
#'Creates a heatmap from a selection of groups
#'@param cellexalObj A cellexalvr object
#'@param cellidfile file containing cell IDs
#'@param numsig The number of differentials to be returned
#'@param outfile The name of the output file
#'@keywords heatmap
#'@export make.cellexalvr.heatmap

make.cellexalvr.heatmap <- function(cellexalObj,cellidfile,num.sig,outfile){
	anovap <- function(v,labs){
	lin <- function( v, order ) {
		cor.test( v, order, method='spearman')$p.value
	cellexalObj <- loadObject(cellexalObj)
	## now I want to store the grouping in the cellexalvr object
#	browser()
	cellexalObj <- userGrouping(cellexalObj, cellidfile)
	not <- which(is.na(cellexalObj@userGroups[,cellexalObj@usedObj$lastGroup]))
	if ( length(not) > 0) {
		loc <- reduceTo (cellexalObj, what='col', to=colnames(cellexalObj@data)[- not ] )
	}else {
		loc <- cellexalObj

	loc <- reorder.samples ( loc, paste(cellexalObj@usedObj$lastGroup, 'order'))
	info <- groupingInfo( loc )

	dat <- loc@data
	#cellid <- read.delim(cellidfile,header=F)
	grp.vec <- info$grouping
	col.tab <- info$col
	for(i in 1:length(col.tab)){
		ind <- which(grp.vec==col.tab[i])
		grp.vec[ind] <- paste("Grp",i,sep="")
	rcolrs <- list(Group=col.tab)
	names(rcolrs$Group) <- unique(grp.vec)
	rem.ind <- which(apply(dat,1,sum)==0)
	dat.f <- dat
		dat.f <- dat.f[-rem.ind,]
	if ( length(col.tab) > 1 ){
		ps <- apply(dat.f,1,anovap,labs=grp.vec)
	}else if (length(col.tab) == 1 ){
		ps <- apply(dat.f,1,lin,order=1:ncol(dat.f))
	sigp <- order(ps)[1:num.sig]
	annotation_col = data.frame(Group = (grp.vec))
	rownames(annotation_col) <- colnames(dat.f)

	pheatmap(dat.f[sigp,],cluster_rows=TRUE, show_rownames=T,show_colnames=FALSE,cluster_cols=FALSE,
			scale="row",clustering_method = "ward.D2",col=bluered(16),breaks=seq(-4,4,by=0.5),
			annotation_col = annotation_col,annotation_colors=rcolrs

#'Creates a list of genes from which a heatmap is made in Unity
#'@param cellexalObj A cellexalvr object
#'@param cellidfile file containing cell IDs
#'@param numsig The number of differentials to be returned
#'@param outfile The name of the output file
#'@keywords heatmap
#'@export make.cellexalvr.heatmap.list

make.cellexalvr.heatmap.list <- function(cvrObj,cellidfile,num.sig,outfile){
	anovap <- function(v,labs){
	lin <- function( v, order ) {
		cor.test( v, order, method='spearman')$p.value
	cellexalObj <- loadObject(cvrObj)
	## now I want to store the grouping in the cellexalvr object
#	browser()
	cellexalObj <- userGrouping(cellexalObj, cellidfile)
	not <- which(is.na(cellexalObj@userGroups[,cellexalObj@usedObj$lastGroup]))
	if ( length(not) > 0) {
		loc <- reduceTo (cellexalObj, what='col', to=colnames(cellexalObj@data)[- not ] )
	}else {
		loc <- cellexalObj

	loc <- reorder.samples ( loc, paste(cellexalObj@usedObj$lastGroup, 'order'))
	info <- groupingInfo( loc )

	dat <- loc@data
	#cellid <- read.delim(cellidfile,header=F)
	grp.vec <- info$grouping
	col.tab <- info$col
	for(i in 1:length(col.tab)){
		ind <- which(grp.vec==col.tab[i])
		grp.vec[ind] <- paste("Grp",i,sep="")
	rcolrs <- list(Group=col.tab)
	names(rcolrs$Group) <- unique(grp.vec)
	rem.ind <- which(apply(dat,1,sum)==0)
	dat.f <- dat
		dat.f <- dat.f[-rem.ind,]
	if ( length(col.tab) > 1 ){
		ps <- apply(dat.f,1,anovap,labs=grp.vec)
	}else if (length(col.tab) == 1 ){
		ps <- apply(dat.f,1,lin,order=1:ncol(dat.f))
	sigp <- order(ps)[1:num.sig]
	reduced.matrix <- dat.f[sigp,]

	gene.cluster.order <- rownames(reduced.matrix)[hclust(as.dist(1-cor(t(reduced.matrix))))$order]

	#annotation_col = data.frame(Group = (grp.vec))
	#rownames(annotation_col) <- colnames(dat.f)

	#pheatmap(dat.f[sigp,],cluster_rows=TRUE, show_rownames=T,show_colnames=FALSE,cluster_cols=FALSE,
	#		scale="row",clustering_method = "ward.D2",col=bluered(16),breaks=seq(-4,4,by=0.5),
	#		annotation_col = annotation_col,annotation_colors=rcolrs
shambam/cellexalvrR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:35 a.m.