
Defines functions source.extra.code.file read.am write.am error.in.bi get.bi.args get.bi.inner.txt del.rows.and.adapt.refs default.navbar.li.fun default.navbar.link.fun make.am.ui get.non.children.fragments.from.layout.txt get.non.children.fragments get.child.and.fragment.txt.li get.children.and.fragments.ui.list get.children.ui.list fragment.to.html set.bdf.ui set.in.bdf make.armd.collapse.note get.bi.am.str armd.parse.as.collapse armd.parse.references armd.parse.spoilerNote armd.parse.note armd.parse.box armd.parse.info parse.container.inner.ui.and.rmd get.container.default.rmd set.container.div.and.output container.title.html armd.parse.as.container armd.parse.as.section armd.parse.frame armd.parse.subsubsection armd.parse.subsection armd.parse.section armd.parse.chapter armd.parse.exercise armd.parse.armd armd.parse.solved armd.parse.img armd.parse.image armd.parse.portrait armd.parse.figure armd.parse.tab armd.parse.html armd.parse.gv armd.parse.define armd.parse.precompute armd.parse.preknit code.to.rmd.chunk armd.parse.chunk armd.parse.layout armd.parse.head armd.parse.css armd.parse.settings armd.parse.block armd.preparse.block shorten.bdf.index adapt.for.back.to.blocks adapt.include adapt.ignore adapt.ignore.include block.source.msg source.line.to.bi source.line.to.line parse.armd preview.armd examples.parse.am

examples.parse.am = function() {
  am = parse.armd(file="test.Rmd")

preview.armd = function(am=NULL, am.file=NULL,rmd.file=NULL,...) {
  fetch.am(am, am.file, rmd.file)
  ui = armd.ui(am = am)

#' Generate a problem set from a solution file
#' Generates  .am file, and .rmd files for empty am , sample solution, and output solution
#' @param txt the content of the sol.rmd file as text lines
#' @param file filename of the _sol.rmd file that specifies the problem set
#' @param name the name of the problem set
#' @param dir the directory in which all files are found and wil be saved to
#' @param extra.code.file the name of an r file that contains own functions that will be accessible in the problme set
#' @param var.txt.file name of the file that contains variable descriptions (see thee vignette for an explanation of the file format)
#' @param am.has.sol shall the sample solution be stored in the .am file. Set this option to FALSE if you use problem sets in courses and don't want to assess students the sample solution easily
#' @param use.memoise shall functions like read.csv be memoised? Data sets then only have to be loaded once. This can make problem sets run faster. Debugging may be more complicated, however.
#' @export
parse.armd = function(txt=read.as.utf8(file),file = NULL,name = NULL, am.id= NULL, bdf.filter = NULL,dir=getwd(), figure.dir=paste0(dir,"/",figure.sub.dir), figure.sub.dir = "figure", cache.dir = file.path(dir,"cache"), plugins=c("stats","export","dataexplorer"),catch.errors=TRUE, priority.opts=list(), figure.web.dir = "figure", filter.line=NULL, filter.type="auto", show.line=NULL, start.slide = NULL, source.file="main", libs=NULL, check.old.armd.sol=TRUE, extra.code.file=NULL, use.memoise = NA, refreshable.content.ui = FALSE, offline=FALSE,...) {

  am = new.env()

  am$offline = offline
  am$version = 0.1
  am$refreshable.content.ui = refreshable.content.ui
  am$figure.web.dir = figure.web.dir
  am$figure.sub.dir = figure.sub.dir
  if (!dir.exists(figure.dir))
  if (!dir.exists(cache.dir))

  am$Addons = list()
  am$dir = dir
  am$figure.dir = figure.dir
  am$cache.dir = cache.dir
  am$plugins = plugins
  am$css = am$head = NULL

  am$header.tags = am$dependencies = list()

  if (length(txt)==1)
    txt = sep.lines(txt)

  cat("\n\nParse academic rmarkdown", name, "...")

