
Defines functions rel_capped_rne_old compute.after.cap.action.inds capped.rne.period.T prepare.after.cap r.capped.rne.iterations capped.rne.iterations rel_capped_rne rel_T_rne get_capped_history arms.race.example examples.rne_capped

Documented in rel_capped_rne rel_T_rne

examples.rne_capped = function() {
  g = rel_game("Principal-Agent Variation") %>%
    rel_state("x0",A2=list(e=c(0,1)),pi1=~ e, pi2=~ -0.5*e) %>%
    rel_state("x1",pi1=0.3, pi2=0.3) %>%
    rel_transition("x0","x1", e=1) %>%
    rel_transition("x1","x0") %>%
      a1=list(e=1), a2=list(e=1)
    ) %>%
    rel_compile() %>%
    rel_capped_rne(T=20,adjusted.delta = 0.51, rho=0.4, save.history = TRUE)



  g = rel_spe(g)

  e = seq(0,1, by=0.1)
  g = rel_game("Simple Principal Agent Game") %>%
    # Initial State
    rel_state("x0",A2=list(e=e),pi1=~e, pi2=~ -0.5*e*e*(e>=0)) %>%
    rel_after_cap_payoffs("x0",U=max(e-0.5*e*e), v1.rep=0,v2.rep=0) %>%

  g = rel_capped_rne(g, T=100, delta=.5, rho=0.5, save.history = TRUE)

  g = rel_rne_from_capped(g)


  g = rel_rne(g, adjusted.delta = 0.1, rho=0.89)

  g = rel_rne(g, adjusted.delta = 0.1, rho=0.1)

  e.seq = seq(0,1, by=0.1); xL=0; xH=0.2
  g = rel_game("Weakly Directional Vulnerability Paradox") %>%
    # Initial State
    rel_state("xL", A1=list(move=c("stay","vul")),A2=list(e=e.seq), x.T="xH") %>%
    rel_payoff("xL",pi1=~e, pi2=~ -0.5*e*e*(e>=0)) %>%
    rel_transition("xL","xH",move="vul") %>%
    # High vulnerability
    rel_state("xH", A1=NULL,A2=list(e=unique(c(-xH,e.seq))), x.T="xL") %>%
    rel_payoff("xH",pi1=~e, pi2=~ -0.5*e*e*(e>=0)) %>%

  g = rel_solve_repgames(g,use.repgame.package = TRUE)
  get_repgames_results(g, delta=g$param$delta, rho=g$param$rho)

  g = rel_rne(g, delta=0.9, rho=0.92)

  g = rel_capped_rne(g,T=50, delta=0.9, rho=0.91,use.cpp=FALSE, save.history = TRUE)
  rne2= get_eq(g)
  g = rel_rne_from_capped(g)
  rne3 = get_eq(g)
  res = bind_rows(rne,rne2, rne3)

  g = rel_solve_repgames(g)
  get_repgames_results(g, delta=g$param$delta, rho=g$param$rho)

  g = rel_rne_from_capped(g)
  spe = get_eq(g)

  hist = g$eq.history
  de = get_rne_details(g, x="xL")

  g = rel_game("Simple Principal Agent Game") %>%
    # Initial State
    rel_state("x0",A2=list(e=e),pi1=~e, pi2=~ -0.5*e*e*(e>=0), signals=c("success"), x.T="xT") %>%
    rel_signal_prob("x0", success=)
    rel_after_cap_payoffs("xT",U=max(e-0.5*e*e), v1.rep=0,v2.rep=0) %>%


arms.race.example = function() {

  A.fun = function(x1,x2, x.max,...) {
      A1=list(h1=0:x1, i1=c(if (x1>0) "d","",if (x1<x.max) "b")),
      A2=list(h2=0:x2, i2=c(if (x2>0) "d","",if (x2<x.max) "b"))

  pi.fun = function(a.df,c,k,...) {
      pi1 = -c*h1 - h2 - k*(i1=="b"),
      pi2 = -c*h2 - h1 - k*(i2=="b")

  trans.fun = function(x,x1,x2,a.df,x.max, success.prob,...) {
    #if (x=="0_0") stop()
    a.df = unique(select(a.df, i1,i2))
    sp = success.prob

