
Defines functions IdentifyTermsInStudies CountTermsInStudies CountPatternInPar ExtractPattern CountPatternOverMatrix ReadLink ValidateDictionary ExtractColumns GetData

Documented in CountPatternInPar CountPatternOverMatrix CountTermsInStudies ExtractColumns ExtractPattern GetData IdentifyTermsInStudies ReadLink ValidateDictionary

# Functions for identifying text appreance frequency or appearences in different combination of fields.

#' GetData
#' The function will first judge wether the input data is a dataset (matrix, data.frame, list, array) or a link.
#' For a dataset, it converts the input data to a data.frame.
#' For a link, it checks the type of the file and read accordingly. Acceptable extensions include 'txt', 'tsv', 'csv'
#' @param myData  Either a dataset, or a link to the dataset
#' @return Data in the format of data frame or NULL for anything illegal
#' @export
GetData <- function(myData) {
    if (class(myData) == 'matrix' | class(myData) == 'data.frame' | class(myData) == 'tibble' | class(myData) == 'list' | class(myData) == 'array') {
      df = as.data.frame(myData)
    } else if (class(myData) == 'character') {
      fileExtension <- tools::file_ext(myData)
      if (fileExtension == 'txt' |
          fileExtension == 'tsv')
        df <- utils::read.delim(myData, stringsAsFactors = F)
      else if (fileExtension == 'csv')
        df <- utils::read.csv(myData, stringsAsFactors = F)
        print(paste0(myData, "File type not recognized. "))
    } else {
  }, warning = function(war) {
    # warning handler picks up where error was generated
    print(paste("MY_WARNING:  ", war))

  }, error = function(err) {
    # error handler picks up where error was generated
    print(paste("MY_ERROR:  ", err))

  }, finally = {


#' ExtractColumns
#' Extract the columns in the df matching the
#' @param df a data frame
#' @param columnNames a list of character object
#' @return a data frame with column names matching columnNames. If not mathing is found, NULL is returned.
#' @export
ExtractColumns <- function(df, columnNames) {
  if (!class(columnNames) == 'character' &
      !class(columnNames[1]) == 'character')

  if (sum(columnNames %in% names(df)) >= 1)
    newDf <- df[columnNames[columnNames %in% names(df)]]
    print(paste0('Valid column: ', names(newDf)))
  } else {

#' ValidateDictionary
#' Validate Dictionary
#' @param myDictionary  my Dictionary
#' @param dictionaryNameHeader dictionary Name Header
#' @param dictionaryRegexHeader dictionary Regex Header
#' @return valid myDictionary
ValidateDictionary <-
           dictionaryRegexHeader) {
    if (length(names(myDictionary)) == 0)
    if (length(names(myDictionary)) == 1) {
      myDictionary <- cbind(myDictionary, myDictionary)
      names(myDictionary) <-
        c(dictionaryNameHeader, dictionaryRegexHeader)

    if (dictionaryNameHeader %in% names(myDictionary) &
        dictionaryRegexHeader %in% names(myDictionary))
      return(myDictionary[, c(dictionaryNameHeader, dictionaryRegexHeader)])
    else {
        "Dictionary headers don't match. Plesae provide the correct header. Either indicate the correct
        header for dictionaryNameHeader and dictionaryRegexHeader,
        or use 'Name' and 'Regex' in the dictionary document and omit the parameters"


#' ReadLink
#' Read Link
#' @param link read full text from link
#' @param ignoreExistingTextFile boolean varible to indicate whether a pdf should be converted
#' if there is already text file with its file name.
#' @param cutIntro boolean varible to indicate whether introduction/background should be removed from pdfs
#' @param cutRefs boolean varible to indicate whether reference section should be removed from pdfs
#' @param conversionSoftware indicate the location and name of the software to use to convert pdf to text.
#' Default value is pdftotext
#' @return  linkstatus and fulltext
#' @export
ReadLink <-
           cutIntro = FALSE,
           cutRefs = FALSE,
           ignoreExistingTextFile = FALSE,
           conversionSoftware = '') {