  #Encoding(txt) = "UTF8"
  txt = mark_utf8(txt)

  adapt.ignore.include(am=am,txt=txt, source.file=source.file)
  txt = am$txt

  # add outer container
  txt = c("#. armd",txt)
  am$text.info = rbind(fast_df(line=NA,source=NA),am$text.info)

  txt = fast.name.rmd.chunks(txt)

  dot.levels = armd.dot.levels()
  df = find.rmd.nested(txt, dot.levels)

  # first load settings in opts
  # settings in rmd file overwrite opts
  bis = which(df$type == "settings")
  opts = list(offline = am$offline)
  if (!is.na(use.memoise)) opts$use.memoise = use.memoise
  for (bi in bis) {
    yaml = paste0(txt[(df$start[bi]+1):(df$end[bi]-1)], collapse="\n")
    so = read.yaml(text=yaml, keep.quotes=FALSE)
    opts[names(so)] = so

  name = first.non.null(name, opts[["name"]])
  if (is.null(name) & !is.null(file)) {
    short.file = basename(file)
    name = tools::file_path_sans_ext(short.file)

  if (!is.null(name)) opts$name = name
  if (is.null(opts[["name"]])) {
    if (!is.null(file)) {
      opts$name = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))
  if (!is.null(am.id)) opts$id = am.id
  if (is.null(opts[["id"]])) opts$id = opts$name

  opts$title = first.non.null(opts$title, opts$name)

  # special treatment for rtutor
  if (isTRUE(opts$rtutor)) {
    opts = do.call(default.ps.opts, opts)
    am$css = paste0(readLines(system.file("defaults/default.css",package="RTutor2"),warn = FALSE), collapse="\n")

  } else {
    am$css = paste0(readLines(system.file("defaults/default.css",package="armd"), warn=FALSE), collapse="\n")

  # now install default opts given the settings
  opts = do.call(default.armd.opts, opts)

  am$name = opts$name
  #am$am.name = opts$name
  am$am.id = opts$id

  df = find.rmd.nested(txt, dot.levels)

  opts[names(priority.opts)] = priority.opts

  opts = add.block.default.libs.to.opts(df$type, opts)

  # priority opts overwrite settings
  opts[names(priority.opts)] = priority.opts
  am$opts = opts

  make.am.block.types.df(am, opts)

  # remove blocks inside blocks that shall be removed
  remove.inner.blocks = get.bt(df$type,am)$remove.inner.blocks
  remove.inner.blocks[is.na(remove.inner.blocks)] = FALSE
  lev.par = get.levels.parents(df$level,remove.inner.blocks)
  del.rows = which(lev.par>0)
  df = del.rows.and.adapt.refs(df,del.rows,ref.cols = "parent")

  # check for undefined block types
  undefined = which(is.na(match(df$type,am$bt.df$type)))
  if (length(undefined)>0) {
    msg = paste0("Your Rmd file contains undefined blocks: ", paste0(unique(df$type[undefined]), collapse=", "),"\n\n")
    sources = sapply(undefined, function(bi) {
      msg = merge.lines(block.source.msg(bi,am=am,bdf=df))
    msg = paste0(msg, "\n", paste0("unkown block '", df$type[undefined], "' in ", sources,collapse="\n"))

  am$slides = opts$slides
  am$slide.type = opts$slide.type
  if (am$slide.type=="auto")
    am$slide.type = find.bdf.auto.slide.type(df)

  if (am$slides) {
    am$hidden.container.types = am$slide.type
  } else {
    am$hidden.container.types = opts$menu.levels