    trans = rbind(
      # (1,0)
      mutate(a.df, g1=1,g2=0,
        prob= (i1=="b")*sp* ( (i2=="b")*(1-sp)+(i2==""))),
      # (0,1)
      mutate(a.df, g1=0,g2=1,
        prob= (i2=="b")*sp* ( (i1=="b")*(1-sp)+(i1==""))),
      # (1,1)
      mutate(a.df, g1=1,g2=1,
        prob= (i1=="b")*sp*(i2=="b")*sp),
      # (-1,0)
      mutate(a.df, g1=-1,g2=0,
        prob= (i1=="d")*( (i2=="b")*(1-sp)+(i2==""))),
      # (0,-1)
      mutate(a.df, g1=0,g2=-1,
        prob= (i2=="d")*( (i1=="b")*(1-sp)+(i1==""))),
      # (-1,-1)
      mutate(a.df, g1=-1,g2=-1,
        prob= (i1=="d")*(i2=="d")),
      # (-1,1)
      mutate(a.df, g1=-1,g2=1,
        prob= (i1=="d")*( (i2=="b")*sp)),
      # (1,-1)
      mutate(a.df, g1=1,g2=-1,
        prob= (i2=="d")*( (i1=="b")*sp))
    ) %>%
      filter(prob > 0 )

    trans = mutate(trans,
        nx1 = pmin(x.max,pmax(x1+g1,0)),
        nx2 = pmin(x.max,pmax(x2+g2,0)),
        xd = paste0(nx1,"_",nx2),
      ) %>%
      filter(xs != xd) %>%

  x.max = 5
  x.df = as_tibble(expand.grid(x1=0:x.max,x2=0:x.max))
  x.df$x = paste0(x.df$x1,"_", x.df$x2)

  g = rel_game("Arms Race") %>%
    rel_param(delta=0.995, rho=0.7, c=0, k=1,x.max=x.max, success.prob=1) %>%
    rel_states(x.df,A.fun=A.fun, pi.fun=pi.fun, trans.fun=trans.fun) %>%
    rel_compile() %>%

  rne1 = get_eq(g)
  g = rel_rne_from_eq_actions(g, iterations=2)
  rne2 = get_eq(g)
  g = rel_rne_from_eq_actions(g)
  rne3 = get_eq(g)


  res = bind_rows(rne1, rne2, rne3)

  #rne = g$eq %>% filter(t<max(g$eq$t), t==1)

  de = get_rne_details(g)
  d = filter(de, t==1, x=="0_0")

  d = rne %>%
    filter(can.ae==2) %>%
    mutate(iv1 =  0 + (i1=="b") - (i1=="d"),iv2 = 0 + (i2=="b") - (i2=="d"))

  ggplot(d, aes(x=t,y=iv1)) + geom_point(size=1.5, color="red", alpha=0.5) + facet_grid(x1~x2, labeller=label_both) + geom_point(aes(x=t,y=iv2), size=1.5, color="blue", alpha=0.5) + theme_bw()

  de = rne %>% filter(x %in% c("3_0"), t==5) %>%
    filter(h1==0, h2==0)


#' Get the intermediate steps in from t = T to t = 1 for
#' a T-RNE or capped RNE that has been solved with
#' \code{save.history = TRUE}
get_T_rne_history = get_capped_history = function(g) {

#' Compute a T-RNE
#' The idea of a T-RNE is that only for a finite number of T periods relational contracts will be newly negoatiated. After T periods no new negotiations take place, i.e. every SPE continuation payoff can be implemented. For fixed T there is a unique RNE payoff.
#' @inheritParams rel_capped_rne
rel_T_rne = function(g,T,  delta=g$param$delta, rho=g$param$rho, adjusted.delta=NULL, beta1 = g$param$beta1,   tie.breaking=c("equal_r", "slack","random","first","last","max_r1","max_r2","unequal_r")[1], tol=1e-12,  save.details=FALSE, add.iterations=FALSE, save.history=FALSE, use.cpp=TRUE, spe=g[["spe"]], res.field="eq") {
  rel_capped_rne(g=g,T=T,delta=delta, rho=rho, adjusted.delta=adjusted.delta, beta1=beta1, tie.breaking=tie.breaking, tol=tol,use.cpp=use.cpp, add.iterations=add.iterations, save.details=save.details,  save.history=save.history, res.field=res.field,T.rne=TRUE,spe=spe)

