#' @include internal.R
#' scVI Integration
#' @param object A \code{StdAssay} or \code{STDAssay} instance containing
#' merged data
#' @param features Features to integrate
#' @param layers Layers to integrate
#' @param conda_env conda environment to run scVI
#' @param new.reduction Name under which to store resulting DimReduc object
#' @param ndims Dimensionality of the latent space
#' @param nlayers Number of hidden layers used for encoder and decoder NNs
#' @param gene_likelihood Distribution to use for modelling expression
#' data: {"zinb", "nb", "poisson"}
#' @param max_epochs Number of passes through the dataset taken while
#' training the model
#' @param ... Unused - currently just capturing parameters passed in from
#' \code{Seurat::IntegrateLayers} intended for other integration methods
#' @export
#' @note This function requires the
#' \href{https://docs.scvi-tools.org/en/stable/installation.html}{\pkg{scvi-tools}}
#' package to be installed
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Preprocessing
#' obj <- SeuratData::LoadData("pbmcsca")
#' obj[["RNA"]] <- split(obj[["RNA"]], f = obj$Method)
#' obj <- NormalizeData(obj)
#' obj <- FindVariableFeatures(obj)
#' obj <- ScaleData(obj)
#' obj <- RunPCA(obj)
#' # After preprocessing, we integrate layers, specifying a conda environment
#' obj <- IntegrateLayers(
#' object = obj,
#' method = scVIIntegration,
#' new.reduction = "integrated.scvi",
#' conda_env = "../miniconda3/envs/scvi-env",
#' verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' # Alternatively, we can integrate SCTransformed data
#' obj <- SCTransform(object = obj)
#' obj <- IntegrateLayers(
#' object = obj, method = scVIIntegration,
#' orig.reduction = "pca", new.reduction = "integrated.scvi",
#' assay = "SCT", conda_env = "../miniconda3/envs/scvi-env", verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' }
#' @seealso \href{https://docs.scvi-tools.org/en/stable/tutorials/notebooks/scvi_in_R.html}{scVI}
#' @return A single-element named list \code{DimReduc} elements containing
#' the integrated data
scVIIntegration <- function(
features = NULL,
layers = "counts",
conda_env = NULL,
new.reduction = "integrated.dr",
ndims = 30,
nlayers = 2,
gene_likelihood = "nb",
max_epochs = NULL,
...) {
# import python methods from specified conda env
reticulate::use_condaenv(conda_env, required = TRUE)
sc <- reticulate::import("scanpy", convert = FALSE)
scvi <- reticulate::import("scvi", convert = FALSE)
anndata <- reticulate::import("anndata", convert = FALSE)
scipy <- reticulate::import("scipy", convert = FALSE)
# if `max_epochs` is not set
if (is.null(max_epochs)) {
# convert `NULL` to python's `None`
max_epochs <- reticulate::r_to_py(max_epochs)
} else {
# otherwise make sure it's an int
max_epochs <- as.integer(max_epochs)
# build a meta.data-style data.frame indicating the batch for each cell
batches <- .FindBatches(object, layers = layers)
# scVI expects a single counts matrix so we'll join our layers together
# it also expects the raw counts matrix
# TODO: avoid hardcoding this - users can rename their layers arbitrarily
# so there's no gauruntee that the usual naming conventions will be followed
object <- JoinLayers(object = object, layers = "counts")
# setup an `AnnData` python instance
adata <- sc$AnnData(
X = scipy$sparse$csr_matrix(
# TODO: avoid hardcoding per comment above
Matrix::t(LayerData(object, layer = "counts")[features, ])
obs = batches,
var = object[[]][features, ]
scvi$model$SCVI$setup_anndata(adata, batch_key = "batch")
# initialize and train the model
model <- scvi$model$SCVI(
adata = adata,
n_latent = as.integer(x = ndims),
n_layers = as.integer(x = nlayers),
gene_likelihood = gene_likelihood
model$train(max_epochs = max_epochs)
# extract the latent representation of the merged data
latent <- model$get_latent_representation()
latent <- as.matrix(latent)
# pull the cell identifiers back out of the `AnnData` instance
# in case anything was sorted under the hood
rownames(latent) <- reticulate::py_to_r(adata$obs$index$values)
# prepend the latent space dimensions with `new.reduction` to
# give the features more readable names
colnames(latent) <- paste0(new.reduction, "_", 1:ncol(latent))
# build a `DimReduc` instance
latent.dr <- CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = latent,
key = new.reduction
# to make it easier to add the reduction into a `Seurat` instance
# we'll wrap it up in a named list
output.list <- list(latent.dr)
names(output.list) <- new.reduction
attr(x = scVIIntegration, which = "Seurat.method") <- "integration"
#' Builds a data.frame with batch identifiers to use when integrating
#' \code{object}. For \code{SCTAssay}s, batches are split using their
#' model identifiers. For \code{StdAssays}, batches are split by layer.
#' Internal - essentially the same as \code{Seurat:::CreateIntegrationGroups}
#' except that it does not take in a `scale.layer` param.
#' @noRd
#' @param object A \code{SCTAssay} or \code{StdAssays} instance.
#' @param layers Layers in \code{object} to integrate.
#' @return A dataframe indexed on the cell identifiers from \code{object} -
#' the dataframe contains a single column, "batch", indicating the ...
.FindBatches <- function(object, layers) {
# if an `SCTAssay` is passed in it's expected that the transformation
# was run on each batch individually and then merged so we can use
# the model identifier to split our batches
if (inherits(object, what = "SCTAssay")) {
# build an empty data.frame indexed
# on the cell identifiers from `object`
batch.df <- SeuratObject::EmptyDF(n = ncol(object))
row.names(batch.df) <- Cells(object)
# for each
for (sct.model in levels(object)) {
cell.identifiers <- Cells(object, layer = sct.model)
batch.df[cell.identifiers, "batch"] <- sct.model
# otherwise batches can be split using `object`'s layers
} else {
# build a LogMap indicating which layer each cell is from
layer.masks <- slot(object, name = "cells")[, layers]
# get a named vector mapping each cell to its respective layer
layer.map <- labels(
values = Cells(object, layer = layers)
# wrap the vector up in a data.frame
batch.df <- as.data.frame(layer.map)
names(batch.df) <- "batch"
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