
Defines functions profile_logliks diagnostic_plot

Documented in diagnostic_plot profile_logliks

#' @import graphics
#' @title Quantile residual diagnostic plot for a GMVAR, StMVAR, or G-StMVAR model
#' @description \code{diagnostic_plot} plots a multivariate quantile residual diagnostic plot
#'   for either autocorrelation, conditional heteroskedasticity, or normality, or simply draws
#'   the quantile residual time series.
#' @inheritParams quantile_residual_tests
#' @param type which type of diagnostic plot should be plotted?
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{"all"} all below sequentially.}
#'     \item{\code{"series"} the quantile residual time series.}
#'     \item{\code{"ac"} the quantile residual autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions.}
#'     \item{\code{"ch"} the squared quantile residual autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions.}
#'     \item{\code{"norm"} the quantile residual histogram with theoretical standard normal
#'       density (dashed line) and standard normal QQ-plots.}
#'   }
#' @param maxlag the maximum lag considered in types \code{"ac"} and \code{"ch"}.
#' @param wait_time if \code{type == all} how many seconds to wait before showing next figure?
#' @details Auto- and cross-correlations (types \code{"ac"} and \code{"ch"}) are calculated with the function
#'  \code{acf} from the package \code{stats} and the plot method for class \code{'acf'} objects is employed.
#' @inherit quantile_residual_tests references
#' @seealso \code{\link{profile_logliks}}, \code{\link{fitGSMVAR}}, \code{\link{GSMVAR}}, \code{\link{quantile_residual_tests}},
#'  \code{\link{LR_test}}, \code{\link{Wald_test}}, \code{\link{Rao_test}}, \code{\link{cond_moment_plot}}, \code{\link[stats]{acf}},
#'   \code{\link[stats]{density}}, \code{\link{predict.gsmvar}}
#' @examples
#' # GMVAR(1,2), d=2 model:
#' params12 <- c(0.55, 0.112, 0.344, 0.055, -0.009, 0.718, 0.319,
#'  0.005, 0.03, 0.619, 0.173, 0.255, 0.017, -0.136, 0.858, 1.185,
#'  -0.012, 0.136, 0.674)
#' mod12 <- GSMVAR(gdpdef, p=1, M=2, params=params12)
#' diagnostic_plot(mod12, type="series")
#' diagnostic_plot(mod12, type="ac")
#' # GMVAR(2,2), d=2 model:
#' params22 <-  c(0.36, 0.121, 0.223, 0.059, -0.151, 0.395, 0.406,
#'  -0.005, 0.083, 0.299, 0.215, 0.002, 0.03, 0.484, 0.072, 0.218,
#'  0.02, -0.119, 0.722, 0.093, 0.032, 0.044, 0.191, 1.101, -0.004,
#'   0.105, 0.58)
#' mod22 <- GSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=2, params=params22)
#' diagnostic_plot(mod22, type="ch")
#' diagnostic_plot(mod22, type="norm")
#' # G-StMVAR(2, 1, 1), d=2 model:
#' params22gs <- c(0.697, 0.154, 0.049, 0.374, 0.476, 0.318, -0.645, -0.302,
#'  -0.222, 0.193, 0.042, -0.013, 0.048, 0.554, 0.033, 0.184, 0.005, -0.186,
#'   0.683, 0.256, 0.031, 0.026, 0.204, 0.583, -0.002, 0.048, 0.182, 4.334)
#' mod22gs <- GSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=c(1, 1), params=params22gs, model="G-StMVAR")
#' diagnostic_plot(mod22gs, wait_time=0)
#' @export

diagnostic_plot <- function(gsmvar, type=c("all", "series", "ac", "ch", "norm"), maxlag=12, wait_time=4) {
  # Backward compatibility
  gsmvar <- gmvar_to_gsmvar(gsmvar)

