
"between" <- function (dudi, fac, scannf = TRUE, nf = 2) {
  .Deprecated(new="bca", package="ade4", 
              msg="To avoid some name conflicts, the 'between' function is now deprecated. Please use 'bca' instead")
  res <- bca(x=dudi, fac=fac, scannf = scannf, nf = nf)
  res$call <- match.call()

"betweencoinertia" <- function (obj, fac, scannf = TRUE, nf = 2) {
  .Deprecated(new="bca", package="ade4", 
              msg="To avoid some name conflicts, the 'betweencoinertia' function is now deprecated. Please use 'bca.coinertia' instead")
  res <- bca(x=obj, fac=fac, scannf = scannf, nf = nf)
  res$call <- match.call()

"within" <- function (dudi, fac, scannf = TRUE, nf = 2) {
  .Deprecated(new="wca", package="ade4", 
              msg="To avoid some name conflicts, the 'within' function is now deprecated. Please use 'wca' instead")
  res <- wca(x=dudi, fac=fac, scannf = scannf, nf = nf)
  res$call <- match.call()

"withincoinertia" <-  function (obj, fac, scannf = TRUE, nf = 2){
  .Deprecated(new="wca", package="ade4", 
              msg="To avoid some name conflicts, the 'withincoinertia' function is now deprecated. Please use 'wca.coinertia' instead")
  res <- wca(x=obj, fac=fac, scannf = scannf, nf = nf)
  res$call <- match.call()

"orthogram"<- function (x, orthobas = NULL, neig = NULL, phylog = NULL, nrepet = 999, posinega = 0, tol = 1e-07,
                        na.action = c("fail", "mean"), cdot = 1.5, cfont.main = 1.5, lwd = 2, nclass, high.scores = 0,
                        alter=c("greater", "less", "two-sided"), ...) {
  .Deprecated(new="orthogram", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'orthogram' function in the 'adephylo' package.")
  "orthoneig" <- function (obj) {
    if (!inherits(obj, "neig"))
      stop("Object of class 'neig' expected")
    b0 <- neig.util.LtoG(obj)
    deg <- attr(obj, "degrees")
    m <- sum(deg)
    n <- length(deg)
    b0 <- -b0/m + diag(deg)/m
    # b0 est la matrice D-P
    eig <- eigen (b0, symmetric = TRUE)
    w0 <- abs(eig$values)/max(abs(eig$values))
    w0 <- which(w0<tol)
    if (length(w0)==0) stop ("abnormal output : no null eigenvalue")
    if (length(w0)==1) w0 <- (1:n)[-w0]
    else if (length(w0)>1) {
      # on ajoute le vecteur dérivé de 1n
      w <- cbind(rep(1,n),eig$vectors[,w0])
      # on orthonormalise l'ensemble
      w <- qr.Q(qr(w))
      # on met les valeurs propres à 0
      eig$values[w0] <- 0
      # on remplace les vecteurs du noyau par une base orthonormée contenant
      # en première position le parasite
      eig$vectors[,w0] <- w[,-ncol(w)]
      # on enlève la position du parasite
      w0 <- (1:n)[-w0[1]]
    rank <- length(w0)
    values <- n-eig$values[w0]*n
    eig <- eig$vectors[,w0]*sqrt(n)
    eig <- data.frame(eig)
    row.names(eig) <- names(deg)
    names(eig) <- paste("V",1:rank,sep="")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("x is not numeric")
  nobs <- length(x)
  if (!is.null(neig)) {
    orthobas <- orthoneig(neig)
  } else if (!is.null(phylog)) {
    if (!inherits(phylog, "phylog")) stop ("'phylog' expected with class 'phylog'")
    orthobas <- phylog$Bscores
  if (is.null(orthobas)){
    stop ("'orthobas','neig','phylog' all NULL")
  if (!inherits(orthobas, "data.frame")) stop ("'orthobas' is not a data.frame")
  if (nrow(orthobas) != nobs) stop ("non convenient dimensions")
  if (ncol(orthobas) != (nobs-1)) stop (paste("'orthobas' has",ncol(orthobas),"columns, expected:",nobs-1))
  vecpro <- as.matrix(orthobas)
  npro <- ncol(vecpro)
  if (any(is.na(x))) {
    if (na.action == "fail")
      stop("missing value in 'x'")
    else if (na.action == "mean")
      x[is.na(x)] <- mean(na.omit(x))
    else stop("unknown method for 'na.action'")
  w <- t(vecpro/nobs)%*%vecpro
  if (any(abs(diag(w)-1)>tol)) {
    # print(abs(diag(w)-1))
    stop("'orthobas' is not orthonormal for uniform weighting")
  diag(w) <- 0
  if ( any( abs(as.numeric(w))>tol) )
    stop("'orthobas' is not orthogonal for uniform weighting")
  if (nrepet < 99) nrepet <- 99
  if (posinega !=0) {
    if (posinega >= nobs-1) stop ("Non convenient value in 'posinega'")
    if (posinega <0) stop ("Non convenient value in 'posinega'")
  # préparation d'un graphique à 6 fenêtres
  # 1 pgram
  # 2 pgram cumulé
  # 3-6 Tests de randomisation
  def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  layout (matrix(c(1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6),4,3))
  par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
  par(usr = c(0,1,-0.05,1))
  # layout.show(6)
  z <- x - mean(x)
  et <- sqrt(mean(z * z))
  if ( et <= tol*(max(z)-min(z))) stop ("No variance")
  z <- z/et
  sig50 <- (1:npro)/npro
  w <- .C("VarianceDecompInOrthoBasis",
          param = as.integer(c(nobs,npro,nrepet,posinega)),
          observed = as.double(z),
          vecpro = as.double(vecpro),
          phylogram = double(npro),
          phylo95 = double(npro),
          sig025 = double(npro),
          sig975 = double(npro),
          R2Max = double(nrepet+1),
          SkR2k = double(nrepet+1),
          Dmax = double(nrepet+1),
          SCE = double(nrepet+1),
          ratio = double(nrepet+1),
  ylim <- max(c(w$phylogram, w$phylo95))
  z0 <- apply(vecpro, 2, function(x) sum(z * x))
  names(w$phylogram) <- as.character(1:npro)
  phylocum <- cumsum(w$phylogram)
  fun <- function (y, last=FALSE) {
    delta <- (mp[2]-mp[1])/3
    sel <- 1:(npro - 1)
    segments(mp[sel]-delta,y[sel],mp[sel]+delta, y[sel],lwd=lwd0)
    if(last) segments(mp[npro]-delta,y[npro],mp[npro]+delta, y[npro],lwd=lwd0)
  y0 <- phylocum - sig50
  h.obs <- max(y0)
  x0 <- min(which(y0 == h.obs))
  par(mar = c(3.1, 2.5, 2.1, 2.1))
  mp <- barplot(w$phylogram, col = grey(1 - 0.3 * (sign(z0) > 0)),
                ylim = c(0, ylim * 1.05))
  scores.order <- (1:length(w$phylogram))[order(w$phylogram, decreasing=TRUE)[1:high.scores]]
  abline(h = 1/npro)
  if (posinega!=0) {
    verti = (mp[posinega]+mp[posinega+1])/2
    abline (v=verti, col="red",lwd=1.5)
  title(main = "Variance decomposition",font.main=1, cex.main=cfont.main)
  obs0 <- rep(0, npro)
  names(obs0) <- as.character(1:npro)
  barplot(obs0, ylim = c(-0.05, 1.05))
  if (posinega!=0) {
    verti = (mp[posinega]+mp[posinega+1])/2
    abline (v=verti, col="red",lwd=1.5)
  title(main = "Cumulative decomposition",font.main=1, cex.main=cfont.main)
  points(mp, phylocum, pch = 21, cex = cdot, type = "b")
  segments(mp[1], 1/npro, mp[npro], 1, lty = 1)
  arrows(mp[x0], sig50[x0], mp[x0], phylocum[x0], angle = 15, length = 0.15,
         lwd = 2)
  if (missing(nclass)) {
    nclass <- as.integer (nrepet/25)
    nclass <- min(c(nclass,40))
  plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$R2Max[-1],w$R2Max[1],call=match.call(), output = "full"),main = "R2Max",nclass=nclass)
  if (posinega !=0) {
    plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$ratio[-1],w$ratio[1],call=match.call(), output = "full"),main = "Ratio",nclass=nclass)
  } else {
    plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$SkR2k[-1],w$SkR2k[1],call=match.call(), output = "full"),main = "SkR2k",nclass=nclass)
  plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$Dmax[-1],w$Dmax[1], call=match.call(), output = "full"),main = "DMax",nclass=nclass)
  plot.randtest (as.randtest (w$SCE[-1],w$SCE[1], call=match.call(), output = "full"),main = "SCE", nclass=nclass)
  w$param <- w$observed <- w$vecpro <- NULL
  w$phylogram <- NULL
  w$phylo95 <- w$sig025 <- w$sig975 <- NULL
  if (posinega==0) {
    w <- as.krandtest(obs=c(w$R2Max[1],w$SkR2k[1],w$Dmax[1],w$SCE[1]),sim=cbind(w$R2Max[-1],w$SkR2k[-1],w$Dmax[-1],w$SCE[-1]),names=c("R2Max","SkR2k","Dmax","SCE"),alter=alter,call=match.call(), ...)
  } else {
    w <- as.krandtest(obs=c(w$R2Max[1],w$SkR2k[1],w$Dmax[1],w$SCE[1],w$ratio[1]),sim=cbind(w$R2Max[-1],w$SkR2k[-1],w$Dmax[-1],w$SCE[-1],w$ratio[-1]),names=c("R2Max","SkR2k","Dmax","SCE","ratio"),alter=alter,call=match.call(), ...)
  if (high.scores != 0)
    w$scores.order <- scores.order

