
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- Script to generate synthetic farm boundaries and other data
# --- for the Salado A basin.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Clean up all objects ----

remove(list = ls()); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Install needed R packages ----

# update.packages()

if (!require(lubridate)) {install.packages("lubridate"); library(lubridate)}
if (!require(rgdal)) {install.packages("rgdal"); library(rgdal)}
if (!require(sp)) {install.packages("sp"); library(sp)}
if (!require(PBSmapping)) {install.packages("PBSmapping"); library(PBSmapping)}
if (!require(spdep)) {install.packages("spdep"); library(spdep)}
if (!require(RColorBrewer)) {install.packages("RColorBrewer"); library(RColorBrewer)}
if (!require(spatstat)) {install.packages("spatstat"); library(spatstat)}
if (!require(rgeos)) {install.packages("rgeos"); library(rgeos)}
if (!require(rgdal)) {install.packages("rgdal"); library(rgdal)}
if (!require(maptools)) {install.packages("maptools"); library(maptools)}
if (!require(dplyr)) {install.packages("dplyr"); library(dplyr)}
if (!require(Hmisc)) {install.packages("Hmisc"); library(Hmisc)}
if (!require(RColorBrewer)) {install.packages("RColorBrewer"); library(RColorBrewer)}
if (!require(RANN)) {install.packages("RANN"); library(RANN)}

#  update.packages(ask=FALSE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Define function to trim number of farms within a department ----

# --- The list of synthetic farms to generate was derived from the AG Census
# --- and involves multiple assumptions.
# --- It may happen sometimes that the number of farms to generate
# --- within the department/partido exceeds the available area.
# --- This function compares the number of available 'unit tiles' in a partido
# --- with the number of tiles required by all farms to be simulated.
# --- The list of farms is trimmed to a certain proportion of the available tiles.

FilterFarms <- function(synth.farms, farm.comparable.field,
  initial.seed = 0, max.rate = 0.95) {
  # synth.farms <- farm.table.this.dept
  # farm.comparable.field <- 'adjusted.farm.size'
  # max.aggregated.value <- area
  # initial.seed <- 0
  # max.rate <- 0.50
  filtered.synth.farms <- synth.farms
  aggregated.farm.value <- sum(filtered.synth.farms[, farm.comparable.field])
   while (aggregated.farm.value > (max.rate * max.aggregated.value)) {
    row.number            <- sample(x = seq(from = 1, 
      to = nrow(filtered.synth.farms)), size = 1)
    filtered.synth.farms  <- filtered.synth.farms[-c(row.number), ]
    aggregated.farm.value <-
      sum(filtered.synth.farms[, farm.comparable.field])
  return (filtered.synth.farms)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Decide whether results will be plotted ----

plot.results <- FALSE
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Define Coordinate Reference Systems for various projections ----

gk.crs.string <- '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=-60 +k=1 +x_0=5500000 +y_0=0
  +ellps=intl +twogs84=-148,136,90,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs'

utm.crs.string <- '+proj=utm +zone=20H +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0'

ll.crs.string <- '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Read outline of Salado Basin A  ----

proj.dir <- getwd()

basin.dir <- "D:/ENSO/Projects/CNH3/data/shapes_cuenca/"

tt0 <- file.info(basin.dir)   # Info about directory where basin shapefile is located
if (!tt0$isdir)
  stop("ERROR: Specified directory for basin shapefile does not exist... check name...\n")              


# --- Read shapefile with Basin A outline

cuenca.A.ll <- readOGR(".", layer="Salado_A_latlon", verbose = TRUE)


# --- Convert basin shape to Gauss-Kruger coordinates (in meters)

cuenca.A.GK <- sp::spTransform(cuenca.A.ll,
  CRS = CRS(gk.crs.string)) 

# --- Convert basin shape to UTM coordinates (in meters)

cuenca.A.UTM <- sp::spTransform(cuenca.A.ll,
  CRS = CRS(utm.crs.string))

if (plot.results) { 
  plot(cuenca.A.ll, axes = TRUE)
  plot(cuenca.A.GK, axes = TRUE)
  plot(cuenca.A.UTM, axes = TRUE)

rm(proj.dir, basin.dir, tt0); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Create individual shapefiles for partidos ----

# --- Read corrected shapefiles for Argentina's departments

orig.dept.dir <- "D:/ENSO-Data/Other Data/ARG_departments/"

tt0 <- dir.create(orig.dept.dir, showWarnings = TRUE)

tt0 <- file.info(orig.dept.dir)   # Informacion sobre el directorio especificado
if (tt0$isdir) {    				      # Es un directorio?
  setwd(orig.dept.dir)						# Cambiar al directorio especificado
} else {
  stop("ERROR: Specified directory does not exist... verify the name...\n")

dept.archivo <- paste(orig.dept.dir, "deptscorrected.shp", sep="")
if (!file.exists(dept.archivo)) {
  stop("Specified SHP file for departments", dept.archivo, "does not exist...\n")

oldPath <- getwd() 
depts <- rgdal::readOGR(".", layer="deptscorrected", verbose = TRUE) # Read departments

rm(orig.dept.dir, dept.archivo); gc()

# --- Aislar la parte de datos de departamentos

pp2 <- depts@data

# --- Identificar los partidos/departamentos que contienen
# --- a la cuenca A del Salado

depts.en.cuenca <- c("9 DE JULIO","ADOLFO ALSINA","BOLIVAR","BRAGADO",

codigos.deptos.en.cuenca <- c(6588,6007,6105,6112,

pp3 <- pp2$code %in% codigos.deptos.en.cuenca

deptos.en.cuenca <- pp2[pp3, ]  # Seleccionar departamentos dentro de cuenca

# --- Iterate to create a shape file for each department inside the basin

for (i in 1:nrow(deptos.en.cuenca)) {
  code <- deptos.en.cuenca[i, "code"]
  dept <- as.character(deptos.en.cuenca[i, "dept"])
  indiv.shape <- depts[depts@data$code == code, ]
  oldPath <- getwd()
  writeOGR(indiv.shape, dsn=".", layer = dept, driver = "ESRI Shapefile",
    check_exists = TRUE, overwrite_layer = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)

# --- Merge all shapefiles for departments in the Salado A basin.
# --- Build a single "outer boundary" for all polygons.

