing.")
  else if (pattern %in% c('', 'None')){
    warning("'pattern' is empty.")
  qData <- Biobase::exprs(obj)
  samplesData <- Biobase::pData(obj)
  conds <- samplesData$Condition
  u_conds <- unique(conds)
  nbConditions <- length(u_conds)
  myColors <- NULL
  if (is.null(pal)){
    warning("Color palette set to default.")
    myColors <-  GetColorsForConditions(conds, ExtendPalette(length(unique(conds))))
  } else {
    if (length(pal) != length(u_conds)){
      warning("The color palette has not the same dimension as the number of samples")
      myColors <- GetColorsForConditions(conds, ExtendPalette(length(unique(conds))))
    } else 
      myColors <- pal
  if (identical(indLegend,"auto"))
    indLegend <- c(2:length(colnames(samplesData)))
  ncolMatrix <- max(unlist(lapply(u_conds, 
  mask <- match.metacell(GetMetacell(obj), 
                         pattern = pattern, 
                         level = obj@experimentData@other$typeOfData)
  ll.df <- list()
  for (i in u_conds)
    df <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(0, 2 * (1 + nbConditions)), 
                               nrow = 1 + nbConditions, 
                                             c('y', 'y_percent')))
    rownames(df) <- 0:(nrow(df)-1)
    ll.df[[i]] <- df
    nSample <- length(which(conds == i))
    t <- NULL
    if (nSample == 1) 
      t <- table(as.integer(mask[ ,which(conds == i)]))
      t <- table(rowSums(mask[ ,which(conds == i)]))
    df[as.integer(names(t))+1, 'y'] <- t
    df[as.integer(names(t))+1, 'y_percent'] <- round(100 *t / nrow(obj), digits = 2)
    ll.df[[i]] <- df
  h1 <-  highchart() %>% 
    hc_title(text =paste0("Nb of lines containing x '", pattern, "' tags (condition-wise)")) %>% 
    my_hc_chart(chartType = "column") %>%
    hc_plotOptions( column = list(stacking = ""),
                    dataLabels = list(enabled = FALSE),
                    animation=list(duration = 100)) %>%
    hc_colors(unique(myColors)) %>%
    hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) %>%
    hc_xAxis(categories = 0:ncolMatrix, title = list(text = paste0("Nb of '", pattern, "' tags in each line (condition-wise)"))) %>%
    my_hc_ExportMenu(filename = "missingValuesPlot_2") %>%
    hc_tooltip(headerFormat= '',
               pointFormat = "{point.y} lines<br>({point.y_percent}% of all lines)")
  for (i in 1:nbConditions)
    h1 <- h1 %>% hc_add_series(data = ll.df[[u_conds[i]]]) 


#' This method plots a histogram of missing values. Same as the function 
#' \code{mvHisto} but uses the package \code{highcharter}
#' @title Histogram of missing values
#' @param obj xxx
#' @param pattern xxx
#' @param indLegend The indices of the column name's in \code{Biobase::pData()} tab
#' @param showValues A logical that indicates wether numeric values should be
#' drawn above the bars.
#' @param pal xxx
#' @return A histogram
#' @author Florence Combes, Samuel Wieczorek
#' @import highcharter
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' obj <- Exp1_R25_pept
#' pattern <- 'missing POV'
#' pal <- ExtendPalette(2, 'Dark2')
#' metacellHisto_HC(obj, pattern,  showValues=TRUE, pal=pal)
#' @export
metacellHisto_HC <- function(obj,
                             pal = NULL){
    stop("'obj' is missing.")
  else if (is.null(obj))
    stop("'obj' is NULL. Abort...")
  if (missing(pattern))
    stop("'pattern' is missing.")
  else if (pattern %in% c('', 'None')){
    warning("'pattern' is empty.")
  qData <- Biobase::exprs(obj)
  samplesData <- Biobase::pData(obj)
  conds <- samplesData[,"Condition"]
  myColors <- NULL
  if (is.null(pal)){
    warning("Color palette set to default.")