  am$txt = txt

  df = adapt.for.back.to.blocks(df,am=am)
  df$stype = df$type

  parent.types = am$bt.df$type[am$bt.df$is.parent]
  pt = get.levels.parents.by.types(df$level, df$type, parent.types)
  bdf = cbind(data.frame(index = 1:NROW(df)),df,pt) %>% as_data_frame
  bdf$obj = bdf$ui = bdf$inner.ui = vector("list", NROW(bdf))
  bdf = mutate(bdf,
    stype.ind = 0,
    id = paste0(type,"__",index,"__",am.id),
    name = NA_character_,
    container.ind = 0,
    div.id = "",
    output.id=  "",
    rmd = vector("list", NROW(bdf))
  bdf = cbind(bdf, select(get.bt(bdf$type,am),-type,-remove.inner.blocks))

  bdf$parse.inner.block[is.na(bdf$parse.inner.block)] = TRUE
  lev.par = get.levels.parents(bdf$level,!bdf$parse.inner.block)
  bdf$parse.block = lev.par == 0

  am$bdf = bdf
  bdf = make.section.numbering(am=am)

  # Filter bdf if only a subset of elements shall be compiled / shown
  if (!is.null(filter.line)) {
    # filter problem set
    line = source.line.to.line(filter.line,am = am,source = 1)
    bdf = bdf.part.filter(line=line)(bdf=bdf)
    bdf = shorten.bdf.index(bdf)
    lines = c(unlist(lapply(2:NROW(bdf), function(row) bdf$start[row]:bdf$end[row])))
    am$txt[-lines] = ""
  } else if (!is.null(start.slide) & isTRUE(am$slides)) {
    am$start.slide = start.slide

  } else if (!is.null(show.line) & isTRUE(am$slides)) {
    # set start slide to current source line
    bi = source.line.to.bi(line = show.line,source = 1,bdf=bdf,am=am,type = am$slide.type)
    am$start.slide = sum(seq_len(NROW(bdf))<=bi & bdf$stype == am$slide.type)

  am$bdf = bdf

  # Load libs and create envs
  am$opts$libs = unique(c(am$opts$libs,libs))
  # on build time we always need all libs
  load.packages(am$opts$libs, need.all.libs=TRUE)

  am$init.env = new.env(parent=parent.env(globalenv()))

  # overwrite some R functions in offline mode
  # currently we overwrite ggplotly and config
  if (am$offline) {
    copy.into.env(dest=am$init.env, source = armd.offline.funs(am))

  am$pre.env = new.env(parent=am$init.env)

  if (isTRUE(am$opts$use.memoise)) {
    am$memoise.fun.li = memoise.fun.li(am$opts$memoise.funs)
    copy.into.env(dest=am$init.env, source=am$memoise.fun.li)

  source.extra.code.file(extra.code.file = extra.code.file, am)

  am$opts$has.widgets = am$has.widgets = any(bdf$is.widget)
  am$rtutor = am$opts$rtutor
  if (am$opts$has.widgets | am$opts$rtutor) {

  # set knitr output for data frames
  do.call(set.knit.print.opts, c(list(output="html"),am$opts$knit.print.param))

  # Additional information for slides
  if (am$slides) {
    am$num.slides = sum(am$bdf$type==am$slide.type)
    if (am$num.slides==0) {
      stop(paste0("I cannot find a block with your slide type", am$slide.type))
    am$slide.bis = which(am$bdf$type==am$slide.type)


  # Preparse blocks from outer to inner,
  # i.e. ordered by start
  binds = order(bdf$start)
  bi = binds[1]
  for (bi in binds) {
    if (catch.errors) {
      res = try(armd.preparse.block(bi,am), silent=TRUE)
      if (is(res,"try-error")) {
        br = am$bdf[bi,]
        source = block.source.msg(bi=bi,am=am)
        msg = paste0("Error when preparsing ",br$type," block. Source: \n",source, "\n\n", paste0(as.character(res), collape="\n"))
    } else {
      res = armd.preparse.block(bi,am)