library(rgeos); library(maptools)

all.depts <- depts[pp3, ]

dept.IDs <- all.depts@data$code

dissolved.depts <- maptools::unionSpatialPolygons(all.depts, IDs = dept.IDs)

outer.shape.ll <- maptools::unionSpatialPolygons(all.depts,
  IDs = rep(1, times= length(dept.IDs)))

outer.shape.GK <- sp::spTransform(outer.shape.ll,
  CRS = CRS(gk.crs.string) )

outer.shape.UTM <- sp::spTransform(outer.shape.ll,
  CRS = CRS(utm.crs.string) )

dept.dir <- "D:/ENSO/Projects/CNH3/data/deptos_en_cuenca/"

if (plot.results) { 
  Cairo::CairoPDF(file = paste0(dept.dir,"Salado_depts.pdf"),
    width = 6, height = 6, onefile = TRUE, family = "Arial")
  plot(dissolved.depts, axes = TRUE, border = "grey80")
  plot(cuenca.A.ll, add = TRUE, border = "tomato")
  plot(outer.shape.ll, add = TRUE, border = "steelblue")

   i,oldPath,dept.IDs,dissolved.depts); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Read table with departments inside Salado Basin ----

file1 <- "Salado_A_departments.txt"
infile1 <- paste(dept.dir, file1, sep="")

if (file.exists(infile1)) {
  basin.depts <- read.table(infile1, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
  basin.depts <- dplyr::arrange(basin.depts, dept.code, dept.name)
} else {
  cat("File with list of Salado departments not found...\n")

dept.names <- basin.depts$dept.name

# --- Convert all upper case characters to upper and lower case

capwords <- function(s, strict = FALSE) {
  cap <- function(s) paste(toupper(substring(s,1,1)),
{s <- substring(s,2); if(strict) tolower(s) else s},
sep = "", collapse = " " )
sapply(strsplit(s, split = " "), cap, USE.NAMES = !is.null(names(s)))

dept.names.lc <- capwords(dept.names, strict=TRUE) # Upper and lower case

dept.names.noblanks <- stringr::str_replace_all(dept.names, " ", "_")

# --- Let us make sure we have individual shape files for
# --- each department inside the basin.

dept.dir <- "D:/ENSO/Projects/CNH3/data/shapes_depts/"

dept.files <- list.files(path = dept.dir, pattern = ".shp$",
  full.names = TRUE)

dept.files.short <- list.files(path = dept.dir, pattern = ".shp$",
  full.names = FALSE)

dept.files.short <- sort(stringr::str_replace(dept.files.short,
  pattern = ".shp$",
  replacement = ''))

# --- Check that the department names read from a table
# --- have corresponding shapefiles.

if (!all.equal(sort(dept.names), dept.files.short)) {
  stop("Check departments' table and shapefile...\n")

n.of.depts <- length(dept.files)  # Number of depts in Salado Basin

remove(capwords, file1, infile1, dept.files.short); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Generate a regular grid inside the outer shape of departments ----

# --- Each grid point will represent the center of a tile or unit area.
# --- The grid generated extends outside the polygon; it will be trimmed later.
# --- The tiles will be the "building blocks" to assemble synthetic farms.
# --- That is, tiles created from these points may NOT be square, but rectangular.

tile.area <-  20                  # area represented by a point (in hectares)
point.spacing.x <- 1000  					# point separation along x-axis (in meters)
point.spacing.y <- 200						# point separation along y-axis (in meters)

if (((point.spacing.x * point.spacing.y) / 10000) != tile.area)
  stop("Error in point spacing along x and y dimensions...\n")

point.offset.x <- point.spacing.x / 2
point.offset.y <- point.spacing.y / 2

# --- Generate regular grid of points inside merged polygon
# --- The number of points in the grid is roughly equal to the area
# --- of the target region divided by the area encompassed by one grid point.

gg1 <- bbox(outer.shape.GK)		# bounding box of outer polygon
range.x <- range(pretty(range(gg1["x",]), n = 40, high.u.bias = 100))	# range of lon (x) values
range.y <- range(pretty(range(gg1["y",]), n = 40, high.u.bias = 100))	# range of lat (y) values

# --- The x- and y-values generated exceed the boundaries of the outer polygon
# --- so it can be easier to generate unit-area tiles afterwards...

x.values <- seq(from=(floor(range.x[1]) - (2 * point.spacing.x) + point.offset.x),
  to=(ceiling(range.x[2] + (2 * point.spacing.x))),

y.values <- seq(from=(floor(range.y[1]) - (2 * point.spacing.y) + point.offset.y),
  to=ceiling(range.y[2] + (2 * point.spacing.y)),

gg2 <- as.data.frame(expand.grid(lon = x.values, lat = y.values))

# --- Reorder the points so they are ordered along rows of constant latitude.
# --- Latitude is sorted in reverse so the first line is the northernmost lat.

gg2 <- dplyr::arrange(gg2, desc(lat), lon)
row.names(gg2) <- 1:nrow(gg2)	# matrix of coordinates for points in grid

# --- Create a spatial points object with what will be the centers
# --- of the tiles to be created later.

points.info <- data.frame(point.ID = row.names(gg2),
  x.coord = gg2[, "lon"], y.coord = gg2[, "lat"])

gg3 <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = gg2, data = points.info,
  proj = CRS(gk.crs.string), match.ID = TRUE)

# --- If plot.results == TRUE, plot grid of points

if (plot.results) {
  plot(gg3, axes=TRUE, pch="16", col="tomato", cex=0.1)
  plot(outer.shape.GK, lwd=2, border="steelblue4", add=TRUE)
  title("Departments in Salado A Basin")

remove(gg1, gg2, range.x, range.y, x.values, y.values)
remove(point.offset.x, point.offset.y); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Create SpatialPolygons object with unit-area tiles ----

polys <- vector(mode="list", length = length(coordinates(gg3)[,1]))

# --- From the points, first we generate a grid topology,
# --- and then polygons around each point.

hh1 <- points2grid(gg3, round=NULL)

hh2 <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset=hh1@cellcentre.offset,

hh3 <- as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology(hh2,
  proj4string = CRS(gk.crs.string) )

hh4 <- sp::spChFIDs(hh3, x=as.character(points.info$point.ID))	# assign unique polygon IDs

hh5 <- points.info$point.ID

polys[hh5] <- slot(hh4[hh5],"polygons"); gc()

tiles.SP <- SpatialPolygons(polys,
  proj4string = CRS(gk.crs.string))

# --- Plot tiles and tile IDs

if (plot.results) {
  plot(tiles.SP, axes=TRUE, asp=1, border="grey70", lwd=0.5)
  title("Salado A Basin")
  plot(cuenca.A.UTM, add=TRUE, lwd=2, border="steelblue3")
  # plot(gg3,add=TRUE, pch=16, col="tomato", cex=0.5)
  # text(points.info[,"x.coord"], points.info[,"y.coord"],
  #	labels=points.info[,"point.ID"], cex=0.5)

rm(hh1,hh2,hh3,hh4,hh5,polys); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Identify and select points and tiles inside the outer shape of depts ----

# --- Select polygons that are COMPLETELY inside outer department shape. 

ccc <- rgeos::gWithin(tiles.SP, outer.shape.GK, byid = TRUE)
points.in <- which(ccc)
cc1 <- tiles.SP[points.in]       # Tiles inside outer shape

tiles.SP2 <- sp::spChFIDs(cc1,
  x = as.character(1:length(cc1)))	# assign unique polygon IDs

# --- Plot tiles inside target region...

if (plot.results) {
  plot(tiles.SP2[1:5000], axes = TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd = 0.5)
  plot(outer.shape.GK, lwd = 2, add = TRUE, border = "steelblue1")
  title("Salado A Basin")

remove(tiles.SP, ccc, cc1, points.in); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Read or build a 'master.tile.list' data frame ----

# --- This master list has information about all tiles in the outer shape,
# --- of departments, given a tile size and shape.
# --- If a text file exists, the list will be read at the start of each run,
# --- to avoid selecting  tiles used in a previous run.
# --- If the text file does not exist, create a 'master.tile.list' data frame
# --- with the tile information.

