#' @title Estimate generalized impulse response function for
#' structural (and reduced form) GMVAR, StMVAR, and G-StMVAR models.
#' @description \code{GIRF} estimates generalized impulse response function for
#' structural (and reduced form) GMVAR, StMVAR, and G-StMVAR models.
#' @inheritParams quantile_residual_tests
#' @inheritParams simulate.gsmvar
#' @inheritParams fitGSMVAR
#' @param which_shocks a numeric vector of length at most \eqn{d}
#' (\code{=ncol(data)}) and elements in \eqn{1,...,d} specifying the
#' structural shocks for which the GIRF should be estimated.
#' @param shock_size a non-zero scalar value specifying the common size for all scalar
#' components of the structural shock. Note that the conditional covariance
#' matrix of the structural shock is an identity matrix and that the
#' (generalized) impulse responses may not be symmetric to the sign and size
#' of the shock.
#' @param N a positive integer specifying the horizon how far ahead should the
#' generalized impulse responses be calculated.
#' @param R1 the number of repetitions used to estimate GIRF for each initial
#' value.
#' @param R2 the number of initial values to be drawn from a stationary
#' distribution of the process or of a specific regime? The confidence bounds
#' will be sample quantiles of the GIRFs based on different initial values.
#' Ignored if the argument \code{init_value} is specified.
#' @param which_cumulative a numeric vector with values in \eqn{1,...,d}
#' (\code{d=ncol(data)}) specifying which the variables for which the impulse
#' responses should be cumulative. Default is none.
#' @param scale should the GIRFs to some of the shocks be scaled so that they
#' correspond to a specific magnitude of instantaneous or peak response
#' of some specific variable (see the argument \code{scale_type})?
#' Provide a length three vector where the shock of interest
#' is given in the first element (an integer in \eqn{1,...,d}), the variable of
#' interest is given in the second element (an integer in \eqn{1,...,d}), and
#' the magnitude of its instantaneous or peak response in the third element
#' (a non-zero real number). If the GIRFs of multiple shocks should be scaled, provide
#' a matrix which has one column for each of the shocks with the columns being
#' the length three vectors described above.
#' @param scale_type If argument \code{scale} is specified, should the GIRFs be
#' scaled to match an instantaneous response (\code{"instant"}) or peak response
#' (\code{"peak"}). If \code{"peak"}, the scale is based on the largest magnitude
#' of peak response in absolute value. Ignored if \code{scale} is not specified.
#' @param scale_horizon If \code{scale_type == "peak"} what the maximum horizon up
#' to which peak response is expected? Scaling won't based on values after this.
#' @param ci a numeric vector with elements in \eqn{(0, 1)} specifying the
#' confidence levels of the confidence intervals.
#' @param include_mixweights should the generalized impulse response be
#' calculated for the mixing weights as well? \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ncores the number CPU cores to be used in parallel computing. Only
#' single core computing is supported if an initial value is specified (and
#' the GIRF won't thus be estimated multiple times).
#' @param plot_res \code{TRUE} if the results should be plotted, \code{FALSE} if
#' not.
#' @param seeds a length \code{R2} vector containing the random number generator
#' seed for estimation of each GIRF. A single number of an initial value is
#' specified. or \code{NULL} for not initializing the seed. Exists for
#' creating reproducible results.
#' @param ... parameters passed to the plot method \code{plot.girf} that plots
#' the results.
#' @details The model DOES NOT need to be structural in order for this function to be
#' applicable. When an identified structural GMVAR, StMVAR, or G-StMVAR model is
#' provided in the argument \code{gsmvar}, the identification imposed by the model
#' is used. When a reduced form model is provided in the argument \code{gsmvar},
#' lower triangular Cholesky identification is used to identify the shocks.
#' The confidence bounds reflect uncertainty about the initial state (but
#' currently not about the parameter estimates) if initial values are not
#' specified. If initial values are specified, there won't currently be
#' confidence intervals. See the cited paper by Virolainen (2022) for details
#' about the algorithm.
#' Note that if the argument \code{scale} is used, the scaled responses of
#' the mixing weights might be more than one in absolute value.
#' @return Returns a class \code{'girf'} list with the GIRFs in the first
#' element (\code{$girf_res}) and the used arguments the rest. The first
#' element containing the GIRFs is a list with the \eqn{m}th element
#' containing the point estimates for the GIRF in \code{$point_est} (the first
#' element) and confidence intervals in \code{$conf_ints} (the second
#' element). The first row is for the GIRF at impact \eqn{(n=0)}, the second
#' for \eqn{n=1}, the third for \eqn{n=2}, and so on.
