
Defines functions summaryPlotsSave studyData summaryPlot summaryAll summaryWB summaryMeta simulateModelsWBAlt simulateModelsWBAltScenario simulateModelsWBAltScenarioSingle simulateModelsWBNull simulateModelsWBNullScenario simulateModelsWBNullScenarioSingle reduceData reduceDataSingle selectTopChrs uniqueIndex runSimulationAltSingle runSimulationNull runSimulationSingle analyzeDataAll analyzeDataWB analyzeDataMeta Sumlog simulateAltTopHits modifyRegion simulateNull genomicRotationsPercs genomicRotationsPerc genomicRotationPerc genomicRotation genomicRotationIdcs

#	genomicRotation.R
#Mon Dec 17 15:45:47 CET 2018

#	<p> genomic rotation

# df: data.frame containing row-wise genomic information
# N: the shift number
genomicRotationIdcs = function(df, Nshift) {
	if (Nshift > nrow(df)) {
		#warning('Shift too large');
		Nshift = Nshift %% nrow(df);
	#	print(Nshift);
	indeces = c(Seq(Nshift+1, nrow(df)), Seq(1, Nshift));
# columns: which columns to rotate
genomicRotation = function(df, Nshift, columns = 'P') {
	indeces = genomicRotationIdcs(df, Nshift);
	df[, columns] = df[indeces, columns, drop = F];

# rotate by percentage
# perc: fraction of total SNP number by which to shift P-values (columns argument), rotation is performed
#	per chromosome
# orderBy: columns by which to order data frames first, needed to assure alignment of later aggregation
# columns: which columns to rotate
genomicRotationPerc = function(d, perc, columns = 'P', by = 'chr', orderBy = c('chr', 'pos')) {
	dO = d[order.df(d, orderBy), , drop = F];
	Nshift = round(perc * nrow(d));
	# rotation per chromosome
	idcsRot = by(dO, dO[[by]], function(d)genomicRotationIdcs(d, Nshift));
	# compute permutation
	Nrow = sapply(idcsRot, length);
	Ioff = pop(c(0, cumsum(Nrow)));
	idcsL = lapply(seq_along(Ioff), function(i)idcsRot[[i]] + Ioff[i]);
	idcs = unlist(lapply(seq_along(Ioff), function(i)idcsRot[[i]] + Ioff[i]));
	dO[, columns] = dO[idcs, columns, drop = F];

# rotate several data.frames by percentage
genomicRotationsPerc = function(dfs, perc, columns = 'P', by = 'chr', orderBy = c('chr', 'pos')) {
	return(lapply(dfs, genomicRotationPerc, perc = perc, columns = columns, by = by, orderBy = orderBy));

# rotate several data.frames by different percentages, number of data.frames and percentages has to be the same
genomicRotationsPercs = function(dfs, percs, columns = 'P', by = 'chr', orderBy = c('chr', 'pos')) {
	return(lapply(seq_along(percs), function(i) {
		genomicRotationPerc(dfs[[i]], percs[i], by = by, orderBy = orderBy)

#	<p> data simulation

# Nstudies: total number of studies
# rotation: percentages of SNP positions between which to rotate
simulateNull = function(d0, Nstudies = 3, rotation = c(.004, 04), by = 'chr', orderBy = c('chr', 'pos')) {
	ds = rep(list(d0), Nstudies);
	rot = runif(Nstudies - 1, rotation[1], rotation[2]);
	dfs = genomicRotationsPercs(ds, c(0, rot), 'P', by = by, orderBy = orderBy);

modifyRegion = function(d0, region, rotation = c(0, 5), attenuation = .99, noise = .01, Nregion = 5e4) {
	Is = with(region, which(d0$chr == chr & d0$pos >= pos - Nregion & d0$pos <= pos + Nregion));
	d0R = d0[Is, , drop = F];
	Nsnps = nrow(d0R);
	rotA = runif(1, rotation[[1]]/Nsnps, rotation[[2]]/Nsnps);
	d0Rot = genomicRotationPerc(d0R, rotA, columns = 'P');
	Tmod = qchisq(d0Rot$P, 1, lower.tail = F) * attenuation * rlnorm(Nsnps, 0, noise);
	d0Rot$P = pchisq(Tmod, 1, lower.tail = F);
	return(list(Is = Is, data = d0Rot));

# Simulation idea: identify top-hits from target study, copy these signals to a number of discovery studies,
#	modify the signal by rotation, fixed attenuation, random pertubation
# rotationAlt: rotation of top-region after copying to discovery study, given in number of expected loci
# Ncopy: to how many discovery studies is a signal copied
# attenuation: fixed factor to attenuate signal from the target study on chisq scale
# noise: standard deviation of lognormal factor to scale signals before copying
simulateAltTopHits = function(d0, Nstudies = 3, rotation = c(.004, 04),
	Ptop = 2e-6, Nregion = 5e4,
	rotationAlt = c(1, 5), Ncopy = 1, attenuation = .95, noise = .05) {
	ds0 = simulateNull(d0, Nstudies, rotation);
	th = droplevels(snpsTopHitsFromTable(ds0[[1]], P ~ chr + pos, P = Ptop, Nregion = Nregion));
	for (i in Seq(1, nrow(th))) {
		for (j in 1:Ncopy) {
			d0Reg = modifyRegion(ds0[[1]], as.list(th[i, ]), rotationAlt, attenuation, noise, Nregion);
			ds0[[j + 1]][d0Reg$Is, ] = d0Reg$data;