# --- Define name of text file with the master tile list. 

master.tile.outdir <- "D:/ENSO/Projects/CNH3/data/campos_sinteticos/tablas_datos/"
master.list.outfile <- paste(master.tile.outdir,"master_tile_data.txt", sep = "")

# --- Check if file exists. 
# --- If it exists, then read it... else, create the data frame 'master.tile.list'

# --- WARNING: If a department/partido has already been processed and
# --- the master list is read from a file, only few available tiles may be left
# --- for that department.
# --- If a department has to be re-run, make sure that master list is not read.

if (file.exists(master.list.outfile)) {
  # Master file list exists, then READ it....
  cat('Reading existing master tile file...')
  master.tile.list <- read.table(master.list.outfile,
    header = TRUE, sep = '\t', strip.white = TRUE)
} else {
  # Master file list DOES NOT exist, CREATE it....
  cat('Creating master tile data frame')
  tile.IDs <- as.numeric(sapply(slot(tiles.SP2, "polygons"),
    function(x) {slot(x,"ID")}))
  tile.coords <- coordinates(tiles.SP2)
  # --- Generate a data frame with ALL tiles inside outer shape of departments.
  # --- The list will be used to identify tiles already assigned to a farm.
  master.tile.list <- data.frame(tile.ID = tile.IDs,
    x.coord = tile.coords[, 1],
    y.coord = tile.coords[, 2],
    available = rep(TRUE, length.out = length(tile.IDs)),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

table(master.tile.list$available, useNA = 'always')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ***** Start working with farms *****
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Read table with sizes of farms to be simulated ----

indir1 <- "D:/ENSO/R stuff/SaladoBasin/"    # Input dir for Federico's table
file1 <- "Salado_A_to_GIS_2002.txt"         # Input file for Federico's table

# --- Either read the table with farm sizes provided by Federico or,
# --- alternatively,
# --- read a test file with a few synthetic farm sizes for testing...

test.farm.sizes <- FALSE		# If TRUE, use test farm size data set

if (!test.farm.sizes) {			# Do not use test farm sizes
  # --- Table with farm sizes from Federico
  infile1 <- paste(indir1, file1, sep="")
  if (!exists("infile1")) {
    stop("ERROR: Specified input file", file1, "does not exist...\n")
  farm.table <- read.table(infile1, sep="\t", na.strings=c("",NA), header=TRUE)
  # --- Retain only a few variables:   
  farm.table <- farm.table[,c("region.id","province.id",
    "original.farm.size", "adjusted.farm.size")]
} else {
  # --- Table with TEST farm sizes
  file1 <- "TEST.farm.sizes.txt"
  infile1 <- paste(indir1, file1, sep="")
  if (!exists("infile1")) {
    stop("ERROR: Specified input file", file1, "does not exist...\n")
  farm.table <- read.table(infile1, sep="\t", na.strings=c("",NA), header=TRUE)
  # --- Retain only a few variables:
  farm.table <- farm.table[,c("region.id","farm.id","owner.id",

rm(indir1, file1, infile1); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Adjust synthetic farm sizes ----
# --- so they are integer multiples of the unit tile size.

# --- If a farm is too large ( > 5000 has or 250 times the area of the unit tile)
# --- then truncate adjusted size to about 5000 has (final size depends on tile area).
# --- If a farm is too small ( < 20 has) then increase adjusted area to minimum area
# --- (one unit tile).

#  tile.area <- 20
max.farm.size <-  250 * tile.area # 5000 has with a tile of 20 has
min.farm.size <- tile.area        # about 20 has

farm.table <- dplyr::tbl_df(farm.table) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(adjusted.farm.size = round((original.farm.size /
    tile.area), 0) * tile.area) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(adjusted.farm.size = ifelse(adjusted.farm.size >= max.farm.size,
    max.farm.size, adjusted.farm.size)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(adjusted.farm.size = ifelse(adjusted.farm.size <= min.farm.size,
    min.farm.size, adjusted.farm.size)) %>%
  dplyr::rename(prov.code = province.id, dept.code = department.id)

if (any(farm.table$adjusted.farm.size %% tile.area != 0)) {
  stop('There are adjusted areas not integer multiples of tile area')

# --- Check the areas of all adjusted farm sizes against
# --- the total area of departments considered.

sum.farms <- sum(farm.table$adjusted.farm.size)  # Sum of adjusted sizes

sum.depts <- ceiling(sum(basin.depts$area) * 100)  # sum of department areas in km^2, expressed in has

if (sum.depts >= sum.farms) {
  cat("Sum of adjusted farm areas is lower than sum of total departments area...\n")
} else {
  stop("Sum of adjusted farm areas is HIGHER than sum of total departments area!\n")

rm(min.farm.size, max.farm.size, sum.farms, sum.depts); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Identify departments with problems in farm areas ----

# --- Identify those departments for which area of farms to simulate is
# --- larger or equal than the total department area.

ddd <- dplyr::tbl_df(farm.table) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(prov.code, dept.code) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(count.a = n(),
    sum.o = round(sum(original.farm.size), 0),
    sum.a = sum(adjusted.farm.size) )

dd2 <- dplyr::inner_join(ddd, dplyr::tbl_df(basin.depts)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(dept.area = (area * 100),
    prop = round(sum.a / (area * 100), 3)) %>%
  dplyr::select(prov.code, prov.name, dept.code, dept.name,
    count.a, sum.o, sum.a, dept.area, prop) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(prov.code, count.a)

dd3 <- dplyr::filter(dd2, prop >= 0.97)

if (any(dd2$prop >= 1)) {
  warning('Farm areas > dept size for SOME depts...\n')

rm(ddd, dd2, dd3); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Make a dotchart with number of farms to be simulated by department ----
# --- Se usa un dotplot algo mas sofisticado, usando funcion dotchart2()
# --- en paquete Hmisc. Los departamentos se agrupan por provincia.

dept.dir <- "D:/ENSO/Projects/CNH3/data/shapes_depts/"

if (plot.results) { 
  dd1 <- dplyr::tbl_df(farm.table) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(dept.code) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(n.farms = n()) %>%
  dd3 <- dplyr::inner_join(dd1, dplyr::tbl_df(basin.depts)) %>%
    dplyr::select(dept.name, prov.name, n.farms) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(prov.name, desc(n.farms))
  dd3$dept.name <-stringr::str_to_title(dd3$dept.name)
  Cairo::CairoPNG(filename = paste0(dept0.dir,"synth_farms_dotplot.png"),
    width = 840, height = 940,
    pointsize = 12, bg = "white",  res = NA)
    labels = dd3$dept.name,
    groups = dd3$prov.name,
    auxdata = dd3$n.farms,
    auxtitle="Synth\n farms",
    xlab="Number of farms",
    main="Number of synthetic farms - Salado A Basin",
    dotsize = 1.1,
    cex.labels = 0.6,
    cex.group.labels = 0.8,
    sort. = FALSE,
    pch = 16, col = "tomato")
  rm(dd1, dd2, dd3); gc()
} # Fin de if que define si se grafican resultados
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# --- Iterate over each department inside the Salado A basin

