# ---------- Conversion to/from other classes ----------
#' @title Data class conversions
#' @description All functions to convert a [COTAN-class] object to/from other
#' data classes used by the `BioConductor` analysis packages
#' @name Conversions
#' @examples
#' data("test.dataset")
#' obj <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)
#' obj <- proceedToCoex(obj, calcCoex = FALSE, saveObj = FALSE)
#' sce <- convertToSingleCellExperiment(objCOTAN = obj)
#' newObj <- convertFromSingleCellExperiment(sce)
#' identical(getDims(newObj), getDims(obj))
# convertToSingleCellExperiment
# @format `raw.dataset` is a data frame with \eqn{2000} genes and \eqn{815}
# cells
#' @details `convertToSingleCellExperiment()` converts a [COTAN-class] object
#' into a [SingleCellExperiment-class] object. Stores the raw counts in the
#' `"counts"` [Assays-class], the metadata for genes and cells as `rowData`
#' and `colData` slots respectively and finally the genes' and cells' *coex*
#' along the dataset metadata into the `metadata` slot.
#' The function performs the following steps:
#' * Extracts the raw counts matrix, gene metadata, cell metadata, gene
#' and cell *co-expression* matrix from the `COTAN`
#' object; the `clustersCoex` slot is not converted
#' * Identifies *clusterizations* and *conditions* in the cell metadata by the
#' prefixes `"CL_"` and `"COND_"`
#' * Renames *clusterization* columns with the prefix `"COTAN_clusters_"` and
#' *condition* columns with the prefix `"COTAN_conditions_"`
#' * Constructs a `SingleCellExperiment` object with the counts matrix, gene
#' metadata, updated cell metadata, and stores the *co-expression* matrices
#' in the `metadata` slot.
#' The resulting `SingleCellExperiment` object is compatible with downstream
#' analysis packages and workflows within the Bioconductor ecosystem
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @returns A [SingleCellExperiment-class] object containing the data from the
#' input [COTAN-class] object, with clusterizations and conditions
#' appropriately prefixed and stored in the cell metadata.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @export
#' @seealso [COTAN-class], [SingleCellExperiment]
#' @rdname Conversions
convertToSingleCellExperiment <- function(objCOTAN) {
assert_that(is(objCOTAN, "COTAN"), validObject(objCOTAN))
# Identify clustering and condition columns
cellsMeta <- getMetadataCells(objCOTAN)
# Rename clustering columns replacing the "CL_" prefix with
# 'COTAN_clusters_'
clCols <- grep("^CL_", names(cellsMeta), value = FALSE)
names(cellsMeta)[clCols] <-
paste0("COTAN_clusters_", sub("^CL_", "", names(cellsMeta)[clCols]))
# Rename conditions columns replacing the "COND_" prefix with
# 'COTAN_conditions_'
condCols <- grep("^COND_", names(cellsMeta), value = FALSE)
names(cellsMeta)[condCols] <-
paste0("COTAN_conditions_", sub("^COND_", "", names(cellsMeta)[condCols]))
# retrieves the genes' COEX if available
genesCoex <- emptySymmetricMatrix()
if (isCoexAvailable(objCOTAN, actOnCells = FALSE, ignoreSync = TRUE)) {
genesCoex <- getGenesCoex(objCOTAN, zeroDiagonal = FALSE, ignoreSync = TRUE)
# retrieves the cells' COEX if available
cellsCoex <- emptySymmetricMatrix()
if (isCoexAvailable(objCOTAN, actOnCells = TRUE, ignoreSync = TRUE)) {
cellsCoex <- getCellsCoex(objCOTAN, zeroDiagonal = FALSE, ignoreSync = TRUE)
# Create the SingleCellExperiment object
objSCE <- SingleCellExperiment(
assays = list(counts = getRawData(objCOTAN)),
rowData = DataFrame(getMetadataGenes(objCOTAN)),
colData = DataFrame(cellsMeta),
metadata = list(
genesCoex = genesCoex,
cellsCoex = cellsCoex,
datasetMetadata = getMetadataDataset(objCOTAN)
c(getNumGenes(objCOTAN), getNumCells(objCOTAN))))
#' convertFromSingleCellExperiment
#' @details `convertFromSingleCellExperiment()` converts a
#' [SingleCellExperiment-class] object back into a [COTAN-class] object. It
#' supports `SCE` objects that were originally created from either a `COTAN`
#' object or a `Seurat` object. The function extracts the `"counts"` matrix,
#' genes' metadata, cells' metadata, *co-expression* matrices (if available),
#' and reconstructs the `COTAN` object accordingly.
