
Defines functions get.init.nc make.init.nc make.init.csv generate.vars.init make.map.data.init

Documented in get.init.nc make.init.csv make.init.nc

## Functions =====================================================================
## make.map.data.init: creates a data frame of box data from bgm and cummulative depths
## generate.vars.init: creates a data frame of all biological variables
## make.init.csv     : creates csv files for editing to then produce NetCDF files
## make.init.nc      : create a NetCDF file based on csv files
## get.init.nc       : generate a csv file of initial conditions from netCDF file

## ==============================================================================
## make.map.data.init
## ==============================================================================
make.map.data.init <- function(bgm.file, cum.depths){
    bgm <- readLines(bgm.file) ## read in the geometry file

    numboxes <- 0
    txt.find <- "nbox"
    j <- grep(txt.find, bgm, value = FALSE)
    if (length(j) > 0) { ## found text nbox
        jnew <- NULL
        for (jj in 1:length(j)) {
            ## Valid row is when nbox is the first entry and second is a number
            text.split <- unlist(str_split(
                gsub(pattern = "[\t ]+", x = bgm[j[jj]], replacement = " "), " "))
            if ((text.split[1] == txt.find) &
                (str_extract(text.split[2], "[0-9.-]+") == text.split[2])) {
                jnew <- c(jnew,j[jj]) ## add the row that satisfies the criteria
        j <- jnew ## use this list of rows as they are valid
        if (length(j) == 1) { ## a single row is found
            numboxes <- as.numeric(unlist(

    ## find the depths and areas, and identify island boxes
    box.indices <- rep(0, numboxes)
    for(i in 1:numboxes){ ## box depth
        box.indices[i] <- grep(paste("box", i - 1, ".botz", sep = ""), bgm)
    z.tmp <- strsplit(bgm[box.indices], "\t")
    z <- as.numeric(sapply(z.tmp,`[`,2)) ## - depth of water column

    ## create a data frame to store box data
    box.data <- data.frame(boxid = 0:(numboxes-1), total.depth = -z)
    ## add island information
    box.data <- mutate(box.data, is.island = (total.depth <= 0.0))
    ## add area information
    for(i in 1:numboxes){ ## box area
        box.indices[i] <- grep(paste("box", i - 1, ".area", sep = ""), bgm)
    a.tmp <- strsplit(bgm[box.indices], "\t")
    a <- as.numeric(sapply(a.tmp,`[`,2))
    box.data$area <- a
    ## add total volume information
    box.data <- mutate(box.data, volume = total.depth*area)
    ## allow islands to have positive volume = land volume
    box.data$volume[box.data$is.island] <- -box.data$volume[box.data$is.island]

    max.numlayers <- length(cum.depths) - 1 ## maximum number of water layers

    ## calculate the number of water layers
    box.numlayers <- rep(0, numboxes) ## vector containing number of water layers
    for (i in 1: numboxes) {
        box.numlayers[i] <- sum(box.data$total.depth[i] > cum.depths)
    box.numlayers[is.na(box.numlayers)] <- 0 ## non-water boxes
    box.numlayers <- pmin(box.numlayers, max.numlayers) ## bound by maximum depth
    box.data$numlayers <- box.numlayers ## add the vector to box.data

    ## calculate the depth of the deepest water layer (needed for volume)
    box.deepest.depth <- rep(NA, numboxes)
    max.layer.depth <- max(cum.depths)
    for (i in 1:numboxes) {
        if (box.data$numlayers[i] > 0) {
            box.deepest.depth[i] <- min(box.data$total.depth[i], max.layer.depth) -
        } else {
            box.deepest.depth[i] <- 0.0
    box.data$deepest.depth <- box.deepest.depth ## add the vector to box.data

    ## return a list of three objects: integer, data frame, data frame
    return(list(numboxes = numboxes, box.data = box.data))