  # Proceed with class 'gsmvar' object
  stopifnot(wait_time >= 0)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  qres <- gsmvar$quantile_residuals
  d <- gsmvar$model$d
  names_ts <- colnames(as.ts(gsmvar$data))
  colnames(qres) <- names_ts
  old_par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
  waitifall <- function() {
    if(type == "all") Sys.sleep(wait_time)
  if(type == "all") message("In total four quantile residual figures are plotted:
                            1) time series
                            2) autocorrelation function of qresiduals
                            3) autocorrelation function of squared qresiduals
                            4) histograms and normal QQ-plots")

  if(type == "series" || type == "all") {
    par(mfrow=c(d, 1), las=1)
    for(d1 in 1:d) {
      xaxt <- "n"
      if(d1 == 1) {
        par(mar=c(0.5, 2.5, 2.1, 1))
      } else if(d1 == d) {
        xaxt <- "s"
        par(mar=c(2.5, 2.5, 0.1, 1))
      } else {
        par(mar=c(0.5, 2.5, 0.1, 1))
      yaxt1 <- round(min(qres[,d1]))
      yaxt2 <- round(max(qres[,d1]))
      main <- ifelse(all.equal(d1, 1), "Quantile residual time series", "")
      plot(qres[,d1], yaxt="n", xaxt=xaxt, type="l", col=grDevices::rgb(0, 0, 0, 1), ylab="", xlab="", main=main)
      axis(2, at=yaxt1:yaxt2, labels=yaxt1:yaxt2)
      abline(h=0, col=grDevices::rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.3), lwd=2)
      legend("topleft", legend=names_ts[d1], bty="n", col="black", text.font=2, cex=0.65, x.intersp=0.5, y.intersp=1)

  if(type == "ac" || type == "all") {
    par(mar=c(2.3, 2.8, 3.5, 1.0))
    acf(qres, lag.max=maxlag, plot=TRUE, ylab="")
  if(type == "ch" || type == "all") {
    par(mar=c(2.3, 2.8, 3.5, 1.0))
    acf(qres^2, lag.max=maxlag, plot=TRUE, ylab="")
  if(type == "norm" || type == "all") {
    d <- gsmvar$model$d
    par(mfrow=c(2, d), mar=c(2.5, 2.8, 2.1, 1.0))
    for(i1 in 1:d) {
      hs <- hist(qres[,i1], breaks="Scott", probability=TRUE, col="skyblue", plot=TRUE,
                 main=colnames(qres)[i1], ylim=c(0, 0.5))
      x <- seq(from=min(hs$breaks), to=max(hs$breaks), length.out=1000)
      lines(x=x, y=dnorm(x), lty=2, col="darkred")
    for(i1 in 1:d) {
      qqnorm(qres[,i1], main="")
      qqline(qres[,i1], col="darkred")