#' Solve an RNE for a capped version of a game
#' In a capped version of the game we assume that after period T the state cannot change anymore and always stays the same. I.e. after T periods players play a repeated game. For a given T a capped game has a unique RNE payoff. Also see \code{\link{rel_T_rne}}.
#' @param g The game
#' @param T The number of periods in which new negotiations can take place.
#' @param delta the discount factor
#' @param rho the negotiation probability
#' @param adjusted.delta the adjusted discount factor (1-rho)*delta. Can be specified instead of delta.
#' @param beta1 the bargaining weight of player 1. By default equal to 0.5. Can also be initially specified with \code{rel_param}.
#' @param tie.breaking A tie breaking rule when multiple action profiles could be implemented on the equilibrium path with same joint payoff U. Can take the following values:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "equal_r" (DEFAULT) prefer actions that in expectation move to states with more equal negotiation payoffs.
#'   \item "slack" prefer the action profile with the highest slack in the incentive constraints
#'   \item "random" pick randomly from all eligible action profiles
#'   \item "max_r1" pick action profiles that in moves to states with highest negotiation payoff for player 1.
#'   \item "max_r2"  pick action profiles that in moves to states with highest negotiation payoff for player 2.
#' }
#' @param tol Due to numerical inaccuracies the calculated incentive constraints for some action profiles may be vialoated even though with exact computation they should hold, yielding unexpected results. We therefore also allow action profiles whose numeric incentive constraints is violated by not more than tol. By default we have \code{tol=1e-10}.
#' @param add.iterations if TRUE just add T iterations to the previously computed capped RNE or T-RNE.
#' @param save.details if set TRUE details of the equilibrium are saved that can be analysed later by calling \code{get_rne_details}. For an example, see the vignette for the Arms Race game.
#' @param save.history saves the values for intermediate T.
rel_capped_rne = function(g,T, delta=g$param$delta, rho=g$param$rho, adjusted.delta=NULL, beta1 = g$param$beta1,  tie.breaking=c("equal_r", "slack","random","first","last","max_r1","max_r2","unequal_r")[1],tol=1e-12,add.iterations=FALSE,   save.details=FALSE,  save.history=FALSE,use.cpp=TRUE, T.rne=FALSE, spe=NULL,res.field="eq") {
  if (!g$is_compiled) g = rel_compile(g)

  res = compute.delta.rho(delta, rho, adjusted.delta)
  g$param$delta = delta = res$delta
  g$param$rho = rho = res$rho

  if (use.cpp) {
    if (!require(RelationalContractsCpp)) {
      warning("Cannot use faster C++ functions since the package RelationalContractsCpp is not installed.")
      use.cpp = FALSE

  adj_delta = (1-rho)*delta
  beta2 = 1-beta1

  if (add.iterations) {
    rne = g[[res.field]]
    if (is.null(rne)) add.iterations=FALSE
  if (!add.iterations) {
    if (T.rne) {
      if (is.null(spe)) {
        g = rel_spe(g)
        spe = g$spe
      rne = spe
    } else {
      g = prepare.after.cap(g)
      rne = capped.rne.period.T(g,delta=delta, rho=rho)
    T = T-1

  if (!isTRUE(g$is.multi.stage)) {
    res = capped.rne.iterations(g,T, rne=rne,save.details=save.details, use.cpp=use.cpp,tie.breaking = tie.breaking,tol = tol, save.history = save.history)
  } else {
    res = capped.rne.multistage.iterations(g,T, rne=rne,save.details=save.details, use.cpp=use.cpp,tie.breaking = tie.breaking,tol = tol, save.history=save.history)
  if (save.history) {
    start.rne = bind_cols(t=rep(T+1,NROW(rne)),add.rne.action.labels(g,rne))
    history = bind_rows(start.rne, add.rne.action.labels(g,res$history))
  } else {
    history = NULL
  rne = res$rne
  details = res$details

  rne = add.rne.action.labels(g,rne)
  if (!is.null(g$x.df))
    rne = left_join(rne, g$x.df, by="x")

  g[[res.field]] = g$capped_rne = rne
  g[[paste0(res.field,".details")]] = details
  g[[paste0(res.field,".history")]] = history

capped.rne.iterations = function(g,T=1,rne=g[["eq"]], tie.breaking, debug_row=-1, tol=1e-12, use.cpp=!save.history, save.details=FALSE, save.history = FALSE) {

  if (T<=0) {

  if (save.history & use.cpp) {
    #cat("Note since save.history=TRUE, I use pure R functions instead of C++.")
    use.cpp = FALSE

  # TO DO: Compile transmats before in a useful form
  sdf = g$sdf
  if (use.cpp) {
    transmats = lapply(1:NROW(sdf), function(row) {
      trans.mat = sdf$trans.mat[[row]]
      if (NROW(trans.mat)==0) {
        x = sdf$x[row]; na1 = sdf$na1[row]; na2 = sdf$na2[row]
        trans.mat = matrix(1,na1*na2,1)
        colnames(trans.mat) = x