  # Go through blocks and chunks, ordered by end
  binds = order(bdf$end, -bdf$start)
  bi = binds[1]
  for (bi in binds) {
    if (catch.errors) {
      #res = armd.parse.block(bi,am)
      res = try(armd.parse.block(bi,am), silent=TRUE)
      if (is(res,"try-error")) {
        br = am$bdf[bi,]
        source = block.source.msg(bi=bi,am=am)
        msg = paste0("Error when parsing ",br$type," block. Source: \n",source, "\n\n", paste0(as.character(res), collape="\n"))
    } else {
      res = armd.parse.block(bi,am)

    # relevant if only some frames are shown
    # and for blocks that are computed due
    # to their side effects but shall not be shown
    if (has.col(am$bdf, "dont.show")) {
      if (am$bdf$dont.show[[bi]]) {
        am$bdf$ui[[bi]] = tags$div(style="display: none;",am$bdf$ui[[bi]])

  am$bdf$stype.ind = compute.value.index(am$bdf$stype)

  # specify containers
  am$bdf$container.ind = cumsum(am$bdf$is.container) * am$bdf$is.container

  am$bdf$parent_container = get.levels.parents(am$bdf$level, am$bdf$is.container)

  am$navbar.ui = armd.navbar(am=am, nav.levels = opts$nav.levels)


  # tests
  ids = am$bdf$id
  if (any(duplicated(ids))) {
    stop(paste0("The bdf id ", paste0(ids[duplicated(ids)], collapse="\n"), " are duplicated. Check your addons, chunk id, or block id."))

  # copy into global env for convenience
  copy.into.env(am$pre.env,dest = .GlobalEnv)


source.line.to.line = function(line, am, source=1) {
  lines = (which(am$txt.lines <= line & am$txt.source == source))
  if (length(lines)==0) return(1)

source.line.to.bi = function(line,bdf=am$bdf,am, source=1,type=NULL) {
  line = source.line.to.line(line,am,source)

  if (is.null(type)) {
    bi = max(which(bdf$start <= line))
  } else {
    bis = which(bdf$start <= line & bdf$type==type)
    if (length(bis)==0) {
      bi = min(which(bdf$type==type))
    } else {
      bi = max(bis)

block.source.msg = function(bi, am, bdf = am$bdf) {

  br = bdf[bi,]
  lines = br$start:br$end
  df = fast_df(line=am$txt.lines[lines],source=am$txt.source[lines])
  sdf = summarise(group_by(df, source), start=min(line),end=max(line))
  sdf$file = am$source.files[sdf$source]

  paste0(sdf$file, " lines ",sdf$start, " to ", sdf$end, collapse="\n")


adapt.ignore.include = function(am, txt=am$txt, source.file="main") {

    # Only capture elements between the lines <!-- START --> and <!-- END -->
  res = rmd.between.start.end.lines(txt,return.start.end = TRUE)
  txt = res$txt
  am$txt.lines = seq_along(txt)+res$start-1
  am$txt.source = rep(1, length(am$txt.lines))
  am$source.files = source.file

  changed.ig = changed.in = TRUE
  counter = 0
  am$txt = txt
  while(changed.ig | changed.in) {
    counter = counter+1
    changed.ig = adapt.ignore(am, keep.ignore.if.included=counter==1)
    changed.in = adapt.include(am)
    if (counter > 300) {
      stop("#. include statements were nested deeper than 300 levels. Probably there is a recursion...")

adapt.ignore = function(am,txt=am$txt, keep.ignore.if.included=TRUE) {

  # all rows that will be deleted
  # in this precompilation state
  del.lines = NULL
  df = find.rmd.blocks(txt)

  # remove content in ignore blocks
  ig.rows = which(df$type=="ignore")
  if (length(ig.rows)>0) {
    del.lines = c(del.lines,unlist(lapply(ig.rows, function(ig.row) df$start[ig.row]:df$end[ig.row])))