    ConvertPdftoText <-
               ignoreExistingTextFile = FALSE,
               conversionSoftware = '') {
          if (!file.exists(pdfLink))
            return('Error: Pdf not found')

          txtLink <- sub('.pdf', '.txt', pdfLink)
          if (file.exists(txtLink) &&
              ignoreExistingTextFile == FALSE)
            return('OK: Text file exists')

          if (conversionSoftware == '') {
            if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Linux')
              conversionSoftware = 'pdftotext'
            else if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Windows')
              conversionSoftware = 'pdftotext'
            else if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Mac')
              conversionSoftware = 'pdftotext'
              conversionSoftware = 'pdftotext'

          com <-
            paste(paste('"', conversionSoftware, '"', sep = '') ,
                  paste('"', pdfLink, '"', sep = ''))

            system(com, wait = T)
            return("OK: Pdf Converted")
        }, TRUE)
        return("Error: Fail to convert pdf")

    ReadFullText <- function(txtFileNames, cutIntro=F, cutRefs=F) {
      # Read regular expression from file names
      ReadText <- function(fileName) {
        readChar(fileName, file.info(fileName)$size)

      try(if (!file.exists(txtFileNames))
      #Read text from file into fulltext
      fulltext <- sapply(txtFileNames , ReadText)

      return(CleanText(fulltext, cutIntro = cutIntro, cutRefs = cutRefs))

    CleanText <-
               pdfExtractor = F,
               cutIntro = F,
               cutRefs = F,
               newLine = T,
               dashLine = F,
               lowerCase = F) {

        if (pdfExtractor == T)
          text <-
            gsub("[(][a-zA-Z0-9. ]*PDF Extractor SDK[a-zA-Z0-9 .]*[)]",
                 perl = T)

        if (newLine == T & cutRefs == T)
          text <-

        if (newLine == T & cutIntro == T)

            gsub("(Introduction|INTRODUCTION|Background|BACKGROUND)\r\n[\\W\\S\\s]+?(METHODS|METHODOLOGY|[Mm]ethods|Materials and [Mm]ethods|Methodology|Experimental [Pp]rocedure.?|EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE.?|Experimental [Pp]rotocol.?|EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOL.?|Results|RESULTS)\r\n",
                 perl = T)

        if (newLine == T)
          text <- gsub("\r|\n|\f", " ", text, perl = T)

        if (dashLine == T)
          text <- gsub("-", "", text, perl = T)

        if (lowerCase == T)
          text <- tolower(text)


    if (tolower(tools::file_ext(link)) == 'pdf') {
      linkStatus <-
                         ignoreExistingTextFile = ignoreExistingTextFile
                         conversionSoftware = conversionSoftware)
      textLink <-
        ifelse(grepl('OK', linkStatus),
               stringi::stri_replace_last_fixed(link, '.pdf', '.txt'),''
      # gsub('pdf', 'txt', link), ''
    else {
      if (link == "")
        linkStatus <- 'Error: No file'
        linkStatus <- 'Ok: Not pdf'
      textLink <- link

    if (textLink == '')
      return(c(linkStatus, ''))

    try(if (!file.exists(textLink)) {
      linkStatus <- "Error: Text file not found"
      return(c(linkStatus, ''))

      fullText <- ReadFullText(textLink, cutIntro, cutRefs)
      linkStatus <- 'OK: File is read Successfully'
      return(c(linkStatus, fullText))

    linkStatus <- "Error: Failed to read file"
    return(c(linkStatus, ''))