#' The function performs the following steps:
#' * Extracts the raw matrix from the `"counts"` [Assays-class]
#' * Extracts gene metadata from `rowData`
#' * Extracts cell metadata from `colData`, excluding any *clusterizations* or
#' *conditions* present
#' * Attempts to retrieve *co-expression* matrices from the `metadata` slot if
#' they exist
#' * Constructs a `COTAN` object using the extracted data
#' * Adds back the *clusterizations* and *conditions* using `COTAN` methods
#' If the COEX is not present (e.g., in `SCE` objects created from `Seurat`),
#' the `genesCoex` and `cellsCoex` slots in the resulting `COTAN` object will
#' be empty matrices
#' @param objSCE A [SingleCellExperiment-class] object to be converted
#' @param clNamesPattern A regular expression pattern used to identify the
#' clustering columns in `colData`. Default supports `Seurat` conventions:
#' `"^(COTAN_clusters_|seurat_clusters$|.*_snn_res\\..*|wsnn_res\\..*)"`
#' @returns A [COTAN-class] object containing the data extracted from the input
#' [SingleCellExperiment-class] object
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment counts
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment rowData
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @export
#' @seealso [COTAN-class], [SingleCellExperiment]
#' @rdname Conversions
convertFromSingleCellExperiment <- function(objSCE,
clNamesPattern = "") {
assert_that(is(objSCE, "SingleCellExperiment"),
msg = "The input object must be of class 'SingleCellExperiment'.")
# Extract counts matrix
assert_that("counts" %in% assayNames(objSCE),
msg = "The 'counts' assay is missing in the SingleCellExperiment object.")
rawMatrix <- counts(objSCE)
# Extract gene metadata
genesMeta <- rowData(objSCE)
# Extract cell metadata
cellsMetaSCE <- colData(objSCE)
# Identify clustering columns according to given pattern
# (e.g., 'COTAN_clusters_', 'seurat_clusters', ...)
if (isEmptyName(clNamesPattern)) {
clNamesPattern <- "^(COTAN_clusters_|seurat_clusters$|.*_snn_res\\..*|wsnn_res\\..*|leiden_res\\..*)"
clCols <- grep(clNamesPattern, names(cellsMetaSCE), value = FALSE)
# Identify condition columns
# (e.g., 'COTAN_conditions_', 'condition', 'orig.ident', etc.)
condCols <- grep("^(COTAN_conditions_|condition$|orig.ident$)",
names(cellsMetaSCE), value = FALSE)
colsToKeep <- !(seq_len(ncol(cellsMetaSCE)) %in% union(clCols, condCols))
cellsMeta <- cellsMetaSCE[, colsToKeep, drop = FALSE]
# Attempt to retrieve co-expression matrices from metadata
sceMetadataList <- metadata(objSCE)
genesCoex <- emptySymmetricMatrix()
if ("genesCoex" %in% names(sceMetadataList)) {
genesCoex <- sceMetadataList$genesCoex
cellsCoex <- emptySymmetricMatrix()
if ("cellsCoex" %in% names(sceMetadataList)) {
cellsCoex <- sceMetadataList$cellsCoex
# Extract dataset metadata if available
datasetMeta <- data.frame()
if ("datasetMetadata" %in% names(sceMetadataList)) {
datasetMeta <- sceMetadataList$datasetMetadata
} else if ("project.name" %in% names(sceMetadataList)) {
# If the project name is stored directly in metadata
datasetMeta <- data.frame(project.name = sceMetadataList$project.name,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Create the COTAN object
objCOTAN <- new(
raw = rawMatrix,
genesCoex = genesCoex,
cellsCoex = cellsCoex,
metaDataset = as.data.frame(datasetMeta),
metaGenes = as.data.frame(genesMeta),
metaCells = as.data.frame(cellsMeta),
clustersCoex = list()
# Validate the COTAN object
if (!is_empty(clCols)) {
logThis(paste("Clusterizations found:",
collapse = ", ")), logLevel = 2L)
# Add clusterizations to the COTAN object
for (col in names(cellsMetaSCE)[clCols]) {
clusters <- getColumnFromDF(cellsMetaSCE, col)
# Determine the clusterization name
if (startsWith(col, "COTAN_clusters_")) {
clName <- sub("^COTAN_clusters_", "", col)
} else {
clName <- col
# Add the clusterization using the method
objCOTAN <- addClusterization(objCOTAN, clName = clName,
clusters = clusters, override = FALSE)
if (!is_empty(condCols)) {
logThis(paste("Conditions found:",
collapse = ", ")), logLevel = 2L)
# Add conditions to the COTAN object
for (col in names(cellsMetaSCE)[condCols]) {
conditions <- getColumnFromDF(cellsMetaSCE, col)
# Determine the condition name
if (startsWith(col, "COTAN_conditions_")) {
condName <- sub("^COTAN_conditions_", "", col)
} else {
condName <- col
# Add the conditions using the method
objCOTAN <- addCondition(objCOTAN, condName = condName,
conditions = conditions, override = FALSE)
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