  # deal with ignore_if_included blocks
  ig.rows = which(df$type=="ignore_if_included")
  if (length(ig.rows)>0) {
      # only remove block.start and end
    if (keep.ignore.if.included) {
      del.lines = c(del.lines,unlist(lapply(ig.rows, function(ig.row) c(df$start[ig.row],df$end[ig.row]))))
    } else {
      # remove whole block
      del.lines = c(del.lines,unlist(lapply(ig.rows, function(ig.row) df$start[ig.row]:df$end[ig.row])))

  if (length(del.lines)==0) return(FALSE)
  del.lines =unique(del.lines)
  txt = txt[-del.lines]
  am$txt.lines = am$txt.lines[-del.lines]
  am$txt.source = am$txt.source[-del.lines]

  am$txt = txt

adapt.include = function(am,txt=am$txt) {
  lines = which(str.starts.with(txt,"#. include "))
  if (length(lines)==0) return(FALSE)

  files = str.trim(str.right.of(txt[lines],"#. include "))

  i = 1
  for (i in seq_along(lines)) {
    file = files[i]
    source = match(file, am$source.files)
    if (is.na(source)) {
      am$source.files = c(am$source.files, file)
      source = length(am$source.files)
    line = lines[i]
    ntxt = readLines(paste0(am$dir,"/",file),warn=FALSE,encoding = "UTF8")
    ntxt = mark_utf8(ntxt)
    am$txt = insert.into.vec(txt,ntxt,pos=line, replace=TRUE)
    am$txt.lines = insert.into.vec(am$txt.lines,seq_along(ntxt),pos=line, replace=TRUE)

    am$txt.source = insert.into.vec(am$txt.source,rep(source,length(ntxt)),pos=line, replace=TRUE)
    lines = lines+length(ntxt)-1
    txt = am$txt

adapt.for.back.to.blocks = function(bdf,am, line.start=am$txt.start) {

  is_backto = str.starts.with(bdf$type,"back_to_")
  bttype = str.right.of(bdf$type[is_backto],"back_to_")
  rows = which(is_backto)
  if (length(rows)==0) return(bdf)
  i = 1
  for (i in seq_along(rows)) {
    row = rows[i]
    parent = bdf$parent[row]
    do.stop = parent == 0
    if (!do.stop) do.stop = (bdf$type[parent] != bttype[i])
    if (do.stop) {
      msg = paste0("In line ", bdf$start[row]+line.start-1, " you have a ", bdf$type[row], " statement without a ", bttype[row]," parent.")
    bdf$parent[bdf$parent==row] = parent
  # remove from txt
  am$txt[bdf$start[rows]] = ""

  # adapt parent indexes for removed rows
  old.ind = 1:NROW(bdf)
  new.ind = c(0,old.ind - cumsum(is_backto))
  bdf$parent = new.ind[bdf$parent+1]

  bdf = bdf[-rows,]


shorten.bdf.index = function(bdf, new = 1:NROW(bdf), old = bdf$index) {

  long = rep(NA_integer_,max(old))
  long[old] = new
  bdf$index = new
  cols = c("parent",colnames(bdf)[str.starts.with(colnames(bdf),"parent_")])
  pmat = as.matrix(bdf[,cols])
  pvec = as.numeric(pmat)
  pvec[pvec==0] = NA_integer_
  #pvec[pvec==0] = 0
  nmat = matrix(long[as.numeric(pvec)],NROW(pmat),ncol(pmat))
  nmat[pmat==0] = 0
  nmat[is.na(nmat)] = 0

  bdf[,cols] = nmat
  rows = bdf$parent == 0 & bdf$index > 1
  bdf$parent[rows] = 1
  bdf$level[rows] = 2


armd.preparse.block = function(bi,am, opts = am$opts) {
  type = am$bdf$type[[bi]]