    T.cpp = T-save.details

    if (T.cpp > 0) {
      res_rne = cpp_capped_rne_iterations(T=T.cpp, sdf=sdf,rne=rne,transmats=transmats,
        delta=g$param$delta, rho=g$param$rho,beta1 = g$param$beta1,
        tie_breaking=tie.breaking, tol=tol, debug_row=debug_row)
    if (save.details) {
      res = r.capped.rne.iterations(T=1, g=g, rne=res_rne, tie.breaking=tie.breaking, save.details=save.details, tol=tol)
    } else {
      res = list(rne=res_rne, details=NULL)
  } else {
    res = r.capped.rne.iterations(T=T, g=g, rne=rne, tie.breaking=tie.breaking, save.details=save.details, save.history = save.history, tol=tol)

# Iterate capped RNE over T periods using pure R
# Return res_rne
r.capped.rne.iterations = function(T, g, rne, tie.breaking,delta=g$param$delta, rho=g$param$rho,beta1 = g$param$beta1, tol=1e-12, save.details=FALSE, save.history=FALSE) {

  sdf = g$sdf

  next_U = rne_U = rne$U
  next_v1 = rne_v1 = rne$v1; next_v2 = rne_v2 = rne$v2
  next_r1 = rne_r1 = rne$r1; next_r2 = rne_r2 = rne$r2

  rne_actions = matrix(0L, NROW(sdf),3)
  colnames(rne_actions) = c("ae","a1","a2")

  if (save.details) {
    details.li = vector("list",NROW(sdf))
    x.df = g$x.df
  if (save.history) {
    history.li = vector("list",T)

  # Compute all remaining periods
  for (iter in seq_len(T)) {
    for (row in 1:NROW(sdf)) {
      x = sdf$x[row]

      na1 = sdf$na1[row]
      na2 = sdf$na2[row]
      trans.mat = sdf$trans.mat[[row]]
      xd = colnames(trans.mat)
      dest.rows = match(xd, sdf$x)

      # Include code to compute U v and r
      # for the current state
      U.hat = (1-delta)*(sdf[["pi1"]][[row]] + sdf[["pi2"]][[row]]) +
        delta * trans.mat.mult(trans.mat, next_U[dest.rows])

      # "q-value" of punishment payoffs
      q1.hat = (1-delta)*sdf$pi1[[row]] +
        delta * trans.mat.mult(trans.mat,( (1-rho)*next_v1[dest.rows] + rho*next_r1[dest.rows] ))

      q2.hat = (1-delta)*sdf$pi2[[row]] +
        delta * trans.mat.mult(trans.mat,( (1-rho)*next_v2[dest.rows] + rho*next_r2[dest.rows] ))

      # v1.hat is best reply q for player 1
      # Note player 1 is col player
      q1.hat = matrix(q1.hat,na2, na1)
      v1.hat.short = rowMaxs(q1.hat)
      v1.hat = rep(v1.hat.short, times=na1)

      # v2.hat is best reply q for player 2
      q2.hat = matrix(q2.hat,na2, na1)
      v2.hat.short = colMaxs(q2.hat)
      v2.hat = rep(v2.hat.short, each=na2)

      # Compute which action profiles are implementable
      IC.holds = U.hat+tol >= v1.hat + v2.hat

      # Can at least one action profile be implemented?

      if (sum(IC.holds)==0) {
        # Maybe just return empty RNE
        # instead
        stop(paste0("In state ", x, " period ", t," no pure action profile can satisfy the incentive constraint. Thus no pure RNE exists in the capped game."))

      U = max(U.hat[IC.holds])
      v1 = min(v1.hat[IC.holds])
      v2 = min(v2.hat[IC.holds])

      r1 = v1 + beta1*(U-v1-v2)
      r2 = v2 + (1-beta1)*(U-v1-v2)

      rne_U[row] = U;
      rne_v1[row] = v1; rne_v2[row] = v2
      rne_r1[row] = r1; rne_r2[row] = r2

      # Find actions
      if (iter == T | save.history) {
        rne_actions[row,] = r_rne_find_actions(U,v1,v2,U.hat,v1.hat,v2.hat, IC.holds, next_r1, next_r2, trans.mat, dest.rows, tie.breaking, tol=1e-12)

      if (save.details & iter==T) {

        lab.df = g$a.labs.df[g$a.labs.df$x==x,]
        # We want to compute best deviation actions