"EH" <- function(phyl, select = NULL) {
  .Deprecated(new="EH", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'EH' function in the 'adiv' package.")
  if (!inherits(phyl, "phylog")) stop("unconvenient phyl")
  if(is.null(phyl$Wdist)) phyl <- newick2phylog.addtools(phyl)
  if (is.null(select))
    return(sum(phyl$leaves) + sum(phyl$nodes))
  else {
    if(!is.numeric(select)) stop("unconvenient select")
    select <- unique(select)
    nbesp <- length(phyl$leaves)
    nbselect <- length(select)
    if(any(is.na(match(select, 1:nbesp)))) stop("unconvenient select")
    phyl.D <- as.matrix(phyl$Wdist^2 / 2)
    if(length(select)==1) return(max(phyl.D))
    if(length(select)==2) return(phyl.D[select[1], select[2]] + max(phyl.D))
    fun <- function(i) {
      min(phyl.D[select[i], select[1:(i - 1)]])
    res <-  phyl.D[select[1], select[2]] + max(phyl.D) + sum(sapply(3:nbselect, fun)) 

"orisaved" <- function(phyl, rate = 0.1, method = 1) {
  .Deprecated(new="orisaved", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'orisaved' function in the 'adiv' package.")
  if (!inherits(phyl, "phylog")) stop("unconvenient phyl")
  if(is.null(phyl$Wdist)) phyl <- newick2phylog.addtools(phyl)
  if (any(is.na(match(method, 1:2)))) stop("unconvenient method")
  if (length(method) != 1) stop("only one method can be chosen")
  if (length(rate) != 1) stop("unconvenient rate")
  if (!is.numeric(rate)) stop("rate must be a real value")
  if (!(rate>=0 & rate<=1)) stop("rate must be between 0 and 1")
  if (rate == 0) return(0)
  phy.h <- hclust(phyl$Wdist^2 / 2)
  nbesp <- length(phy.h$labels)
  Rate <- round(seq(0, nbesp, by = nbesp * rate))
  Rate <- Rate[-1]
  phyl.D <- as.matrix(phyl$Wdist^2 / 2)
  Orig <- (solve(phyl.D)%*%rep(1, nbesp) / sum(solve(phyl.D)))
  OrigCalc <- function(i) {
    if (method == 1) {
      return(sum(unlist(lapply(split(Orig, cutree(phy.h, i)), max))))
    if (method == 2) {
      return(sum(unlist(lapply(split(Orig, cutree(phy.h, i)), min))))
  res <- c(0, sapply(Rate, OrigCalc))

"randEH" <- function(phyl, nbofsp, nbrep = 10) {
  .Deprecated(new="randEH", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'randEH' function in the 'adiv' package.")
  if (!inherits(phyl, "phylog")) stop("unconvenient phyl")
  if(is.null(phyl$Wdist)) phyl <- newick2phylog.addtools(phyl)
  if (length(nbofsp)!= 1) stop("unconvenient nbofsp")
  nbesp <- length(phyl$leaves)
  if (!((0 <= nbofsp) & (nbofsp <= nbesp))) stop("unconvenient nbofsp")
  nbofsp <- round(nbofsp)
  if (nbofsp == 0) return(rep(0, nbrep))
  if (nbofsp == nbesp) {
    return(rep(EH(phyl), nbrep))
  simuA1 <- function(i, phy) {
    comp = sample(1:nbesp, nbofsp)
    if (nbofsp == 2) {
      phyl.D <- as.matrix(phyl$Wdist^2 / 2)
      resc <- (max(phyl.D) + phyl.D[comp[1], comp[2]])
    else {
      if (nbofsp == 1)
        resc <- max(phyl$Wdist^2 / 2)
      else {
        resc <- EH(phyl, select = comp)
  res <- sapply(1:nbrep, simuA1, phyl)