  # important for setting task.lines
  if (isTRUE(am$rtutor) | isTRUE(am$has.widgets)){
    rtutor.preparse.block(bi, am, opts=opts)


armd.parse.block = function(bi,am) {

  bdf = am$bdf
  if (!bdf$parse.block[[bi]]) return()

  if (bdf$is.widget[[bi]]) {

  type = bdf$type[[bi]]
  fun.name = paste0("armd.parse.",type)
  pkg =get.bt(type, am)$package
  if (is.na(pkg)) {
    stop("Unknown block type '", type,"'.")

  fun.call = parse(text=paste0(pkg,"::armd.parse.",type,"(bi,am)"))
  res = eval(fun.call)

armd.parse.settings = function(bi, am,...) {


armd.parse.css = function(bi, am,...) {
  css = am$txt[(am$bdf$start[bi]+1):(am$bdf$end[bi]-1)]
  am$css = paste0(c(am[["css"]],css),collapse="\n")

armd.parse.head = function(bi, am,...) {
  head = am$txt[(am$bdf$start[bi]+1):(am$bdf$end[bi]-1)]
  am$head = paste0(c(am[["head"]],head),collapse="\n")

armd.parse.layout = function(bi, am,...) {
  br = am$bdf[bi,]
  name = br$arg.str
  am$bdf$name[bi] = name
  inner = am$txt[(am$bdf$start[bi]+1):(am$bdf$end[bi]-1)]
  li = parse.hashdot.yaml(inner, hashdot="##. ")
  li$name = name
  am$bdf$obj[[bi]] = li
  if (is.null(am[["layouts"]]))
    am$layouts = list()

  am$layouts[[name]] = li

armd.parse.chunk = function(bi,am, opts=armd.opts()) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,]; str = am$txt[br$start:br$end]
  args = parse.chunk.args(header = str[1])

  if (!is.null(args$label))
    am$bdf$name[bi] = args$label

  code = str[-c(1,length(str))]
  mstr = merge.lines(str)
  armd.set.rmd(bi, list(rmd=mstr))
  args$comment = NA

  chunk.preknit = isTRUE(args$preknit) | isTRUE(br$parent_info) | isTRUE(br$parent_preknit) | isTRUE(opts$chunk.preknit)

  chunk.precompute = (br$parent_precompute >0 | isTRUE(args$precompute)) & !chunk.preknit

  if (chunk.precompute) {
    # precompute does not show chunk
    am$bdf$stype[[bi]] = "precompute_chunk"
    expr = parse(text=code)
    res = eval(expr,am$pre.env)
  } else {
    # knitted chunk
    rmd = code.to.rmd.chunk(code,args=args)
    ui = knit.chunk(rmd,envir = am$pre.env,out.type="shiny", deps.action="ignore", use.commonmark = TRUE, add.meta.attr=TRUE)

    meta = attr(ui,"knit_meta")
    armd.add.meta(am=am, meta=meta)

    ui = tagList(ui, highlight.code.script())
    set.bdf.ui(ui, bi,am)


code.to.rmd.chunk = function(code, args, label=args$label) {

  if (is.null(label)) {
    label = "chunk"
  args = args[setdiff(names(args),"label")]
  args = lapply(args, function(arg) {
    if (is.character(arg)) return(paste0("'",arg,"'"))
  if (length(args)>0) {
    head = paste0('```{r "',label, '", ',paste0(names(args)," = ", args, collapse=", "),'}')
  } else {
    head = paste0('```{r "',label, '" }')

armd.parse.preknit = function(bi,am) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];

  # new code: children are knitted
  children = bdf$parent == bi
  res = get.children.and.fragments.ui.list(bi,am, keep.null=FALSE, children=children)
  ui.li = res$ui.li
  armd.set.rmd(bi=bi, am=am, rmd=res$rmd, newline=FALSE)


armd.parse.precompute = function(bi,am) {
  # all work is done in the chunks inside

armd.parse.define = function(bi,am) {
  # all work is done in the chunks inside
  armd.parse.as.container(bi,am,is.hidden = TRUE)

armd.parse.gv = function(bi, am) {
  arg.str= am$bdf$arg.str[[bi]]

