
Defines functions layer

Documented in layer

#' @title Get 'layer' table
#' @description Download data from the 'layer' ("camada") table of one or more datasets published in
#' the [Data Repository of the Brazilian Soil](https://www.pedometria.org/febr/). This
#' table includes data such as sampling depth, horizon designation, and variables such as pH, carbon
#' and clay content, and much more.
#' @template data_template
#' @template metadata_template
#' @param febr.repo (optional) Defaults to the remote file directory of the Federal University of
#' Technology - Paraná at \url{https://cloud.utfpr.edu.br/index.php/s/Df6dhfzYJ1DDeso}.
#' Alternatively, a local directory path can be informed if the user has a local copy of the data
#' repository.
#' @param missing (optional) List with named sub-arguments indicating what should be done with a
#' layer missing data on sampling depth, `depth`, or data on variable(s), `data`. Options are
#' `"keep"` (default) and `"drop"`.
#' @param standardization (optional) List with named sub-arguments indicating how to perform data
#' #' standardization.
#' \itemize{
#' \item `plus.sign` Character string indicating what should be done with the plus sign (`+`)
#' commonly used along with the inferior limit of the bottom layer of an observation. Options are
#' `"keep"` (default), `"add"`, and `"remove"`.
#' \item `plus.depth` Numeric value indicating the depth increment (in centimeters) when processing
#' the plus sign (`+`) with `plus.sign = "add"`. Defaults to `plus.depth = 2.5`.
#' \item `lessthan.sign` Character string indicating what should be done with the less-than sign
#' (`<`) used to indicate that the value of a variable is below the lower limit of detection.
#' Options are `"keep"` (default), `"subtract"`, and `"remove"`.
#' \item `lessthan.frac` Numeric value between 0 and 1 (a fraction) by which the lower limit of
#' detection should be subtracted when `lessthan.sign = "subtract"`. Defaults to
#' `lessthan.frac = 0.5`, i.e. subtract 50\% from the lower limit of detection.
#' \item `repetition` Character string indicating what should be done with repetitions, i.e.
#' repeated measurements of layers in an observation. Options are `"keep"` (default) and
#' `"combine"`. In the latter case, it is recommended to set `lessthan.sign = "subtract"` or
#' `lessthan.sign = "remove"`.
#' \item `combine.fun` Character string indicating the function that should be used to combine
#' repeated measurements of layers in an observation when `repetition = "combine"`. Options are
#' `"mean"` (default), `"min"`, `"max"`, and `"median"`.
#' \item `transition` Character string indicating what should be done about the wavy and irregular
#' transition between subsequent layers in an observation. Options are `"keep"` (default) and
#' `"smooth"`.
#' \item `smoothing.fun` Character string indicating the function that should be used to smooth wavy
#' and irregular transitions between subsequent layers in an observation when
#' `transition = "smooth"`. Options are `"mean"` (default), `"min"`, `"max"`, and `"median"`.
# \item `broken.transition` Character string indicating what should be done about the broken
# transition between intermingled, disrupted layers in an observation. Options are `"keep"`
# (default) and `"merge"`.
# \item `merge.fun` Character string indicating the function that should be used to merge
# intermingled, disrupted layers (also called broken transition) in an observation when
# `broken.transition = "merge"`. Options are `"weighted.mean"` (default), `"mean"`, `"min"`,
# `"max"`, and `"median"`.
#' \item `units` Logical value indicating if the measurement unit(s) of the continuous variable(s)
#' should be converted to the standard measurement unit(s). Defaults to `units = FALSE`, i.e. no
#' conversion is performed. See [febr::dictionary()] for more information.
#' \item `round` Logical value indicating if the values of the continuous variable(s) should be
#' rounded to the standard number of decimal places. Requires `units = TRUE`. Defaults to
#' `round = FALSE`, i.e. no rounding is performed. See [febr::dictionary()] for more information.