"optimEH" <- function(phyl, nbofsp, tol = 1e-8, give.list = TRUE) {
  .Deprecated(new="optimEH", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'optimEH' function in the 'adiv' package.")
  if (!inherits(phyl, "phylog")) stop("unconvenient phyl")
  if(is.null(phyl$Wdist)) phyl <- newick2phylog.addtools(phyl)
  phy.h <- hclust(phyl$Wdist^2 / 2)
  nbesp <- length(phy.h$labels)
  if (length(nbofsp) != 1) stop("unconvenient nbofsp")
  if (nbofsp == 0) return(0)
  if (!((0 < nbofsp) & (nbofsp <= nbesp))) stop("unconvenient nbofsp")
  nbofsp <- round(nbofsp)
  sp.names <- phy.h$labels
  if (nbofsp == nbesp) {
    res1 <- EH(phyl)
    sauv.names <- sp.names
  else {
    phyl.D <- as.matrix(phyl$Wdist^2 / 2)
    Orig <- (solve(phyl.D)%*%rep(1, nbesp) / sum(solve(phyl.D)))
    Orig <- as.data.frame(Orig)
    car1 <- split(Orig, cutree(phy.h, nbofsp))
    name1 <- lapply(car1,function(x) rownames(x)[abs(x - max(x)) < tol])
    sauv.names <- lapply(name1, paste, collapse = " OR ")
    comp <- as.character(as.vector(lapply(name1, function(x) x[1])))
    nb1 <- as.vector(sapply(comp, function(x) (1:nbesp)[sp.names == x]))
    if (nbofsp == 2)
      res1 <- max(phyl$Wdist^2 / 2) * 2
    else {
      if (nbofsp == 1)
        res1 <- max(phyl$Wdist^2 / 2)
      else {
        res1 <- EH(phyl, select = nb1)
  if (give.list == TRUE)
    return(list(value = res1, selected.sp = cbind.data.frame(names = unlist(sauv.names))))

"dist.genet" <- function (genet, method = 1, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE) { 
  .Deprecated(new="dist.genet", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'dist.genpop' function in the 'adegenet' package.")
  METHODS = c("Nei","Edwards","Reynolds","Rodgers","Provesti")
  if (all((1:5)!=method)) {
    cat("1 = Nei 1972\n")
    cat("2 = Edwards 1971\n")
    cat("3 = Reynolds, Weir and Coockerman 1983\n")
    cat("4 = Rodgers 1972\n")
    cat("5 = Provesti 1975\n")
    cat("Select an integer (1-5): ")
    method <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
  if (all((1:5)!=method)) (stop ("Non convenient method number"))
  if (!inherits(genet,"genet"))  
    stop("list of class 'genet' expected")
  df <- genet$tab
  col.blocks <- genet$loc.blocks
  nloci <- length(col.blocks)
  d.names <- genet$pop.names
  nlig <- nrow(df)
  if (is.null(names(col.blocks))) {
    names(col.blocks) <- paste("L", as.character(1:nloci), sep = "")
  f1 <- function(x) {
    a <- sum(x)
    if (is.na(a)) 
      return(rep(0, length(x)))
    if (a == 0) 
      return(rep(0, length(x)))
  k2 <- 0
  for (k in 1:nloci) {
    k1 <- k2 + 1
    k2 <- k2 + col.blocks[k]
    X <- df[, k1:k2]
    X <- t(apply(X, 1, f1))
    X.marge <- apply(X, 1, sum)
    if (any(sum(X.marge)==0)) stop ("Null row found")
    X.marge <- X.marge/sum(X.marge)
    df[, k1:k2] <- X
  # df contient un tableau de fréquence
  df <- as.matrix(df)    
  if (method == 1) {
    d <- df%*%t(df)
    vec <- sqrt(diag(d))
    d <- d/vec[col(d)]
    d <- d/vec[row(d)]
    d <- -log(d)
    d <- as.dist(d)
  } else if (method == 2) {
    df <- sqrt(df)
    d <- df%*%t(df)
    d <- 1-d/nloci
    diag(d) <- 0
    d <- sqrt(d)
    d <- as.dist(d)
  } else if (method == 3) {
    denomi <- df%*%t(df)
    vec <- apply(df,1,function(x) sum(x*x))
    d <- -2*denomi + vec[col(denomi)] + vec[row(denomi)]
    diag(d) <- 0
    denomi <- 2*nloci - 2*denomi
    diag(denomi) <- 1
    d <- d/denomi
    d <- sqrt(d)
    d <- as.dist(d)
  } else if (method == 4) {
    loci.fac <- rep( names(col.blocks),col.blocks)
    loci.fac <- as.factor(loci.fac)
    ltab <- lapply(split(df,loci.fac[col(df)]),matrix,nrow=nlig)
    "dcano" <- function (mat) {
      daux <- mat%*%t(mat)
      vec <- diag(daux)
      daux <- -2*daux+vec[col(daux)]
      daux <- daux + vec[row(daux)]
      diag(daux) <- 0
      daux <- sqrt(daux/2)
      d <<- d+daux
    d <- matrix(0,nlig,nlig)
    lapply(ltab, dcano)
    d <- d/length(ltab)
    d <- as.dist(d)
  } else if (method ==5) {
    w0 <- 1:(nlig-1)
    "loca" <- function (k) {
      w1 <- (k+1):nlig
      resloc <- unlist(lapply(w1, function(x) sum(abs(df[k,]-df[x,]))))
    d <- unlist(lapply(w0,loca))
  attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
  attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
  attr(d, "Diag") <- diag
  attr(d, "Upper") <- upper
  attr(d, "method") <- METHODS[method]
  attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
  class(d) <- "dist"