## ==============================================================================
## generate.vars.init
## ==============================================================================
generate.vars.init <- function(grp.file, cum.depths, df.atts, ice_model) {
     ## read in group data from group csv file
    df.grp <- read.csv(file = grp.file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ## make sure grouptype column title exists
    col.titles <- tolower(names(df.grp))
    names(df.grp) <- col.titles
    col.InvertType <- which(col.titles == "inverttype")
    if (!length(col.InvertType) == 0) {
        names(df.grp)[col.InvertType] <- "grouptype"
    df.grp$grouptype <- as.character(df.grp$grouptype)
    ## find epibenthos groups
    epi.grps.def <- c("SED_EP_FF", "SED_EP_OTHER", "EP_OTHER", "MOB_EP_OTHER",
                      "MICROPHTYBENTHOS", "PHYTOBEN", "SEAGRASS", "CORAL", 'LG_INF', 'SM_INF')
    epi.grps <- df.grp$name[df.grp$grouptype %in% epi.grps.def]
    df.grp <- df.grp %>% mutate(isEpiGrp = grouptype %in% epi.grps.def)

    ## find cover groups. These groups need _cover in boxTracers
    cover.grps <- df.grp$name[df.grp$iscover == 1]

    ## set up flags for groups that need multiple N values (e.g. _N1, _N2, ...)
    df.grp <- df.grp %>% mutate(multiN =
                                    (iscover == 1       & (numcohorts > 1)) |
                                    (grouptype == "PWN" & (numcohorts > 1)) |
                                    (grouptype == "CEP" & (numcohorts > 1)))

    ## groups with nums, structural and reserve N values
    sr.grps <- c("FISH", "BIRD", "SHARK", "MAMMAL", "REPTILE", "FISH_INVERT")
    ## set up flags for groups that need _Nums, _ResN, _StructN
    df.grp <- df.grp %>% mutate(needsNums = grouptype %in% sr.grps)

    ## set up a flag for groups that need light adaptation
    light.adpn.grps <- c("DINOFLAG", "MICROPHTYBENTHOS", "SM_PHY",
                         "MED_PHY", "LG_PHY", "ICE_DIATOMS", "ICE_MIXOTROPHS")

    df.grp <- df.grp %>% mutate(needsLight = grouptype %in% light.adpn.grps)

    ## set up a flag for groups that need live in the ice
    df.grp <- df.grp %>% mutate(live_ice = grouptype %in% ice.grp)

    ## set up a flag for groups that Fe producer groups
    fe.grp <- c('SM_PHY', 'LG_PHY', "DINOFLAG", 'FISH', 'MAMMAL')
    df.grp <- df.grp %>% mutate(needsFe = grouptype %in% fe.grp )