#' }
#' @param harmonization (optional) List with named sub-arguments indicating if and how to perform
#' data harmonization.
#' \itemize{
#' \item `harmonize` Logical value indicating if data should be harmonized. Defaults to
#' `harmonize = FALSE`, i.e. no harmonization is performed.
#' \item `level` Integer value indicating the number of levels of the identification code of the
#' variable(s) that should be considered for harmonization. Defaults to `level = 2`. See
#' \sQuote{Details} for more information.
#' }
#' @details
#' \subsection{Default variables}{
#' Default variables (fields) present in the 'layer' table are as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{dataset_id}. Identification of the dataset in FEBR to which an observation belongs.
#' \item \code{evento_id_febr}. Identification code of an observation in a dataset.
#' \item \code{camada_id}. Sequential layer number, from top to bottom.
#' \item \code{camada_altid}. Layer designation according to some standard description guide.
#' \item \code{amostra_id}. Laboratory number of a sample.
#' \item \code{profund_sup}. Upper boundary of a layer (cm).
#' \item \code{profund_inf}. Lower boundary of a layer (cm).
#' }
#' Further details about the content of the default variables (fields) can be found in
#' \url{https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bqo8HtitZv11TXzTviVq2bI5dE6_t_fJt0HE-l3IMqM}
#' (in Portuguese).
#' }
#' \subsection{Harmonization}{
#' Data harmonization consists of converting the values of a variable determined using some method
#' *B* so that they are (approximately) equivalent to the values that would have been obtained if
#' the standard method *A* had been used instead. For example, converting carbon content values
#' obtained using a wet digestion method to the standard dry combustion method is data
#' harmonization.
#' A heuristic data harmonization procedure is implemented in the __febr__ package. It consists of
#' grouping variables based on a chosen number of levels of their identification code. For example,
#' consider a variable with an identification code composed of four levels, `aaa_bbb_ccc_ddd`, where
#' `aaa` is the first level and `ddd` is the fourth level. Now consider a related variable,
#' `aaa_bbb_eee_fff`. If the harmonization is to consider all four coding levels (`level = 4`),
#' then these two variables will remain coded as separate variables. But if `level = 2`, then both
#' variables will be re-coded as `aaa_bbb`, thus becoming the same variable.
#' }
#' @return A `list` of `data.frame`s or a `data.frame` with, possibly standardize or harmonized,
#' data of the chosen variable(s) of the chosen dataset(s).
#' @author Alessandro Samuel-Rosa \email{alessandrosamuelrosa@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso [febr::readFEBR()], [febr::observation()], [febr::dictionary()], [febr::unit()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' res <- layer(data.set = "ctb0003")
#' # Download two data sets and standardize units
#' res <- layer(
#'   data.set = paste("ctb000", 4:5, sep = ""),
#'   variable = "carbono", stack = TRUE,
#'   standardization = list(units = TRUE))
#' # Try to download a data set that is not available yet
#' res <- layer(data.set = "ctb0020")
#' # Try to download a non existing data set
#' # res <- observation(data.set = "ctb0000")
# Try to read all files from local directory
# febr.repo <- "~/ownCloud/febr-repo/publico"
# febr.repo <- ifelse(dir.exists(febr.repo), febr.repo, NULL)
# res <- layer(data.set = "all", febr.repo = febr.repo)
#' }
layer <-
  function(data.set, variable,
           stack = FALSE,
           missing = list(depth = "keep", data = "keep"),
           standardization = list(
             plus.sign = "keep", plus.depth = 2.5,
             lessthan.sign = "keep", lessthan.frac = 0.5,
             repetition = "keep", combine.fun = "mean",
             transition = "keep", smoothing.fun = "mean",
             # broken.transition = "keep", merge.fun = "weighted.mean",
             units = FALSE, round = FALSE),
           harmonization = list(harmonize = FALSE, level = 2),
           progress = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, febr.repo = NULL) {
    opts <- .opt()