#' @title Plot profile log-likehoods around the estimates
#' @description \code{profile_logliks} plots profile log-likelihoods around the estimates.
#' @inheritParams quantile_residual_tests
#' @inheritParams in_paramspace_int
#' @param which_pars the profile log-likelihood function of which parameters should be plotted? An integer
#'  vector specifying the positions of the parameters in the parameter vector. The parameter vector has the
#'  form...
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\strong{For unconstrained models:}}{
#'       Should be size \eqn{((M(pd^2+d+d(d+1)/2+1)-1)x1)} and have form
#'       \strong{\eqn{\theta}}\eqn{ = }(\strong{\eqn{\upsilon}}\eqn{_{1}},
#'       ...,\strong{\eqn{\upsilon}}\eqn{_{M}}, \eqn{\alpha_{1},...,\alpha_{M-1}}), where:
#'       \itemize{
#'         \item \strong{\eqn{\upsilon}}\eqn{_{m}} \eqn{ = (\phi_{m,0},}\strong{\eqn{\phi}}\eqn{_{m}}\eqn{,\sigma_{m})}
#'         \item \strong{\eqn{\phi}}\eqn{_{m}}\eqn{ = (vec(A_{m,1}),...,vec(A_{m,p})}
#'         \item and \eqn{\sigma_{m} = vech(\Omega_{m})}, m=1,...,M.
#'       }
#'     }
#'     \item{\strong{For constrained models:}}{
#'       Should be size \eqn{((M(d+d(d+1)/2+1)+q-1)x1)} and have form
#'       \strong{\eqn{\theta}}\eqn{ = (\phi_{1,0},...,\phi_{M,0},}\strong{\eqn{\psi}}
#'       \eqn{,\sigma_{1},...,\sigma_{M},\alpha_{1},...,\alpha_{M-1})}, where:
#'       \itemize{
#'         \item \strong{\eqn{\psi}} \eqn{(qx1)} satisfies (\strong{\eqn{\phi}}\eqn{_{1}}\eqn{,...,}
#'         \strong{\eqn{\phi}}\eqn{_{M}) =} \strong{\eqn{C \psi}}. Here \strong{\eqn{C}} is \eqn{(Mpd^2xq)}
#'         constraint matrix.
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#'   Above, \eqn{\phi_{m,0}} is the intercept parameter, \eqn{A_{m,i}} denotes the \eqn{i}:th coefficient matrix of the \eqn{m}:th
#'   mixture component, \eqn{\Omega_{m}} denotes the error term covariance matrix of the \eqn{m}:th mixture component, and
#'   \eqn{\alpha_{m}} is the mixing weight parameter.
#'   The default is that profile log-likelihood functions for all parameters are plotted.
#' @param scale a numeric scalar specifying the interval plotted for each estimate:
#'  the estimate plus-minus \code{abs(scale*estimate)}.
#' @param nrows how many rows should be in the plot-matrix? The default is \code{max(ceiling(log2(length(which_pars)) - 1), 1)}.
#' @param ncols how many columns should be in the plot-matrix? The default is \code{ceiling(length(which_pars)/nrows)}.
#'   Note that \code{nrows*ncols} should not be smaller than the length of \code{which_pars}.
#' @param precision at how many points should each profile log-likelihood be evaluated at?
#' @details When the number of parameters is large, it might be better to plot a smaller number of profile
#'  log-likelihood functions at a time using the argument \code{which_pars}.
#' The red vertical line points the estimate.
#' @return  Only plots to a graphical device and doesn't return anything.
#' @inherit loglikelihood references
#' @seealso  \code{\link{get_soc}}, \code{\link{diagnostic_plot}}, \code{\link{fitGSMVAR}}, \code{\link{GSMVAR}},
#'   \code{\link{GIRF}}, \code{\link{LR_test}}, \code{\link{Wald_test}}, \code{\link{cond_moment_plot}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Running all the below examples takes approximately 2 minutes.
#' # GMVAR(1,2) model
#' fit12 <- fitGSMVAR(gdpdef, p=1, M=2, ncalls=1, seeds=1)
#' fit12
#' profile_logliks(fit12)
#' # Structural GMVAR(1,2) model identified with sign
#' # constraints: model build based on inaccurate hand-given estimates.
#' W_122 <- matrix(c(1, 1, -1, 1), nrow=2)
#' params12s <- c(0.55, 0.11, 0.62, 0.17, 0.34, 0.05, -0.01, 0.72, 0.25,
#'  0.02, -0.14, 0.86, 0.54, 0.06, -0.16, 0.16, 3.62, 4.73, 0.67)
#' mod12s <- GSMVAR(gdpdef, p=1, M=2, params=params12s,
#'                 structural_pars=list(W=W_122))
#' profile_logliks(mod12s)
#' #' # G-StMVAR(2, 1, 1), d=2 model:
#' params22gs <- c(0.697, 0.154, 0.049, 0.374, 0.476, 0.318, -0.645, -0.302,
#'  -0.222, 0.193, 0.042, -0.013, 0.048, 0.554, 0.033, 0.184, 0.005, -0.186,
#'   0.683, 0.256, 0.031, 0.026, 0.204, 0.583, -0.002, 0.048, 0.182, 4.334)
#' mod22gs <- GSMVAR(gdpdef, p=2, M=c(1, 1), params=params22gs, model="G-StMVAR")
#' profile_logliks(mod22gs, which_pars=c(1, 3, 28))
#' }
#' @export