#### Donnuts model
#### create data frame for invert biological variables (ignores multiple stocks)
    Variable  <- NULL ## variable name
    long_name <- NULL ## long name
    att.index <- NULL ## corresponding row of df.atts
    count = 1
    for (grp in 1:length(df.grp$name)) {
        if (!df.grp$needsNums[grp]) {
            if (!df.grp$multiN[grp]) { ## single group
                Variable  <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], "_N", sep = ""))
                indx <- which(df.atts$name==paste(df.grp$grouptype[grp], "_N", sep = ""))
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste(df.grp$name[grp],
                                                df.atts$long_name[indx], sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)
            } else { ## multiple groups
                for (j in 1:df.grp$numcohorts[grp]) {
                    Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], "_N", as.character(j),
                                                  sep = ""))
                    indx <- which(df.atts$name==paste(df.grp$grouptype[grp], "_N",
                                                      sep = ""))
                    long_name <- c(long_name, paste(df.grp$name[grp], "cohort",
                                                    as.character(j), df.atts$long_name[indx], sep = " "))
                    att.index <- c(att.index, indx)
            if (df.grp$iscover[grp]) { ## single cover group
                Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], "_Cover", sep = ""))
                indx <- which(df.atts$name == "Cover")
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste("Percent cover by",
                                                df.grp$name[grp], sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)
            if (df.grp$issilicondep[grp]) { ## single silicon group
                Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], "_S", sep = ""))
                Siname <- ifelse(df.grp$live_ice[grp], "Si2D", "Si3D")
                indx <- which(df.atts$name == Siname)
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste(df.grp$name[grp],
                                                "Silicon", sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)
            if (df.grp$needsLight[grp]) { ## single light adaptation group
                Variable <- c(Variable, paste("Light_Adaptn_", df.grp$code[grp],
                                              sep = ""))
                indx <- which(df.atts$name == "Light3D")
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste("Light adaption of",
                                                df.grp$name[grp], sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)
            if (df.grp$live_ice[grp]) { ## Ice dependent groups
                Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], "_F", sep = ""))
                indx <- which(df.atts$name == "Fe3D_ice")
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste(df.grp$name[grp],
                                                "Iron", sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)
            if (ice_model & df.grp$needsFe[grp]) { ## Fe dependent groups
                Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], "_F", sep = ""))
                indx <- which(df.atts$name == "Fe3D")
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste(df.grp$name[grp],
                                                "Iron", sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)
            count = count + 1
    df.invert <- data.frame(Variable, long_name, att.index,
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    ## create data frame of vertebrate default variables (ignores multiple stocks)
    Variable  <- NULL ## variable name
    long_name <- NULL ## Long name
    att.index <- NULL ## corresponding row of df.atts
    for (grp in 1:length(df.grp$name)) {
        if (df.grp$needsNums[grp]) {
            Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], "_N", sep = ""))
            indx <- which(df.atts$name==paste(df.grp$grouptype[grp], "_N", sep = ""))
            long_name <- c(long_name, paste(df.grp$name[grp],
                                            df.atts$long_name[indx], sep = " "))
            att.index <- c(att.index, indx)

            if (ice_model & df.grp$needsFe[grp]) { ## Fe dependent groups
                Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], "_F", sep = ""))
                indx <- which(df.atts$name == "Fe3D")
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste(df.grp$name[grp],
                                                "Iron", sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)

            for (j in 1:df.grp$numcohorts[grp]) {
                Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], as.character(j),
                                              "_Nums", sep = ""))
                indx <- which(df.atts$name=="Nums3D")
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste("Numbers of", df.grp$name[grp], "cohort",
                                                as.character(j), sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)
            for (j in 1:df.grp$numcohorts[grp]) {
                Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], as.character(j),
                                              "_StructN", sep = ""))
                indx <- which(df.atts$name=="StructN3D")
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste("Individual structural N for",
                                                df.grp$name[grp], "cohort", as.character(j), sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)
            for (j in 1:df.grp$numcohorts[grp]) {
                Variable <- c(Variable, paste(df.grp$name[grp], as.character(j),
                                              "_ResN", sep = ""))
                indx <- which(df.atts$name=="ResN3D")
                long_name <- c(long_name, paste("Individual reserve N for",
                                                df.grp$name[grp], "cohort", as.character(j), sep = " "))
                att.index <- c(att.index, indx)

    df.vert <- data.frame(Variable, long_name, att.index, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    df.return <- rbind(df.invert, df.vert)