    myColors <-  GetColorsForConditions(conds, ExtendPalette(length(unique(conds))))
  } else {
    if (length(pal) != length(unique(conds))){
      warning("The color palette has not the same dimension as the number of samples")
      myColors <- GetColorsForConditions(conds, ExtendPalette(length(unique(conds))))
    } else 
      myColors <- GetColorsForConditions(conds, pal)
  if (identical(indLegend,"auto")) { 
    indLegend <- c(2:length(colnames(samplesData)))
  mask <- match.metacell(GetMetacell(obj), 
                         pattern = pattern, 
                         level = obj@experimentData@other$typeOfData)
  NbNAPerCol <- colSums(mask)
  df <- data.frame(y = NbNAPerCol,
                   y_percent = round(100 * NbNAPerCol / nrow(mask), digits = 2)
  h1 <-  highchart() %>%
    my_hc_chart(chartType = "column") %>%
    hc_title(text = paste0("Nb of '", pattern, "' tags by replicate")) %>%
    hc_add_series(df, type="column", colorByPoint = TRUE) %>%
    hc_colors(myColors) %>%
    hc_plotOptions( column = list(stacking = "normal"),
                    animation=list(duration = 100)) %>%
    hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) %>%
    hc_xAxis(categories = conds, title = list(text = "Replicates")) %>%
    my_hc_ExportMenu(filename = "missingValuesPlot_3") %>%
    hc_tooltip(headerFormat= '',
               pointFormat = "{point.y} lines<br>({point.y_percent}% of all lines)")


#' Plots a heatmap of the quantitative data. Each column represent one of
#' the conditions in the object of class \code{MSnSet} and 
#' the color is proportional to the mean of intensity for each line of
#' the dataset.
#' The lines have been sorted in order to vizualize easily the different
#' number of missing values. A white square is plotted for missing values.
#' @title Heatmap of missing values from a \code{MSnSet} object
#' @param obj An object of class \code{MSnSet}.
#' @param pattern xxx
#' @return A heatmap
#' @author Alexia Dorffer
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_prot, package='DAPARdata')
#' obj <- Exp1_R25_prot[1:1000]
#' level <- obj@experimentData@other$typeOfData
#' metacell.mask <- match.metacell(GetMetacell(obj), 'missing', level)
#' indices <- GetIndices_WholeMatrix(metacell.mask, op='>=', th=1)
#' obj <- MetaCellFiltering(obj, indices, cmd='delete')
#' wrapper.mvImage(obj$new)
#' @export
wrapper.mvImage <- function(obj, pattern = 'missing MEC'){
    stop("'obj' is required.")
  else if (is.null(obj)){
    warning("'obj' is NULL. Return NULL.")
  qData <- Biobase::exprs(obj)
  conds <- Biobase::pData(obj)[ , "Condition"]
  metac <- Biobase::fData(obj)[ , obj@experimentData@other$names_metacell]
  level <- obj@experimentData@other$typeOfData
  indices <- which(apply(match.metacell(metac, pattern, level), 1, sum) >0)
  if (length(indices)==0){
    warning("The dataset contains no Missing value on Entire Condition. So this plot is not available.")
  }else if (length(indices)==1){
    warning("The dataset contains only one Missing value on Entire Condition. Currently, Prostar does not handle such dataset to build the plot. 
          As it has no side-effects on the results, you can continue your imputation.")
  mvImage(qData[indices,], conds)

#' Plots a heatmap of the quantitative data. Each column represent one of
#' the conditions in the object of class \code{MSnSet} and 
#' the color is proportional to the mean of intensity for each line of
#' the dataset.
#' The lines have been sorted in order to vizualize easily the different
#' number of missing values. A white square is plotted for missing values.
#' @title Heatmap of missing values
#' @param qData A dataframe that contains quantitative data.
#' @param conds A vector of the conditions (one condition per sample).
#' @return A heatmap
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek, Thomas Burger
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' qData <- Biobase::exprs(Exp1_R25_pept)
#' conds <- Biobase::pData(Exp1_R25_pept)[,"Condition"]
#' mvImage(qData, conds)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats setNames
mvImage <- function(qData, conds){
  ### build indices of conditions
  indCond <- list()
  ConditionNames <- unique(conds)
  for (i in ConditionNames) {
    indCond <- append(indCond, list(which(i == conds)))
  indCond <- setNames(indCond, as.list(c("cond1", "cond2")))
  nNA1 = apply(as.matrix(qData[,indCond$cond1]), 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
  nNA2 = apply(as.matrix(qData[,indCond$cond2]), 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
  o <- order(((nNA1 +1)^2) / (nNA2 +1))
  exprso <- qData[o,]
  for (i in 1:nrow(exprso)){
    k <- order(exprso[i,indCond$cond1])
    exprso[i,rev(indCond$cond1)] <- exprso[i, k]
    .temp <- mean(exprso[i,rev(indCond$cond1)], na.rm = TRUE)
    exprso[i,which(!is.na(exprso[i,indCond$cond1]))] <- .temp
    k <- order(exprso[i,indCond$cond2])
    exprso[i,indCond$cond2] <- exprso[i, k+length(indCond$cond1)]
    .temp <- mean(exprso[i,indCond$cond2], na.rm = TRUE)
    exprso[i,length(indCond$cond1) + 
             which(!is.na(exprso[i,indCond$cond2]))] <- .temp
                col = colorRampPalette(c("yellow", "red"))(100),
                srtCol= 0,
                ylab = "Peptides / proteins",
                main = "MEC heatmap"
  #heatmap_HC(exprso,col = colfunc(100),labCol=conds)

#' This method shows density plots which represents the repartition of
#' Partial Observed Values for each replicate in the dataset.