"fuzzygenet" <- function(X) {
  .Deprecated(new="fuzzygenet", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'df2genind' function in the 'adegenet' package.")
  if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) stop ("X is not a data.frame")
  nind <- nrow(X)
  "codred" <- function(base, n) {
    # fonction qui fait des codes de noms ordonnés par ordre
    # alphabétique de longueur constante le plus simples possibles
    # base est une chaîne de charactères, n le nombre qu'on veut
    w <- as.character(1:n)
    max0 <- max(nchar(w))
    "fun1" <- function(x) while ( nchar(w[x]) < max0) w[x] <<- paste("0",w[x],sep="")
    lapply(1:n, fun1)
  # ce qui touche au loci
  loc.names <- names(X)
  nloc <- ncol(X)
  loc.codes <- codred("L",nloc)
  names(loc.names) <- loc.codes
  names(X) <- loc.codes
  "cha6car" <- function(cha) {
    # pour compléter les chaînes de caratères par des zéros devant
    n0 <- nchar(cha)
    if (n0 == 6) return (cha)
    if (n0 >6) stop ("More than 6 characters")
    cha = paste("0",cha,sep="")
    cha = cha6car(cha)
  X <- apply(X,c(1,2),cha6car)
  # Toutes les chaînes sont de 6 charactères suppose que le codage est complet
  # ou qu'il ne manque des zéros qu'au début
  "enumallel" <- function (x) {
    w <- as.character(x)
    w1 <- substr(w,1,3)
    w2 <- substr(w,4,6)
    w3 <- sort(unique (c(w1,w2)))
  all.util <- apply(X,2,enumallel)
  # all.util est une liste dont les composantes sont les noms des allèles ordonnés
  # peut comprendre 000 pour un non typé
  # on conserve le nombre d'individus typés par locus dans vec1
  "compter" <- function(x) {
    # compte le nombre d'individus typés par locus
    num0 <- x!="000000"
    num0 <- sum(num0)
  vec1 <- unlist(apply(X,2, compter))
  names(vec1) <- loc.codes
  # vec1 est le vecteur des effectifs d'individus typés par locus
  "polymor" <- function(x) {
    if (any(x=="000")) return(x[x!="000"])
  "nallel" <- function(x) {
    l0 <- length(x)
    if (any(x=="000")) return(l0-1)
  vec2  <-  unlist(lapply(all.util, nallel))
  names(vec2) <- names(all.util)
  # vec2 est le vecteur du nombre d'allèles observés par locus
  all.names  <-  unlist(lapply(all.util, polymor))
  # all.names contient les nomds des alleles sans "000"
  loc.blocks  <-  unlist(lapply(all.util, nallel))
  names(loc.blocks) <- names(all.util)
  all.names  <-  unlist(lapply(all.util, polymor))
  w1 <- rep(loc.codes,loc.blocks)
  w2 <- unlist(lapply(loc.blocks, function(n) codred(".",n)))
  all.codes <- paste(w1,w2,sep="")
  all.names <- paste(rep(loc.names, loc.blocks),all.names,sep=".")
  names(all.names) <- all.codes
  # all.names est le nouveau nom des allèles
  w1 <- as.factor(w1)
  names(w1) <- all.codes
  loc.fac <- w1
  "manq"<- function(x) {
    if (any(x=="000")) return(TRUE)
  missingdata <- unlist(lapply(all.util, manq))
  "enumindiv" <- function (x) {
    x <- as.character(x)
    n <- length(x)
    w1 <- substr(x, 1, 3)
    w2 <- substr(x, 4, 6)
    "funloc1" <- function (k) {
      w0 <- rep(0,length(all.util[[k]]))
      names(w0) <- all.util[[k]]
      w0[w1[k]] <- w0[w1[k]]+1
      w0[w2[k]] <- w0[w2[k]]+1
      # ce locus n'a pas de données manquantes
      if (!missingdata[k]) return(w0)
      # ce locus a des données manquantes mais pas cet individu
      if (w0["000"]==0) return(w0[names(w0)!="000"])
      #cet individus a deux données manquantes
      if (w0["000"]==2) {
        w0 <- rep(NA, length(w0)-1)
      # il doit y avoir une seule donnée manquante
      stop( paste("a1 =",w1[k],"a2 =",w2[k], "Non implemented case"))
    w  <-  as.numeric(unlist(lapply(1:n, funloc1)))
  ind.all <- apply(X,1,enumindiv)
  ind.all <- data.frame(t(ind.all))
  names(ind.all) <- all.names
  nind <- nrow(ind.all)
  # ind.all contient un tableau individus - alleles codé 
  # ******* pour NA pour les manquants
  # 010010 pour les hétérozygotes
  # 000200 pour les homozygotes
  all.som <- apply(ind.all,2,function(x) sum(na.omit(x)))
  #all.som contient le nombre d'allèles présents par forme allélique
  names(all.som) = all.names
  center <- split(all.som, loc.fac)
  center <- lapply(center, function(x) 2*x/sum(x))
  center <- unlist(center)
  names(center) <- all.codes
  "modifier" <- function (x) {
  ind.all <- t(apply(ind.all, 1, modifier))
  ind.all <- as.data.frame(ind.all)
  names(ind.all) <- all.codes
  attr(ind.all,"col.blocks") <- vec2
  attr(ind.all,"all.names") <- all.names
  attr(ind.all,"loc.names") <- loc.names
  attr(ind.all,"row.w") <- rep(1/nind, nind)
  attr(ind.all,"col.freq") <- center/2
  attr(ind.all,"col.num") <- as.factor(rep(loc.names,vec2))