profile_logliks <- function(gsmvar, which_pars, scale=0.02, nrows, ncols, precision=200, stat_tol=1e-3, posdef_tol=1e-8, df_tol=1e-8) {
  gsmvar <- gmvar_to_gsmvar(gsmvar) # Backward compatibility
  p <- gsmvar$model$p
  M <- gsmvar$model$M
  d <- gsmvar$model$d
  model <- gsmvar$model$model
  if(model == "GMVAR") { # The number of degrees of freedom parameters
    n_df <- 0
  } else if(model == "StMVAR") {
    n_df <- M
    M1 <- 0
  } else { # model == "G-StMVAR"
    n_df <- M[2]
    M1 <- M[1]
  M_orig <- M
  M <- sum(M)
  params <- gsmvar$params
  parametrization <- gsmvar$model$parametrization
  if(missing(which_pars)) which_pars <- 1:length(params)
  if(!all_pos_ints(which_pars) || any(which_pars > length(params))) {
    stop("The argument 'which_pars' should contain strictly positive integers not larger than length of the parameter vector.")
  } else if(anyDuplicated(which_pars) != 0) {
    stop("There are dublicates in which_pars")
  constraints <- gsmvar$model$constraints
  same_means <- gsmvar$model$same_means
  weight_constraints <- gsmvar$model$weight_constraints
  structural_pars <- gsmvar$model$structural_pars
  npars <- length(which_pars)
  n_alphas <- ifelse(is.null(weight_constraints), M - 1, 0)

  if(missing(nrows)) nrows <- max(ceiling(log2(npars) - 1), 1)
  if(missing(ncols)) ncols <- ceiling(npars/nrows)
  stopifnot(all_pos_ints(c(nrows, ncols)) && nrows*ncols >= npars)

  # Graphical settings: restore on exit.
  old_par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mar=c(2.1, 2.1, 1.6, 1.1), mfrow=c(nrows, ncols))

  # In order to get the labels right, we first determine which indeces in params
  # correspond to which parameters: different procedure for constrained models.
  if(is.null(constraints)) {
    if(is.null(structural_pars) && is.null(same_means)) {
      all_q <- rep(d^2*p + d + d*(d + 1)/2, M) # Length of (phi_0m, \bold{phi_m}, sigma_m) for each m.
      cum_q <- c(0, cumsum(all_q)) # After this index, a new regime starts; after the last one the mixing weights start
    } else { # Structural model
      q <- p*d^2*M # The number of AR parameters
  } else {
    q <- ncol(constraints) # The number of AR parameters
  if(!is.null(structural_pars)) {
    W_const <- structural_pars$W
    n_zeros <- sum(W_const == 0, na.rm=TRUE) # The number of zero constraints in W
    W_row_ind <- rep(1, times=d) # row for each column

  for(i1 in which_pars) { # Go though the parameters
    pars <- params
    range <- abs(scale*pars[i1])
    # Loglik to be evaluated at these values of the parameter considered
    vals <- seq(from=pars[i1] - range, to=pars[i1] + range, length.out=precision)
    logliks <- vapply(vals, function(val) {
      new_pars <- pars
      new_pars[i1] <- val # Change the single parameter value
      loglikelihood_int(data=gsmvar$data, p=p, M=M_orig, params=new_pars, model=model,
                        conditional=gsmvar$model$conditional, parametrization=parametrization,
                        constraints=constraints, same_means=same_means,
                        check_params=TRUE, minval=NA,
                        stat_tol=stat_tol, posdef_tol=posdef_tol, df_tol=df_tol)
    }, numeric(1))

