
Defines functions create.H1D.project

Documented in create.H1D.project

#' Creates a new hydrus project folder with "HYDRUS1D.DAT" and "DISCRIPT.TXT" files
#' @param project.name Name of the project
#' @param parent.dir  Path to the project folder
#' @param processes Main processes (e.g., WaterFlow, SoluteTransport etc) to be simualted
#' @param TimeUnit Simulation time unit information (default = days)
#' @param SpaceUnit Vertical spatial unit (decault = cm)
#' @param PrintTimes Time levels at which the outputs should be printed
#' @param geometry Profile geometry info (Depth, # of nodes and # of obs nodes)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' create.H1D.project(project.name = "testproj2", parent.dir = parent_dir, discription = NULL,
#' SpaceUnit = "cm", TimeUnit = "days", PrintTimes = 1,
#' processes = c(WaterFlow = T, SoluteTransport = F, RootWaterUptake = F,
#' RootGrowth = F, Unsatchem = F, HP1 = F, EquillibriumAdsorption = F,
#' initial.cond = c(NumberOfSolutes = 0, InitialCondition = 0),
#' geometry = c(ProfileDepth = 200, NumberOfNodes = 4,
#'          ObservationNodes = 0, MaterialNumber = 1, SubregionNumber = 1))

create.H1D.project<-function(project.name, parent.dir, discription = NULL,
      TimeUnit = "days", SpaceUnit = "cm", PrintTimes = 1,
       processes = c(WaterFlow = T, RootWaterUptake = F), geometry, initial.cond, ...) {

      all_args = c("WaterFlow", "SoluteTransport", "RootWaterUptake",
            "RootGrowth", "Unsatchem", "HP1", "EquillibriumAdsorption",
              "NumberOfSolutes", "InitialCondition", "geometry",
              "project.name", "parent.dir", "discription",
              "TimeUnit", "SpaceUnit", "PrintTimes")

      project_path = file.path(parent.dir, project.name)
      discript_file = file.path(project_path, "DISCRIPT.TXT")
      h1ddat_file = file.path(project_path, "HYDRUS1D.DAT")
      discription = ifelse(is.null(discription), paste("project title", project.name), discription)

      disp_msg = paste("Folder", project.name, "already exists.All files will be deleted.Proceed? y/n \n")

 if(dir.exists(project_path)) {

            dir_answer = readline(prompt = disp_msg)
            dir_answer = substr(toupper(dir_answer), start = 1, stop = 1)

            if(dir_answer == "Y") {
                  unlink(project_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
            } else {
                  stop("HYDRUS1D project not created\n")

      } else {

            args_vec = as.list(match.call())
            args_vec = lapply(args_vec[-1], FUN = function(x) unlist(x))
            # args_vec = unlist(unclass(args_vec))
            args_vec = do.call("c", args_vec)
            args_vec = ifelse(args_vec == TRUE, 1, args_vec)
            args_vec = ifelse(args_vec == FALSE, 0, args_vec)

            names(args_vec) = gsub("processes.", "", names(args_vec), fixed = TRUE)
            names(args_vec) = gsub("geometry.", "", names(args_vec), fixed = TRUE)
            names(args_vec) = gsub("initial.cond.", "", names(args_vec), fixed = TRUE)

            args_vec["ProfileDepth"] = toupper(format2sci(as.numeric(args_vec["ProfileDepth"]),
                                                      ndec = 2, power.digits = 3))

            args_names = names(args_vec)

            h1d_args_names = args_names[!(args_names %in% c("project.name", "parent.dir", "discription"))]
            # h1d_args_names = gsub("Profile.", "", h1d_args_names, fixed = TRUE)

            hydrus1d_template = system.file("templates/HYDRUS1D.DAT", package = "hydrusR")
            h1d_dat = readLines(hydrus1d_template, n = -1L, encoding = "unknown")

            discript_vec = c("Pcp_File_Version=1", discription)

            for(a in 1:length(h1d_args_names)){
                  arg_a = h1d_args_names[a]
                  arg_value = args_vec[arg_a]
                  arg_index = grep(arg_a, h1d_dat)
                  h1d_dat[arg_index] = paste0(arg_a, "=", arg_value)


            write(discript_vec, file = discript_file, append = FALSE)
            write(h1d_dat, file = h1ddat_file, append = FALSE)

   selector_in = system.file("templates/SELECTOR.IN", package = "hydrusR")
   selector_data = readLines(selector_in, n = -1L, encoding = "unknown")

  lunit_ind = grep("LUnit", selector_data)
  unit_lines = lunit_ind + 1:2
  selector_data[unit_lines] = c(SpaceUnit, TimeUnit)

timeinfo_ind = grep("*** BLOCK C", selector_data, fixed = TRUE)
timeinfo_data = selector_data[timeinfo_ind+2]

timeinfo_split = unlist(strsplit(x = timeinfo_data, split = " "))
timeinfo_split = timeinfo_split[timeinfo_split != ""]
timeinfo_new = as.numeric(timeinfo_split)

names(timeinfo_split) = c("dt", "dtMin",  "dtMax", "DMul", "DMul2", "ItMin", "ItMax", "MPL")
names(timeinfo_new) = c("dt", "dtMin",  "dtMax", "DMul", "DMul2", "ItMin", "ItMax", "MPL")

if(TimeUnit == "hours"){

    timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")] = 24*timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")]

} else if (TimeUnit == "minutes") {
      timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")] = 60*24*timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")]

} else if(TimeUnit == "seconds"){
      timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")] = 3600*24*timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")]

} else if(TimeUnit == "years") {
      timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")] = 1/365*timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")]


timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")] = format2sci(timeinfo_new[c("dt", "dtMin", "dtMax")], ndec = 3, power.digits = 3)
fmt_space = c(12, 13, 12, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6)
fmt_vec = paste("%", fmt_space, "s", sep = "")
timeinfo_new_fmt = sprintf(fmt = fmt_vec, timeinfo_new)
timeinfo_new_str = paste(timeinfo_new_fmt, collapse = "")

selector_data[timeinfo_ind + 2] = timeinfo_new_str

write(selector_data, file = file.path(project_path, basename(selector_in)), append = F)

cat("New H1DRUS-1D project create in", project_path, "...\n")

shoebodh/hydrusR documentation built on April 17, 2020, 12:52 p.m.