#' The element \code{$all_girfs} is a list containing results from all the individual GIRFs
#' obtained from the MC repetitions. Each element is for one shock and results are in
#' array of the form \code{[horizon, variables, MC-repetitions]}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{GFEVD}}, \code{\link{linear_IRF}}, \code{\link{fitGSMVAR}}, \code{\link{GSMVAR}},
#' \code{\link{gsmvar_to_sgsmvar}}, \code{\link{reorder_W_columns}},
#' \code{\link{swap_W_signs}}, \code{\link{simulate.gsmvar}},
#' \code{\link{predict.gsmvar}}, \code{\link{profile_logliks}},
#' \code{\link{quantile_residual_tests}}, \code{\link{LR_test}},
#' \code{\link{Wald_test}}
#' @inherit in_paramspace_int references
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # These are long-running examples that use parallel computing.
#' # It takes approximately 30 seconds to run all the below examples.
#' ## StMVAR(1, 2), d=2 model identified recursively by lower-triangular
#' ## Cholesky decomposition (i.e., reduced form model is specified):
#' params12t <- c(0.55, 0.11, 0.34, 0.05, -0.01, 0.72, 0.58, 0.01, 0.06, 0.17,
#' 0.25, 0.34, 0.05, -0.01, 0.72, 0.50, -0.01, 0.20, 0.60, 3.00, 12.00)
#' mod12t <- GSMVAR(gdpdef, p=1, M=2, params=params12t, model="StMVAR")
#' # Estimating the GIRFs of both structural shocks with initial values
#' # drawn from the stationary distribution of the process,
#' # 12 periods ahead, confidence levels 0.95 and 0.8:
#' girf0 <- GIRF(mod12t, N=12, R1=100, R2=100)
#' girf0
#' plot(girf0)
#' ## NOTE: Small R1 and R2 is used here to shorten the estimation time.
#' ## Larger R1 and R2 should be considered in empirical applications!
#' ## Structural GMVAR(2, 2), d=2 model identified with sign-constraints:
#' params22s <- c(0.36, 0.121, 0.484, 0.072, 0.223, 0.059, -0.151, 0.395,
#' 0.406, -0.005, 0.083, 0.299, 0.218, 0.02, -0.119, 0.722, 0.093, 0.032,
#' 0.044, 0.191, 0.057, 0.172, -0.46, 0.016, 3.518, 5.154, 0.58)
#' W_22 <- matrix(c(1, 1, -1, 1), nrow=2, byrow=FALSE)
#' mod22s <- GSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=2, params=params22s,
#' structural_pars=list(W=W_22))
#' mod22s
#' # Alternatively, use:
#' #fit22s <- fitGSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=2, structural_pars=list(W=W_22),
#' # ncalls=20, seeds=1:20)
#' # To obtain an estimated version of the same model.
#' # Estimating the GIRFs of both structural shocks with initial values
#' # drawn from the stationary distribution of the process,
#' # 12 periods ahead, confidence levels 0.95 and 0.8:
#' girf1 <- GIRF(mod22s, N=12, R1=100, R2=100)
#' girf1
#' plot(girf1)
#' # Estimating the GIRF of the second shock only, 12 periods ahead
#' # and shock size 1, initial values drawn from the stationary distribution
#' # of the first regime, confidence level 0.9:
#' girf2 <- GIRF(mod22s, which_shocks=2, shock_size=1, N=12, init_regimes=1,
#' ci=0.9, R1=100, R2=100)
#' # Estimating the GIRFs of both structural shocks, negative one standard
#' # error shock, N=20 periods ahead, estimation based on 200 Monte Carlo
#' # simulations, and fixed initial values given by the last p observations
#' # of the data:
#' girf3 <- GIRF(mod22s, shock_size=-1, N=20, R1=200,
#' init_values=mod22s$data)
#' }
#' @export
GIRF <- function(gsmvar, which_shocks, shock_size=1, N=30, R1=250, R2=250, init_regimes=1:sum(gsmvar$model$M), init_values=NULL,
