
# GAPS FUNCTIONS                                                               #
#                                                                              #
# Functions to obtain info about gaps in data                                  #

#' Gaps info
#' Information about gaps
#' Gaps are considered from the last TIMESTAMP with data to the next TIMESTAMP
#' with data. In this way, a gap of only one TIMESTAMP has a duration equal to
#' the timestep of the TIMESTAMP. The only exception to this is if the gap
#' includes the start or the end of the TIMESTAMP. In this case the gap start
#' or end in the first or the last TIMESTAMP
#' @family Quality Checks Functions
#' @param data Data frame containing the data in which obtain info about gaps.
#'   It must have a TIMESTAMP variable
#' @param trim Logial indicating if starting and ending gaps must be included.
#'   Default to FALSE.
#' @return A data frame with info about gaps:
#'   \itemize{
#'       \item gap_start: Gap start TIMESTAMP
#'       \item gap_end: Gap end TIMESTAMP
#'       \item gap_interval: Gap interval in minutes
#'       \item gap_coverage: Gap coverage in percentage
#'       \item timestamp_start: Absolute timestamp start
#'       \item timestamp_end: Absolute timestamp end
#'   }
#' @export

# Function declaration
qc_mind_the_gap <- function(data, trim = FALSE, parent_logger = 'test') {

  # Using calling handlers to manage errors

    # STEP 0
    # Argument checks
    # Is data a data.frame?
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
      stop('Data is not a data frame')
    # Is there a TIMESTAMP variable?
    if (is.null(data$TIMESTAMP)) {
      stop('TIMESTAMP variable is missing in data')

    # STEP 1
    # names and temp objects
    start <- vector()
    end <- vector()
    id <- vector()

    # STEP 2
    # For loop and nested loops

    # 2.1 for each variable
    for (var in names(data[,-1])) {
      temp_data <- data %>%
        dplyr::select_('TIMESTAMP', var)

      # 2.2 for each value
      for (i in 1:length(temp_data[[2]])) {
        # start value
        # if value is the first value and is na, gap start point
        if (is.na(temp_data[[i, 2]]) && i == 1) {
          start <- c(start, temp_data$TIMESTAMP[i])
        } else {
          # if value is na and the previous one is not, gap start point
          if (is.na(temp_data[[i, 2]]) && !is.na(temp_data[[i-1, 2]])) {
            start <- c(start, temp_data$TIMESTAMP[i-1])
        # end value and id
        # if value is na and the last one, gap end point
        if (is.na(temp_data[[i, 2]]) && i == length(temp_data[[2]])) {
          end <- c(end, temp_data$TIMESTAMP[i])
          id <- c(id, var)
        } else {
          # if value is na and the next one is not, gap end point
          if (is.na(temp_data[[i, 2]]) && !is.na(temp_data[[i+1, 2]])) {
            end <- c(end, temp_data$TIMESTAMP[i+1])
            id <- c(id, var)


    # STEP 2'5
    # Check if no gaps, as empty vectors will produce problems in the data
    # processing pipeline
    if (any(length(id) < 1, length(start) < 1, length(end) < 1)) {
      id <- 'No gaps found'
      start <- NA
      end <- NA

    # STEP 3
    # Build the results data frame
    res_df <- data.frame(
      Object = id,
      gap_start = as.POSIXct(start, origin = lubridate::origin,
                             tz = attr(data$TIMESTAMP, 'tzone')),
      gap_end = as.POSIXct(end, origin = lubridate::origin,
                           tz = attr(data$TIMESTAMP, 'tzone')),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    timestamp_interval <- lubridate::int_length(

    res <- res_df %>%
      # interval in minutes
      dplyr::mutate(gap_interval = lubridate::int_length(lubridate::interval(gap_start, gap_end))/60,
                    # coverage percent
                    gap_coverage = (gap_interval / timestamp_interval),
                    timestamp_start = data$TIMESTAMP[[1]],
                    timestamp_end = data$TIMESTAMP[[length(data$TIMESTAMP)]])

    # STEP 4
    # Return the res

    # 4.1 trim = FALSE
    if (!trim) {
    } else {
      # 4.2 trim = TRUE
      res_trimmed <- res %>%
        dplyr::filter(gap_start != timestamp_start & gap_end != timestamp_end)


  # handlers
  warning = function(w){logging::logwarn(w$message,
                                         logger = paste(parent_logger,
                                                        'qc_mind_the_gap', sep = '.'))},
  error = function(e){logging::logerror(e$message,
                                        logger = paste(parent_logger,
                                                       'qc_mind_the_gap', sep = '.'))},
  message = function(m){logging::loginfo(m$message,
                                         logger = paste(parent_logger,
                                                        'qc_mind_the_gap', sep = '.'))})
sapfluxnet/sapfluxnetQC1 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m.