    std_cols <- opts$layer$std.cols()
    dic <- dictionary(table = "camada", active = TRUE)
    ## data.set
    if (missing(data.set)) {
      stop("Argument 'data.set' is missing")
    } else if (!is.character(data.set)) {
      stop(paste0("Object of class ", class(data.set), " passed to 'data.set'"))
    } else {
      dataset_ids <- readIndex()[["dados_id"]]
      if (data.set[1] != "all") {
        idx_out <- data.set %in% dataset_ids
        if (sum(idx_out) != length(data.set)) {
          stop(paste0("Unknown value '", data.set[!idx_out], "' passed to 'data.set'"))
        } else {
          dataset_ids <- data.set
    n_datasets <- length(dataset_ids)
    ## variable
    if (!missing(variable) && !is.character(variable)) {
      stop(paste0("Object of class '", class(variable), "' passed to 'variable'"))
    ## stack
    if (!is.logical(stack)) {
      stop(paste0("Object of class '", class(stack), "' passed to 'stack'"))
    ## missing
    if (!missing(missing)) {
      if (is.null(missing$depth)) {
        missing$depth <- "keep"
      } else if (!missing$depth %in% c("drop", "keep")) {
        stop(paste0("Unknown value '", missing$depth, "' passed to 'missing$depth'"))
      if (is.null(missing$data)) {
        missing$data <- "keep"
      } else if (!missing$data %in% c("drop", "keep")) {
        stop(paste0("unknown value '", missing$data, "' passed to argument 'missing$data'"))
    ## standardization
    if (!missing(standardization)) {
      if (is.null(standardization$plus.sign)) {
        standardization[["plus.sign"]] <- "keep"
      } else if (!standardization$plus.sign %in% c("add", "remove", "keep")) {
        y <- standardization[["plus.sign"]]
        stop(paste0("unknown value '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$plus.sign'"))
      if (is.null(standardization$plus.depth)) {
        standardization[["plus.depth"]] <- 2.5
      } else if (standardization$plus.depth > 100 || standardization$plus.depth < 0) {
        y <- standardization$plus.depth
        stop(paste0("unlikely value '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$plus.depth'"))
      if (is.null(standardization$lessthan.sign)) {
        standardization[["lessthan.sign"]] <- "keep"
      } else if (!standardization$lessthan.sign %in% c("subtract", "remove", "keep")) {
        y <- standardization$lessthan.sign
        stop(paste0("unknown value '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$lessthan.sign'"))
      if (is.null(standardization$lessthan.frac)) {
        standardization[["lessthan.frac"]] <- 0.5
      } else if (standardization$lessthan.frac > 1 || standardization$lessthan.frac < 0) {
        y <- standardization$lessthan.frac
        stop(paste0("unlikely value '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$lessthan.frac'"))
      if (is.null(standardization$repetition)) {
        standardization$repetition <- "keep"
      } else if (!standardization$repetition %in% c("combine", "keep")) {
        y <- standardization$repetition
        stop(paste0("unknown value '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$repetition'"))
      if (is.null(standardization$combine.fun)) {
        standardization$combine.fun <- "mean"
      } else if (!standardization$combine.fun %in% c("mean", "min", "max", "median")) {
        y <- standardization$combine.fun
        stop(paste0("unknown value '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$combine.fun'"))
      if (is.null(standardization$transition)) {
        standardization$transition <- "keep"
      } else if (!standardization$transition %in% c("smooth", "keep")) {
        y <- standardization$transition
        stop(paste0("unknown value '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$transition'"))
      if (is.null(standardization$smoothing.fun)) {
        standardization$smoothing.fun <- "mean"
      } else if (!standardization$smoothing.fun %in% c("mean", "min", "max", "median")) {
        y <- standardization$smoothing.fun
        stop(paste0("unknown value '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$smoothing.fun'"))
      # if (is.null(standardization$broken.transition)) {
      #   standardization$broken.transition <- "keep"
