
Defines functions gethclust getrowColor

Documented in gethclust getrowColor

#' hierarchical clustering with number of clusters determined automatically
#' This function is to do hierarchical clustering, with the number of clusters determined by a strategy combining Silhouette index, CH index and the heights after hierarchical clustering.
#' @param Emat the feature matrix whose columns represent the features and whose rows represent data/cells.
#' @examples
#' rowColor= getrowColor(E1)
#' @import cluster
#' @import clues
#' @import clusterCrit
#' @export
getrowColor <- function(Emat, hmethod, indN.cluster, minN.cluster, maxN.cluster, 
    sil.thre, height.Ntimes, flashmark) {
    # hierarchical clustering
    my = Emat
#     my = my[apply(my, 1, function(x) sd(x) != 0), ]####note that it is impossible for a single cell to have the same expression level for all genes, thus we do not need to check the sd == 0 or not
    # my <- t(scale(t(my)))
    # d=as.dist(1-cor(t(my))) hres = gethclust(d, my)
    if (missing(height.Ntimes)) {
        height.Ntimes = 1
	flashmark = FALSE
    hres = get_opt_hclust(my, hmethod, indN.cluster, minN.cluster, maxN.cluster, 
        sil.thre, height.Ntimes, flashmark)  #get the optimal hierarchical clustering results; use both Silhouette index and CH index, without the heights criteria
    f = hres$f
    nf = as.character(f)
    unf = unique(nf)
    N.cluster = length(unf)
    # print(paste('The optimal number of clusters for individual RP is: ', N.cluster,
    # sep = ''))
    cat("The optimal number of clusters for individual RP is: ", N.cluster, "\n")
    rowColor = vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(my))
    colorL <<- c("red", "purple", "blue", "yellow", "green", "orange", "brown", "gray", 
        "black", "coral", "beige", "cyan", "turquoise", "pink", "khaki", "magenta", 
        "violet", "salmon", "goldenrod", "orchid", "seagreen", "slategray", "darkred", 
        "darkblue", "darkcyan", "darkgreen", "darkgray", "darkkhaki", "darkorange", 
        "darkmagenta", "darkviolet", "darkturquoise", "darksalmon", "darkgoldenrod", 
        "darkorchid", "darkseagreen", "darkslategray", "deeppink", "lightcoral", 
    for (j in 1:N.cluster) {
        # sub.tf=cutree(h,k=N.cluster)==j
        sub.tf = nf == unf[j]
        if (j > length(colorL)) {
            j = j%%length(colorL)
            if (j == 0) {
                j = length(colorL)
        rowColor[sub.tf] = colorL[j]
        # if(grepl('_', colorL[j])){#whether the color word has '_' or not
        # rowColor2[sub.tf] = unlist(strsplit(colorL[j], '_'))[1]#this is to remove _1,
        # _2 to use the color words }else{ rowColor2[sub.tf] = rowColor[sub.tf] }
        # clustername = paste(outdir, 'Cluster_',str_replace(fname,'.txt',''), tag,
        # '.',colorL[j],'.',j,'.txt',sep='') print(clustername)
        # write.table(names(sub.tf[sub.tf==TRUE]),clustername,quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)
        # #write.table(names(sub.tf[sub.tf==TRUE]),clustername,col.names=F,row.names=F)
        # cluster[sub.tf]=j
    # f_seind = f[seind]#the corresponding clustering results
    # write.table(rowColor, paste(outdir,
    # 'AllClusters_rowColor',str_replace(fname,'.txt',''), tag, '_hclust.txt', sep =
    # ''), quote = FALSE, sep = '\n', row.names = F, col.names = F)#save the
    # clustering colors
    # cluster <- as.matrix(cluster) rownames(cluster)<-rownames(my) imgDat =
    # t(my[h$labels[h$order],]) if (flagArrangeColumn ==1) imgDat =
    # imgDat[h2$labels[h2$order],] # cluster column as well #P =
    # mlabel[h$labels[h$order],] imgDat[imgDat>maxval]=maxval
    # imgDat[imgDat<minval]=minval #color code #par(mar=c(10,33,5,0)) mycol =
    # colorL[1:N.cluster] cluster = cluster[h$labels[h$order],]
    # image(t(as.matrix(as.numeric(cluster))),col=mycol, axes=FALSE) box()
    # par(mar=c(10,1,5,1))
    # #-------------------it has used the rowColor here in
    # RowSideColors----------------------------- heatmap.2(as.matrix(my), Rowv=dend,
    # Colv=F, scale='row',trace='none',dendrogram='row',labRow=F,
    # col=colorpanel(length(bk)-1,'blue','white','red'), key=T,keysize=0.7,
    # RowSideColors=rowColor2, cexCol=1.5,margins=c(15,5) )#here
    # RowSideColors=rowColor2 instead of rowColor
    # dev.off()
    # pngname2=paste(outdir,fname,'.Dendro2.png',sep='')
    # png(pngname2,width=1000,height=1200) heatmap.2(as.matrix(my), Rowv=dend,
    # Colv=F, scale='row',trace='none',dendrogram='row',labRow=F,
    # col=colorpanel(length(bk)-1,'blue','white','red'), key=T,keysize=0.7,
    # #RowSideColors=F, cexCol=1.5,margins=c(15,5) ) dev.off()
    # sil = silhouette (rowColor,d) plot(sil)
    # print('rowColor done!')
    res = list()
    res$rowColor = rowColor
    res$maxsil = hres$maxsil
    res$mat = my
    # return(rowColor)