        # q1.hat = matrix(q1.hat,na2, na1)
        # rows = actions of player 2
        # columns = actions of player 1

        # best deviation for player 1
        dev.col = max.col(q1.hat)
        ind.mat = matrix(1:(na1*na2),na2,na1)
        ind.mat[,] = ind.mat[cbind(1:na2,dev.col)]
        dev1.lab = lab.df$lab1[as.vector(ind.mat)]

        # best deviation for player 2
        dev.row = max.col(t(q2.hat))
        ind.mat = matrix(1:(na1*na2),na2,na1)
        ind.mat = t(ind.mat)
        ind.mat[,] = ind.mat[cbind(1:na1, dev.row)]
        dev2.lab = lab.df$lab2[as.vector(t(ind.mat))]

        dev.lab = paste0(dev1.lab, g$options$lab.player.sep, dev2.lab)

        pi1 = sdf$pi1[[row]]
        Er1 = trans.mat.mult(trans.mat, next_r1[dest.rows])
        # Continuation payoff if new negotiation in next period
        pi_Er1 = (1-delta)*pi1 + delta*Er1

        pi2 = sdf$pi2[[row]]
        Er2 = trans.mat.mult(trans.mat, next_r2[dest.rows])
        # Continuation payoff if new negotiation in next period
        pi_Er2 = (1-delta)*pi2 + delta*Er2

        slack = U.hat - (v1.hat + v2.hat)

        extra.x = g$x.df[g$x.df$x==x,setdiff(colnames(g$x.df),"x")]
        arows = seq_along(IC.holds)
        details.li[[row]] = cbind(
            a.lab = g$a.labs.df$lab[g$a.labs.df$x==x],
            best.dev = dev.lab
            U.hat = U.hat,

            can.ae = (abs(U.hat-U)<tol & IC.holds)*1 + (arows==rne_actions[row,1]),
            can.a1 = (abs(v1.hat-v1)<tol & IC.holds)*1 + (arows==rne_actions[row,2]),
            can.a2 = (abs(v2.hat-v2)<tol & IC.holds)*1 + (arows==rne_actions[row,3]),

            pi1 = pi1,
            pi2 = pi2,
            Er1 = Er1,
            Er2 = Er2,
            pi_Er1 = pi_Er1,
            pi_Er2 = pi_Er2,
        ) %>% arrange(
          -U.hat, -slack

    if (save.history) {
      res_rne = cbind(quick_df(t=T-iter+1,x=sdf$x,r1=rne_r1,r2=rne_r2, U=rne_U, v1=rne_v1,v2=rne_v2),rne_actions)
      #res_rne = add.rne.action.labels(g,res_rne)
      history.li[[iter]] = res_rne

    if (iter < T) {
      next_U = rne_U
      next_v1 = rne_v1; next_v2 = rne_v2
      next_r1 = rne_r1; next_r2 = rne_r2
  res_rne = cbind(quick_df(x=sdf$x,r1=rne_r1,r2=rne_r2, U=rne_U, v1=rne_v1,v2=rne_v2),rne_actions)
  res_rne = add.rne.action.labels(g,res_rne)
  details = if (save.details) bind_rows(details.li)
  history = if (save.history) bind_rows(history.li)

  return(list(rne=res_rne, details=details, history=history))


# Solve all required repeated games and default
# after.cap.payoffs
# TO DO: Also implement for multistage
prepare.after.cap = function(g) {

  if (!is.null(g$after_cap_actions))

  sdf = g$sdf
  has.default = !is.null(g$default_after_cap_payoffs)
  x.T = sdf$x.T
  if (!is.null(g$after_cap_payoffs)) {
    ac.rows = match(sdf$x, g$after_cap_payoffs$x)
    x.T[!is.na(ac.rows)] = g$after_cap_payoffs$x.T[ac.rows[!is.na(ac.rows)]]

  # No default after-cap payoff set is specified
  # If no after cap payoff set is linked
  # use repeated game with fixed state after cap
  if (!has.default) {
    rows = is.na(x.T)
    x.T[rows] = sdf$x[rows]
  # A default after-cap payoff set is specified
  } else {
    rows = is.na(x.T)
    x.T[rows] = g$after_cap_payoffs$x.T[1]

  sdf$x.T =x.T
  g$sdf = sdf

  # Solve repeated games for all required states
  need.rep.rows = which(sdf$x %in% x.T)
  g = rel_solve_repgames(g, rows = need.rep.rows)