      # } else if (!standardization$broken.transition %in% c("merge", "keep")) {
      #   y <- standardization$broken.transition
      #   stop(paste("unknown value '", y, "'passed to sub-argument 'standardization$broken.transition'", sep = ""))
      # }
      # if (is.null(standardization$merge.fun)) {
      #   standardization$merge.fun <- "weighted.mean"
      # } else if (!standardization$merge.fun %in% c("weighted.mean", "mean", "min", "max", "median", sep = "")) {
      #   y <- standardization$merge.fun
      #   stop(paste("unknown value '", y, "'passed to sub-argument 'standardization$merge.fun'", sep = ""))
      # }
      if (is.null(standardization$units)) {
        standardization$units <- FALSE
      } else if (!is.logical(standardization$units)) {
        y <- class(standardization$units)
        stop(paste0("object of class '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$units'"))
      if (is.null(standardization$round)) {
        standardization$round <- FALSE
      } else if (!is.logical(standardization$round)) {
        y <- class(standardization$round)
        stop(paste0("object of class '", y, "' passed to argument 'standardization$round'"))
    ## harmonization
    if (!missing(harmonization)) {
      if (is.null(harmonization$harmonize)) {
        harmonization$harmonize <- FALSE
      } else if (!is.logical(harmonization$harmonize)) {
        y <- class(harmonization$harmonize)
        stop(paste0("object of class '", y, "' passed to argument 'harmonization$harmonize'"))
      if (is.null(harmonization$level)) {
        harmonization$level <- 2
      } else if (!.isNumint(harmonization$level)) {
        y <- class(harmonization$level)
        stop(paste0("object of class '", y, "' passed to argument 'harmonization$level'"))
    ## progress
    if (!is.logical(progress)) {
      stop(paste0("object of class '", class(progress), "'' passed to argument 'progress'"))
    ## verbose
    if (!is.logical(verbose)) {
      stop(paste0("object of class '", class(verbose), "' passed to argument 'verbose'"))
    ## variable + stack || variable + harmonization
    if (!missing(variable) && variable == "all") {
      if (stack) {
        stop("data cannot be stacked when downloading all variables")
      if (harmonization$harmonize) {
        stop("data cannot be harmonized when downloading all variables")
    ## data.set and stack
    if (stack && length(data.set) == 1 && data.set != "all") {
      # Por razões óbvias, não há como empilhar conjuntos de dados quando apenas um conjunto de
      # dados está sendo descarregado. Assim, se o usuário especificar stack = TRUE, o argumento é
      # reconfigurado para stack = FALSE.
      message("A single dataset is being downloaded... setting stack = FALSE")
      stack <- FALSE
    # Descarregar tabela com unidades de medida e número de casas decimais quando padronização é
    # solicitada ou quando empilhamento é solicitado. A tabela está disponível em:
    # https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tU4Me3NJqk4NH2z0jvMryGObSSQLCvGqdLEL5bvOflo/
    if (standardization$units || stack) {
      febr_stds <- .getStds()
      febr_unit <- .readGoogleSheetCSV(sheet.name = "unidades")
    ## stack and stadardization
    ## Padronização não precisa ser feita no caso de descarregamento apenas das variáveis padrão
    ## Também não precisa ser feita no caso de variáveis de tipo 'texto'
    if (stack && !standardization$units && !missing(variable) && variable != "all") {
      tmp_var <- paste("^{variable}")
      idx <- lapply(tmp_var, function(pattern) grep(pattern = pattern, x = febr_stds[["campo_id"]]))
      idx <- unlist(idx)
      is_all_text <- all(febr_stds[["campo_tipo"]][idx] == "texto")
      if (!is_all_text) {
        stop("data cannot be stacked when measurement units are not standardized")
    # Descarregar tabelas com camadas
    if (progress) {
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n_datasets, style = 3)
    res <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(dataset_ids)) {
      # Informative messages
      dts <- dataset_ids[i]
      if (verbose) {
        par <- ifelse(progress, "\n", "")
        message(paste0(par, "Downloading ", dts, "-camada..."))
