dot-Extract2DrugPlotData: Extract Data for 2 Drug Combination Plots

.Extract2DrugPlotDataR Documentation

Extract Data for 2 Drug Combination Plots


Extract Data for 2 Drug Combination Plots


  plot_block = 1,
  drugs = c(1, 2),
  plot_value = "response",
  statistic = NULL



A list object generated by function ReshapeData.


A character/integer. It indicates the block ID for the block to visualize.


A vector of characters or integers with length of 2. It contains the index for two drugs to plot. For example, c(1, 2) indicates to plot "drug1" and "drug2" in the input data.


A character value. It indicates the value to be visualized. If the data is the direct output from ReshapeData, the values for this parameter are:

  • response_origin The original response value in input data. It might be % inhibition or % viability.

  • response The % inhibition after preprocess by function ReshapeData

If the data is the output from CalculateSynergy, following values are also available:

  • ZIP_ref, Bliss_ref, HSA_ref, Loewe_ref The reference additive effects calculated by ZIP, Bliss, HSA or Loewe model, respectively.

  • ZIP_synergy, Bliss_synergy, HSA_synergy, Loewe_synergy The synergy score calculated by ZIP, Bliss, HSA or Loewe model, respectively.

  • ZIP_fit The response fitted by ZIP model.


A character or NULL. It indicates the statistics printed in the plot while there are replicates in input data. Available values are:

  • sem Standard error of mean;

  • ci 95% confidence interval.

If it is NULL, no statistics will be printed.


A data frame. It contains the concentrations for selected drugs, the selected values for plotting, and the text for printing on the heatmap.


shuyuzheng/synergyfinder documentation built on Feb. 20, 2023, 11:33 p.m.