  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];
  txt = get.bi.inner.txt(bi=bi, am=am)
  svg = gv.to.svg(gv=txt, to.clipboard = FALSE)
  ui = HTML(svg)

# pure html block, not markdown
armd.parse.html = function(bi, am) {

  txt = get.bi.inner.txt(bi,am=am)
  args = get.bi.args(bi=bi, am=am)
  ui = HTML(txt)
  set.bdf.ui(ui=ui, bi=bi,am=am)


armd.parse.tab = function(bi, am) {

  txt = get.bi.inner.txt(bi,am=am)
  args = get.bi.args(bi=bi, am=am)

  sep = first.non.null(args[["sep"]],am$opts[["tab.sep"]],",")
  bg = first.non.null(args[["bg"]],am$opts[["tab.bg"]],"#fff")
  line.end = first.non.null(args[["\\"]],am$opts[["tab.line.end"]],"\\")
  class = first.non.null(args[["class"]],"")

  if (nchar(line.end)>0) {
    rows = str.ends.with(txt, line.end)
    txt[rows] = substring(txt[rows],1,nchar(txt[rows])-nchar(line.end))

  df = read.csv(textConnection(txt),check.names=FALSE,sep=sep)

  ui = div(style="margin: auto",HTML(html.table(df,bg.color = bg, table.style="margin: auto;", table.class=class)))
  set.bdf.ui(ui=ui, bi=bi,am=am)

armd.parse.figure = function(bi,am) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];
  args = list()
  txt = get.bi.inner.txt(bi,am=am)
  layout = get.am.layout("figure", am=am, load.defaults=TRUE)
  args$layout.txt = txt.to.layout(txt, layout)
  armd.parse.as.container(bi=bi,am=am,args = args)


armd.parse.portrait = function(bi,am) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];

  args = get.yaml.block.args(bi,am)
  if (is.null(args$height)) args$height = "auto"

  if (is.null(args$width)) args$width = "70px"
  if (is.null(args$height)) args$height = "auto"
  if (is.null(args$align)) args$align = "left"

  if (!is.null(args$file)) {
    file.path = paste0(am$figure.dir,"/",args$file)
    has.file = file.exists(file.path)
  } else {
    has.file = FALSE
  wh = NULL
  if (!is.null(args$width)) wh = paste0(wh," width ='",args$width,"'")
  if (!is.null(args$height)) wh = paste0(wh," height ='",args$height,"'")

   if (has.file) {
    html = paste0('<img src=figure/',args$file,wh,'>')
  } else if (!is.null(args$url)) {
    html = paste0('<img src=',args$url,wh,'>')
  } else {
    html('<p>...figure here...</p>')
  if (!is.null(args$link)) {
    html = paste0("<a href='",args$link,"' target='_blank'>",html,"</a>")

  if (is.null(args$name)) {
    name.html = ""
  } else {
    args$name = gsub("\n","<br>",args$name, fixed=TRUE)
    name.html = paste0("<tr><td style='padding-bottom: 2px;padding-left: 5px;padding-right: 5px;text-align: center;white-space: normal;word-wrap: break-all;'><font size=1>",args$name,"</font></td></tr>")
  tab = paste0("<table  align='",args$align,"'><tr><td STYLE='padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;'>",html,'</td></tr>',name.html,"</table>")

armd.parse.image = function(bi,am, download.image=TRUE) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];

  args = get.yaml.block.args(bi,am)
  if (is.null(args$height)) args$height = "auto"

  if (!is.null(args$file)) {
    file.path = paste0(am$figure.dir,"/",args$file)
    has.file = file.exists(file.path)
  } else {
    has.file = FALSE
  wh = NULL
  #if (!is.null(args$width)) wh = paste0(wh," width ='",args$width,"'")
  #if (!is.null(args$height)) wh = paste0(wh," height ='",args$height,"'")