      tmp <- .readFEBR(
        data.set = dataset_ids[i], data.table = "camada", febr.repo = febr.repo)
      if (inherits(tmp, "data.frame")) {
        unit <- .readFEBR(
          data.set = dataset_ids[i], data.table = "metadado", febr.repo = febr.repo)
        unit[["campo_unidade"]][is.na(unit[["campo_unidade"]])] <- "-"
        unit <- unit[unit$tabela_id == "camada", c("campo_id", "campo_nome", "campo_unidade")]
        rownames(unit) <- unit[["campo_id"]]
        unit <- unit[, -1]
        unit <- as.data.frame(t(unit), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        n_rows <- nrow(tmp)
        # * tmp: tabela de dados
        # * unit: tabela de unidades de medida
        in_cols <- colnames(tmp)
        test_oldid_colnames <- dic[["campo_oldid"]] %in% in_cols
        if (any(test_oldid_colnames)) {
          cross_colnames <- dic[which(test_oldid_colnames), ]
          data.table::setnames(tmp, cross_colnames[["campo_oldid"]], cross_colnames[["campo_id"]])
          in_cols <- colnames(tmp)
          data.table::setnames(unit, cross_colnames[["campo_oldid"]], cross_colnames[["campo_id"]])
        # Nomes das colunas usadas para armazenar coordenadas verticais (profundidade)
        depth_names <- c("profund_sup", "profund_inf")
        # A decisão pelo processamento dos dados começa pela verificação de dados faltantes nas
        # profundidades
        na_depth <- max(apply(tmp[depth_names], 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x))))
        if (missing$depth == "keep" || missing$depth == "drop" && na_depth < n_rows) {
          # COLUNAS
          # Definir as colunas a serem mantidas
          # As colunas padrão são sempre mantidas.
          # No caso das colunas adicionais, é possível que algumas não contenham quaisquer dados,
          # assim sendo ocupadas por 'NA'. Nesse caso, as respectivas colunas são descartadas.
          # in_cols <- colnames(tmp)
          cols <- in_cols[in_cols %in% std_cols[["campo_id"]]]
          extra_cols <- vector()
          if (!missing(variable)) {
            if (length(variable) == 1 && variable == "all") {
              # if (variable == "all") {
              extra_cols <- in_cols[!in_cols %in% std_cols[["campo_id"]]]
              idx_na <- apply(tmp[extra_cols], 2, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
              extra_cols <- extra_cols[!idx_na]
            } else {
              extra_cols <- lapply(variable, function(x) in_cols[grep(paste0("^", x), in_cols)])
              extra_cols <- unlist(extra_cols)
              extra_cols <- extra_cols[!extra_cols %in% std_cols[["campo_id"]]]
              idx_na <- apply(tmp[extra_cols], 2, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
              extra_cols <- extra_cols[!idx_na]
          cols <- c(cols, extra_cols)
          tmp <- tmp[, cols]
          # unit <- unit[names(unit) %in% cols]
          unit <- unit[, cols]
          # LINHAS I
          ## Avaliar limpeza das linhas
          tmp_clean <- .cleanRows(obj = tmp, missing = missing, extra_cols = extra_cols,
            depth.names = depth_names)
          n_rows <- nrow(tmp_clean)