#	<p> analysis

sumlog = function (p) {
	keep <- !is.na(p) & (p > 0) & (p <= 1);
	if (sum(keep) == 0) return(NA);
	if (sum(keep) == 1) return(list(p = p[keep], df = 2));
	lnp <- log(p[keep]);
	chisq <- (-2) * sum(lnp);
	df <- 2 * length(lnp);
	r = list(chisq = chisq, df = df, p = pchisq(chisq, df,  lower.tail = FALSE), validp = p[keep])

Sumlog = function(p)sumlog(p)$p

analyzeDataMeta = function(dfs, pars = list()) {
	Ps = do.call(cbind, list.kp(dfs, 'P'));
	Ina = which(apply(Ps, 1, function(p)any(is.na(p))));
	# <!> cave bias
	if (length(Ina) > 0) Ps = Ps[- Ina, , drop = F];
	Pmeta = apply(Ps, 1, Sumlog);
	r = list(Pmin = min(Pmeta, na.rm = T), TS = tailStrength(Pmeta), gini = Gini(Pmeta, na.rm = T));

analyzeDataWB = function(dfs, pars) {
	r = run_pipeline(dfs[[1]], dfs[-1], pars$power, pars$kernel, weightCombiner = 'min');

analyzeDataAll = function(dfs, pars) {
	r = list(analyzeDataMeta(dfs, pars), analyzeDataWB(dfs, pars));

#	<p> simulation runs

runSimulationSingle = function(d0, Nstudies = 3, rotation = c(.01, .05), ...) {
	ds = simulateNull(d0, Nstudies, rotation);
	r = analyzeDataAll(ds, ...);

runSimulationNull = function(d0, Nstudies = 3, Nrep = 10, rotation = c(.01, .05), ...) {
	r = lapply(Seq(1, Nrep), function(i) {
		runSimulationSingle(d0, Nstudies, rotation, ...)

#Nstudies, rotation, rotationAlt, Ncopy, attenuation, noise
runSimulationAltSingle = function(d0, Nstudies = 3, rotation = c(.004, 04),
	Ptop = 2e-6, Nregion = 5e4,
	rotationAlt = c(1, 5), Ncopy = 1, attenuation = .95, noise = .05, ...) {

	ds = simulateAltTopHits(d0, Nstudies, rotation, Ptop, Nregion, rotationAlt, Ncopy, attenuation, noise);
	r = analyzeDataAll(ds, ...);

#	<p> data management

# in vector v, find index min j \in 1, ..., N so that v[1:j] contains at least U unique elements
uniqueIndex = function(v, U) {
	#Nu = sapply(seq_along(v), function(i)length(unique(data$chr[1:i])));
	# more efficient version
	u = c();
	for (i in seq_along(v)) {
		u = unique(c(u, v[i]));
		if (length(u) == U) return(i);

selectTopChrs = function(data, Nchrs = 3, fCols = P ~ chr + pos, P = 5e-4, Nregion = 5e4) {
	th = droplevels(snpsTopHitsFromTable(data, fCols, P = P, Nregion = Nregion));
	if (nrow(th) == 0) stop('no top hits identified');
	Ichr = uniqueIndex(th$chr, Nchrs);
	r = th[Seq(1, Ichr), , drop = F];

reduceDataSingle = function(d, Nchrs = 3, fCols = P ~ chr + pos, P = 5e-4, Nregion = 5e4, NselRange = NULL,
	chrs = NULL) {
	if (is.null(chrs)) chrs = selectTopChrs(d, Nchrs, fCols, P, Nregion);
	dSel = if (notE(NselRange)) {
		do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(chrs), function(i) {
			subset(d, chr == chrs$chr[i] & pos >= chrs$pos[i] - NselRange & pos <= chrs$pos[i] + NselRange)
	} else merge(d, Df(chr = chrs$chr));
	Ina = which(is.na(dSel$P));
	if (length(Ina) > 0) dSel = dSel[-Ina, , drop = F];

# <!> names not homogenized
reduceData = function(ds, Nchrs = 3, fCols = P ~ chr + pos, P = 5e-4, Nregion = 5e4, NselRange = NULL) {
	chrs = selectTopChrs(ds[[1]], Nchrs, fCols, P, Nregion);
	dsSel = lapply(ds, function(d)reduceDataSingle(d, Nchrs, fCols, P, Nregion, NselRange, chrs));