#' CountPatternOverMatrix
#' Count Pattern Over Matrix
#' @param text  A list, arry or data frame of character vectors where matches are sought, or a list or array of objects which can be coerced by as.character to a character vector. Long vectors are supported.
#' @param pattern  Character string containing a regular expression to be matched in the given character vector.
#' Coerced by as.character to a character string if possible.
#' If a character vector of length 2 or more is supplied, the first element is used with a warning. Missing values are allowed.
#' If the data frame contains more than one column, then the only first column is used.
#' @param ignoreCase ignoreCase boolean to decide whether to ignore the case in searching the content in dictionary in the searchingData or not
#' @param margin a vector giving the subscripts which the CountPattern function will be applied over. E.g., for a matrix 1 indicates rows, 2 indicates columns, c(1, 2) indicates rows and columns. Where X has named dimnames, it can be a character vector selecting dimension names.
#' @return a list of integers showing the number frequency of the pattern match over columns and over rows

CountPatternOverMatrix <-
           margin = margin,
           ignoreCase = ignoreCase) {

    CountPattern <- function(text, pattern, ignoreCase = T) {
      locations <-
        gregexpr(pattern, text, ignore.case = ignoreCase, perl = T)
      locations <- unlist(locations)
      return (sum(locations != -1))

      pattern = pattern,
      ignoreCase = ignoreCase

#' ExtractPattern
#' Extract text which matches regex pattern
#' @param text  A list, arry or data frame of character vectors where matches are sought, or a list or array of objects which can be coerced by as.character to a character vector. Long vectors are supported.
#' @param pattern  Character string containing a regular expression to be matched in the given character vector.
#' Coerced by as.character to a character string if possible.
#' If a character vector of length 2 or more is supplied, the first element is used with a warning. Missing values are allowed.
#' If the data frame contains more than one column, then the only first column is used.
#' @param ignoreCase boolean to decide whether to ignore the case in searching the content in dictionary in the searchingData or not
#' @param margin a vector giving the subscripts which the CountPattern function will be applied over. E.g., for a matrix 1 indicates rows, 2 indicates columns, c(1, 2) indicates rows and columns. Where X has named dimnames, it can be a character vector selecting dimension names.
#' @return a list of integers showing the number frequency of the pattern match over columns and over rows

ExtractPattern <-
           margin = margin,
           ignoreCase = ignoreCase) {

    GetPattern <- function(text, pattern, ignoreCase = T) {

      if(ignoreCase == T){

        matchpattern <- paste0(".{80}",pattern,".{80}")
        string <- stringr::str_extract_all(text, stringr::regex(matchpattern, ignore_case=T))
        return (paste0("", string))
      else {

        matchpattern <- paste(".{80}",pattern,".{80}")
        string <- stringr::str_extract_all(text, stringr::regex(matchpattern))
        return (paste0("", string))

      pattern = pattern,
      ignoreCase = ignoreCase

#' CountPatternInPar
#' Count Pattern In Par
#' @param myStudies myStudies
#' @param myDictionary myDictionary
#' @param textSearchingHeaders textSearchingHeaders
#' @param linkSearchHeaders linkSearchHeaders
#' @param dictionaryNameHeader dictionaryNameHeader
#' @param dictionaryRegexHeader dictionaryRegexHeader
#' @param ignoreCase boolean to decide whether to ignore the case in searching the content in dictionary in the searchingData or not
#' @param ignoreExistingTextFile ignoreExistingTextFile
#' @param extractStrings = boolean variable to indicate whether matching strings from full text should be extracted
#' @param conversionSoftware Software used to covert pdf to text. Default value is 'pdftotext'
#' @param cutRefs a boolean, wether to cut the reference or not
#' @param cutIntro a boolean, whehter to cut introduction
#' @return frequency

CountPatternInPar <- function(myStudies = NULL
                              textSearchingHeaders = ""
                              linkSearchHeaders = ""
                              dictionaryNameHeader = 'Name'
                              dictionaryRegexHeader = 'Regex'
                              ignoreCase = TRUE
                              ignoreExistingTextFile = TRUE
                              cutIntro = FALSE
                              cutRefs = FALSE
                              extractStrings = FALSE
                              conversionSoftware = 'pdftotext') {
  linkStatusHeader <-
    paste0(linkSearchHeaders, "Status")
  linkFullTextHeader <-
    paste0(linkSearchHeaders, "FullText")