          # A continuação do processamento dos dados depende das presença de dados após a eliminação
          # de colunas e linhas com NAs.
          if (n_rows >= 1 && missing(variable) ||
              # length(extra_cols) >= 1 ||
              missing$data == "keep") {
            # LINHAS II
            ## Definir as linhas a serem mantidas
            ## É preciso considerar todas as possibilidades de remoção de dados
            if (missing$data == "drop" || missing$dept == 'drop') {
              tmp <- tmp_clean
            # TIPO DE DADOS
            # "evento_id_febr", "camada_id", "camada_nome", "amostra_id", "profund_sup" e "profund_inf"
            # devem estar no formato de caracter para evitar erros durante o empilhamento das tabelas
            # devido ao tipo de dado.
            if (stack) {
              tmp[std_cols[["campo_id"]]] <- sapply(tmp[std_cols[["campo_id"]]], as.character)
            # PADRONIZAÇÃO I
            # Profundidade e transição entre as camadas
            # Sinal positivo em 'profund_inf' indicando maior profundidade abaixo da última camada
            # O padrão consiste em manter o sinal positivo. Os dados não são definidos como classe
            # 'numeric' porque pode haver transição ondulada ou irregular entre as camadas --
            # solucionada abaixo. Por enquanto se assume que a profundidade está em centímetros a
            # partir da superfície.
            if (standardization$plus.sign != "keep") {
              tmp <- .setMaximumObservationDepth(
                obj = tmp, plus.sign = standardization$plus.sign,
                plus.depth = standardization$plus.depth, depth.cols = depth_names)
            # Símbolo indicador do limite inferior de detecção do método de determinação (<)
            # O padrão consiste em manter o símbolo. Do contrário, o resultado é convertido para
            # classe 'numeric' a fim de que seja possível, se demandado, padronizar as unidades de
            # medida e o número de casas decimais.
            if (standardization$lessthan.sign != "keep") {
              tmp <- .setLowestMeasuredValue(
                obj = tmp, lessthan.sign = standardization$lessthan.sign,
                lessthan.frac = standardization$lessthan.frac)
            # Repetições de laboratório
            # O padrão consiste em manter as repetições de laboratório. Do contrário, a coluna
            # 'camada_id' é a chave para o processamento dos dados. Note que é necessário que o tipo
            # de dado das variáveis esteja corretamente definido, sobretudo no caso de variáveis
            # contínuas. A solução prévia do símbolo indicador do limite inferior de detecção
            # geralmente é necessária.
            if (standardization$repetition != "keep") {
              tmp <- .solveLayerRepetition(obj = tmp, combine.fun = standardization$combine.fun)
            ## Transição ondulada ou irregular
            ## O padrão consiste em manter a transição ondulada ou irregular.
            if (standardization$transition != "keep") {
              tmp <- .solveWavyLayerTransition(
                obj = tmp, smoothing.fun = standardization$smoothing.fun, depth.cols = depth_names)
            ## Transição quebrada
            ## O padrão consiste em manter a transição quebrada
            # if (standardization$broken.transition != "keep") {
            #   tmp <- .solveBrokenLayerTransition(obj = tmp, merge.fun = standardization$merge.fun) 
            # }
            # Se a profundidade foi padronizada e as tabelas serão empilhadas, então os dados de
            # profundidade devem ser definidos como classe 'numeric'
            if (standardization$plus.sign != "keep" && standardization$transition != "keep") {
              tmp[depth_names] <- sapply(tmp[depth_names], as.numeric)