# Solve for period T onwards, where the SPE payoff set of the truncated game
# stays constant
capped.rne.period.T = function(g, delta=g$param$delta, rho=g$param$rho, T.rne=FALSE) {

  if (!is.null(g$after_cap_actions)) {
    res = compute.optimal.payoffs.from.actions(g)

  beta1 = g$param$beta1
  adj_delta = delta*(1-rho)
  w = ((1-delta) / (1-adj_delta))

  sdf = g$sdf

  xT = unique(sdf$x.T)
  need.rep.x = intersect(sdf$x, xT)
  if (length(need.rep.x)>0) {
    rep.df = g$rep.games.df %>%
      filter(x %in% need.rep.x, round(adj_delta,15) >= round(delta_min,15), round(adj_delta,15) <round(delta_max,15)) %>%
      #filter(x %in% need.rep.x, adj_delta >= delta_min, adj_delta < delta_max) %>%
        v1 = w*v1_rep + (1-w)*r1,
        v2 = w*v2_rep + (1-w)*r2
  } else {
    rep.df = NULL
  # Have some special after cap states
  after.cap.x = setdiff(xT,rep.df$x)
  if (length(after.cap.x)>0) {
    if (!all(after.cap.x %in% g$after_cap_payoffs$x.T)) {
      stop(paste0("You have not specified the after-cap payoffs for x.T = ", paste0(setdiff(after.cap.x, g$after_cap_payoffs$x.T), collapse=", ")))

    acp = g$after_cap_payoffs

    has.v = !is.na(acp$v1)

    r1 = acp$v1 + beta1*(acp$U-acp$v1-acp$v2)
    r1[!has.v] = (acp$v1.rep + beta1*(acp$U-acp$v1.rep-acp$v2.rep))[!has.v]
    r2 = acp$U-r1

    # Compute punishment payoffs of the truncated game
    acp$v1[!has.v] = (w*acp$v1.rep + (1-w)*r1)[!has.v]
    acp$v2[!has.v] = (w*acp$v2.rep + (1-w)*r2)[!has.v]

    if (isTRUE(g$is.multi.stage)) {
      res.acp = transmute(acp,
        x=x.T, r1=r1,r2=r2,U=U, v1=v1, v2=v2,
        s.ae=NA_integer_, s.a1=NA_integer_, s.a2 =NA_integer_,
        ae=NA_integer_, a1=NA_integer_, a2 =NA_integer_
    } else {
      res.acp = transmute(acp,
        x=x.T, r1=r1,r2=r2,U=U, v1=v1, v2=v2,
        ae=NA_integer_, a1=NA_integer_, a2 =NA_integer_

    res = bind_rows(rep.df, res.acp)
  } else {
    res = rep.df

  if (isTRUE(g$is.multi.stage)) {
    cols = c("x","r1","r2","U","v1","v2","s.ae","s.a1","s.a2","ae","a1","a2")
  } else {
    cols = c("x","r1","r2","U","v1","v2","ae","a1","a2")

  # All states repeat themselves
  if (all(sdf$x==sdf$x.T)) {
    res = res[,cols,drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    rows = match(sdf$x.T,res$x)
    res = res[rows,cols, drop=FALSE]
    res$x = g$sdf$x
  #return(list(res=res,g=g, g.changed=g.changed))

compute.after.cap.action.inds = function(g) {

  aca = g$after_cap_actions
  sdf = g$sdf

  k.var = "ae"
  aca.row = 1

  ind.mat = matrix(NA, NROW(sdf), 3)
  colnames(ind.mat) = c("ae","a1.hat","a2.hat")

  for (aca.row in seq_len(NROW(aca))) {
    aca.x = aca$x[aca.row]
    if (is.na(aca.x)) {
      rows = 1:NROW(sdf)
    } else {
      rows = match(aca.x, sdf$x)
    row = 1
    for (row in rows) {
      a.grid = g$sdf$a.grid[[row]]
      k.var = "ae"
      for (k.var in c("ae","a1.hat","a2.hat")) {
        a.li = aca[[k.var]][aca.row][[1]]
        vars = intersect(names(a.li), colnames(a.grid))
        a.rows = rep(TRUE, NROW(a.li))
        #var = vars[1]
        for (var in vars) {
          val = try(eval.rel.expression(a.li[[var]],param=a.grid, g=g))
          if (is(val, "try-error"))
            stop(paste0("Error in evaluating after.cap.action formula for phase ", k.var, " variable ", var, " in state ", sdf$x[row]))

          a.rows = a.rows & a.grid[[var]] == val
        ind =  which(a.rows)
        if (length(ind)==0) {
          stop(paste0("The after.cap.action formula for phase ", k.var, " in state ", sdf$x[row], " selects no action."))
        } else if (length(ind)>1) {
          stop(paste0("The after.cap.action formula for phase ", k.var, " in state ", sdf$x[row], " selects more than one action."))
        ind.mat[row,k.var] = ind