  #Count the pattern in each studies parallaly
  ncores <- parallel::detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = TRUE)
  cl <-
    parallel::makeCluster(round(ncores) / 2, outfile = "") #determines how many parallel processes are used for the pdf downloading

  '%dopar%' <- foreach::'%dopar%'

  results <-
      i = 1:nrow(myStudies),
      .packages = c('tools')
      .export = c("ReadLink", "CountPatternOverMatrix", "ExtractPattern")
    ) %dopar% {
      options(stringsAsFactors = F)
      myStudy <- myStudies[i,,drop=F]

      myRegex <- myDictionary[, dictionaryRegexHeader]
      myStudy[, c(linkStatusHeader, linkFullTextHeader)] = ""

      # Read fulltext. Convert if the link is a pdf link. Return Status and fulltext
      if(linkSearchHeaders != ""){
        myStudy[, c(linkStatusHeader, linkFullTextHeader)] <-
              myStudy[, linkSearchHeaders],
              ignoreExistingTextFile = ignoreExistingTextFile,
              cutIntro = cutIntro,
              cutRefs = cutRefs,
              conversionSoftware = conversionSoftware

      if(extractStrings == TRUE){

        result1 <- sapply(
          margin = 1,
          text = myStudy[,!(names(myStudy) %in% c(linkSearchHeaders, linkStatusHeader)), drop=F],
          ignoreCase = ignoreCase
        result2 <- sapply(
          margin = 1,
          text = myStudy[,!(names(myStudy) %in% c(linkSearchHeaders, linkStatusHeader)), drop=F],
          ignoreCase = ignoreCase

        return(c(myStudy[, linkStatusHeader], result1, result2))

      else {

        result1 <- sapply(
          margin = 1,
          text = myStudy[,!(names(myStudy) %in% c(linkSearchHeaders, linkStatusHeader)), drop=F],
          ignoreCase = ignoreCase

        return(c(myStudy[, linkStatusHeader], result1))


  results <- as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(results))))

  if(extractStrings == TRUE){
    colnames(results) <-
      c(linkStatusHeader, as.matrix(myDictionary[, dictionaryNameHeader]), as.matrix(paste0(myDictionary[, dictionaryNameHeader], ": Matched Strings")))
    rownames(results) <- NULL

    colnames(results) <-
      c(linkStatusHeader, as.matrix(myDictionary[, dictionaryNameHeader]))
    rownames(results) <- NULL


  rownames(results) <- NULL


#' CountTermsInStudies
#' @param searchingData Either a dataset or a link to the dataset to search from
#' @param dictionary Either a dictionary dataset, or a link to the dictionary dataset to run the function on.
#'  It should consist two columns: name of the term and search string of the term. Regular expression (Perl) is accepted for the search string.
#'  If there is only one column, that column will be used both as name and regular expression.
#' @param textSearchingHeaders A list of the headers of the columns to search from. A list of character. Default value is ""
#' @param linkSearchHeaders A list of the headers of the columns to links to read and search from. A list of character. Default value is ""
#' @param dictionaryNameHeader The header string of name column in dictionary. Default value is 'Name'.
#' @param dictionaryRegexHeader The header string of regular expression column in dictionary. Default value is 'Regex'.
#' @param ignoreCase boolean to decide whether to ignore the case in searching the content in dictionary in the searchingData or not. Default value is TRUE.
#' @param ignoreExistingTextFile ignoreExistingTextFile
#' @param cutIntro boolean varible to indicate whether introduction/background should be removed from pdfs
#' @param cutRefs boolean varible to indicate whether reference section should be removed from pdfs
#' @param extractStrings = boolean variable to indicate whether matching strings from full text should be extracted
#' @param conversionSoftware Software used to covert pdf to text. Default value is 'pdftotext'
#' @return A data frame with result of the dictionary search. One column for each term in the dictionary, with the name of the term as header.
#' @export
CountTermsInStudies <- function(searchingData
                                textSearchingHeaders = ""
                                linkSearchHeaders = ""
                                dictionaryNameHeader = 'Name'
                                dictionaryRegexHeader = 'Regex'
                                ignoreCase = TRUE
                                ignoreExistingTextFile = TRUE
                                cutIntro = FALSE
                                cutRefs = FALSE
                                extractStrings = FALSE
                                conversionSoftware = 'pdftotext') {
  #Read in the data.
  myStudies <-
                   c(textSearchingHeaders, linkSearchHeaders))
  if (is.null(myStudies)){
    print("No valid data is selected. Please check the data,textSearchingHeaders, and/or linkSearchHeaders. ")