# for (iii in 1:n.of.depts) {

for (iii in 18:34) {

# iii <- 20

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Read shape file for THIS department ----

dept.dir <- "D:/ENSO/Projects/CNH3/data/shapes_depts/"

oldPath <- getwd()
cat("Reading shape file for department", dept.names[iii], "...\n")
dept.boundary <- rgdal::readOGR(".", layer = dept.names[iii], verbose = TRUE)

dept.data <- slot(dept.boundary, "data") # Data associated with THIS department

dept.name <- dept.names[iii]
dept.name.lc <- dept.names.lc[iii]

rm(oldPath); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#  
# --- Convert boundary for THIS department into GK and UTM coordinates (in meters) ----

dept.boundary.GK <- sp::spTransform(dept.boundary,
    CRS = CRS(gk.crs.string))

dept.boundary.UTM <- sp::spTransform(dept.boundary,
  CRS = CRS(utm.crs.string))

# --- Plot outer boundary of THIS department in GK coordinates
if (plot.results) {
  plot(dept.boundary.GK, axes=TRUE)
  plot(dept.boundary.GK, border="steelblue4",
    col=rgb(246/255, 232/255, 195/255),
    lwd=2, add=T)

# --- Plot outer boundary of THIS department in lat-lon coordinates

if (plot.results) {
  plot(dept.boundary, axes=TRUE, border="steelblue4",
    col=rgb(246/255, 232/255, 195/255))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Calculate area of department in hectares ----
# --- Divide by 10,000 because 1 ha = 10,000 m^2
# --- Also, 1 km^2 = 100 ha

# area <- (sapply(slot(dept.boundary.GK,"polygons"),
#   function(x) {slot(x,"area")} )) / 10000.
area <- ceiling(rgeos::gArea(dept.boundary.GK) / 10000.)
cat(paste("Area of department", dept.name.lc, "is", area, "hectares...\n"))
cat(paste("Area of department", dept.name.lc, "is", area/100, "km^2...\n"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Identify and select tiles inside THIS department ----

tiles.SP3 <- tiles.SP2[dept.boundary.GK, ]     # Tiles inside polygon

tile.IDs.this.dept <- sapply(slot(tiles.SP3, "polygons"),
  function(x) {slot(x,"ID")})

# --- Tiles NOT available within entire region.
# --- Some tiles inside THIS department may have been used
# --- while processing previous departments.

tiles.unavailable.all.region <- as.numeric(master.tile.list$tile.ID[
  master.tile.list$available == FALSE])

uu1 <- tile.IDs.this.dept %in% tiles.unavailable.all.region

if (any(uu1)) {
  # Must eliminate tiles from this dept used before...
  cat('SOME tiles in this department have been used previously...\n')
  cat('The number of tiles inside this department will be reduced accordingly.\n')
  tiles.SP3 <- tiles.SP3[!uu1]
} else {
  # No need to eliminate any tiles wiuthin this dept
  cat('ALL tiles inside department are available...')

n.tiles.in.dept <- length(tiles.SP3)  # Number of tiles inside polygon

# --- Plot tiles inside target region...

if (plot.results) {
  sp::plot(dept.boundary.GK, axes = TRUE, border = 'steelblue1')
  sp::plot(tiles.SP3, add = TRUE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Build table of farms (trimmed, if needed) for THIS department ----

# --- Select farms inside THIS department (the one we are working on)

tt1 <- match(dept.name, basin.depts$dept.name)
this.dept.code <- as.numeric(basin.depts[tt1, "dept.code"])

farm.table.this.dept <- dplyr::tbl_df(farm.table) %>%
  dplyr::filter(dept.code == this.dept.code) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(tiles.required = round((adjusted.farm.size / tile.area), 0))  %>%

n.sim.farms <- nrow(farm.table.this.dept)  # number of simulated farms for THIS dept

n.tiles.required.this.dept  <- sum(farm.table.this.dept$tiles.required)

# --- Check if number of tiles within THIS dept is sufficient
# --- to place all farms in the dept.
# --- The number of tiles needed for all farms is compared to 
# --- the value of 'n.tiles.in.dept', calculated in the previous step.
# --- This number of tiles lists those tiles AVAILABLE for this
# --- department, as some tiles may have been used when assembling farms
# --- for an adjacent department.

cat(paste('Number of tiles in THIS department:', n.tiles.in.dept,'\n'))
cat(paste('Number of tiles needed for farms:', n.tiles.required.this.dept,'\n'))

# Proportion of available tiles in dept that can assigned to farms
max.prop.tiles <- 0.97 

if (n.tiles.required.this.dept > n.tiles.in.dept) {
  # Are there sufficient tiles inside the department?
  warning("Number of tiles required is > tiles in THIS department")
  warning("List of farms MUST be adjusted to fit in department")
  cat('Trimming list of farms within THIS department...\n')

  farm.table.this.dept <- FilterFarms(farm.table.this.dept,
    farm.comparable.field = 'tiles.required',
    max.aggregated.value = n.tiles.in.dept,
    initial.seed = 0,
    max.rate = max.prop.tiles)
  n.sim.farms <- nrow(farm.table.this.dept)  # number of simulated farms for THIS dept
  cat(paste('Trimmed number of farms within THIS department:',
    n.sim.farms, '\n'))
} # End of if that checks if total number of tiles required is > tiles in department

if (plot.results) {
    breaks = c(0,100,250,500, 1000, 2500, 5000.01),
    freq = FALSE, col = "thistle",
    xlab = "Simulated farm areas (ha)")


rm(tt1, this.dept.code, max.prop.tiles)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Build a list to store tile IDs used for each simulated farm ----
# --- The list has length equal to the number of farms to be simulated.

tile.IDs.used <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.sim.farms)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Build a data frame with info on tiles in THIS department ----
# --- The data frame lists the IDs of tiles, their x- and y-coordinates.
# --- A fourth column indicates if tiles are available to be used
# --- to construct a farm. Initially all tiles are set to TRUE.

tile.IDs <- sapply(slot(tiles.SP3, "polygons"), function(x) {slot(x, "ID")})
tile.coords <- coordinates(tiles.SP3)

tiles.available.this.dept <- data.frame(tile.ID = tile.IDs,
  x.coord = tile.coords[, 1],
  y.coord = tile.coords[, 2],
  available = rep(TRUE, length.out = length(tile.IDs)),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

tiles.available.this.dept.2 <- rep(TRUE, length.out = length(tile.IDs),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(tiles.available.this.dept.2) <- tile.IDs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Find the k nearest neighbors for each tile inside THIS department ----
# --- inside the region considered.
# --- The number of neighbors found (k) is equal to the highest number
# --- of tiles required (i.e., the number of tiles needed to simulate
# --- the largest synthetic farm) plus an extra (here, 10%).
# --- The calculation returns a matrix that has (a) a number of rows equal to
# --- the number of tiles inside the region and (b) k columns (for the k nearest neigbors).
# --- NOTE: the values of the elements of the matrix of nearest neighbors are the _indices_
# --- of tiles inthe input object.