    # In order to get the labels right, we first determine which parameter is in question.
    # We consider constrained and structural models separately.
    if(is.null(constraints) && is.null(structural_pars) && is.null(same_means)) {
      if(i1 <= max(cum_q)) { # phi and sigma parameters first
        m <- sum(i1 > cum_q) # Which regime are we considering
        if(i1 > cum_q[m + 1] - d*(d + 1)/2 && i1 <= cum_q[m + 1]) { # Omega params
          pos <- i1 - (cum_q[m] + d + p*d^2) # Position in vech(Omega_m)
          cum_d <- c(0, cumsum(d - 0:(d - 1))) # Index after which column changes in the current vech(Omega_m)
          col_ind <- sum(pos > cum_d) # Which column in the current Omega
          row_inds <- unlist(lapply(1:d, function(i2) i2:d)) # At which row are we in the current Omega_m for each pos?
          row_ind <- row_inds[pos] # At which row of Omega_m we are
          main <- substitute(Omega[foo](foo2), list(foo=m, foo2=paste0(row_ind, ",", col_ind)))
        } else if(i1 <= max(cum_q)) { # The phi parameters (or mean + AR parameters)
          if(i1 > cum_q[m] && i1 <= cum_q[m] + d) { # phi_{m,0} or mean parameters
            pos <- i1 - cum_q[m] # Which time series? 1,..,d
            if(parametrization == "intercept") {
              main <- substitute(phi[foo](foo2), list(foo=paste0(m, ",0"), foo2=pos))
            } else {
              main <- substitute(mu[foo](foo2), list(foo=m, foo2=pos))
          } else {  # The elements of A_m1,...,A_mp
            pos1 <- i1 - (cum_q[m] + d) # Position in vec(A_m1),...,vec(A_mp)
            cum_a <- c(0, cumsum(rep(d^2, times=p))) # the index after which new matrix A_m,p starts
            which_mat <- sum(pos1 > cum_a) # in which matrix A_m,j, j=1,..,p we are?
            pos2 <- pos1 - (which_mat - 1)*d^2 # Position in the current matrix A_m,j
            cum_a_cols <- c(0, cumsum(rep(d, times=d))) # The index in currect matrix after which a new column in A_m,j starts
            col_ind <- sum(pos2 > cum_a_cols) # The column where we are in the current matrix
            row_ind <- rep(1:d, times=d)[pos2] # The row where we are in the current matrix
            main <- substitute(A[foo](foo2), list(foo=paste0(m, ",", which_mat), foo2=paste0(row_ind, ",", col_ind)))
      } else if(M > 1 && i1 <= length(params) - n_df) { # alphas
        m <- i1 - max(cum_q)
        main <- substitute(alpha[foo], list(foo=m))
      } else { # degrees of freedom: i1 > length(params) - n_df (this is the case also if M == 1 && i1 > max(cum_q))
        m <- i1 - max(cum_q) - (n_alphas) + M1
        main <- substitute(nu[foo], list(foo=m))
    } else { ## If AR parameters are constrained, mean parameters are constrained, or a structural model is considered
      last_covmat_par_index <- length(params) - (n_alphas) - n_df
      g <- ifelse(is.null(same_means), M, length(same_means)) # Number groups with the same mean parameters
      less_pars <- d*(M - g) # Number of parameters less compared to models without same mean constraints

