
#' addCropArea
#' This function is for adding an additional crop area that was not included in 
#' the NASS system. The most obvious use case is for areas just outside of U.S, 
#' like in the Ontario province in Canada. Another is for transcontinental
#' migration adding large splotches of Mexico, Carribean and Canada. The 
#' function works by looking at a shape file for a grid of points (lat, lon) and
#' using the cropAmt to create an additional area to add to the original file.
#' @param pathIn The path of the parsed and projected crop nc file
#' @param shapeAdd Either A shape file from Google Earth (kml) defining the area,
#' or an x,y matrix defining the added points.
#' @param cropAmt The amount of crop in that area which is either constant or 
#' the length of the input shape file
#' @param pathOut The path out of the final nc file
#' @return The final raster and the new nc file if pathOut is specified.
#' @export
addCropArea <- function(pathIn, shapeAdd, cropAmt, pathOut = ''){
	orgDat <- if(is.character(pathIn)){
	} else {
	addLatLon <- readKML(shapeAdd, raster::res(orgDat))
	desLen <- length(addLatLon[,1])
	inLen <- length(cropAmt)
	if(inLen > 1){
		if(desLen != inLen){
			stop(sprintf("Need to supply %f number of points or a single point, you supplied %f points",
	} else {
		cropAmt <- rep(cropAmt, desLen)
	addDat <- raster::rasterize(addLatLon, orgDat,
															field = cropAmt,
															fun = sum,
															background = 0)
	newDat <- addDat + orgDat
	if (nchar(pathOut) > 0){
														filename =pathOut,
														format = "CDF", overwrite=TRUE),

#' simAreaStats: Interrogate the final simulation on specific areas
#' This post processing process allows the user to analyze regions instead of
#' the entire US. A number of statistics are outputted as elements in a list.
#' @param pathShape The path to a kml polygon to define the extent
#' @inheritParams ncdf2trapdata
#' @param useSum Either uses the final combined sum nc file or creates it using
#'   "rebuildNc"
#' @return a list of the first occurance for both the populations and the
#' mixing area for the entire area and the entire year
#' @export
simAreaStats <- function(dirSim, pathShape, useSum = FALSE){
		pathIn <- paste0(dirSim, "/FinalRebuildSum.nc")
			rebuildNc(dirSim, file2year(dirSim), flagSum = TRUE, shWrite = TRUE)
	} else {
		pathIn <- paste0(dirSim, "/Final.nc")
	simTX <- raster::stack(pathIn, varname = "TXMoth")
	simFL <- raster::stack(pathIn, varname = "FLMoth")
	areaMask <- readKML(pathShape, res(simTX))
	resMask <- raster::rasterize(areaMask, simTX,
		field = 1,
		fun = sum,
		background = NA)
	sliceTX <- as.array(mask(simTX, resMask))
	sliceFL <- as.array(mask(simFL, resMask))
	firstOccFL <- min(calcFirstOcc(sliceFL), na.rm = TRUE)
	firstOccTX <- min(calcFirstOcc(sliceTX), na.rm = TRUE)
	totMix <- round(mean(calcMixingRatio(sliceFL, sliceTX), na.rm = TRUE), 2)
	return(list(firstOccFL = firstOccFL, firstOccTX = firstOccTX, totMix = totMix))

#' Interrogate the validation data on specific areas
#' @param csvIn Either the path or the matrix from the summarized validation data,
#' or the output of "summarizeValid()"
#' @param niceGrid a raster or a raster extent of the final entire grid 
#' that the data is on
#' @inheritParams simAreaStats
#' @return a list of the summary stats
#' @export
valAreaStats <- function(csvIn, pathShape, niceGrid){
	valDat <- switch(class(csvIn),
		character = read.csv(csvIn, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
		matrix = {
			temp <- as.data.frame(csvIn, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
			for(col in 2:(dim(temp)[2] - 1)){
				temp[,col] <- as.numeric(temp[,col])
		stop("valAreaStats wants a path to the scrubbed data or the matrix output")
	areaMask <- readKML(pathShape, res(niceGrid))
	resMask <- raster::rasterize(areaMask, niceGrid,
		field = 1,
		fun = sum,
		background = NA)
	withinSet <- !is.na(raster::extract(resMask, valDat[,3:2]))
	firstOcc <- min(valDat[withinSet, 4], na.rm = TRUE)
	addDat <- colMeans(
		valDat[withinSet, 5:(dim(valDat)[2] - 1), drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
	names(addDat) <- NULL
	addDat[is.nan(addDat)] <- NA
		firstOccTrap = firstOcc,
		avgHapRatio = addDat[1],
		addDat = addDat[-1]))

readKML <- function(shapeIn, outRes){
	latLon <- switch(class(shapeIn),
		character = if(!grepl("kml", shapeIn)){
			"not a supported extension"
		} else {
				"not in existence"
			} else {
				layer <- gsub("[.]kml", '', basename(shapeIn))
						suppressWarnings(rgdal::readOGR(shapeIn, layer, verbose=FALSE)),
						resolution = outRes
		matrix = shapeIn,
		"not a defined class")
	if(length(latLon) == 0) stop("Input grid is empty")
	if(is.character(latLon)) stop(paste("Input was", latLon))
sidjai/biosplit documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:59 p.m.