"char2genet" <- function(X,pop,complete=FALSE) {
  .Deprecated(new="char2genet", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'df2genind' and 'genind2genpop' functions in the 'adegenet' package.")
  if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) stop ("X is not a data.frame")
  if (!is.factor(pop)) stop("pop is not a factor")
  nind <- length(pop)
  if (nrow(X) != nind) stop ("pop & X have non convenient dimension")
  # tri des lignes par ordre alphabétique des noms de population
  # tri par ordre alphabétique des noms de loci
  X <- X[order(pop),]
  X <- X[,sort(names(X))]
  pop <- sort(pop) # comme pop[order(pop)]
  "codred" <- function(base, n) {
    # fonction qui fait des codes de noms ordonnés par ordre
    # alphabétique de longueur constante le plus simples possibles
    # base est une chaîne de charactères, n le nombre qu'on veut
    w <- as.character(1:n)
    max0 <- max(nchar(w))
    "fun1" <- function(x) while ( nchar(w[x]) < max0) w[x] <<- paste("0",w[x],sep="")
    lapply(1:n, fun1)
  # Ce qui touche aux populations
  npop <- nlevels(pop)
  pop.names <- as.character(levels(pop))
  pop.codes <- codred("P", npop)
  names(pop.names) <- pop.codes
  levels(pop) <- pop.codes    
  # Ce qui touche aux individus
  nind <- nrow(X)
  ind.names <- row.names(X)
  ind.codes <- codred("", nind)
  names(ind.names) <- ind.codes
  # ce qui touche au loci
  loc.names <- names(X)
  nloc <- ncol(X)
  loc.codes <- codred("L",nloc)
  names(loc.names) <- loc.codes
  names(X) <- loc.codes
  "cha6car" <- function(cha) {
    # pour compléter les chaînes de caratères par des zéros devant
    n0 <- nchar(cha)
    if (n0 == 6) return (cha)
    if (n0 >6) stop ("More than 6 characters")
    cha = paste("0",cha,sep="")
    cha = cha6car(cha)
  X <- as.data.frame(apply(X,c(1,2),cha6car))
  # Toutes les chaînes sont de 6 charactères suppose que le codage est complet
  # ou qu'il ne manque des zéros qu'au début
  "enumallel" <- function (x) {
    w <- as.character(x)
    w1 <- substr(w,1,3)
    w2 <- substr(w,4,6)
    w3 <- sort(unique (c(w1,w2)))
  all.util <- lapply(X,enumallel)
  # all.util est une liste dont les composantes sont les noms des allèles ordonnés
  # Correction d'un bug mis en evidence par Amalia
  # amalia@mail.imsdd.meb.uni-bonn.de 
  # La liste etait automatiquement une matrice quand le nombre d'allele par locus est constant
  # peut comprendre 000 pour un non typé
  # on conserve le nombre d'individus typés par locus et par populations
  "compter" <- function(x) {
    num0 <- x!="000000"
    num0 <- split(num0,pop)
    num0 <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(num0,sum)))
  Z <- unlist(apply(X,2, compter))
  Z <- data.frame(matrix(Z,ncol=nloc))
  names(Z) <- loc.codes
  row.names(Z) <- pop.codes
  # Z est un data.frame populations-locus des effectifs d'individus
  ind.full <- apply(X,1,function (x) !any(x == "000000"))
  "polymor" <- function(x) {
    if (any(x=="000")) return(x[x!="000"])
  "nallel" <- function(x) {
    l0 <- length(x)
    if (any(x=="000")) return(l0-1)
  loc.blocks  <-  unlist(lapply(all.util, nallel))
  names(loc.blocks) <- names(all.util)
  all.names  <-  unlist(lapply(all.util, polymor))
  w1 <- rep(loc.codes,loc.blocks)
  w2 <- unlist(lapply(loc.blocks, function(n) codred(".",n)))
  all.codes <- paste(w1,w2,sep="")
  all.names <- paste(rep(loc.names, loc.blocks),all.names,sep=".")
  names(all.names) <- all.codes
  w1 <- as.factor(w1)
  names(w1) <- all.codes
  loc.fac <- w1
  "manq"<- function(x) {
    if (any(x=="000")) return(TRUE)
  missingdata <- unlist(lapply(all.util, manq))
  "enumindiv" <- function (x) {
    x <- as.character(x)
    n <- length(x)
    w1 <- substr(x, 1, 3)
    w2 <- substr(x, 4, 6)
    "funloc1" <- function (k) {
      w0 <- rep(0,length(all.util[[k]]))
      names(w0) <- all.util[[k]]
      w0[w1[k]] <- w0[w1[k]]+1
      w0[w2[k]] <- w0[w2[k]]+1
      # ce locus n'a pas de données manquantes
      if (!missingdata[k]) return(w0)
      # ce locus a des données manquantes mais pas cet individu
      if (w0["000"]==0) return(w0[names(w0)!="000"])
      #cet individus a deux données manquantes
      if (w0["000"]==2) {
        w0 <- rep(NA, length(w0)-1)
      # il doit y avoir une seule donnée manquante
      stop( paste("a1 =",w1[k],"a2 =",w2[k], "Non implemented case"))
    w  <-  as.numeric(unlist(lapply(1:n, funloc1)))
  ind.all <- apply(X,1,enumindiv)
  ind.all <- data.frame(t(ind.all))
  names(ind.all) <- all.codes
  nallels <- length(all.codes)
  # ind.all contient un tableau individus - alleles codé 
  # ******* pour NA pour les manquants
  # 010010 pour les hétérozygotes
  # 000200 pour les homozygotes
  ind.all <- split(ind.all, pop)
  "remplacer" <- function (a,b) {
    if (all(!is.na(a))) return(a)
    if (all(is.na(a))) return(b)
    a[is.na(a)] <- b[is.na(a)]
  "sommer"<- function (x){
    apply(x,2,function(x) sum(na.omit(x)))
  all.pop <- matrix(unlist(lapply(ind.all,sommer)),nrow = nallels)
  all.pop = as.data.frame(all.pop)
  names(all.pop) <- pop.codes
  row.names(all.pop) <- all.codes
  center <- apply(all.pop,1,sum)
  center <- split(center, loc.fac)
  center <- unlist(lapply(center, function(x) x/sum(x)))
  names(center) <- all.codes
  "completer" <- function (x) {
    moy0  <-  apply(x,2,mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    y <- apply(x, 1, function(a) remplacer(a,moy0))
  ind.all <- lapply(ind.all, completer)
  res <- list()
  pop.all <- unlist(lapply(ind.all,function(x) apply(x,1,mean)))
  pop.all <- matrix(pop.all, ncol=nallels, byrow=TRUE)
  pop.all <- data.frame(pop.all)
  names(pop.all) <- all.codes
  row.names(pop.all) <- pop.codes
  # 1) tableau de fréquences alléliques popualations-lignes
  # allèles-colonnes indispensable pour la classe genet
  res$tab <- pop.all
  # 2) marge du précédent calculé sur l'ensemble des individus typés par locus
  res$center <- center
  # 3) noms des populations renumérotées P001 ... P999
  # le vecteur contient les noms d'origine
  res$pop.names <- pop.names
  # 4) noms des allèles recodé L01.1, L01.2, ...
  # le vecteurs contient les noms d'origine.
  res$all.names <- all.names
  # 5) le vecteur du nombre d'allèles par loci
  res$loc.blocks <- loc.blocks
  # 6) le facteur répartissant les allèles par loci
  res$loc.fac <- loc.fac
  # 7) noms des loci renumérotées L01 ... L99
  # le vecteur contient les noms d'origine
  res$loc.names <- loc.names
  # 8) le nombre de gènes qui ont permis les calculs de fréquences
  res$pop.loc <- Z
  # 9) le nombre d'occurences de chaque forme allélique dans chaque population
  # allèles eln lignes, populations en colonnes
  res$all.pop <- all.pop
  if (complete) {
    n0 <- length(all.codes) # nrow(ind.all[[1]])
    ind.all <- unlist(ind.all)
    ind.all <- matrix(ind.all, ncol=n0, byrow=TRUE)
    ind.all <- data.frame(ind.all)
    ind.all <- ind.all[ind.full,]
    pop.red <- pop[ind.full]
    names(ind.all) <- all.codes
    row.names(ind.all) <- ind.codes[ind.full]
    ind.all <- 2*ind.all
    # ind.all <- split(ind.all,pop.red)
    # ind.all <- lapply(ind.all,t)
    # 10) les typages d'individus complets
    # ind.all est une liste de matrices allèles-individus
    # ne contenant que les individus complètement typés
    # avec le codage 02000 ou 01001
    res$comp <- ind.all
    res$comp.pop <- pop.red
  class(res) <- c("genet", "list")