which_cumulative=numeric(0), scale=NULL, scale_type=c("instant", "peak"), scale_horizon=N,
ci=c(0.95, 0.80), include_mixweights=TRUE, ncores=2, plot_res=TRUE, seeds=NULL, ...) {
scale_type <- match.arg(scale_type)
gsmvar <- gmvar_to_gsmvar(gsmvar) # Backward compatibility
p <- gsmvar$model$p
M <- sum(gsmvar$model$M)
d <- gsmvar$model$d
stopifnot(N %% 1 == 0 && N > 0)
stopifnot(scale_horizon %in% 0:N)
if(is.null(gsmvar$model$structural_pars)) { # Reduced form model
B_constrs <- matrix(NA, nrow=d, ncol=d)
B_constrs[upper.tri(B_constrs)] <- 0
diag(B_constrs) <- 1 # Lower triangular Cholesky constraints
} else {
B_constrs <- gsmvar$model$structural_pars$W
if(M == 1) include_mixweights <- FALSE
if(missing(which_shocks)) {
which_shocks <- 1:d
} else {
stopifnot(all(which_shocks %in% 1:d))
which_shocks <- unique(which_shocks)
if(!is.null(init_values)) R2 <- 1
if(!is.null(seeds) && length(seeds) != R2) stop("The argument 'seeds' needs be NULL or a vector of length 'R2'")
stopifnot(all(init_regimes %in% 1:M))
init_regimes <- unique(init_regimes)
stopifnot(length(ci) > 0 && all(ci > 0 & ci < 1))
if(length(shock_size) != 1) {
warning("The argument shock_size should be a numeric scalar. Using the first value.")
shock_size <- shock_size[1]
if(!is.null(scale)) {
scale <- as.matrix(scale)
stopifnot(all(scale[1,] %in% 1:d)) # All shocks in 1,...,d
stopifnot(length(unique(scale[1,])) == length(scale[1,])) # No duplicate scales for the same shock
stopifnot(all(scale[2,] %in% 1:d)) # All variables in 1,...,d
stopifnot(all(scale[3,] != 0)) # No zero initial magnitudes
# For the considered shocks, check that there are not zero-constraints for the variable whose initial response is scaled.
for(i1 in 1:ncol(scale)) {
if(!is.na(B_constrs[scale[2, i1], scale[1, i1]]) && B_constrs[scale[2, i1], scale[1, i1]] == 0) {
if(is.null(is.null(gsmvar$model$structural_pars))) {
stop(paste("Instantaneous response of the variable that has a zero constraint for the considered shock cannot be scaled"))
} else { # Reduced form
stop(paste("Instantaneous response of the variable that has a zero constraint for the considered shock cannot be scaled",
"(lower triangular recursive identification is assumed for reduced form models)"))
stopifnot(shock_size != 0)
if(length(which_cumulative) > 0) {
which_cumulative <- unique(which_cumulative)
stopifnot(all(which_cumulative %in% 1:d))
# Function that estimates GIRF
get_one_girf <- function(shock_numb, shock_size, seed) {
simulate.gsmvar(gsmvar, nsim=N + 1, seed=seed, init_values=init_values, init_regimes=init_regimes, ntimes=R1,
if(ncores > parallel::detectCores()) {
ncores <- parallel::detectCores()
message("ncores was set to be larger than the number of cores detected")
if(is.null(init_values)) {
cat(paste("Using", ncores, "cores to estimate", R2,"GIRFs for", length(which_shocks), "structural shocks,",
"each based on", R1, "Monte Carlo repetitions."), "\n")
} else {
cat(paste("Using", ncores, "cores to estimate one GIRF for", length(which_shocks), "structural shocks, each based on",
R1, "Monte Carlo repetitions."), "\n")
### Calculate the GIRFs ###
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
on.exit(try(parallel::stopCluster(cl), silent=TRUE)) # Close the cluster on exit, if not already closed.