#' hierarchical clustering with number of clusters determined automatically
#' This function is to do hierarchical clustering, with the number of clusters determined by a strategy combining Silhouette index, CH index and the heights after hierarchical clustering.
#' @import cluster
#' @import clues
#' @import clusterCrit
#' @export
gethclust <- function(d, my) {
    h = hclust(d, method = "ward.D")  #ward to ward.D
    # determine the optimal number of clusters
    nc = 2:min(40, nrow(my) - 1)
    v = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(my), ncol = length(nc))  #for all different numbers of clusters
    msil = rep(0, length(nc))  #declare a vector of zeros
    # wss = rep(0, length(nc))#within-cluster sum of squares mdunn = rep(0, 39)#for
    # dunn index mdb = rep(0, 39)#for dunn index
    CHind = rep(0, length(nc))
    # print(paste('The height for the top 10 are: ', tail(h$height, n = 10), sep =
    # ''))
    my1 = as.matrix(my)  #convert to full matrix
    my = my1
    for (i in 1:length(nc)) {
        # foreach(i=1:length(nc)) %dopar%{
        v[, i] = cutree(h, k = nc[i])  #for different numbers of clusters
        sil = silhouette(v[, i], d)  #calculate the silhouette index
        # msil[i] = mean(sil[,3])#the mean value of the index
        msil[i] = median(sil[, 3])  #the mean value of the index
        # mdunn[i] = dunn(d, v[,i])
        # db = index.DB(d, cl = v[, i]) mdb[i] = db$DB
        # #within-cluster sum of squares spl <- split(d, v[,i]) wss[i] <- sum(sapply(spl,
        # wss))
        CHind[i] = get_CH(my, v[, i], disMethod = "1-corr")
        # ch0 = intCriteria(data.matrix(S),as.integer(v[,i]),'Calinski_Harabasz')
        # CHind[i] = unlist(ch0, use.names = F)#convert a list to a vector/value
    # print(msil)#the average sil index for all cases print(CHind)
    # print(wss) print(mdunn) print(mdb) oind = which.max(msil)#the index
    # corresponding to the max sil index
    tmp = which(msil == max(msil))  #in case there are more than one maximum
    if (length(tmp) > 1) {
        oind = tmp[ceiling(length(tmp)/2)]
    } else {
        oind = tmp
    if (max(msil) <= 0.35) {
        oind = which.max(CHind)
        # if(oind ==1){#it's likely that the CH index is not reliable either tmp =
        # tail(h$height, n =10)#the height diftmp = diff(tmp) flag = diftmp >
        # tmp[1:(length(tmp)-1)]#require the height is more than 2 times of the immediate
        # consecutive one if(any(flag)){#if any satifies the condition; make sure at
        # least one satisfied pind = which.max(flag) opth = (tmp[pind] +
        # tmp[pind+1])/2#the optimal height to cut optv = cutree(h, h = opth)#using the
        # appropriate height to cut oind = length(unique(optv)) - 1#for consistency } }
        # difCH = diff(CHind) x1 = which(difCH<0) if(length(x1)>0){ oind = min(x1)#local
        # maximum }else{ oind = 1 }
    # #if the silhouette index is not reliable, we use the gap statistics
    # if(max(msil)<=0.1){ gskmn <- clusGap(my, FUN = kmeans, nstart = 20, K.max = 15,
    # B = min(nrow(my), 50)) g = gskmn$Tab gap = g[, 'gap']#the gap info print(gap) #
    # oind = which.max(gap)#maximum gap sesim = g[, 'SE.sim']#standard error of the
    # gap print(sesim) oind = maxSE(gap, sesim)#maximize the gap with parsimony of
    # the model # if(oind >=floor(maxc*0.8)){#if the gap stastic keeps increasing
    # until very big number of cluster, we use the first SE-rule (Gap(k) >= Gap(k+1)
    # - SE) # sesim = g[, 'SE.sim']#standard error of the gap # print(sesim) # oind =
    # maxSE(gap, sesim)#maximize the gap with parsimony of the model # } }
    # oind = 10
    f = v[, oind]  #the optimal clustering results
    hres = list()
    hres$f = f
    hres$maxsil = max(msil)
    hres$msil = msil
    hres$CHind = CHind
    hres$height = h$height
    hres$oind = oind
shibiaowan/SHARP documentation built on April 28, 2021, 1:56 p.m.