"count2genet" <- function (PopAllCount) {
  .Deprecated(new="count2genet", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'df2genind' and 'genind2genpop' functions in the 'adegenet' package.")
  # PopAllCount est un data.frame qui contient des dénombrements
  "codred" <- function(base, n) {
    # fonction qui fait des codes de noms ordonnés par ordre
    # alphabétique de longueur constante le plus simples possibles
    # base est une chaîne de charactères, n le nombre qu'on veut
    w <- as.character(1:n)
    max0 <- max(nchar(w))
    "fun1" <- function(x) while ( nchar(w[x]) < max0) w[x] <<- paste("0",x,sep="")
    lapply(1:n, fun1)
  if (!inherits(PopAllCount,"data.frame")) stop ("data frame expected")
  if (!all(apply(PopAllCount,2,function(x) all(x==as.integer(x)))))
    stop("For integer values only")
  PopAllCount <- PopAllCount[sort(row.names(PopAllCount)),]
  PopAllCount <- PopAllCount[,sort(names(PopAllCount))]
  npop <- nrow(PopAllCount)
  w1 <- strsplit(names(PopAllCount),"[.]")
  loc.fac <- as.factor(unlist(lapply(w1, function(x) x[1])))
  loc.blocks <- as.numeric(table(loc.fac))
  nloc <- nlevels(loc.fac)    
  loc.names <- as.character(levels(loc.fac))
  pop.codes <- codred("P", npop)
  loc.codes <- codred("L",nloc)
  names(loc.blocks) <- loc.codes 
  pop.names <- row.names(PopAllCount)
  names(pop.names) <- pop.codes
  w1 <- rep(loc.codes,loc.blocks)
  w2 <- unlist(lapply(loc.blocks, function(n) codred(".",n)))
  all.codes <- paste(w1,w2,sep="")
  all.names <- names(PopAllCount)
  names(all.names) <- all.codes
  names(loc.names) <- loc.codes
  all.pop <- as.data.frame(t(PopAllCount))
  names(all.pop) <- pop.codes
  row.names(all.pop) <- all.codes
  center <- apply(all.pop,1,sum)
  center <- split(center,loc.fac)
  center <- unlist(lapply(center, function(x) x/sum(x)))
  names(center) <- all.codes
  PopAllCount <- split(all.pop,loc.fac)
  "pourcent" <- function(x) {
    x <- t(x)
    w <- apply(x,1,sum)
    w[w==0] <- 1
    x <- x/w
    # retourne un tableau populations-allèles
  PopAllCount <- lapply(PopAllCount,pourcent)
  tab <- data.frame(provi=rep(1,npop))
  lapply(PopAllCount, function(x) tab <<- cbind.data.frame(tab,x))
  tab <- tab[,-1]
  names(tab) <- all.codes
  row.names(tab) <- pop.codes
  res <- list()
  res$tab <- tab
  res$center <- center
  res$pop.names <- pop.names
  res$all.names <- all.names
  res$loc.blocks <- loc.blocks
  res$loc.fac <- loc.fac
  res$loc.names <- loc.names
  res$pop.loc <- NULL
  res$all.pop <- all.pop
  res$complet <- NULL
  class(res) <- c("genet","list")

"freq2genet" <- function (PopAllFreq) {
  .Deprecated(new="freq2genet", package="ade4", 
              msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'df2genind' and 'genind2genpop' functions in the 'adegenet' package.")
  # PopAllFreq est un data.frame qui contient des fréquences alléliques
  "codred" <- function(base, n) {
    # fonction qui fait des codes de noms ordonnés par ordre
    # alphabétique de longueur constante le plus simples possibles
    # base est une chaîne de charactères, n le nombre qu'on veut
    w <- as.character(1:n)
    max0 <- max(nchar(w))
    nformat <- paste("%0",max0,"i",sep="")
    "fun1" <- function(x) w[x] <<- sprintf(nformat,x)
    # "fun1" <- function(x) while ( nchar(w[x]) < max0) w[x] <<- paste("0",x,sep="")
    lapply(1:n, fun1)
  if (!inherits(PopAllFreq,"data.frame")) stop ("data frame expected")
  if (!all(apply(PopAllFreq,2,function(x) all(x>=0))))
    stop("Data >= 0 expected")
  if (!all(apply(PopAllFreq,2,function(x) all(x<=1))))
    stop("Data <= 1 expected")
  PopAllFreq <- PopAllFreq[sort(row.names(PopAllFreq)),]
  PopAllFreq <- PopAllFreq[,sort(names(PopAllFreq))]
  npop <- nrow(PopAllFreq)
  w1 <- strsplit(names(PopAllFreq),"[.]")
  loc.fac <- as.factor(unlist(lapply(w1, function(x) x[1])))
  loc.blocks <- as.numeric(table(loc.fac))
  nloc <- nlevels(loc.fac)    
  loc.names <- as.character(levels(loc.fac))
  pop.codes <- codred("P", npop)
  loc.codes <- codred("L",nloc)
  names(loc.blocks) <- loc.codes 
  pop.names <- row.names(PopAllFreq)
  names(pop.names) <- pop.codes
  w1 <- rep(loc.codes,loc.blocks)
  w2 <- unlist(lapply(loc.blocks, function(n) codred(".",n)))
  all.codes <- paste(w1,w2,sep="")
  all.names <- names(PopAllFreq)
  names(all.names) <- all.codes
  names(loc.names) <- loc.codes
  all.pop <- as.data.frame(t(PopAllFreq))
  names(all.pop) <- pop.codes
  row.names(all.pop) <- all.codes
  center <- apply(all.pop,1,mean)
  center <- split(center,loc.fac)
  center <- unlist(lapply(center, function(x) x/sum(x)))
  names(center) <- all.codes
  PopAllFreq <- split(all.pop,loc.fac)
  "pourcent" <- function(x) {
    x <- t(x)
    w <- apply(x,1,sum)
    w[w==0] <- 1
    x <- x/w
    # retourne un tableau populations-allèles
  PopAllFreq <- lapply(PopAllFreq,pourcent)
  tab <- data.frame(provi=rep(1,npop))
  lapply(PopAllFreq, function(x) tab <<- cbind.data.frame(tab,x))
  tab <- tab[,-1]
  names(tab) <- all.codes
  row.names(tab) <- pop.codes
  res <- list()
  res$tab <- tab
  res$center <- center
  res$pop.names <- pop.names
  res$all.names <- all.names
  res$loc.blocks <- loc.blocks
  res$loc.fac <- loc.fac
  res$loc.names <- loc.names
  res$pop.loc <- NULL
  res$all.pop <- all.pop
  res$complet <- NULL
  class(res) <- c("genet","list")