parallel::clusterExport(cl, ls(environment(GIRF)), envir = environment(GIRF)) # assign all variables from package:gmvarkit
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(mvnfast), library(pbapply)))
GIRF_shocks <- vector("list", length=length(which_shocks))
for(i1 in 1:length(which_shocks)) {
cat(paste0("Estimating GIRFs for structural shock ", which_shocks[i1], "..."), "\n")
GIRF_shocks[[i1]] <- pbapply::pblapply(1:R2, function(i2) get_one_girf(shock_numb=which_shocks[i1],
shock_size=shock_size, seed=seeds[i2]), cl=cl)
GIRF_results <- vector("list", length=length(which_shocks))
all_GIRFS <- vector("list", length=length(which_shocks))
names(all_GIRFS) <- paste0("shock", which_shocks)
names(GIRF_results) <- paste0("shock", which_shocks)
for(i1 in 1:length(which_shocks)) { # Go through shocks
res_in_array <- array(unlist(GIRF_shocks[[i1]]), dim=c(N + 1, d + ifelse(include_mixweights, M, 0), R2)) # [horz, vars, MCreps]
if(length(which_cumulative) > 0) {
for(i2 in which_cumulative) {
res_in_array[, i2, ] <- apply(res_in_array[, i2, , drop=FALSE], MARGIN=3, FUN=cumsum) # Replace GIRF with cumulative GIRF
# Scale the GIRFs if specified
if(which_shocks[i1] %in% scale[1,]) { # GIRF of this shock should be scaled
which_col <- which(which_shocks[i1] == scale[1,]) # which column of the scale-matrix contains the argument for this specific shock
which_var <- scale[2, which_col] # According to initial/peak response of which variable the GIRFs should be scaled
magnitude <- scale[3, which_col] # What should be the magnitude of the initial/peak response of this variable
# To avoid potential problems with using == to compare numerical values
my_comparison_fun <- function(vec1, scalar1) which(abs(vec1 - scalar1) < .Machine$double.eps)[1]
for(i2 in 1:R2) { # Go through the MC repetitions
# The scaling scalar is different for each MC repetition, because the instantaneous/peak movement is generally
# different with different starting values.
if(scale_type == "instant") { # Scale by initial response
one_scale <- magnitude/res_in_array[1, which_var, i2]
} else { # scale_type == "peak", "peak_max" or "peak_min", scale by peak response
inds <- 1:(scale_horizon + 1) # +1 for period 0
one_scale <- magnitude/res_in_array[my_comparison_fun(vec1=abs(res_in_array[inds, which_var, i2]),
scalar1=max(abs(res_in_array[inds, which_var, i2]))), which_var, i2]
#one_scale <- magnitude/res_in_array[which(abs(res_in_array[, which_var, i2]) ==
# max(abs(res_in_array[, which_var, i2]))), which_var, i2]
res_in_array[, , i2] <- one_scale*res_in_array[, , i2]
all_GIRFS[[i1]] <- res_in_array
# Point estimates, confidence intervals
colnames(res_in_array) <- colnames(GIRF_shocks[[1]][[1]])
point_estimate <- apply(X=res_in_array, MARGIN=1:2, FUN=mean)
lower <- (1 - ci)/2
upper <- rev(1 - lower)
q_tocalc <- c(lower, upper)
q_tocalc <- sort(q_tocalc, decreasing=FALSE)
conf_ints <- apply(res_in_array, MARGIN=1:2, FUN=quantile, probs=q_tocalc)
conf_ints <- aperm(conf_ints, perm=c(2, 1, 3))
rownames(point_estimate) <- rownames(conf_ints) <- 0:N
GIRF_results[[i1]] <- list(point_est=point_estimate,
ret <- structure(list(girf_res=GIRF_results,
if(plot_res) plot(ret, ...)
#' @title Estimate generalized forecast error variance decomposition for structural
#' (and reduced form) GMVAR, StMVAR, and G-StMVAR models.
#' @description \code{GFEVD} estimates generalized forecast error variance decomposition for structural
#' (and reduced form) GMVAR, StMVAR, and G-StMVAR models.
#' @inheritParams GIRF
#' @param shock_size What shocks size should be used for all shocks? By the definition of the SGMVAR,
#' SStMVAR, and SG-StMVAR model, the conditional covariance matrix of the structural shock is identity matrix.
#' @param N a positive integer specifying the horizon how far ahead should the GFEVD be calculated.
#' @param initval_type What type initial values are used for estimating the GIRFs that the GFEVD is based on?
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{"data"}:}{Estimate the GIRF for all the possible length \eqn{p} histories in the data.}
#' \item{\code{"random"}:}{Estimate the GIRF for several random initial values generated from the stationary
#' distribution of the process or from the stationary distribution of specific regime(s) chosen with the
#' argument \code{init_regimes}. The number of initial values is set with the argument \code{R2}.}
#' \item{\code{"fixed"}:}{Estimate the GIRF for a fixed initial value only, which is specified with the argument
#' \code{init_values}.}
#' }
#' @param R2 the number of initial values to be drawn if \code{initval_type="random"}.