##' @title Function that generates two csv initial condition templates
##' @description
##' Takes data from group file and box geometry file and generates two csv files that should be copied and modified.
##' The two files generated are called [csv.name]_init.csv and [csv.name]_horiz.csv.
##' Also required is the vector of cumulative depths, whos first element is 0.
##' [csv.name]_init.csv provides all the variables required in the .nc initial conditions file and their default attributes.
##' [csv.name]_horiz.csv provides box-specific values if the variable is set as customised in the [csv.name]_init file.
##' See also \code{\link[shinyrAtlantis]{make.init.nc}} for how these files are converted into a NetDF file.
##' @param grp.file Atlantis group (.bgm) file that defines groups.
##' @param bgm.file Box geometry model (.bgm) file used by Atlantis that defines box boundaries and depths.
##' @param cum.depths vector of cumulative depths (starting with zero).
##' @param csv.name String that is used to identify the two output csv files.
##' @param ice_model Boolean string. Is the model using Fe and Ice dependent species?
##' @return Null (always). Produces two csv files with the names \code{[csv.name]_init.csv} and \code{[csv.name]_horiz.csv}.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' grp.file   <- "GBRGroups.csv"
##' bgm.file   <- "gbr_test.bgm"
##' cum.depths <- c(0,5,10,20,50,100,200,3000)
##' csv.name   <- "GBRtemplate"
##' make.init.csv(grp.file, bgm.file, cum.depths, csv.name)
##' ## copy GBRtemplate_init.csv to GBR_init.csv
##' ## copy GBRtemplate_horiz.csv to GBR_horiz.csv
##' ## edit files GBR_init.csv and GBR_horiz.csv by entering initial conditions
##' init.file  <- "GBR_init.csv"
##' horiz.file <- "GBR_horiz.csv"
##' nc.file    <- "GBRtemplate.nc"
##' make.init.nc(bgm.file, cum.depths, init.file, horiz.file, nc.file)
##' ## view the initial conditions file
##' init.obj <- make.sh.init.object(bgm.file, nc.file)
##' sh.init(init.obj)
##' }
##' @export
##' @importFrom ncdf4 ncdim_def
make.init.csv <- function(grp.file, bgm.file, cum.depths, csv.name, ice_model = FALSE) {

    def.att.file <- system.file("extdata", "AttributeTemplate.csv", package = "shinyrAtlantis")
    #def.att.file <- "/home/por07g/Documents/Code_Tools/shiny-Shane/Fork_git/shinyrAtlantis/inst/extdata/AttributeTemplate.csv"
    df.atts <- read.csv(file = def.att.file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    numlayers <- length(cum.depths) - 1 ## number of water layers
    ## calculate the depths of each water layer
    layer.depth <- rep(0, numlayers)
    for (i in 1:numlayers){
        layer.depth[i] <- cum.depths[i+1] - cum.depths[i]
    numsed <- 1 ## default to a single sediment layer

    ## extract data from the bgm file
    ## numlayers, dz, nominal_dz, and volume must be calculated from this file
    map.data <- make.map.data.init(bgm.file, cum.depths)
    numboxes <- map.data$numboxes
    b.vals <- 1:numboxes
    z.vals <- 1:(numlayers + 1) ## add single sediment layer
    box.data <- map.data$box.data

    ## create a list of required variables
        df.atts$required[which(df.atts$name  %in% c('ice_dz', "SED"))] <- TRUE
    df.return <- df.atts[df.atts$required, ]

#### add group-related variables
    grp.data <- generate.vars.init(grp.file, cum.depths, df.atts, ice_model)
    num.vars <- dim(df.return)[1]
    for (i in 1:dim(grp.data)[1]) {
        num.vars <- num.vars + 1
        df.return <- rbind(df.return, df.atts[grp.data$att.index[i],])
        df.return$name[num.vars] <- grp.data$Variable[i]
        df.return$long_name[num.vars] <- grp.data$long_name[i]

    write.csv(df.return, file = paste(csv.name, "_init.csv", sep = ""),
              row.names = FALSE)

    ## create a template for custom horizontal distributions
    custom.vars <- df.return$name[df.return$wc.hor.pattern == "custom"]
    n.custom <- length(custom.vars)
    ma.vals <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n.custom, ncol = numboxes)
    df.custom <- cbind(custom.vars, data.frame(ma.vals))
    names(df.custom) <- c("Variable",
                          paste("box", as.character(0:(numboxes-1)), sep = ""))

    write.csv(df.custom, file = paste(csv.name, "_horiz.csv", sep = ""),
              row.names = FALSE)

    return (NULL)

