Man pages for shuyuzheng/synergyfinder
Calculate and Visualize Synergy Scores for Drug Combinations

BlissCalculate Bliss Synergy Score
CalculateCSSCalculate Combination Sensitivity Score
CalculateIC50Calculate Relative IC50 from Fitted Model
CalculateRICalculate Relative Inhibition (RI) for Dose-Response Curve
CalculateSensitivityCalculate the Sensitivity Scores for Drug Combinations
CalculateSynergyCalculate the Synergy Scores for Drug Combinations
CorrectBaseLineBase Line Correction for Drug Combination Matrix
DimensionReductionDimension Reduction for Multi-drug Combination Visualization
dot-AdjustColumnNameAdjust Column Names of Input Data Table
dot-BootstrappingBootstraping Sample from Replicates in Response Data
dot-DistanceCalculate Distance from a Point to a Plane
dot-ExtendedScoresMake a Smooth Surface for Scores
dot-Extract2DrugPlotDataExtract Data for 2 Drug Combination Plots
dot-ExtractMultiDrugPlotDataExtract Data Table and Annotation Information for Multi-drug...
dot-Own_logCSS Facilitate Function - Log Calculation (nature based) LL.4...
dot-Own_log2CSS Facilitate Function - Log (nature based) Calculation L.4...
dot-PredictResponseFromModelPredict Response Value at Certain Drug Dose
dot-Pt2mmConvert Font Size from pt to mm
dot-RoundValuesRound the Numbers for Plotting
dot-ScoreCurveCSS Facilitate Function - .ScoreCurve for Curves Fitted by...
dot-ScoreCurve_L4CSS Facilitate Function - .ScoreCurve for Curves Fitted by...
dot-SolveExpDoesL4Solve the Expected Dose of Drug to Achieve Given Effect from...
dot-SolveExpDoesLL4Solve the Expected Dose of Drug to Achieve Given Effect from...
dot-SolveExpDoseSolve the Expected Dose of Drug to Achieve Given Effect (%...
dot-SolveLoeweSolve the Loewe Additive Effect for Concentration...
ExtractSingleDrugExtract Single Drug Dose Response
FindModelParFind the Fitted Parameters from 4-Parameter Log-Logistic...
FindModelTypeFind the Type of Model Used for Fitting Dose Response Data
FitDoseResponseFitting Single Drug Dose-Response Model
GenerateSurface3D Surface Plot for Nulti-drug Combination...
HighlightBarPlotHighlight Bars
HSACalculate HSA Synergy Score
ImputeIC50Impute Missing Value at IC50 Concentration of Drug
LoeweCalculate Loewe Synergy Score
mathews_screening_dataA high-throughput drug combination screening data
NCATS_screening_dataA high-throughput 3 drug combination screening data
ONEIL_screening_dataA high-throughput 2 drugs combination screening data with...
Plot2DrugContour2D Contour Plot for 2-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
Plot2DrugHeatmapHeatmap Plot for 2-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
Plot2DrugSurface3D Surface Plot for 2-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
PlotBarometerPlot Barometer for Responses at One Data Point
PlotDoseResponseVisualize the Drug Combination Dose-response Data
PlotDoseResponseCurvePlot Dose Response Curve for Single Drug
PlotMultiDrugBarBar Plot for Multi-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
PlotMultiDrugSurface3D Plot for Multi-drug Combination Dose-Response/Synergy...
PlotSensitivitySynergyPlot Sensitive-Synergy Plot for All the Combinations in the...
PlotSynergyPlot Interaction Landscape for Synergy Scores
PredictResponsePredict Response Value at Certain Drug Dose
ReshapeDataPre-process the Response Data for Further Calculation and...
ZIPCalculate Delta Synergy Score Based on ZIP Model
shuyuzheng/synergyfinder documentation built on Feb. 20, 2023, 11:33 p.m.