#' @param include_mixweights should the GFEVD be estimated for the mixing weights as well? Note that this is
#' ignored if \code{M=1} and if \code{M=2} the GFEVD will be the same for both regime's mixing weights.
#' @param seeds a numeric vector containing the random number generator seed for estimation
#' of each GIRF. Should have the length...
#' \itemize{
#' \item ...\code{nrow(data) - p + 1} if \code{initval_type="data"}.
#' \item ...\code{R2} if \code{initval_type="random"}.
#' \item ...\code{1} if \code{initval_type="fixed."}.
#' }
#' Set to \code{NULL} for not initializing the seed. Exists for creating reproducible results.
#' @details The model DOES NOT need to be structural in order for this function to be
#' applicable. When an identified structural GMVAR, StMVAR, or G-StMVAR model is
#' provided in the argument \code{gsmvar}, the identification imposed by the model
#' is used. When a reduced form model is provided in the argument \code{gsmvar},
#' lower triangular Cholesky identification is used to identify the shocks.
#' The GFEVD is a forecast error variance decomposition calculated with the generalized impulse response function (GIRF).
#' Lanne and Nyberg (2016) for details. Note, however, that the related GIRFs are calculated using the algorithm given in
#' Virolainen (2022).
#' @return Returns and object of class 'gfevd' containing the GFEVD for all the variables and if
#' \code{include_mixweights=TRUE} also to the mixing weights. Note that the decomposition does not
#' exist at horizon zero for mixing weights because the related GIRFs are always zero at impact.
#' @seealso \code{\link{GIRF}}, \code{\link{linear_IRF}}, \code{\link{fitGSMVAR}}, \code{\link{GSMVAR}},
#' \code{\link{gsmvar_to_sgsmvar}}, \code{\link{reorder_W_columns}}, \code{\link{swap_W_signs}}, \code{\link{simulate.gsmvar}}
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item Lanne M. and Nyberg H. 2016. Generalized Forecast Error Variance Decomposition for Linear
#' and Nonlineae Multivariate Models. \emph{Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics}, \strong{78}, 4, 595-603.
#' \item Kalliovirta L., Meitz M. and Saikkonen P. 2016. Gaussian mixture vector autoregression.
#' \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, \strong{192}, 485-498.
#' \item Virolainen S. 2022. Gaussian and Student's t mixture vector autoregressive model with application to the
#' asymmetric effects of monetary policy shocks in the Euro area. Unpublished working paper, available as arXiv:2109.13648.
#' \item Virolainen S. 2025. A statistically identified structural vector autoregression with endogenously
#' switching volatility regime. \emph{Journal of Business & Economic Statistics}, \strong{43}, 1, 44-54.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # These are long-running examples that use parallel computing.
#' # It takes approximately 30 seconds to run all the below examples.
#' ## StMVAR(1, 2), d=2 model identified recursively by lower-triangular
#' ## Cholesky decomposition (i.e., reduced form model is specified):
#' params12t <- c(0.55, 0.11, 0.34, 0.05, -0.01, 0.72, 0.58, 0.01, 0.06, 0.17,
#' 0.25, 0.34, 0.05, -0.01, 0.72, 0.50, -0.01, 0.20, 0.60, 3.00, 12.00)
#' mod12t <- GSMVAR(gdpdef, p=1, M=2, params=params12t, model="StMVAR")
#' # Estimating the GFEVD using all possible histories in the data as the
#' # initial values:
#' gfevd0 <- GFEVD(mod12t, N=24, R1=10, initval_type="data")
#' gfevd0
#' plot(gfevd0)
#' ## NOTE: Use larger R1 is empirical applications! Small R1 is used
#' ## here only to fasten the execution time of the examples.
