Man pages for shashidhar22/LymphoSeq2
Analyze high-throughput sequencing of T and B cell receptors

alignSeqAlign multiple sequences
antigen_dbAntigen DB
bhattacharyyaCoefficientBhattacharyya coefficient
calculateCountsCalculate k-mer counts
chordDiagramVDJChord diagram of VJ or DJ gene associations
clonalityClonality (summary statistics)
clonalRelatednessClonal relatedness
cloneTrackClone tracking line plot
collpase_chainsRead 10x Genomics data containing alpha and beta chains
commonSeqsCommon sequences in two or more repertoire_ids
commonSeqsBarCommon sequences bar plot
commonSeqsPlotCommon sequences scatter plot
commonSeqsVennCommon sequences Venn diagram
countKmerFind k-mers and its counts
differentialAbundanceDifferential abundance analysis
exportFastaExport sequences in fasta format
fisherFunctionFisher test
geneFreqGene frequencies
getGliphTableGroup productive sequences by repertoire
getLorenzCalculate Lorenz curve
getRelatednessCalculate relatedness
iterativeSummaryUncount, sample and iteratively calculate repertoire summary...
kmerPlotPlot kmer distributions
lorenzCurveLorenz curve
LymphoSeq2-packageLymphoSeq2: Analyze high-throughput sequencing of T and B...
mostPrevalentSelecting the alpha and beta chains
pairwiseNetworkPairwise comparison network graph
pairwisePlotPairwise comparison plot
percentSIPercent similarity index
phyloTreeCreate phylogenetic tree
plotAlignmentVisualize multiple sequence alignment of CDR3 sequences
plotRarefactionCurvePlot rarefaction and extrapolation curves for samples
plotTrackClone tracking alluvial plot
plotTrackSingularHighlight clones
prepDBCreate a antigen specific T-cells database
prevalenceTRBPrevalence TRB
productiveSeqSelect productive sequences
publishedTRBPublished TRB
read10xRead 10x Genomics files
readGliphRead GLIPH files
readImmunoSeqRead ImmunoSeq files
removeSeqRemove sequence
runINextRun iNEXT on repertoire_ids
sampledSummarySample repertoire
scoringMatrixBhattacharyya, Similarity, Sorensen, or PSI matrix
searchDBSearch for T cell receptor beta CDR3 amino acid sequences...
searchPublishedSearch for T cell receptor beta CDR3 amino acid sequences...
searchSeqSearch for a sequence
selectChainSelect the most frequent chain
seqMatrixSequence matrix
similarityScoreSimilarity score
sorensenIndexSorensen index
standardize10xStandardize 10X data inputs
summarySeqGet summary statistics for each repertoire_id in the analysis
topFreqTop frequencies
topSeqsTop sequences
topSeqsPlotCumulative frequency bar plot of top sequences
uniqueSeqsUnique sequences
writeFastaWrite FASTA file
shashidhar22/LymphoSeq2 documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 4:29 a.m.