#	<p> parallel simulations null
dataColsDefault = c('chr', 'pos', 'marker', 'P');
simulateModelsWBNullScenarioSingle = function(Nstudies, pars, rotation, studyIndex, reduce) {
		'Nstudies: %{Nstudies}d, rotation: %{rot}s, studyIndex %{studyIndex}s',
		rot = join(rotation, ';')
	path = parallelize_lookup(studyIndex);
	d = readTable(path, headerMap = list(posPhy = 'pos'))[dataColsDefault];
	d0 = do.call(reduceDataSingle, c(list(d), reduce));
	r = runSimulationSingle(d0, Nstudies, rotation, pars);
simulateModelsWBNullScenario = function(Nrep, Nstudies, pars, rotation, studyIndex, reduce) {
	r = Lapply(Seq(1, Nrep), function(i)
		simulateModelsWBNullScenarioSingle(Nstudies, pars, rotation, studyIndex, reduce)

simulateModelsWBNull = function(modelList, parallel = F) {
	r = iterateModels(modelList, simulateModelsWBNullScenario, parallel = parallel);

#	<p> parallel simulations alt
simulateModelsWBAltScenarioSingle = function(Nstudies, pars, rotation, studyIndex, reduce,
	Ptop, Nregion, rotationAlt, Ncopy, attenuation, noise) {

		'Nstudies: %{Nstudies}d, rotation: %{rot}.2f, studyIndex %{studyIndex}d',
		rot = join('; ', rotation)
	path = parallelize_lookup(studyIndex);
	d = readTable(path, headerMap = list(posPhy = 'pos'))[dataColsDefault];
	d0 = do.call(reduceDataSingle, c(list(d), reduce));
	r = runSimulationAltSingle(d0, Nstudies, rotation,
		Ptop, Nregion, rotationAlt, Ncopy, attenuation, noise, pars);
simulateModelsWBAltScenario = function(Nrep, Nstudies, pars, rotation, studyIndex, reduce,
	Ptop, Nregion, rotationAlt, Ncopy, attenuation, noise) {

	r = Lapply(Seq(1, Nrep), function(i)
		simulateModelsWBAltScenarioSingle(Nstudies, pars, rotation, studyIndex, reduce,
			Ptop, Nregion, rotationAlt, Ncopy, attenuation, noise)

simulateModelsWBAlt = function(modelList, parallel = F) {
	r = iterateModels(modelList, simulateModelsWBAltScenario, parallel = parallel);

#	<p> summary
summaryMeta = function(r, PminData) {
	Pmin = list.kpu(r, '[[1]]$Pmin');
	Psupport = mean(Pmin < PminData, na.rm = T);
	return(Df(Analysis = 'meta', Psupport = Psupport));
summaryWB = function(r, PminData) {
	Pmin = filterList(list.kp(r, '[[2]]$[[1]]'), notE);
	PminA = aaply(laply(Pmin, as.matrix), c(2, 3), identity);
	Psupport = apply(PminA, 1:2, function(Pmin)mean(Pmin < PminData, na.rm = T));
	combs = merge.multi.list(as.list(dimnames(Psupport)));
	PsupportDf = apply(combs, 1, function(i)Psupport[i[1], i[2]]);
	combsChar = apply(combs, 1, function(i)Sprintf('E=%{E}d K=%{K}d', E = i[1], K = i[2]));
	return(Df(Analysis = combsChar, Psupport = PsupportDf));
summaryAll = function(r, PminData) {
	rbind(summaryMeta(r, PminData), summaryWB(r, PminData));
summaryPlot = function(sa, plotTitle = NULL) {
	pl = ggplot(data = sa, aes(x = Analysis, y = Psupport)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") +
		geom_hline(aes(yintercept = .5, color = 'red')) + xlab('Type of Analysis') +
		theme_bw() + theme(legend.position="none");
	if (notE(title)) pl = pl + ggtitle(plotTitle);

studyData = function(modelList) {
	nlapply(modelList$studyIndex, function(n) {
		d = readTable(parallelize_lookup(n));
		#Pmin = min(d$P, na.rm = T);
		#return(list(P = Pmin));

# ds = studyDescriptors(modelList)
summaryPlotsSave = function(r, ds,
	nameTemplate = 'results-sim/SimAlt-%{studyName}s-%{Ncopy}d-%{attenuation}d-%{noise}d.%{ext}s',
	plotType = 'pdf') {
	dTags = names(ds);
	plots = lapply(seq_along(r$results), function(i) {
		Istudy = r$models[i, 'studyIndex'];
		studyName = dTags[Istudy];
		summ = summaryAll(r$results[[i]], min(ds[[Istudy]]$P, na.rm = T));
		summL = list(summary = summ, minPdata = min(ds[[Istudy]]$P));
		pathSummary = with(as.list(r$models[i, ]), Sprintf(nameTemplate, ext = 'Rdata'));
		save(summL, file = pathSummary);
		summaryPlot(summ, plotTitle = Sprintf('Study %{studyName}s'))
	ilapply(plots, function(pl, i) {
		studyName = dTags[r$models[i, 'studyIndex']];
		path = with(as.list(r$models[i, ]), Sprintf(nameTemplate, ext = plotType));
		plot_save(pl, plot_path = path)
sboehringer/gwasWeighted documentation built on Dec. 22, 2021, 10:19 p.m.