cc3 <- spdep::knearneigh(tile.coords,
  k = ceiling(max(farm.table.this.dept[, "tiles.required"]) * 1.3),
  longlat = FALSE,
  RANN = TRUE); gc()

nn.indices <- cc3$nn    # Nearest neighbors that are available
row.names(nn.indices) <- tiles.available.this.dept[, "tile.ID"]

# --- We add one column at the beginning of the matrix of neighbors
# --- that includes the index of the tile for which neighbors
# --- are found.

nn.indices.with.base.tile <- cbind((1:nrow(nn.indices)), nn.indices)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Iterate over the number of synthetic farms to be generated ----


for (i in 1:n.sim.farms) {
  ##  i <- 1

  cat(paste("Simulating farm", i, "of", n.sim.farms, "...\n"))
  sim.farm.area <- farm.table.this.dept[i, "adjusted.farm.size"]  # area of THIS simulated farm
  n.tiles <- as.numeric(farm.table.this.dept[i, "tiles.required"])  # how many unit tiles  required for THIS farm?
  cat("Tiles needed for this farm:", as.numeric(n.tiles),"\n")
  # Find IDs of tiles that are still available for allocation to a farm
  tile.IDs.still.available <- dplyr::filter(tiles.available.this.dept, available == TRUE)
  if (nrow(tile.IDs.still.available) < n.tiles) {
    # There are no tiles available for this farm
    stop(paste("No tiles available for farm", i, "of", nrow(farm.table.this.dept)))
  } else {
    uu0 <- tile.IDs.still.available[, "tile.ID"]
    cat("Tiles still available:", length(uu0), "...\n")
    if (n.tiles == 1) {
      # Only ONE tile needed for this farm...
      # --- ID for the first (and, here, only) tile in a simulated farm
      first.tile.ID <- sample(uu0, size = 1)
    } else {
      # More than one tile needed for this farm...
      n.neighbors.still.available <- apply(X = nn.indices.with.base.tile, MARGIN = 1,
        FUN = function(x) {length(x[!is.na(x)])})
      indices.tiles.with.enough.neighbors <- which(n.neighbors.still.available >= n.tiles)
      names(indices.tiles.with.enough.neighbors) <- NULL
      # --- ID for the first tile in a simulated farm
      first.tile.ID <- sample(as.numeric(
        tiles.available.this.dept[indices.tiles.with.enough.neighbors, "tile.ID"]),
        size = 1)
      # Select the first tile selected plus "n.tiles - 1" nearest neighbors.
      # Remember the first column in "nn.indices.with.base.tile" is the index of the
      # first tile selected.
    } # End of else for only one tile needed
    # --- Find out the row number for the tile ID selected
    first.tile.row <- which(tiles.available.this.dept[, "tile.ID"] == first.tile.ID)
    oo1 <- nn.indices.with.base.tile[first.tile.row, ]
    oo2 <- oo1[!is.na(oo1)]
    # Indices and positions of all tiles used for THIS farm
    all.tiles <- oo2[1:n.tiles]
    all.tiles.IDs <- as.numeric(tiles.available.this.dept[all.tiles, "tile.ID"])
  } # End of else for tiles still available

  # --- Now that we have finished selecting tiles for THIS synthetic farm
  # --- let's save the tiles used for it in a list.
  tile.IDs.used[[i]] <- all.tiles.IDs  # store points used for this farm
  # --- Mark those tiles used for THIS farm
  # --- as unavailable for use in other farms
  tiles.available.this.dept[all.tiles, "available"] <- FALSE
  # --- In the list of available neighbors, mark tiles used as unavailable (NA)
  for (k in 1:nrow(nn.indices.with.base.tile)) {
    uu1 <- nn.indices.with.base.tile[k, ] %in% all.tiles
    nn.indices.with.base.tile[k, which(uu1)] <- NA

}   # End of iterating over number of farms to be simulated

# --- Update the master tile list (for entire area) setting to FALSE
# --- column 'available' for those rows which have been used in this department.

uuu <- as.numeric(tiles.available.this.dept[tiles.available.this.dept$available == FALSE, 'tile.ID'])
uu2 <- match(uuu, as.numeric(master.tile.list$tile.ID))
master.tile.list[uu2, 'available'] <- FALSE


       tile.IDs.still.available, uuu, uu2)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Check that there are no duplicates among selected tile IDs ----

oo5 <- sort(as.numeric(unlist(tile.IDs.used)))
if (any(duplicated(oo5))) {stop("ERROR: Duplicated tile IDs...\n")}


# --- Check that areas of generated farms coincide with those specified

ww1 <- lapply(tile.IDs.used, FUN=length)
ww2 <- unlist(ww1) * tile.area

if (any(ww2 != farm.table.this.dept[,"adjusted.farm.size"])) {
  stop("ERROR: Specified and simulated farm areas do not coincide...\n")
  ww3 <- which(ww2 != farm.table.this.dept[, "adjusted.farm.size"])

remove(ww1,ww2,oo5); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Plot tiles used for each simulated farm and their center points ----

if (plot.results) {
  uu1 <- unlist(tile.IDs.used)
  uu2 <- which(uu1 %in% tile.IDs)
  farm.colors <- sample(brewer.pal(8, "Pastel2"),
    size = n.sim.farms, replace = TRUE)

  plot(dept.boundary.GK, axes=TRUE, asp=1)
  plot(dept.boundary.GK, lwd=2, border="steelblue4", add=T)
  for (i in 1:n.sim.farms) {
    ppp <- sort(tile.IDs.used[[i]])
    pp2 <- match(ppp, tile.IDs)
    plot(tiles.SP3[pp2, ], add=TRUE,
      col = farm.colors[i], border = farm.colors[i], lwd=0.01)
  }	# End of iteration through simulated farms
  remove(ppp, pp2, farm.colors)
}   # End of "if plot.results"

rm(uu1, uu2); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Merge all unit polygons for each farm into a single polygon ----
# --- the unionSpatialPolygons() function produces an object of
# --- SpatialPolygon class, so we extract the polygon.

list.of.polygons <- vector("list", length = n.sim.farms)  # store farm polygons here

for (i in 1:n.sim.farms) {
  #  i <- 25
  sim.farm.ID <- as.numeric(farm.table.this.dept[i, "farm.id"])
  cat("Working on farm",i,"of", n.sim.farms,"... Farm ID:", sim.farm.ID,"...\n")
  pp1 <- sort(as.numeric(tile.IDs.used[[i]]))	# Tile IDs used for THIS farm
  pp2 <- match(pp1, as.numeric(tiles.available.this.dept[, "tile.ID"]))	# Row numbers in tiles object
  pp3 <- maptools::unionSpatialPolygons(tiles.SP3[pp2],
    IDs = as.numeric(rep(sim.farm.ID, times = length(pp2))),
    threshold = NULL)
  chk <- sapply(slot(pp3, "polygons"), function(x) slot(x, "ID"))
  if (length(chk) != 1)
    stop("ERROR: More than one polygon...")
  pp5 <- pp3@polygons   			# extract polygon
  list.of.polygons[i] <- pp5  # store polygon for THIS farm into list
}	# End of iterating through simulated farms to merge all unit polygons

remove(pp1, pp2, pp3, pp5, chk); gc()
remove(nn.indices, tile.coords, tiles.available.this.dept); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Assemble polygons for all simulated farms ----
# --- into a single SpatialPolygons object

farms.SP <- SpatialPolygons(list.of.polygons)
slot(farms.SP, "proj4string") <- CRS(gk.crs.string)