# Solve an RNE for a capped version of the game
# Once the capped version of the game reaches period T,
# the state cannot change anymore.
# We can solve such capped games via a fast backward iduction
# algorithm. There always exists a unique RNE payoff.
# @param g The game object
# @param T The number of periods until states can change
# @param save.details If yes, detailed information about the equilibrium for each state and period will be stored in g and can be retrieved via the function get_rne_details
rel_capped_rne_old = function(g,T, save.details=FALSE, tol=1e-10,  delta=g$param$delta, rho=g$param$rho, adjusted.delta=NULL, res.field="rne", tie.breaking=c("slack","random","first","last")[1], use.cpp=TRUE) {
  if (!g$is_compiled) g = rel_compile(g)

  res = compute.delta.rho(delta, rho, adjusted.delta)
  g$param$delta = res$delta
  g$param$rho = res$rho

  if (isTRUE(g$is.multi.stage)) {
    g = capped.rne.multistage(g,T, tol=tol, res.field=res.field, tie.breaking=tie.breaking, use.cpp=use.cpp, save.details=save.details)

  sdf = g$sdf
  adj_delta = (1-rho)*delta
  beta1 = g$param$beta1
  beta2 = 1-beta1

  if (save.details) {
    x.df = non.null(g$x.df, quick_df(x=sdf$x))

  rne = tibble(x = rep(sdf$x,times=T),t=rep(T:1,each=NROW(sdf)), r1=NA,r2=NA, U=NA, v1=NA,v2=NA,ae=NA,a1=NA,a2=NA)

  rne.details = NULL
  if (save.details)
    rne.details = vector("list",NROW(rne))

  # First solve repeated games for all states
  # These are the continuation payoffs in state T
  rows = 1:NROW(sdf)
  for (row in rows) {
    if (is.null(sdf$rep[[row]])) {
      sdf$rep[[row]] = solve.x.repgame(g,row=row)

    # Compute U, v, r
    rep = sdf$rep[[row]] %>%
      filter(round(adj_delta,15) >= round(delta_min,15), round(adj_delta,15) < round(delta_max,15))
      #filter(adj_delta >= delta_min, adj_delta < delta_max)

    rne$U[row] = rep$U
    rne$r1[row] = rep$r1
    rne$r2[row] = rep$r2
    rne$ae[row] = rep$ae
    rne$a1[row] = rep$a1
    rne$a2[row] = rep$a2

    w = ((1-delta) / (1-adj_delta))
    v1 = w*rep$v1_rep + (1-w)*rep$r1
    v2 = w*rep$v2_rep + (1-w)*rep$r2
    rne$v1[row] = v1
    rne$v2[row] = v2

  g$sdf = sdf

  t = T-1
  srow = 1
  # Compute all remaining periods
  for (t in rev(seq_len(T-1))) {
    for (srow in 1:NROW(sdf)) {
      x = sdf$x[srow]

      na1 = sdf$na1[srow]
      na2 = sdf$na2[srow]
      trans.mat = sdf$trans.mat[[srow]]
      #rownames(trans.mat) = make.state.lab.a(sdf[srow,])

      if (NROW(trans.mat)==0) {
        trans.mat = matrix(1,na1*na2,1)
        colnames(trans.mat) = x

      xd = colnames(trans.mat)

      dest.rows = match(xd, sdf$x) + (T-(t+1))*NROW(sdf)

      # Include code to compute U v and r for the current state
      U.hat = (1-delta)*(sdf$pi1[[srow]] + sdf$pi2[[srow]]) +
        delta * (trans.mat %*% rne$U[dest.rows])
      U.hat = as.vector(U.hat)

      # "q-value" of punishment payoffs
      q1.hat = (1-delta)*sdf$pi1[[srow]] +
        delta * (trans.mat %*% ( (1-rho)*rne$v1[dest.rows] + rho*rne$r1[dest.rows] ))

      q2.hat = (1-delta)*sdf$pi2[[srow]] +
        delta * (trans.mat %*% ( (1-rho)*rne$v2[dest.rows] + rho*rne$r2[dest.rows] ))

      # v1.hat is best reply q for player 1
      # Note player 1 is col player
      q1.hat = matrix(q1.hat,na2, na1)
      v1.hat.short = rowMaxs(q1.hat)
      v1.hat = rep(v1.hat.short, times=na1)

