
Defines functions run.edgeR

Documented in run.edgeR

#' Wrapper to run edgeR
#' Wrapper to run edgeR: create the \code{dge} object, normalize data, estimate dispersions, statistical testing...
#' @param counts \code{matrix} of counts
#' @param target target \code{data.frame} of the project
#' @param varInt name of the factor of interest (biological condition)
#' @param condRef reference biological condition
#' @param batch batch effect to take into account (\code{NULL} by default)
#' @param cpmCutoff counts-per-million cut-off to filter low counts
#' @param normalizationMethod normalization method: \code{"TMM"} (default), \code{"RLE"} (DESeq) or \code{"upperquartile"}
#' @param pAdjustMethod p-value adjustment method: \code{"BH"} (default) or \code{"BY"}
#' @param ... optional arguments to be passed to \code{glmFit()}
#' @return A list containing the \code{dge} object and the \code{results} object
#' @author Hugo Varet

run.edgeR <- function(counts, target, varInt, condRef, batch=NULL, cpmCutoff=1, 
                      normalizationMethod="TMM", pAdjustMethod="BH", ...){
  # filtering: select features which contain at least 
  # minReplicates (smallest number of replicates) with
  # at least cpmCutoff counts per million
  minReplicates <- min(table(target[,varInt]))
  print (minReplicates)
  fcounts <- counts[rowSums(cpm(counts) >= cpmCutoff) >= minReplicates,]
  cat("Number of features discarded by the filtering:\n")
  print (varInt)
  # building dge object
  design <- formula(paste("~", ifelse(!is.null(batch), paste(batch,"+"), ""), varInt))

  #design <- model.matrix(~ conditions)
  dge <- DGEList(counts=fcounts, group=target[,varInt])
  dge$design <- model.matrix(design, data=target)

  print (dge$design)
  cat("\nDesign of the statistical model:\n")
  cat(paste(as.character(design),collapse=" "),"\n")					  
  # normalization
  dge <- calcNormFactors(dge, method=normalizationMethod)
  cat("\nNormalization factors:\n")

  # estimating dispersions
  dge <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(dge, dge$design)
  dge <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(dge, dge$design)
  dge <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(dge, dge$design)

  # statistical testing: perform all the comparisons between the levels of varInt
  fit <- glmFit(dge, dge$design, ...)
  cat(paste("Coefficients of the model:",paste(colnames(fit$design),collapse="  ")),"\n")
  colsToTest <- grep(varInt,colnames(fit$design))
  namesToTest <- paste0(gsub(varInt,"",colnames(fit$design)[colsToTest]),"_vs_",condRef)
  results <- list()
  # testing coefficients individually (tests againts the reference level)
  for (i in 1:length(colsToTest)){
    cat(paste0("Comparison ",gsub("_"," ",namesToTest[i]),": testing coefficient ",colnames(fit$design)[colsToTest[i]]),"\n")
    lrt <- glmLRT(fit, coef=colsToTest[i])
    results[[namesToTest[i]]] <- topTags(lrt,n=nrow(dge$counts),adjust.method=pAdjustMethod,sort.by="none")$table
  # defining contrasts for the other comparisons (if applicable)
  if (length(colsToTest)>=2){
    colnames <- gsub(varInt,"",colnames(fit$design))
    for (comp in combn(length(colsToTest),2,simplify=FALSE)){ 
  	contrast <- numeric(ncol(dge$design))
  	contrast[colsToTest[comp[1:2]]] <- c(-1,1)
  	namecomp <- paste0(colnames[colsToTest[comp[2]]],"_vs_",colnames[colsToTest[comp[1]]])
  	cat(paste0("Comparison ",gsub("_"," ",namecomp),": testing contrast (",paste(contrast,collapse=", "),")"),"\n")
      lrt <- glmLRT(fit, contrast=contrast)
      results[[namecomp]] <- topTags(lrt,n=nrow(dge$counts),adjust.method=pAdjustMethod,sort.by="none")$table
sarangian/RNASeqDEA documentation built on Dec. 8, 2019, 5:24 p.m.