            # PADRONIZAÇÃO II
            # Unidade de medida e número de casas decimais de colunas adicionais
            if (standardization$units && length(extra_cols) >= 1) {
              # Identificar variáveis contínuas (classe 'numeric' e 'integer'), excluíndo variáveis de
              # identificação padrão.
              id_class <- sapply(tmp, class)
              cont_idx <-
                which(id_class %in% c("numeric", "integer") & !names(id_class) %in% std_cols[["campo_id"]])
              if (length(cont_idx) >= 1) {
                # Tabela com padrões das variáveis contínuas identificadas
                tmp_stds <- match(cols[cont_idx], febr_stds[["campo_id"]])
                tmp_stds <- febr_stds[tmp_stds, c("campo_id", "campo_unidade", "campo_precisao")]
                ## 1. Se necessário, padronizar unidades de medida
                # idx_unit <- unit[cols[cont_idx]] != tmp_stds$campo_unidade
                # idx_unit <- unit[, cols[cont_idx]] != tmp_stds$campo_unidade
                # verifica 2ª linha de metadados
                need_idx <- unit[2, cols[cont_idx]] != tmp_stds[["campo_unidade"]]
                if (any(need_idx)) {
                  # idx_unit <- colnames(idx_unit)[idx_unit]
                  need_name <- cols[cont_idx][need_idx]
                  # source <- unit[idx_unit]
                  # source <- unit[2, idx_unit]
                  source <- unit[2, need_name]
                  target <- tmp_stds[["campo_unidade"]][match(need_name, tmp_stds[["campo_id"]])]
                  ## Identificar constante
                  k <- lapply(seq_along(source), function(i) {
                    idx <- febr_unit$unidade_origem %in% source[i] +
                      febr_unit$unidade_destino %in% target[i]
                    febr_unit[idx == 2, ]
                  k <- do.call(rbind, k)
                  ## Processar dados
                  # tmp[idx_unit] <- mapply(`*`, tmp[idx_unit], k$unidade_constante)
                  tmp[need_name] <- mapply(`*`, tmp[need_name], k$unidade_constante)
                  # unit[idx_unit] <- k$unidade_destino
                  unit[2, need_name] <- k$unidade_destino
                ## 2. Se necessário, padronizar número de casas decimais
                if (standardization$round) {
                  tmp[tmp_stds$campo_id] <-
                    sapply(seq(nrow(tmp_stds)), function(i)
                      round(x = tmp[tmp_stds$campo_id[i]], digits = tmp_stds$campo_precisao[i]))
            # ATTRIBUTOS I
            # Processar unidades de medida
            # 'sem unidade' significa que uma variável não possui unidade de medida (unitless)
            # '-' significa que a unidade de medida é desconhecida ou não foi informada (NA).
            unit[2, ] <- as.character(unit[2, names(unit) %in% cols])
            unit[2, ] <- gsub("^sem unidade$", "unitless", unit[2, ])
            # unit[2, ] <- gsub("^-$", "unitless", unit[2, ])
            # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters
            unit["evento_id_febr"] <-
              c("Identifica\u00E7\u00E3o da observa\u00E7\u00E3o", # Identificação da observação
            dataset_id <-
              c("Identifica\u00E7\u00E3o do conjunto de dados", # Identificação do conjunto de dados
            unit <- cbind(dataset_id, unit)
            # HARMONIZAÇÃO I
            ## Harmonização dos dados das colunas adicionais
            if (harmonization$harmonize && length(extra_cols) >= 1) {
              ## Harmonização baseada nos níveis dos códigos de identificação
              tmp <- .harmonizeByName(obj = tmp, extra_cols = extra_cols,
                                      harmonization = harmonization)
            # IDENTIFICAÇÃO
            ## Código de identificação do conjunto de dados
            res[[i]] <- cbind(dataset_id = dataset_ids[i], tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            # ATTRIBUTOS II
            a <- attributes(res[[i]])
            ## Adicionar nomes reais
            a$field_name <- as.vector(t(unit)[, 1])
            ## Adicionar unidades de medida
            a$field_unit <- as.vector(t(unit)[, 2])
            attributes(res[[i]]) <- a
            if (progress) {
              utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
          } else {
            res[[i]] <- data.frame()
            m <- paste0("All layers in ", dts, " are missing data. None will be returned.")
        } else {
          res[[i]] <- data.frame()
          m <- paste0("All layers in ", dts, " are missing depth. None will be returned.")
      } else {
        res[[i]] <- tmp
    if (progress) {
    # FINAL
    ## Empilhar conjuntos de dados
    ## Adicionar unidades de medida
    if (stack) {
      res <- .stackTables(obj = res)
    } else if (n_datasets == 1 & inherits(res, "list")) {
      res <- res[[1]]
    } else {
      names(res) <- dataset_ids
samuel-rosa/febr documentation built on April 24, 2022, 11:46 a.m.