# helper classes
matrixORnumeric <- setClassUnion("matrixORnumeric", c("matrix", "numeric"))
dataframeORnumeric <- setClassUnion("dataframeORnumeric", c("data.frame", "numeric"))
#' A custom class for storing single peaks or multiple peaks that belong to the same peptide and sample in a single object
#' @slot time A numeric vector of the peak timepoints
#' @slot sig A numeric vector or dataframe of the peak signal intensities. If this is a data
#' @slot area A numeric vector of the AUC of peaks in the sig slot
#' @exportClass peakObj
#' @examples
#' peak <- data.CSF$data$PeakGroup[[1]]
#' peak@@time
#' peak@@sig
#' peak@@area
peakObj <- setClass("peakObj",slots =
c(time = "numeric",
sig = "dataframeORnumeric",
area = "numeric")
# helper validate peak function
validPeakObject <- function(object) {
# Number of time points in the time vector
time.points = length(object@time)
# Number of data points in each peak vector and number of transitions
if(is.data.frame(object@sig)) {
sig.points = nrow(object@sig)
sig.transitions = ncol(object@sig)
} else {
sig.points = length(object@sig)
sig.transitions = 1
# Check if the number of time points and data points in the signal are equal
if(time.points != sig.points) {
paste("Unequal time and sig lengths: ",time.points, ", ",sig.points,sep = "")
# Check if the number of transitions and signal columns are equal
} else if(sig.transitions != length(object@area)) {
paste("Unequal number of transitions in sig and area: ",sig.transitions, ", ",length(object@area),sep = "")
# The peak requires at least 4 time points for the peak QC functions to work.
} else if (time.points < 4) {
paste("Peak requires at least 4 time points. Time points: ", length(object@time), sep="")
} else return(TRUE)
#' Default S3 is.na method for peakObj
#' peakObj object is declared na if the time or sig portion of it is of length 0
setMethod("is.na", "peakObj", definition =
function(x) {
if (length(x@time) * dim(x@sig)[1] * dim(x@sig)[2] * length(x@area) == 0) {
} else return(FALSE)
#' Convert a dataframe with Times and Intensities columns into a peakObj object
#' This is a helper function to format the output of Skyline into peakObj that are compatible with TargetedMSQC functions.
#' @param df the dataframe with Times and Intensities columns for creating the peakObj object
#' @return A peak group of class peakObj
#' @importFrom tidyr unite_
BuildPeakGroup <- function(df,...) {
# purpose: converts the dataframe with Times and Intensities columns into a peakObj object
# args:
# df: the dataframe with Times and Intensities columns for creating the peakObj object.
# returns:
# the peakObj object
# error and warning handling ---------------------------------------
# input errors: if the time and intensity vectors are na or of unequal length, an error is triggered
error.input.format <- simpleError("BuildPeakGroup: input time and intensities should be non empty and of equal length")
# function body ---------------------------------------
time <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(df$Times[1]),split = ",")[[1]])
# if there are any peaks that are shorter than the time vector, pad the signal vector with zeros.
tmp <- lapply(df$Intensities,function(x) as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(x),split = ",")[[1]]))
# if time is longer than x, pad x with extra 0s. If x is longer than time, cut it to match the length of the time vector
tmp <- lapply(tmp, function(x)
d <- length(time) - length(x)
if (d > 0) {x <- c(x,rep(0,length(time) - length(x)))}
if (d < 0) {x <- x[1:length(time)]}
peak.sig <- data.frame(tmp)
# input format error
if (length(time) != nrow(peak.sig) || length(time)*dim(peak.sig)[1]*dim(peak.sig)[2] == 0) stop(error.input.format)
# modifying the peak names
identifying.cols <- colnames(df)[colnames(df) %in% c("FragmentIon","IsotopeLabelType","ProductCharge")]
if (length(identifying.cols) > 0) {
columns <- unite_(df,"PeakName",identifying.cols,sep = ".")$PeakName
colnames(peak.sig) <- columns
# Total area
# area <- as.numeric(df$TotalArea)
# names(area) <- columns
# calculate peak area using the trapozoidal approximation
area <- sapply(peak.sig,function(x) pracma::trapz(time,x))
# identifying missing peaks
# peaks that do not have their pair
single.peaks <- columns[which(mapply(function(x,columns) sum(grepl(substr(x,1,regexpr("\\.[^\\.]*$", x)),columns)),columns,list(columns)) != 2)]
all.isotopes <- unique(df$IsotopeLabelType)
if (length(single.peaks) > 0) {
# isotope label of the missing peaks
missing.isotopes <- mapply(function(x,all.isotopes) all.isotopes[which(all.isotopes != substr(x,regexpr("\\.[^\\.]*$", x) + 1,nchar(x)))],single.peaks,list(all.isotopes))
# names of the missing peaks
missing.peaks <- sapply(single.peaks,function(x) substr(x,1,regexpr("\\.[^\\.]*$", x)))
# colnames of the missing peaks that are to be imputated by zero
imputed.peaks <- paste(missing.peaks,missing.isotopes,sep = "")
# imputing the peak.sig and total area with vectors of 0s for missing peaks
for (column in imputed.peaks) {
peak.sig[,column] <- rep(0,nrow(peak.sig))
area[column] <- 0
# create the output peakObj object
peakgroup <- peakObj(
time = time,
sig = peak.sig,
area = area
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