## ==============================================================================
## make.init.nc
## ==============================================================================
##' @title Function that generates a NetCDF file of initial conditions
##' @description
##' Takes data from two csv files and generates an Atlantis initial conditions NetCDF file.
##' The csv files should be generated using \code{\link[shinyrAtlantis]{make.init.csv}}.
##' \code{init.file} contains all variable names to be included in the NetCDF file and their attributes.
##' This file also contains initial conditions and their spatial distribution (e.g., surface only, uniformly distributed in the vertical) if they are not box-specific.
##' Box-specific values are specified in \code{horiz.file} and must be labelled as custom in \code{init.file}.
##' @param bgm.file Box geometry model (.bgm) file used by Atlantis that defines box boundaries and depths.
##' @param cum.depths Vector of cumulative depths (starting with value zero).
##' @param init.file csv file containing all variable names and their attributes. Also includes how the values are distributed in space and the vertical.
##' @param horiz.file csv file containing box-defined values if customised flag is set for the horizontal distribution in \code{init.file}.
##' @param nc.file name of the NetCDF file generated which contains the initial conditions. This file can be used as input to Atlantis.
##' @param vert name and location of the csv file containing the functional groups' vertical distribution
##' @param ice_model Boolean string. Is the model using Fe and Ice dependent species?
##' @return Null (always). Produces a NetCDF file with the name \code{nc.file}.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' grp.file   <- "GBRGroups.csv"
##' bgm.file   <- "gbr_test.bgm"
##' cum.depths <- c(0,5,10,20,50,100,200,3000)
##' csv.name   <- "GBRtemplate"
##' make.init.csv(grp.file, bgm.file, cum.depths, csv.name)
##' ## copy GBRtemplate_init.csv to GBR_init.csv
##' ## copy GBRtemplate_horiz.csv to GBR_horiz.csv
##' ## edit files GBR_init.csv and GBR_horiz.csv by entering initial conditions
##' init.file  <- "GBR_init.csv"
##' horiz.file <- "GBR_horiz.csv"
##' nc.file    <- "GBRtemplate.nc"
##' make.init.nc(bgm.file, cum.depths, init.file, horiz.file, nc.file)
##' ## view the initial conditions file
##' init.obj <- make.sh.init.object(bgm.file, nc.file)
##' sh.init(init.obj)
##' }
##' @export
make.init.nc <- function(bgm.file, cum.depths, init.file, horiz.file, nc.file, vert = NULL, ice_model = FALSE) {
#### nc file is created using the data stored in the following two csv files
    df.init <- df.grp <- read.csv(file = init.file, header = TRUE,
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    df.horiz <- df.grp <- read.csv(file = horiz.file, header = TRUE,
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#### Transfor in double 0. for the ncfile
    df.init$b_dens <- as.double(df.init$b_dens)
    df.init$i_conc <- as.double(df.init$i_conc)
    df.init$f_conc <- as.double(df.init$f_conc)
    numlayers <- length(cum.depths) - 1 ## number of water layers
    ## calculate the depths of each water layer
    layer.depth <- rep(0, numlayers)
    for (i in 1:numlayers){
        layer.depth[i] <- cum.depths[i+1] - cum.depths[i]
    numsed <- 1 ## default to a single sediment layer
        vert <- read.csv(vert)
    ## extract data from the bgm file
    ## numlayers, dz, nominal_dz, and volume must be calculated from this file
    map.data <- make.map.data.init(bgm.file, cum.depths)
    numboxes <- map.data$numboxes
    b.vals <- 1:numboxes
    z.vals <- 1:(numlayers + 1) ## add single sediment layer
    box.data <- map.data$box.data
    ##land.box <- which(box.data$total.depth <= 0)