# --- In some cases, the same polygon may have two Polygons inside
# --- after performing the union of the individual SpatialPolygons.
# --- This may mean a farm formed by tiles that are geographically disjoint.
# --- WARNING: There may be issues with calculation of centroids in these cases.

nn1 <- sapply(farms.SP@polygons, function(x) {length(slot(x,"Polygons")) })
nn2 <- which(nn1 > 1)

# --- Check if more than one polygon with same ID

chk <- sapply(slot(farms.SP, "polygons"), function(x) slot(x, "ID"))
chk2 <- any(duplicated(chk))
if (chk2) stop("ERROR: More than one polygon in farms.SP...\n")

remove(nn1,nn2,chk,chk2,list.of.polygons); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Convert polygon coordinates from Gauss-Kruger to lat-lon and UTM ----

# Latitude and longitude

farms.SP2 <- sp::spTransform(farms.SP, CRS(ll.crs.string))


farms.SP3 <- sp::spTransform(farms.SP, CRS(utm.crs.string))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Find centroids for farms in disjoint polygons ----
# --- There are a few farms that involve disjointed polygons (see above).
# --- In these cases, the centroid does not coincide with the "labpt" slot.

# --- First do it in Gauss-Kruger coordinates

farms.centroids.SP <- rgeos::gCentroid(farms.SP, byid = TRUE)

# --- Now do it in lat-lon coordinates

farms.centroids.SP2 <- rgeos::gCentroid(farms.SP2, byid = TRUE)

# --- Now do it in UTM coordinates

farms.centroids.SP3 <- rgeos::gCentroid(farms.SP3, byid = TRUE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Plot simulated farms ----
# --- using Spatial Polygons objects generated so far...

if (plot.results) {
  farm.colors <- sample(brewer.pal(8, "Pastel2"), size=n.sim.farms, replace=TRUE)
  # --- First plot in GK coordinates
  plot(dept.boundary.GK, axes = TRUE, border = "steelblue", lwd = 2)
  plot(farms.SP, lwd = 0.2, col = farm.colors, border = "darkgrey", add = TRUE)
  plot(farms.centroids.SP, add=TRUE, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="tomato")
  plot(dept.boundary.GK, add = TRUE, border = "steelblue", lwd = 2)
  title(paste("Synthetic Farms -", dept.name.lc))
  # --- Then plot in lat-lon coordinates
  plot(dept.boundary, axes = TRUE, border = "steelblue", lwd = 2)
  plot(farms.SP2, lwd = 0.2, col = farm.colors, border = "darkgrey", add = TRUE)
  plot(farms.centroids.SP2, add=TRUE, pch=16, cex=0.5, col="tomato")
  plot(dept.boundary, add = TRUE, border = "steelblue", lwd = 2)
  title(paste("Synthetic Farms -", dept.name.lc))
  # --- Then plot in UTM coordinates
  plot(dept.boundary.UTM, axes = TRUE, border = "steelblue", lwd = 2)
  plot(farms.SP3, lwd = 0.2, col = farm.colors, border = "darkgrey", add = TRUE)
  plot(farms.centroids.SP3, add=TRUE, pch=16, cex=0.5, col="tomato")
  plot(dept.boundary.UTM, add = TRUE, border = "steelblue", lwd = 2)
  title(paste("Synthetic Farms -", dept.name.lc))
  #farm.id <- sapply(slot(farms.SP2, "polygons"), function(x) {slot(x, "ID")})
  #pp1 <- t(sapply(slot(farms.SP2, "polygons"), function(x) {slot(x, "labpt")}))
  #text(pp1, labels=farm.id, cex=0.4)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Create an empty data frame to store info about each simulated farm ----

farms.DF <- data.frame(farmId = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  eapId = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  regnId = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  provId = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  provnm = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  deptId = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  deptnm = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  ownerId = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  orgFrmSz = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  adjFrmSz = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  GKlon = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  GKlat = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  deglon = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  deglat = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  UTMlon = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  UTMlat = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  perim = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  soilUnit = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  unitType = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  prodIndx = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  pctgSl1 = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  sgrpSl1 = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  pctgSl2 = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  sgrpSl2 = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  pctgSl3 = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  sgrpSl3 = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  creaGpId = rep(NA, n.sim.farms),
  advsrId= rep(NA, n.sim.farms) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Start filling in data frame with info about each simulated farm ----

# --- First, complete information using the synthetic farms' Spatial Polygons objects.

farms.DF[, "farmId"] <- as.numeric(sapply(slot(farms.SP2, "polygons"),
  function(x) {slot(x, "ID")}))
farms.DF[, "adjFrmSz"] <- sapply(slot(farms.SP, "polygons"),
  function(x) {slot(x, "area")}) / 10000
# Extract Gauss-Kruger coordinates for farm centroids from farms.centroids.SP3 object
farms.DF[, "GKlon"] <- round(coordinates(farms.centroids.SP)[,1], 0)
farms.DF[, "GKlat"] <- round(coordinates(farms.centroids.SP)[,2], 0)
# Extract lat-lon coordinates for farm centroids from farms.centroids.SP2 object
farms.DF[, "deglon"] <- round(coordinates(farms.centroids.SP2)[,1], 3)
farms.DF[, "deglat"] <- round(coordinates(farms.centroids.SP2)[,2], 3)
# Extract UTM coordinates for farm centroids from farms.centroids.SP object
farms.DF[, "UTMlon"] <- coordinates(farms.centroids.SP3)[,1]
farms.DF[, "UTMlat"] <- coordinates(farms.centroids.SP3)[,2]

# --- Second, complete  information using "farm.table.this.dept"

tt11 <- farm.table.this.dept$farm.id
tt12 <- match(farms.DF[,"farmId"], tt11)

farms.DF[, "eapId"] <- farm.table.this.dept[tt12,"eap.id"]									# Fill in EAP ID
farms.DF[, "regnId"] <- farm.table.this.dept[tt12,"region.id"]							# Fill in region ID
farms.DF[, "ownerId"] <- farm.table.this.dept[tt12,"owner.id"]							# Fill in farm owner ID
farms.DF[, "orgFrmSz"] <- round(farm.table.this.dept[tt12,"original.farm.size"], 1)		# Fill in farm size in original table

remove(tt11, tt12); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Calculate perimeter of each farm and store in data frame ----
# --- To do this, we must convert data into polygons used in PBSmapping library.
# --- In some cases, a farm includes separate polygons (e.g., a separate farm lot), so we need
# --- to sum up perimeters for all polygons coresponding to a given farm ID.