      if(i1 <= M*d + q - less_pars) { # phi_{m,0} and AR parameters
        if(i1 <= M*d - less_pars) { # phi_{m,0}
          cum_d <- c(0, cumsum(rep(d, times=g))) # The index after which regime changes
          m <- sum(i1 > cum_d) # Which regime?
          pos <- i1 - cum_d[m] # Which time series?
          if(parametrization == "intercept") { # This is never the case with same_means
            main <- substitute(phi[foo](foo2), list(foo=paste0(m, ",0"), foo2=pos))
          } else {
            main <- substitute(mu[foo](foo2), list(foo=m, foo2=pos))
        } else { # The AR parameters
          if(is.null(constraints)) { # Structural model with AR parameters not constrained
            cum_q <- d*M - less_pars + c(0, cumsum(rep(d^2*p, M))) # The index after which the regime changes
            m <- sum(i1 > cum_q)
            pos1 <- i1 - cum_q[m] # Position in vec(A_m1),...,vec(A_mp)
            cum_a <- c(0, cumsum(rep(d^2, times=p))) # the index after which new matrix A_m,p starts in vec(A_m1),...,vec(A_mp)
            which_mat <- sum(pos1 > cum_a) # in which matrix A_m,j, j=1,..,p we are?
            pos2 <- pos1 - (which_mat - 1)*d^2 # Position in the current matrix A_m,j
            cum_a_cols <- c(0, cumsum(rep(d, times=d))) # The index in current matrix after which a new column in A_m,j starts
            col_ind <- sum(pos2 > cum_a_cols) # The column where we are in the current matrix
            row_ind <- rep(1:d, times=d)[pos2] # The row where we are in the current matrix
            main <- substitute(A[foo](foo2), list(foo=paste0(m, ",", which_mat), foo2=paste0(row_ind, ",", col_ind)))
          } else {
            pos <- i1 - (M*d - less_pars)
            main <- substitute(psi(foo), list(foo=pos))
      } else if(i1 <= last_covmat_par_index) { # Covariance matrix parameters
        if(is.null(structural_pars)) { # Reduced form models, vech(Omega_1),...,vech(Omega_M)
          cum_s <- M*d - less_pars + q + c(0, cumsum(rep(d*(d + 1)/2, times=M))) # Index after which regime changes
          m <- sum(i1 > cum_s)
          i1 - cum_s[1] # Position in vech(Omega_1),...,vech(Omega_M)
          pos <- i1 - cum_s[m] # position in vech(Omega_m)
          cum_d <- c(0, cumsum(d - 0:(d - 1))) # Index after which column changes in the current vech(Omega_m)
          col_ind <- sum(pos > cum_d) # Which column in the current Omega
          row_inds <- unlist(lapply(1:d, function(i2) i2:d)) # At which row are we in the current Omega_m for each pos?
          row_ind <- row_inds[pos] # At which row of Omega_m we are
          main <- substitute(Omega[foo](foo2), list(foo=m, foo2=paste0(row_ind, ", ", col_ind)))
        } else { # Structural models: W and lambdas
          if(i1 <= M*d - less_pars + q + d^2 - n_zeros) { # W parameters
            n_zeros_in_each_column <- vapply(1:d, function(i2) sum(W_const[,i2] == 0, na.rm=TRUE), numeric(1))
            # Zero constraint positions in each column:
            zero_positions <- lapply(1:d, function(i2) (1:d)[W_const[,i2] == 0 & !is.na(W_const[,i2])])
            cum_wc <- c(0, cumsum(d - n_zeros_in_each_column)) # Index in W parameters after which a new column in W starts
            posw <- i1 - (M*d - less_pars + q) # Index in W parameters
            col_ind <- sum(posw > cum_wc)
            while(TRUE) {
              if(W_row_ind[col_ind] %in% zero_positions[[col_ind]]) {
                W_row_ind[col_ind] <- W_row_ind[col_ind] + 1
              } else {
            main <- substitute(W(foo), list(foo=paste0(W_row_ind[col_ind], ", ", col_ind)))
            W_row_ind[col_ind] <- W_row_ind[col_ind] + 1
          } else { # lambda parameters
            if(is.null(structural_pars$C_lambda) && is.null(structural_pars$fixed_lambdas)) { # Lambdas are not constraints
              cum_lamb <- M*d - less_pars + q + d^2 - n_zeros + c(0, cumsum(rep(d, times=M))) # Index after which the regime changes
              m <- sum(i1 > cum_lamb) + 1
              pos <- i1 - cum_lamb[m - 1] # which i=1,...,d in lambda_{mi}
              main <- substitute(lambda[foo](foo2), list(foo=m, foo2=pos))
            } else if(!is.null(structural_pars$C_lambda)) { # Lambdas are C_lambda constrained
              pos <- i1 - (M*d - less_pars + q + d^2 - n_zeros)
              main <- substitute(gamma(foo), list(foo=pos))
      } else if(M > 1 && i1 <= length(params) - n_df) { # alphas
        m <- i1 - last_covmat_par_index
        main <- substitute(alpha[foo], list(foo=m))
      } else { # degrees of freedom: i1 > length(params) - n_df (this is the case if also M == 1 && i1 > last_covmat_par_index)
        m <- i1 - last_covmat_par_index - (n_alphas) + M1
        main <- substitute(nu[foo], list(foo=m))
    plot(x=vals, y=logliks, type="l", main=main)
    abline(v=pars[i1], col="red") # Points the estimate
saviviro/gmvarkit documentation built on March 8, 2024, 4:15 a.m.