    ## create dimensions stored in the NetCDF file
    dim1 <- ncdim_def( ## create a time dimension
        name = 't',
        units = 'seconds since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 +10',
        unlim = TRUE,
        vals = as.double(0.0)

    dim2 <- ncdim_def( ## create a box dimension
        name = 'b',
        units = '(none)',
        vals = b.vals

    dim3 <- ncdim_def( ## create a depth layer dimension
        name = 'z',
        units = '(none)',
        vals = z.vals
    dim4 <- ncdim_def( ## create a depth layer dimension
        name = 'icenz',
        units = '(none)',
        vals = as.integer(1)
    ## create a list of all variables
    vars <- NULL
    list.indx <- 1
    for (i in 1:dim(df.init)[1]) {
        var.name     <- df.init$name[i]
        var.units    <- df.init$units[i]
        var.dimnames <- df.init$dimnames[i]
        if (df.init$dimensions[i] == 1) {
            var.dim <- list(dim2, dim1)
        } else {
            var.dim <- list(dim3, dim2, dim1)
        if(var.name == "nominal_dz"){
            var.dim <- list(dim3, dim2)
        if(var.dimnames  == '[ icenz b ]'){
            var.dim <- list(dim4, dim2, dim1)
        if(var.dimnames  == '[ icenz ]'){
            var.dim <- list(dim4, dim2)
        var.longname <- df.init$long_name[i]
        var.fillval  <- df.init$fill.value[i]
        vars[[list.indx]] <- ncvar_def(name = as.character(var.name),
                                       units = as.character(var.units), dim = var.dim,
                                       prec = ifelse(var.name %in% c("numlayers", "topk"), "short", "double"),
                                       longname = as.character(var.longname),
                                       missval = var.fillval)

        list.indx <- list.indx + 1
    ## writing to file will blow up if file already exists so make a copy
    if (file.exists(nc.file)) {
    ## create a NetCDF file
    outnc <- nc_create(filename = nc.file, vars = vars, force_v4 = TRUE)

    ## add global attributes
    ncatt_put(nc = outnc, varid = 0, attname = 'geometry', attval = bgm.file)
    ncatt_put(nc = outnc, varid = 0, attname = 'wcnz', attval = numlayers, prec = "int")
    ncatt_put(nc = outnc, varid = 0, attname = 'sednz', attval = numsed, prec = "int")
        ncatt_put(nc = outnc, varid = 0, attname = 'icenz', attval = 1 , prec = "int")
    ## add variable attributes (this can take a few minutes)
    for (i in 1:dim(df.init)[1]) {
        ## add required bmtype
        ncatt_put(nc = outnc, varid = df.init$name[i],
                  attname = 'bmtype', attval = df.init$bmtype[i])

        ## add the non-NA elements taken from df.atts
#        browser()
        for (j in 8:23) { ## columns of df.atts with attributes
            if (!is.na(df.init[i,j])) {
                ncatt_put(nc = outnc, varid = df.init$name[i],
                          attname = names(df.init)[j],
                          attval = df.init[i,j])
  #  browser()
    outnc <- nc_open(nc.file, write=TRUE) ## open .nc file
    ## create data based on the bgm file: volume, dz, nominal_dz, numlayers
    ## add volume data (not quite matching Gladstone data but close - projection?)
    ma.volume <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = numlayers+1, ncol = numboxes)
    for (i in 1:numboxes) {
        if (box.data$is.island[i]) {
            ## no water column volumes just a sediment layer volume
            ma.volume[numlayers + 1,i] <- box.data$volume[i]
        } else {
            ## add sediment layer volume (assume depth = 1m)
            ma.volume[numlayers + 1,i] <- box.data$area[i]
            ## add water column volumes
            if (box.data$numlayers[i] > 1) { ## some full layers present
                for (j in 1:(box.data$numlayers[i] - 1)) {
                    ## j=1 = surface layer, j=numlayers = just above sediment
                    ma.volume[box.data$numlayers[i] - j + 1,i] <-
            ## add the incomplete water layer just above the sediment
            ma.volume[1,i] <- box.data$area[i]*box.data$deepest.depth[i]
    ncvar_put(outnc, varid = "volume", vals = ma.volume)
    ## add depth data
    ma.depth  <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = numlayers+1, ncol = numboxes)
    nom.depth <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = numlayers+1, ncol = numboxes) #### nominal depth
    for (i in 1:numboxes) {
        if (box.data$is.island[i]) {
            ## no water column volumes just a sediment layer depth
            ma.depth[numlayers + 1,i] <- box.data$total.depth[i]
        } else {
            ## add sediment layer depth (assumed to be depth = 1m)
            ma.depth[numlayers + 1,i] <- 1.0
            ## add water column depths
            if (box.data$numlayers[i] > 1) { ## some full layers present
                for (j in 1:(box.data$numlayers[i] - 1)) {
                    ## j=1 = surface layer, j=numlayers = just above sediment
                    ma.depth[box.data$numlayers[i] - j + 1,i] <- layer.depth[j]
            ## add the incomplete water layer just above the sediment
            ma.depth[1,i] <- box.data$deepest.depth[i]
            nom.depth[, i] <- ma.depth[, i]
            if(box.data$total.depth[i] > cum.depths[numlayers + 1]) {
                nom.depth[1, i] <- nom.depth[1, i] + (box.data$total.depth[i] - cum.depths[numlayers + 1])
    ncvar_put(outnc, varid = "nominal_dz", vals = nom.depth)
    ncvar_put(outnc, varid = "dz", vals = ma.depth)
#    browser()
    ## add numlayers data (calculated in box.data)
    ncvar_put(outnc, varid = "numlayers", vals = box.data$numlayers)
    ## information only by layer
    by.layer <- ifelse(nom.depth >= 1, 1, 0)