      # v2.hat is best reply q for player 2
      q2.hat = matrix(q2.hat,na2, na1)
      v2.hat.short = colMaxs(q2.hat)
      v2.hat = rep(v2.hat.short, each=na2)

      # Compute which action profiles are implementable
      IC.holds = U.hat+tol >= v1.hat + v2.hat

      # Can at least one action profile be implemented?

      if (sum(IC.holds)==0) {
        # Maybe just return empty RNE
        # instead
        stop(paste0("In state ", x, " period ", t," no pure action profile can satisfy the incentive constraint. Thus no pure RNE exists in the capped game."))

      U = max(U.hat[IC.holds])
      v1 = min(v1.hat[IC.holds])
      v2 = min(v2.hat[IC.holds])

      r1 = v1 + beta1*(U-v1-v2)
      r2 = v2 + beta2*(U-v1-v2)

      row = srow + (T-t)*NROW(sdf)

      rne$U[row] = U;
      rne$v1[row] = v1; rne$v2[row] = v2
      rne$r1[row] = r1; rne$r2[row] = r2

      # Pick equilibrium actions
      # If indifferent choose the one with the largest
      # slack in the IC

      slack = U.hat - (v1.hat + v2.hat)
      if (tie.breaking=="slack") {
        tb = slack
        const = 1
      } else if (tie.breaking=="last") {
        tb = seq_len(NROW(U.hat))
        const = 1
      } else if (tie.breaking=="first") {
        tb = rev(seq_len(NROW(U.hat)))
      } else {
        const = 1
        tb = runif(NROW(U.hat))
        #if (t==1 & x=="0 0") stop()
        const = 1

      rne$ae[row] = which.max((const+tb) * (abs(U.hat-U)<tol & IC.holds))
      rne$a1[row] = which.max((const+tb) * (abs(v1.hat-v1)<tol & IC.holds))
      rne$a2[row] = which.max((const+tb) * (abs(v2.hat-v2)<tol & IC.holds))

      if (save.details) {
        pi1 = sdf$pi1[[srow]]
        Er1 = as.vector(trans.mat %*% (rne$r1[dest.rows]))
        # Continuation payoff if new negotiation in next period
        u1_neg = (1-delta)*pi1 + delta*Er1

        pi2 = sdf$pi2[[srow]]
        Er2 = as.vector(trans.mat %*% (rne$r2[dest.rows]))
        # Continuation payoff if new negotiation in next period
        u2_neg = (1-delta)*pi2 + delta*Er2

        arows = seq_along(IC.holds)
        a.info = cbind(
            can.ae = (abs(U.hat-U)<tol & IC.holds)*1 + (arows==rne$ae[row]),
            can.a1 = (abs(v1.hat-v1)<tol & IC.holds)*1 + (arows==rne$a1[row]),
            can.a2 = (abs(v2.hat-v2)<tol & IC.holds)*1 + (arows==rne$a2[row]),

            pi1 = pi1,
            Er1 = Er1,
            u1_neg = u1_neg,

            pi2 = pi2,
            Er2 = Er2,
            u2_neg = u2_neg,


            U.hat = U.hat,
        rne.details[[row]] = a.info


  # Add some additional info

  rows = match.by.cols(rne,g$a.labs.df, cols1=c("x","ae"), cols2=c("x","a"))
  rne$ae.lab = g$a.labs.df$lab[rows]

  rows = match.by.cols(rne,g$a.labs.df, cols1=c("x","a1"), cols2=c("x","a"))
  rne$a1.lab = g$a.labs.df$lab[rows]

  rows = match.by.cols(rne,g$a.labs.df, cols1=c("x","a2"), cols2=c("x","a"))
  rne$a2.lab = g$a.labs.df$lab[rows]

  if (!is.null(g$x.df))
    rne = left_join(rne, g$x.df, by="x")

    #rne$ae.lab = left_join(select(rne,x,a=ae), g$a.labs.df, by=c("x","a"))$lab
    #rne$a1.lab = left_join(select(rne,x,a=a1), g$a.labs.df, by=c("x","a"))$lab
    #rne$a2.lab = left_join(select(rne,x,a=a2), g$a.labs.df, by=c("x","a"))$lab

  g$sdf = sdf
  g[[res.field]] = rne
  g[[paste0(res.field,".details")]] = rne.details
skranz/RelationalContracts documentation built on March 6, 2021, 11:54 a.m.