farms.PS <- SpatialPolygons2PolySet(farms.SP)			# Convert spatialpolygons into PBS PolySet
farms.perimeter <- calcLength(farms.PS, rollup=1)	# calculate perimeter (in meters)
farms.perimeter2 <- tapply(farms.perimeter[,"length"], INDEX=farms.perimeter[,"PID"], FUN=sum)	# add up perimeter for isolated polygons

farms.DF[, "perim"] <- as.vector(round(farms.perimeter2, 0))
# table(farms.DF$adjFrmSz, farms.DF$perim)

remove(farms.PS, farms.perimeter, farms.perimeter2); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Fetch province corresponding to each farm centroid ----
# --- First, read CORRECTED shape files with Argentine provinces

prov.dir <- "D:/ENSO-Data/Other Data/ARG_provinces/"
prov.file <- paste(prov.dir, "provs.corrected.shp", sep="")
if (!exists("prov.file")) {
  stop("ERROR: Specified SHP file for provinces", prov.file, "does not exist...\n") }

oldPath <- getwd()
pp1 <- readOGR(".", layer="provs.corrected", verbose = TRUE)
pp1 <- spTransform(pp1, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))

# --- Isolate the data part of provinces file

pp2 <- pp1@data

# --- Use centroids of farms to extract province data

pp6 <- over(farms.centroids.SP2, pp1)

farms.DF[, "provId"] <- as.numeric(pp6[, "indec.code"])		# Fill in INDEC province code
farms.DF[, "provnm"] <- as.character(pp6[,"prov.name"])		# Fill in province name

remove(prov.dir, prov.file, oldPath, pp1, pp2, pp6); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Fetch department corresponding to each farm centroid ----
# --- First, read CORRECTED shape files with Argentine departments

dept.dir <- "D:/ENSO-Data/Other Data/ARG_departments/"
dept.file <- paste(dept.dir, "deptscorrected.shp", sep="")
if (!exists("dept.file")) {
  stop("ERROR: Specified SHP file for departments", dept.file, "does not exist...\n") }

oldPath <- getwd()
pp1 <- readOGR(".", layer="deptscorrected", verbose = TRUE)
pp1 <- spTransform(pp1, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))

# --- Isolate the data part of department file

pp2 <- pp1@data

# --- Use centroids of farms to extract department data

pp6 <- over(farms.centroids.SP2, pp1)

dept.code1 <- as.numeric(pp6[, "code"])
dept.name1 <- as.character(pp6[, "dept"])

# --- Convert all upper case characters to upper and lower case

capwords <- function(s, strict = FALSE) {
  cap <- function(s) paste(toupper(substring(s,1,1)),
  {s <- substring(s,2); if(strict) tolower(s) else s},
  sep = "", collapse = " " )
  sapply(strsplit(s, split = " "), cap, USE.NAMES = !is.null(names(s)))

dept.name1 <- capwords(dept.name1, strict=TRUE)

farms.DF[, "deptId"] <- dept.code1		# Fill in department code
farms.DF[, "deptnm"] <- dept.name1		# Fill in department name

remove(dept.dir, dept.file, oldPath, pp1, pp2, pp6, dept.code1, dept.name1); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Add soil data for each synthetic farm from INTA soil atlas ----

# --- First, read data files downloaded from INTA.
# --- URL: http://geointa.inta.gov.ar/publico/INTA_SUELOS/suelos_500000_v8.zip.
# --- These files have soils by province, NOT by department.
# --- WARNING: "soils by department" file has different column names.

soils.dir <- "D:/ENSO-Data/Other Data/ARG_soils_by_province/"
oldPath <- getwd()
soils <- readOGR(".", layer="suelos_500000_v9", verbose = TRUE)
soils <- spTransform(soils, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))

# --- Get table with soil data

tt1 <- soils@data

# --- Extract soil data for farm centroids

pp7 <- over(farms.centroids.SP2, soils)

# --- Fill in dataframe with soil data

farms.DF[, "soilUnit"] <- as.character(pp7[, "SIMBC"])
farms.DF[, "unitType"] <- as.character(pp7[, "TIPO_UC"])
farms.DF[, "prodIndx"] <- as.numeric(pp7[, "IND_PROD"])
farms.DF[, "pctgSl1"] <- as.numeric(pp7[, "PORC_SUE1"])
farms.DF[, "pctgSl2"] <- as.numeric(pp7[, "PORC_SUE2"])
farms.DF[, "pctgSl3"] <- as.numeric(pp7[, "PORC_SUE3"])
farms.DF[, "sgrpSl1"] <- as.character(pp7[, "SGRUP_SUE1"])
farms.DF[, "sgrpSl2"] <- as.character(pp7[, "SGRUP_SUE2"])
farms.DF[, "sgrpSl3"] <- as.character(pp7[, "SGRUP_SUE3"])

remove(soils.dir,oldPath,soils,tt1,pp7); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Reorder rows in farms data frame ----
# ---- so they coincide with the order of farm IDs in polygons.

tt1 <- order(farms.DF[, "farmId"])
farms.DF <- farms.DF[tt1, ]

IDs <- as.numeric(sapply(slot(farms.SP, "polygons"), function(x) slot(x, "ID")))

pp1 <- match(IDs, farms.DF$farmId)

farms.DF <- farms.DF[pp1, ]
row.names(farms.DF) <- as.character(farms.DF[, "farmId"])

remove(tt1, pp1, IDs); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Create Spatial Polygons Data Frame objects in various coordinates ----

farms.SPDF <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(farms.SP, farms.DF)

# --- Check that polygon IDs and farm IDs in data slot coincide

tile.IDs.this.dept <- sapply(slot(farms.SPDF, "polygons"),
  function(x) {slot(x,"ID")})

uu0 <- as.numeric(tile.IDs.this.dept) == farms.SPDF$farmId
if (any(! uu0)) {
  Log.error('Polygon IDs do not coincide with farm ID in data slot')

# --- Convert coordinates from GK (meters) back to lat-lon
# --- and create a second Spatial Polygons Data Frame.

farms.SPDF2 <- spTransform(farms.SPDF, CRSobj	= CRS(ll.crs.string) )

# --- Convert coordinates from Gauss-Kruger (meters) to UTM coordinates
# --- and create a new Spatial Polygons Data Frame.

farms.SPDF3 <- spTransform(farms.SPDF, CRS(utm.crs.string) )

rm(tile.IDs.this.dept, uu0)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Write out created shape files using rgdal library ----

synth.farms.outdir <- "D:/ENSO/Projects/CNH3/data/campos_sinteticos/"
tt0 <- dir.create(synth.farms.outdir, showWarnings = TRUE)

# --- Write out polygons with lat-lon coordinates
synth.farms.outdir.ll <- paste0(synth.farms.outdir, 'latlon_coords/')
tt0 <- dir.create(synth.farms.outdir.ll, showWarnings = TRUE)

oldPath = getwd()

outfile <- paste(dept.names.noblanks[iii],"_synth_farms", sep = "")

rgdal::writeOGR(farms.SPDF2, dsn=".", layer=outfile, driver="ESRI Shapefile",
         overwrite_layer=TRUE, verbose = TRUE)