    ## add data to required variables based on df.atts
    for (idx in 5:dim(df.init)[1]) { ## four variables have already been calculated
        #if(idx == 5) browser()
        if (df.init$dimensions[idx] == 1 || df.init$dimnames[idx] %in% c( "[ icenz b ]", "[ icenz ]")) {
            ## add the default value throughout (only for numlayers > 0?)
            var.data <- rep(df.init$wc.hor.scalar[idx], numboxes)
            ## overwrite default value if custom
            if (trimws(df.init$wc.hor.pattern[idx], 'both')  == "custom") {
                j <- which(df.horiz$Variable == df.init$name[idx])
                var.data <- df.horiz[j,2:(numboxes+1)]
            ncvar_put(outnc, varid = df.init$name[idx], vals = var.data)
        } else {
            ##var.data <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = numlayers+1, ncol = numboxes)
            var.data <- matrix(data = 1e30, nrow = numlayers+1, ncol = numboxes)
            hor.data <- rep(df.init$wc.hor.scalar[idx], numboxes) ## default values
            ## replace default values with custom values if provided
            if (trimws(df.init$wc.hor.pattern[idx], 'both') == "custom") {
                j <- which(df.horiz$Variable == df.init$name[idx])
                if(length(j) == 0) stop(cat('\nYou set the horizontal distribution of ',  df.init$name[idx], ' as "custom" but you did not provide information in the Horizontal distribution csv file\n'))
                for (i in 1:numboxes) {
                    hor.data[i] <- df.horiz[j,i+1]

            for (i in 1:numboxes) {
                if (box.data$numlayers[i] >= 1) { ## some full layers present in box
                    ## add sediment default value
                    var.data[numlayers + 1,i] <- as.double(df.init$sediment[idx])
                    ## j=1 = surface layer, j=numlayers = just above sediment
                    if (trimws(df.init$wc.ver.pattern[idx], 'both') == "uniform") {
                        for (j in 1:box.data$numlayers[i]) {
                            var.data[box.data$numlayers[i] - j + 1,i] <- hor.data[i]
                    } else if (trimws(df.init$wc.ver.pattern[idx], 'both') == "bottom") {
                        for (j in 1:box.data$numlayers[i]) {
                            var.data[box.data$numlayers[i] - j + 1,i] <- 0.0
                        var.data[1,i] <- hor.data[i]
                    } else if (trimws(df.init$wc.ver.pattern[idx], 'both') == "surface") {
                        for (j in 1:box.data$numlayers[i]) {
                            var.data[box.data$numlayers[i] - j + 1,i] <- 0.0
                        var.data[box.data$numlayers[i],i] <- hor.data[i]
                    } else if (trimws(df.init$wc.ver.pattern[idx], 'both') == "sediment"){
                        for (j in 1:box.data$numlayers[i]) {
                            var.data[box.data$numlayers[i] - j + 1,i] <- 0.0
                        var.data[numlayers + 1, i] <- hor.data[i]
                    } else if(trimws(df.init$wc.ver.pattern[idx], 'both') == "custom"){
                        pos.v <- which(names(vert) %in%  df.init$name[idx])
                        if(length(pos.v) == 0) stop(cat('\n You set the vertical distribution of ',  df.init$name[idx], ' as "custom" but you did not provide information in the Vertical distribution csv file \n'))
                        ver.d <- vert[, pos.v]
                        for (j in 1:box.data$numlayers[i]) {
                            var.data[box.data$numlayers[i] - j + 1, i] <- hor.data[i]  * ver.d[j]
            var.data <- var.data * by.layer
            ncvar_put(outnc, varid = as.character(df.init$name[idx]), vals = var.data)


