
Defines functions print.czech_date_interval knit_print.czech_date_interval czech_date_interval czech_date_main knit_print.czech_date as.character.czech_date print.czech_date as_czech_date

Documented in as.character.czech_date as_czech_date czech_date_interval czech_date_main knit_print.czech_date knit_print.czech_date_interval print.czech_date print.czech_date_interval

#' Make Date of Class `czech_date`
#' Appends the `czech_date` class attribute to the input object. Date of class
#' `czech_date` is printed as a date in long format with correct Czech
#' grammatical case (see Details and Grammatical cases section below).
#' The grammatical case *should* be specified as and argument to `print()`
#' method, but for convenience, you can predefine it in `as_czech_date` call
#' directly. It is then stored as an attribute, later grabbed by the `print`
#' method.
#' Note that as opposed to other date formating functions in `R`,
#' `as_date_czech` trims leading zeros.
#' @inheritSection czech_date_main Grammatical cases
#' @inheritParams czech_date_main
#' @examples
#' Sys.time() %>% as_czech_date()
#' # in "nominative" grammatical case (note the abbreviation)
#' Sys.time() %>% as_czech_date("nom")
#' @return Same as input, but with class `czech_date` and attribute
#'   `gramm_case`.
#' @family format related functions
#' @export
as_czech_date <- function(date, case = "genitive") {
  class(date) <- c("czech_date", class(date))
  attr(date, "gramm_case") <- match.arg(case, c("genitive", "nominative", "locative"))

#' Print Czech Date
#' S3 method for class `czech_date`.
#' @inheritParams czech_date_main
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
print.czech_date <- function(x, ...) {
  case <- list(...)[["case"]]
  if (is.null(case)) case <- attr(x, "gramm_case")
  print(czech_date_main(x, case))

#' as.character S3 method for class czech_date
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as.character.czech_date <- function(x, ...) {
  case <- list(...)[["case"]]
  if (is.null(case)) case <- attr(x, "gramm_case")
  czech_date_main(x, case)

#' knit_print S3 method for class czech_date
#' @importFrom knitr knit_print asis_output
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
knit_print.czech_date <- function(x, ...) { # nolint: object_name_linter
  case <- list(...)[["case"]]
  if (is.null(case)) case <- attr(x, "gramm_case")
  asis_output(czech_date_main(x, case))

#' Czech Date Internals
#' Function used by S3 methods for class `czech_date`.
#' @section Grammatical cases:
#' Three grammatical cases are supported:
#'  - *nominative* -- native form, i.e. "leden" in Czech
#'  - *locative* -- "in ...", i.e. "v lednu" in Czech
#'  - *genitive* -- "the 'nth' of ...", i.e. "5. ledna" in Czech
#' Czech months listed by case are available in `.czech_months`.
#' @param date *date or date-like object* to parse.
#' @param case *character*, either "nominative", "locative" or "genitive"
#'   (default) or any unambiguous abbreviation of these.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
czech_date_main <- function(date, case) {
  dt <- as.POSIXlt(date) # hmmm POSIXlt is built on top of a list! exploit!
  day <- dt$mday
  month <- dt$mon + 1
  year <- dt$year + 1900

  case <- match.arg(case, c("genitive", "nominative", "locative"))

  paste0(day, ". ", .czech_months[[case]][month], " ", year)

#' List of Czech Months in Three Grammatical Cases
#' As used by `czech_date_main()`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.czech_months <- list(
  nominative = c(
    "leden", "\u00fanor", "b\u0159ezen", "duben", "kv\u011bten", "\u010derven", "\u010dervenec", "srpen", "z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed", "\u0159\u00edjen", "listopad", "prosinec"
  locative = c(
    "lednu", "\u00fanoru", "b\u0159eznu", "dubnu", "kv\u011btnu", "\u010dervnu", "\u010dervenci", "srpnu", "z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed", "\u0159\u00edjnu", "listopadu", "prosinci"
  genitive = c(
    "ledna", "\u00fanora", "b\u0159ezna", "dubna", "kv\u011btna", "\u010dervna", "\u010dervence", "srpna", "z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed", "\u0159\u00edjna", "listopadu", "prosince"

#' Czech Date Interval
#' Returns the most space-efficient and at the same time grammatically correct
#' interval of two Czech dates. When both dates are the same, only one is
#' outputted. The function ensures that the interval is not negative (i.e.,
#' `start` <= `end`), otherwise, it is reversed.
#' @param start *Date of date-like object*, start date or left boundary of an
#'   interval.
#' @param end *Date of date-like object*, end date or right boundary of an
#'   interval.
#' @examples
#' czech_date_interval("2020-01-24", "2020-01-03") # note the argument order
#' @return Character
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @export
czech_date_interval <- function(start, end) {
  if (length(start) != 1 || length(end) != 1) {
    abort("You cannot provide more than one start or end date.")

  dt <- as.POSIXlt(c(start, end))

  if (start > end) {
    dt <- rev(dt)

  day <- dt$mday
  month <- dt$mon + 1
  year <- dt$year + 1900

  czech_date <- as_czech_date(dt)
  czech_months <- .czech_months[["genitive"]][month]

  res <- if (year[1] == year[2]) {
    if (month[1] == month[2]) {
      if (day[1] == day[2]) {
      } else {
          day[2], ". ", czech_months[1], " ", year[1]
    } else {
        day[1], ". ", czech_months[1],
        " \u2013\ ",
        day[2], ". ", czech_months[2], " ",
  } else {
    paste0(czech_date[1], " \u2013 ", czech_date[2])

  class(res) <- "czech_date_interval"

#' knit_print S3 method for class czech_date_interval
#' @importFrom knitr knit_print asis_output is_latex_output
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
knit_print.czech_date_interval <- function(x, ...) { # nolint: object_name_linter
  if (is_latex_output()) {
    x <- gsub("\u2013", "\\\\nobreakdash\u2013", x)

#' print S3 method for class czech_date_interval
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
print.czech_date_interval <- function(x, ...) {
scholaempirica/reschola documentation built on June 1, 2024, 1:29 p.m.