"multispati" <- function(dudi, listw, scannf=TRUE, nfposi=2, nfnega=0) {
    .Deprecated(new="multispati", package="ade4", 
                msg="This function is now deprecated. Please use the 'multispati' function in the 'adespatial' package.")
    if(!inherits(dudi,"dudi")) stop ("object of class 'dudi' expected")
    if(!inherits(listw,"listw")) stop ("object of class 'listw' expected") 
    if(listw$style!="W") stop ("object of class 'listw' with style 'W' expected")
    NEARZERO <- 1e-14
    dudi$cw <- dudi$cw
    fun <- function (x) spdep::lag.listw(listw,x,TRUE)
    tablag <- apply(dudi$tab,2,fun)
    covar <- t(tablag)%*%as.matrix((dudi$tab*dudi$lw))
    covar <- (covar+t(covar))/2
    covar <- covar * sqrt(dudi$cw)
    covar <- t(t(covar) * sqrt(dudi$cw))
    covar <- eigen(covar, symmetric = TRUE)
    res <- list()
    res$eig <- covar$values[abs(covar$values)>NEARZERO]
    ndim <- length(res$eig)
    covar$vectors <- covar$vectors[, abs(covar$values)>NEARZERO]
    if (scannf) {
        cat("Select the first number of axes (>=1): ")
        nfposi <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
        cat("Select the second number of axes (>=0): ")
        nfnega <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    if (nfposi <= 0)  nfposi <- 1
    if (nfnega<=0) nfnega <- 0       
    if(nfposi > sum(res$eig > 0)){
        nfposi <- sum(res$eig > 0)
        warning(paste("There are only",sum(res$eig>0),"positive factors."))
    if(nfnega > sum(res$eig < 0)){
        nfnega <- sum(res$eig < 0)
        warning(paste("There are only",sum(res$eig< 0),"negative factors."))
    res$nfposi <- nfposi
    res$nfnega <- nfnega
    agarder <- c(1:nfposi,if (nfnega>0) (ndim-nfnega+1):ndim else NULL)
    dudi$cw[which(dudi$cw == 0)] <- 1
    auxi <- data.frame(covar$vectors[, agarder] /sqrt(dudi$cw))
    names(auxi) <- paste("CS", agarder, sep = "")
    row.names(auxi) <- names(dudi$tab)
    res$c1 <- auxi                     
    auxi <- as.matrix(auxi)*dudi$cw
    auxi1 <- as.matrix(dudi$tab)%*%auxi
    auxi1 <- data.frame(auxi1)
    names(auxi1) <- names(res$c1)
    row.names(auxi1) <- row.names(dudi$tab)
    res$li <- auxi1
    auxi1 <- as.matrix(tablag)%*%auxi
    auxi1 <- data.frame(auxi1)
    names(auxi1) <- names(res$c1)
    row.names(auxi1) <-  row.names(dudi$tab)    
    res$ls <- auxi1
    auxi <- as.matrix(res$c1) * unlist(dudi$cw)
    auxi <- data.frame(t(as.matrix(dudi$c1)) %*% auxi)
    row.names(auxi) <- names(dudi$li)
    names(auxi) <- names(res$li)
    res$as <- auxi
    res$call <- match.call()
    class(res) <- "multispati"

"summary.multispati" <- function (object, ...) {
    .Deprecated(new="summary.multispati", package="ade4", 
                msg="This method is now deprecated. Please use the 'summary.multispati' method in the 'adespatial' package.")
    norm.w <- function(X, w) {
        f2 <- function(v) sum(v * v * w)/sum(w)
        norm <- apply(X, 2, f2)
    if (!inherits(object, "multispati")) stop("to be used with 'multispati' object")
    cat("\nMultivariate Spatial Analysis\n")
    cat("Call: ")
    appel <- as.list(object$call)
    dudi <- eval.parent(appel$dudi)
    listw <- eval.parent(appel$listw)
    ## les scores de l'analyse de base
    nf <- dudi$nf
    eig <- dudi$eig[1:nf]
    cum <- cumsum (dudi$eig) [1:nf]
    ratio <- cum/sum(dudi$eig)
    w <- apply(dudi$l1,2,spdep::lag.listw,x=listw)
    moran <- apply(w*as.matrix(dudi$l1)*dudi$lw,2,sum)
    res <- data.frame(var=eig,cum=cum,ratio=ratio, moran=moran)
    cat("\nScores from the initial duality diagramm:\n")
    ## les scores de l'analyse spatiale
    ## on recalcule l'objet en gardant tous les axes
    eig <- object$eig
    nfposi <- object$nfposi
    nfnega <- object$nfnega
    nfposimax <- sum(eig > 0)
    nfnegamax <- sum(eig < 0)
    ms <- multispati(dudi=dudi, listw=listw, scannf=FALSE,
                     nfposi=nfposimax, nfnega=nfnegamax)
    ndim <- dudi$rank
    nf <- nfposi + nfnega
    agarder <- c(1:nfposi,if (nfnega>0) (ndim-nfnega+1):ndim else NULL)
    varspa <- norm.w(ms$li,dudi$lw)
    moran <- apply(as.matrix(ms$li)*as.matrix(ms$ls)*dudi$lw,2,sum)
    res <- data.frame(eig=eig,var=varspa,moran=moran/varspa)
    cat("\nMultispati eigenvalues decomposition:\n")