    return (NULL)

## ==============================================================================
## get.init.nc : read the initial conditions of all variables in a NetCDF
##               file into a csv file.
## ==============================================================================
##' @title Function that generates a csv file of NetCDF values
##' @description
##' Takes data from a NetCDF file and generates a csv file containing the box-specific values.
##' If the variable is distributed in the vertical then the value on the bottom water layer is returned.
##' This function is useful when collecting data from Atlantis models in order to parameterise new Atlantis models.
##' Incorrect output may be produced if the number of boxes equals the number of time steps or water layers.
##' @param nc.file name of the NetCDF file containing the initial conditions.
##' @param output.file name of the csv file where data is written.
##' @return Null (always). Produces a csv file with the name \code{ouput.file}.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' nc.file <- "~/Atlantis/RunFiles/SEAP/params/initSEAPaquacult_pH.nc"
##' output.file <- "oldData.csv" ## where to write the data
##' get.init.nc(nc.file, output.file) ## extract data from the NetCDF file
##' }
##' @export
get.init.nc <- function(nc.file, output.file) {
    nc.out <- nc_open(nc.file)       ## open the NetCDF file
    n.vars <- nc.out$nvars           ## number of variables in the NetCDF file
    var.names.all <- rep(NA, n.vars) ## variable names
    for (i in 1:n.vars) { ## find all variable names
        var.names.all[i] <- nc.out$var[[i]]$name ## add variable name

    max.cols <- 0 ## maximum number of data per variable
    numboxes <- max(dim(ncvar_get(nc.out, "reef"))) ## should be present

    numvars <- length(var.names.all)
    ## first, store all initial data into a matrix
    m.data <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = numvars, ncol = numboxes)
    for (i in 1:length(var.names.all)) {
        data.all <- ncvar_get(nc.out, var.names.all[i]) ## get the data
        indx <- which(dim(data.all) == numboxes) ## which index has the data?
        data.out <- rep(0, numboxes) ## reset vector where data is read in
        if (length(dim(data.all)) == 1) { ## 1-D array
            data.out <- data.all
        } else if (length(dim(data.all)) == 2) { ## 2-D array, data in indx
            if (indx == 1) {
                data.out <- data.all[ ,1]
            } else {
                data.out <- data.all[1, ]
        } else if (length(dim(data.all)) == 3) { ## 3-D array, data in indx
            if (indx == 1) {
                data.out <- data.all[ ,1,1]
            } else if (indx == 2) {
                data.out <- data.all[1, ,1]
            } else {
                data.out <- data.all[1,1, ]

        m.data[i,1:numboxes] <- data.out[1:numboxes] ## transfer data to matrix
    df.out <- data.frame(Variable = var.names.all, m.data) ## make a data frame
    names(df.out) <- c("Variable",
                       paste("box", as.character(0:(numboxes-1)), sep = "")) ## name the columns
    write.csv(df.out, output.file) ## write all the data to a csv file

shanearichards/shinyrAtlantis documentation built on April 10, 2024, 7:19 a.m.