#' ## Structural GMVAR(2, 2), d=2 model identified with sign-constraints:
#' params22s <- c(0.36, 0.121, 0.484, 0.072, 0.223, 0.059, -0.151, 0.395,
#' 0.406, -0.005, 0.083, 0.299, 0.218, 0.02, -0.119, 0.722, 0.093, 0.032,
#' 0.044, 0.191, 0.057, 0.172, -0.46, 0.016, 3.518, 5.154, 0.58)
#' W_22 <- matrix(c(1, 1, -1, 1), nrow=2, byrow=FALSE)
#' mod22s <- GSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=2, params=params22s,
#' structural_pars=list(W=W_22))
#' mod22s
#' # Estimating the GFEVD using all possible histories in the data as the
#' # initial values:
#' gfevd1 <- GFEVD(mod22s, N=24, R1=10, initval_type="data")
#' gfevd1
#' plot(gfevd1)
#' # Estimate GFEVD with the initial values generated from the stationary
#' # distribution of the process:
#' gfevd2 <- GFEVD(mod22s, N=24, R1=10, R2=100, initval_type="random")
#' gfevd2
#' plot(gfevd2)
#' # Estimate GFEVD with fixed hand specified initial values. We use the
#' # unconditional mean of the process:
#' myvals <- rbind(mod22s$uncond_moments$uncond_mean,
#' mod22s$uncond_moments$uncond_mean)
#' gfevd3 <- GFEVD(mod22s, N=36, R1=50, initval_type="fixed",
#' init_values=myvals, include_mixweights=TRUE)
#' gfevd3
#' plot(gfevd3)
#' }
#' @export
GFEVD <- function(gsmvar, shock_size=1, N=30, initval_type=c("data", "random", "fixed"), R1=250, R2=250,
init_regimes=NULL, init_values=NULL, which_cumulative=numeric(0), include_mixweights=FALSE,
ncores=2, seeds=NULL) {
gsmvar <- gmvar_to_gsmvar(gsmvar) # Backward compatibility
initval_type <- match.arg(initval_type)
p <- gsmvar$model$p
M <- sum(gsmvar$model$M)
d <- gsmvar$model$d
if(M == 1) include_mixweights <- FALSE
if(initval_type == "data") {
if(is.null(gsmvar$data)) stop("The model does not contain data! Add data with the function 'add_data' or select another 'initval_type'.")
stopifnot(nrow(gsmvar$data) >= p)
R2 <- nrow(gsmvar$data) - p + 1 # The number of length p histories in the data
all_initvals <- array(vapply(1:R2, function(i1) gsmvar$data[i1:(i1 + p - 1),], numeric(p*d)), dim=c(p, d, R2)) # [, , i1] for i1 initval
} else if(initval_type == "random") {
if(is.null(init_regimes)) {
message("Initial regimes were not specified, so the initial values are generated from the stationary distribution of the process.")
init_regimes <- 1:M
} else {
stopifnot(all(init_regimes %in% 1:M))
init_regimes <- unique(init_regimes)
all_initvals <- array(dim=c(1, 1, R2)) # This won't be used. NULL init_values will be used.
} else if(initval_type == "fixed") {
R2 <- 1
if(is.null(init_values)) stop(paste0("Initial values were not specified! Specify the initial values with the argument",
"'init_values' or choose another 'initval_type'."))
if(!is.matrix(init_values)) stop("init_values must be a numeric matrix")
if(anyNA(init_values)) stop("init_values contains NA values")
if(ncol(init_values) != d | nrow(init_values) < p) stop("init_values must contain d columns and at least p rows")
init_values <- init_values[(nrow(init_values) - p + 1):nrow(init_values), , drop=FALSE]
all_initvals <- array(init_values, dim=c(p, d, R2))
if(!is.null(seeds) && length(seeds) != R2) stop("The argument 'seeds' has wrong length!")
stopifnot(length(shock_size) == 1)
if(length(which_cumulative) > 0) {
which_cumulative <- unique(which_cumulative)
stopifnot(all(which_cumulative %in% 1:d))
# Function that estimates GIRF
get_one_girf <- function(shock_numb, shock_size, seed, init_values_for_1girf) {
if(initval_type == "random") init_values_for_1girf <- NULL
simulate.gsmvar(gsmvar, nsim=N + 1, init_values=init_values_for_1girf, ntimes=R1, seed=seed, init_regimes=init_regimes,
if(ncores > parallel::detectCores()) {
ncores <- parallel::detectCores()
message("ncores was set to be larger than the number of cores detected")
if(initval_type != "fixed") {
cat(paste("Using", ncores, "cores to estimate", R2,"GIRFs for", d, "structural shocks,", "each based on",
R1, "Monte Carlo repetitions."), "\n")
} else {
cat(paste("Using", ncores, "cores to estimate one GIRF for", d, "structural shocks, each based on",
R1, "Monte Carlo repetitions."), "\n")
### Calculate the GIRFs ###
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
on.exit(try(parallel::stopCluster(cl), silent=TRUE)) # Close the cluster on exit, if not already closed.