# --- Now write out polygons with Gauss-Kruger coordinates

synth.farms.outdir.GK <- paste0(synth.farms.outdir,'GK_coords/')
tt0 <- dir.create(synth.farms.outdir.GK, showWarnings = TRUE)

oldPath = getwd()

outfile <- paste(dept.names.noblanks[iii],"_synth_farms_GK", sep = "")

rgdal::writeOGR(farms.SPDF, dsn=".", layer=outfile, driver="ESRI Shapefile",
    overwrite_layer=TRUE, verbose = TRUE)


rm(synth.farms.outdir, outfile); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Write out filled-in farm table to output text file ----

synth.farms.tables.outdir <- "D:/ENSO/Projects/CNH3/data/campos_sinteticos/tablas_datos/"
tt0 <- dir.create(synth.farms.tables.outdir, showWarnings = TRUE)

oldPath = getwd()

farm.outfile <- paste(dept.names.noblanks[iii],"_synth_farm_data.txt", sep = "")
write.table(farms.DF, file = farm.outfile,
            append = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names=FALSE)

rm(synth.farms.tables.outdir, farm.outfile); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

}   # END of iteration over depts in Salado Basin

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Write out master tile list to text file brefore ending this run ----

# --- The 'master.tile.list' object is written after a run is finished
# --- and is read before another run begins. In this way, a run that starts
# --- can knw if a tile has been used previously.

master.list.outfile <- paste(master.tile.outdir,"master_tile_data.txt", sep = "")
write.table(master.tile.list, file = master.list.outfile,
  append = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

rm(master.tile.outdir, master.list.outfile); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- Clean up all objects ----

remove(list = ls()); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

depts.en.cuenca <- c("9 DE JULIO","ADOLFO ALSINA","BOLIVAR","BRAGADO",

ccc <- rgeos::gWithin(urban.areas.utm, cuenca.A.UTM, byid = TRUE)
cc2 <- which(ccc)

plot(cuenca.A.UTM, axes = TRUE)
plot(urban.areas.utm[cc2, ], add=TRUE, border = "tomato")

urban.areas.utm@data[cc2, ]

uuu <- (sapply(slot(urban.areas.utm,"polygons"),
               function(x) slot(x,"area"))) / 10000

ccc <- rgeos::gWithin(water.areas, cuenca.A.ll, byid = TRUE)
cc3 <- which(ccc)

plot(water.areas[cc3, ], add=TRUE, border = "steelblue")
plot(road.areas[ , ], add=TRUE, col = "orange")

ppp <- GSIF::getSpatialTiles(cuenca.A.ll, block.x = 0.5, block.y = 0.5, 
                             overlap.percent = 0, limit.bbox = TRUE,
                             return.SpatialPolygons = TRUE)

# --- If the farms do not fit inside the department, because there
# --- not enought available tiles, the number of synthetic farm
# --- needs to be reduced until they fit.
# --- First, we compute 95% of all tiles (not all tiles in a department
# --- are occupied by farms).
# --- Then, original list of synthetic farms is trimmed until the
# --- number of tiles needed reaches the number of available tiles.
# --- The trimming proceeds form the largest farm towards smaller farms.

tt1 <- floor(n.tiles.in.dept * 0.95)  # 95% of tiles in department
tt2 <- cumsum(sim.farms$tiles)        # Cumulative sum of tiles needed
tt3 <- which(tt2 <= tt1)        # List of farms (from largest) that fit inside department

# --- Now sim.farms will be trimmed to eliminate farms that
# --- do not fit inside department (insufficient tiles).
# --- Smallest farms are deleted first until the sum of areas reaches
# --- 95% of tiles inside department.

sim.farms <- sim.farms[tt3, ]   # Delete smallest farms

# --- Adjust these vectors after trimming farms

sim.farm.areas <- sim.farm.areas[tt3] # Adjusted farm size (multiples of point area)
sim.farm.IDs <- sim.farm.IDs[tt3]     # IDs of simulated farms
n.sim.farms <- nrow(sim.farms)    		# number of simulated farms

# --- Plot cumulative number of tiles and tiles in department

if (plot.results) {
  plot(tt2, type="l", col="steelblue",
    xlab="Number of farms",
    ylab="Cumulative number of tiles",
    main = dept.name.lc)
  abline(h = c(n.tiles.in.dept, n.tiles.in.dept * 0.95), col="grey60")

} #End of check for number of needed tiles > tiles in department

remove(ww1,tiles.required, total.tiles.required, n.tiles.in.dept, uuu); gc()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Function to reduce number of synthetic farms if necessary ----

FilterFarms <- function(synth.farms, max.area.rate = 0.95) {
  filtered.synth.farms <- NULL
  FilterFarmsPerDept <- function(dept, synth.farms, max.area.rate) {
    dept.farms    <- synth.farms[synth.farms$dept.code == dept$dept.code, ]
    adjusted.area <- sum(dept.farms$adjusted.farm.size)
    while (adjusted.area > (max.area.rate * dept$area)) {
      row.number    <- sample(x = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(dept.farms)),
      adjusted.area <- sum(dept.farms$adjusted.farm.size)
      dept.farms    <- dept.farms[-c(row.number),]
    if (is.null(filtered.synth.farms)) {
      filtered.synth.farms <<- dept.farms
    } else {
      filtered.synth.farms <<- rbind(filtered.synth.farms, dept.farms)
  depts.df  <- unique(synth.farms[c("dept.code", "area")])
  depts.lol <- apply(depts.df, MARGIN=1, FUN=as.list)
  lapply(depts.lol, FUN=FilterFarmsPerDept, synth.farms=synth.farms,
  return (filtered.synth.farms)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --- Reduce number of farms if their total area is > dept area ----

ddd <- dplyr::inner_join(farm.table, dplyr::tbl_df(basin.depts)) %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(dept.head:cent.lat, area.igm, perim)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(area = area * 100) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(prov.code, dept.code, farm.id) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(prov.code, dept.code, owner.id, farm.id)

farm.table <- FilterFarms(ddd, max.area.rate = 0.95)

dd3 <- dplyr::tbl_df(ddd) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(dept.code, dept.name) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(total.orig = sum(adjusted.farm.size))

dd4 <- dplyr::tbl_df(farm.table) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(dept.code) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(total.adj = sum(adjusted.farm.size))

dplyr::inner_join(dd3, dd4) %>%
  dplyr::filter(total.orig != total.adj)

rm(ddd, dd2, dd3, dd4)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

nacol <- function(spdf) {
  resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]
  nunique <- function(x){unique(x[!is.na(x)])}
  np = nrow(spdf)
  adjl = spdep::poly2nb(spdf)
  cols = rep(NA, np)
  nextColour = 2
  for(k in 2:np){
    adjcolours = nunique(cols[adjl[[k]]])
      avail = setdiff(nunique(cols), nunique(adjcolours))
schmidtfederico/glmwgen documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:41 p.m.