  #Read in the dictionary.
  myDictionary <-
    ValidateDictionary(myDictionary <-
  if (is.null(myDictionary))

  #Count Pattern in parallel
  results <-
    # as.data.frame(
      myStudies = myStudies
      myDictionary = myDictionary
      textSearchingHeaders = textSearchingHeaders
      linkSearchHeaders = linkSearchHeaders
      dictionaryNameHeader = dictionaryNameHeader
      dictionaryRegexHeader = dictionaryRegexHeader
      ignoreCase = ignoreCase
      ignoreExistingTextFile = ignoreExistingTextFile
      cutIntro = cutIntro
      cutRefs = cutRefs
      extractStrings = extractStrings
      conversionSoftware = conversionSoftware


#' IdentifyTermsInStudies
#' Identify terms in studies
#' @param searchingData Either a dataset or a link to the dataset to search from
#' @param dictionary Either a dictionary dataset, or a link to the dictionary dataset to run the function on.
#'  It should consist two columns: name of the term and search string of the term. Regular expression (Perl) is accepted for the search string.
#'  If there is only one column, that column will be used both as name and regular expression.
#' @param textSearchingHeaders A list of the headers of the columns to search from. A list of character. Default value is empty string
#' @param linkSearchHeaders A list of the headers of the columns to read and search from. A list of character. Default value is empty string
#' @param dictionaryNameHeader The header string of name column in dictionary
#' @param dictionaryRegexHeader The header string of regular expression column in dictionary
#' @param ignoreCase boolean to decide whether to ignore the case in searching the content in dictionary in the searchingData or not
#' @param ignoreExistingTextFile ignoreExistingTextFile
#' @param cutIntro boolean varible to indicate whether introduction/background should be removed from pdfs
#' @param cutRefs boolean varible to indicate whether reference section should be removed from pdfs
#' @param extractStrings = boolean variable to indicate whether matching strings from full text should be extracted
#' @param conversionSoftware Software used to covert pdf to text. Default value is 'pdftotext'
#' @return A data frame with result of the dictionary search. One column for each term in the dictionary, with the name of the term as header.
#' @export
IdentifyTermsInStudies <- function(searchingData = NULL
                                   dictionary = NULL
                                   textSearchingHeaders = ""
                                   linkSearchHeaders = ""
                                   dictionaryNameHeader = 'Name'
                                   dictionaryRegexHeader = 'Regex'
                                   ignoreCase = TRUE
                                   ignoreExistingTextFile = TRUE
                                   cutIntro = FALSE
                                   cutRefs = FALSE
                                   extractStrings = FALSE
                                   conversionSoftware = 'pdftotext') {
  results <-
      searchingData = searchingData
      dictionary = dictionary
      textSearchingHeaders = textSearchingHeaders
      linkSearchHeaders = linkSearchHeaders
      dictionaryNameHeader = dictionaryNameHeader
      dictionaryRegexHeader = dictionaryRegexHeader
      ignoreCase = ignoreCase
      ignoreExistingTextFile = ignoreExistingTextFile
      cutIntro = cutIntro
      cutRefs = cutRefs
      extractStrings = extractStrings
      conversionSoftware = conversionSoftware

  return(results != 0)
shihikoo/AutoAnnotation documentation built on April 3, 2021, 10:58 a.m.