parallel::clusterExport(cl, ls(environment(GFEVD)), envir = environment(GFEVD)) # assign all variables from package:gmvarkit
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(mvnfast), library(pbapply)))
GIRF_shocks <- vector("list", length=d)
for(i1 in 1:d) {
cat(paste0("Estimating GIRFs for structural shock ", i1, "..."), "\n")
GIRF_shocks[[i1]] <- pbapply::pblapply(1:R2, function(i2) get_one_girf(init_values=matrix(all_initvals[, , i2], nrow=p, ncol=d),
seed=seeds[i2]), cl=cl)
if(is.null(colnames(gsmvar$data))) {
varnames <- paste0("Variable", 1:d)
} else {
varnames <- colnames(gsmvar$data)
if(include_mixweights) {
varnames <- c(varnames, paste0("mw", 1:M))
shocknames <- paste0("Shock", 1:d)
# GIRF_square_cumsum <- array(dim=c(N + 1, length(varnames), d),
# dimnames=list(0:N, varnames, shocknames)) # [horizon, variable, shock]
# for(i1 in 1:d) { # Go through the shocks
# res_in_array <- array(unlist(GIRF_shocks[[i1]]), dim=c(N + 1, length(varnames), R2))
# if(length(which_cumulative) > 0) {
# for(i2 in which_cumulative) {
# res_in_array[, i2, ] <- apply(res_in_array[, i2, , drop=FALSE], MARGIN=3, FUN=cumsum) # Replace GIRF with cumulative GIRF
# }
# }
# GIRF_square_cumsum[, , i1] <- apply(apply(X=res_in_array, MARGIN=1:2, FUN=mean)^2, MARGIN=2, FUN=cumsum)
# }
# GFEVD_results <- array(dim=c(N + 1, d, length(varnames)),
# dimnames=list(0:N, shocknames, varnames)) # [horizon, shock, variable]
# for(i1 in 1:ncol(GIRF_square_cumsum)) { # Go through the variables and possibly mixing weights
# denominator <- rowSums(GIRF_square_cumsum[, i1, ]) # The denominators for h=0,1,...,N
# for(i2 in 1:d) { # Go through the shocks
# GFEVD_results[ , i2, i1] <- GIRF_square_cumsum[, i1, i2]/denominator
# }
# }
# Calculate the GFEVD also separately for each length p history a GIRF was estimated to
ind_GFEVD_results <- array(dim=c(N + 1, length(varnames), d, R2),
dimnames=list(0:N, varnames, shocknames, 1:R2)) # [horizon, variable, shock, time])
for(i1 in 1:R2) { # Go through the length p histories
GIRF_square_cumsum_i1 <- array(NA, dim=c(N+1, length(varnames), d)) # [horizon, variable, shock] for time period i1
for(i2 in 1:d) { # Go through the shocks
res_in_matrix <- GIRF_shocks[[i2]][[i1]] # [horizon, variable] GIRF of shock i2 at the time i1
if(length(which_cumulative > 0)) { # Any GIRFs that should be accumulated?
for(i3 in which_cumulative) {
res_in_matrix[, i3] <- cumsum(res_in_matrix[, i3]) # Replace GIRF with cumulative GIRF
# Cumulative squared GIRF of shock i2 at the time i1
GIRF_square_cumsum_i1[, , i2] <- apply(res_in_matrix^2, MARGIN=2, FUN=cumsum) # [horizon, variable]
# Calculate the denominators
for(i2 in 1:length(varnames)) { # Go through the variables
denominator <- rowSums(GIRF_square_cumsum_i1[, i2, ]) # The denominators for h=0,1,...,N (sums over socks)
for(i3 in 1:d) { # Go through the shocks
ind_GFEVD_results[ , i2, i3, i1] <- GIRF_square_cumsum_i1[, i2, i3]/denominator
# Calculate the GFEVD by calculating the mean over GFEVDs calculated for each length p history
GFEVD_results <- apply(ind_GFEVD_results, MARGIN=1:3, FUN=mean) # [horizon, variable, shock]
GFEVD_results <- aperm(GFEVD_results, perm=c(1, 3, 2)) # [horizon, shock, variable]
ret <- structure(list(gfevd_res=GFEVD_results,
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