#' The colors correspond to the different conditions (slot Condition in in the
#' dataset of class \code{MSnSet}).
#' The x-axis represent the mean of intensity for one condition and one
#' entity in the dataset (i. e. a protein) 
#' whereas the y-axis count the number of observed values for this entity
#' and the considered condition.
#' @title Distribution of Observed values with respect to intensity values
#' @param obj xxx
#' @param pal The different colors for conditions
#' @param pattern xxx
#' @param typeofMV xxx
#' @param title The title of the plot
#' @import highcharter
#' @return Density plots
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' obj <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:100]
#' hc_mvTypePlot2(obj, pattern = 'missing MEC', title="POV distribution")
#' conds <- Biobase::pData(obj)$Condition
#' pal <- ExtendPalette(length(unique(conds)), 'Dark2')
#' hc_mvTypePlot2(obj, pattern = 'missing MEC', title="POV distribution", pal=pal)
#' @import highcharter
#' @export
hc_mvTypePlot2 <- function(obj,
                           pal = NULL,
  conds <- Biobase::pData(obj)[,"Condition"]
  qData <- Biobase::exprs(obj)
  myColors <- NULL
  if (is.null(pal)){
    warning("Color palette set to default.")
    pal <- ExtendPalette(length(unique(conds)))
  } else {
    if (length(pal) != length(unique(conds))){
      warning("The color palette has not the same dimension as the number of samples")
      pal <- ExtendPalette(length(unique(conds)))
  conditions <- conds
  mTemp <- nbNA <- nbValues <- matrix(rep(0,nrow(qData)*length(unique(conditions))), 
  dataCond <- data.frame()
  ymax <- 0
  series <- list()
  myColors <- NULL
  j <- 1 
  level <- obj@experimentData@other$typeOfData
  for (iCond in unique(conditions)){
    if (length(which(conditions==iCond)) == 1){
      mTemp[,iCond] <- qData[,which(conditions==iCond)]
      nbNA[,iCond] <- as.integer(match.metacell(GetMetacell(obj)[, which(conditions==iCond)], 
                                                pattern = pattern, 
                                                level= level))
      nbValues[,iCond] <- length(which(conditions==iCond)) - nbNA[,iCond]
    } else {
      mTemp[,iCond] <- apply(qData[,which(conditions==iCond)], 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
      nbNA[,iCond] <- rowSums(match.metacell(GetMetacell(obj)[, which(conditions==iCond)], 
                                             pattern = pattern, 
                                             level= level))
      nbValues[,iCond] <- length(which(conditions==iCond)) - nbNA[,iCond]
    for (i in 1:length(which(conditions==iCond))){
      data <- mTemp[which(nbValues[, iCond] == i), iCond]
      tmp <- NULL    
      if (length(data) >= 2)
        tmp <- density(mTemp[which(nbValues[,iCond]==i),iCond])
        tmp$y <- tmp$y + i
        if (max(tmp$y) > ymax) { ymax <- max(tmp$y)}
      series[[j]] <- tmp
      myColors <- c(myColors, pal[which(unique(conditions)==iCond)])
      j <- j+1
  hc <-  highchart(type = "chart") %>%
    hc_title(text = title) %>%
    my_hc_chart(chartType = "spline", zoomType="xy") %>%
    hc_legend(align = "left", verticalAlign = "top",
              layout = "vertical") %>%
    hc_xAxis(title = list(text = "Mean of intensities")) %>%
    hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Number of quantity values per condition"),
             #categories = c(-1:3)
             #min = 1, 
             # max = ymax,
             tickInterval= 0.5
    ) %>%
   hc_tooltip(headerFormat= '',
               pointFormat = "<b> {series.name} </b>: {point.y} ",
               valueDecimals = 2) %>%
    my_hc_ExportMenu(filename = paste0(pattern, "_distribution")) %>%
        showInLegend = TRUE,
          duration = 100
        connectNulls= TRUE,
          enabled = FALSE)
  for (i in 1:length(series)){
    hc <- hc_add_series(hc,
                        data = list_parse(data.frame(cbind(x = series[[i]]$x, 
                                                           y = series[[i]]$y))), 
                        color = myColors[i],
                        name=  conds[i])
  # add three empty series for the legend entries. Change color and marker symbol
  for (c in 1:length(unique(conds))){
    hc <-  hc_add_series(hc,data = data.frame(),
                         name = unique(conds)[c],
                         color = pal[c],
                         marker = list(symbol = "circle"),
                         type = "line")
samWieczorek/DAPAR documentation built on May 6, 2022, 5:30 p.m.