"print.multispati" <- function(x, ...) {
    .Deprecated(new="print.multispati", package="ade4", 
                msg="This method is now deprecated. Please use the 'print.multispati' method in the 'adespatial' package.")
    cat("Multispati object \n")
    cat("class: ")
    cat("\n$call: ")
    cat("\n$nfposi:", x$nfposi, "axis-components saved")
    cat("\n$nfnega:", x$nfnega, "axis-components saved")
    #cat("\n$rank: ")
    cat("\nPositive eigenvalues: ")
    l0 <- sum(x$eig >= 0)
    cat(signif(x$eig, 4)[1:(min(5, l0))])
    if (l0 > 5) 
        cat(" ...\n")
    else cat("\n")  
    cat("Negative eigenvalues: ")
    l0 <- sum(x$eig <= 0)
    cat(sort(signif(x$eig, 4))[1:(min(5, l0))])
    if (l0 > 5) 
        cat(" ...\n")
    else cat("\n")
    sumry <- array("", c(1, 4), list(1, c("vector", "length", 
                                          "mode", "content")))
    sumry[1, ] <- c('$eig', length(x$eig), mode(x$eig), 'eigen values')
    print(sumry, quote = FALSE)
    sumry <- array("", c(4, 4), list(1:4, c("data.frame", "nrow", "ncol", "content")))
    sumry[1, ] <- c("$c1", nrow(x$c1), ncol(x$c1), "column normed scores")
    sumry[2, ] <- c("$li", nrow(x$li), ncol(x$li), "row coordinates")
    sumry[3, ] <- c("$ls", nrow(x$ls), ncol(x$ls), 'lag vector coordinates')
    sumry[4, ] <- c("$as", nrow(x$as), ncol(x$as), 'inertia axes onto multispati axes')
    print(sumry, quote = FALSE)
    cat("other elements: ")
    if (length(names(x)) > 8) 
        cat(names(x)[9:(length(names(x)))], "\n")
    else cat("NULL\n")

"plot.multispati" <- function (x, xax = 1, yax = 2, ...) {
    .Deprecated(new="plot.multispati", package="ade4", 
                msg="This method is now deprecated. Please use the 'plot.multispati' method in the 'adespatial' package.")
    if (!inherits(x, "multispati")) 
        stop("Use only with 'multispati' objects")
    appel <- as.list(x$call)
    dudi <- eval.parent(appel$dudi)
    nf <- x$nfposi + x$nfnega
    if ((nf == 1) || (xax == yax)) {
        sco.quant(x$li[, 1], dudi$tab)
    if (xax > nf) 
        stop("Non convenient xax")
    if (yax > nf) 
        stop("Non convenient yax")
    f1 <- function () 
        opar <- graphics::par(mar = graphics::par("mar"))
        m <- length(x$eig)
        graphics::par(mar = c(0.8, 2.8, 0.8, 0.8))
        col.w <- rep(grDevices::grey(1), m) # elles sont toutes blanches
        col.w[1:x$nfposi] <- grDevices::grey(0.8)
        if (x$nfnega>0) col.w[m:(m-x$nfnega+1)] = grDevices::grey(0.8)
        j1 <- xax
        if (j1>x$nfposi) j1 = j1-x$nfposi +m -x$nfnega
        j2 <- yax
        if (j2>x$nfposi) j2 = j2-x$nfposi +m -x$nfnega
        col.w[c(j1,j2)] = grDevices::grey(0)
        graphics::barplot(x$eig, col = col.w)
        scatterutil.sub(cha ="Eigen values", csub = 2, possub = "topright")
    def.par <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    graphics::layout(matrix(c(3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2), 3, 2))
    graphics::par(mar = c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2))
    s.arrow(x$c1, xax = xax, yax = yax, sub = "Canonical weights", 
            csub = 2, clabel = 1.25)
    s.match(x$li, x$ls, xax = xax, yax = yax, sub = "Scores and lag scores", csub = 2, clabel = 0.75) 

"multispati.randtest" <- function (dudi, listw, nrepet = 999, ...) {
    .Deprecated(new="multispati.randtest", package="ade4", 
                msg="The 'multispati.randtest' function is now deprecated in 'ade4' and will soon be available in the 'adespatial' package.")
    if(!inherits(dudi,"dudi")) stop ("object of class 'dudi' expected") 
    if(!inherits(listw,"listw")) stop ("object of class 'listw' expected") 
    if(listw$style!="W") stop ("object of class 'listw' with style 'W' expected") 
    "testmultispati"<- function(nrepet, nr, nc, tab, mat, lw, cw) {
    tab<- dudi$tab
    lw<- dudi$lw
    cw<- dudi$cw
    if (!(identical(all.equal(lw,rep(1/nrow(tab), nrow(tab))),TRUE))) {
        stop ("Not implemented for non-uniform weights")
    inersim<- testmultispati(nrepet, nr, nc, tab, mat, lw, cw)
    inertot<- sum(dudi$eig)
    inersim<- inersim/inertot
    obs <- inersim[1]
    w <- as.randtest(sim = inersim[-1], obs = obs, call = match.call(), ...)

"multispati.rtest" <- function (dudi, listw, nrepet = 99, ...) {
    .Deprecated(new="multispati.rtest", package="ade4", 
                msg="The 'multispati.rtest' function is now deprecated in 'ade4' and will soon be available in the 'adespatial' package.")
    if(!inherits(listw,"listw")) stop ("object of class 'listw' expected") 
    if(listw$style!="W") stop ("object of class 'listw' with style 'W' expected") 
    if (!(identical(all.equal(dudi$lw,rep(1/nrow(dudi$tab), nrow(dudi$tab))),TRUE))) {
        stop ("Not implemented for non-uniform weights")
    n <- length(listw$weights)
    fun.lag <- function (x) spdep::lag.listw(listw,x,TRUE)
    fun <- function (permuter = TRUE) {
        if (permuter) {
            permutation <- sample(n)
            y <- dudi$tab[permutation,]
            yw <- dudi$lw[permutation]
        } else {
            y <-dudi$tab
            yw <- dudi$lw
        y <- as.matrix(y)
        ymoy <- apply(y, 2, fun.lag)
        ymoy <- ymoy*yw
        y <- y*ymoy
        indexmoran <- sum(apply(y,2,sum)*dudi$cw)
    inertot <- sum(dudi$eig)
    obs <- fun (permuter = FALSE)/inertot
    if (nrepet == 0) return(obs)
    perm <- unlist(lapply(1:nrepet, fun))/inertot
    w <- as.randtest(obs = obs, sim = perm, call = match.call(), ...)
sdray/ade4 documentation built on March 30, 2024, 12:33 a.m.