  style = paste0(names(args),": ",args,collapse="; ")

  if (has.file) {
    html = paste0('<img style="',style,'" src=figure/',args$file,wh,' >')
  } else if (!is.null(args$url)) {
    html = paste0('<img style="',style,'"  src=',args$url,wh,'>')
  } else {
    html = '<p>...figure here...</p>'

armd.parse.img = function(bi,am, base64=TRUE) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];
  arg.str= am$bdf$arg.str[[bi]]
  args = parse.block.args(arg.str =arg.str, allow.unquoted.title=FALSE)

  args = get.yaml.block.args(bi,am)
  file = args$file
  base64 = first.non.null(args$base64,TRUE)
  file.type = tools::file_ext(file)
  img.args = args[setdiff(names(args),c("file","base64"))]
  if (!base64) {
    stop("Can currently only implement img blocks in base64 encoding. Try image or figure instead.")

  uri = knitr::image_uri(file)
  if (length(img.args)>0) {
    html.opts = paste0(names(img.args),'="',img.args,'"', collapse=", ")
  } else {
    html.opts = ""
  html = paste0('<img src="',uri,'" ', html.opts,">")

armd.parse.solved = function(bi,am) {

armd.parse.armd = function(bi,am) {
  armd.parse.as.container(bi,am, only.children.ui = TRUE)

armd.parse.exercise = function(bi,am) {
  armd.parse.as.section(bi,am,type="exercise", rmd.prefix="## Exercise")

armd.parse.chapter = function(bi,am) {
  armd.parse.as.section(bi,am,type="chapter", rmd.prefix="# Chapter", title.fun=h1, title.display = "block")


armd.parse.section = function(bi,am) {

  armd.parse.as.section(bi,am,type="section", rmd.prefix="## Section", title.fun=h2, title.display = "block")

armd.parse.subsection = function(bi,am) {
  armd.parse.as.section(bi,am,type="subsection", rmd.prefix="### Subsection",title.fun=h3, title.display = "block")

armd.parse.subsubsection = function(bi,am) {

  armd.parse.as.section(bi,am,type="subsubsection", rmd.prefix="####  Subsubsection",title.fun=h4, title.display = "inline")


armd.parse.frame = function(bi,am) {

  armd.parse.as.section(bi,am,type="frame", rmd.prefix="### Frame",title.fun=h4, title.display = "block")

armd.parse.as.section = function(bi, am, type="section", rmd.prefix="# Section", title.fun=h4, title.display="inline", title.prefix = if (type %in% am$opts$auto.number) am$bdf$part.prefix[[bi]]) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];
  arg.str= am$bdf$arg.str[[bi]]

  args = parse.block.args(arg.str =arg.str, allow.unquoted.title = TRUE)

  # extract layout in [ ]
  if (str.starts.with(arg.str,"[")) {
    args$layout.name = str.between(args$name,"[","]")
    args$layout = am$layouts[[args$layout.name]]
    if (is.null(args[["layout"]])) {
      cat("\nWarning could not find layout", args$layout.name)
    } else {
      inner = get.bi.inner.txt(bi,am=am)
      args$layout.txt = sep.lines(txt.to.layout(txt=inner,layout=args$layout))
    args$name = str.trim(str.right.of(args$name,']'))

  title = first.non.null(args$title, args$name)
  title  = paste0(title.prefix," ", title)

  if (isTRUE(am$opts$verbose.compile)) {
    num = sum(am$bdf$type[1:bi] == type)
    cat(paste0("\nparse ",type, " ", num,": ",title))

  type = am$bdf$stype[[bi]]
  #if (isTRUE(type %in% am$opts$hide_title)) title = NULL

  armd.parse.as.container(bi,am,args = args, rmd.prefix=paste0(rmd.prefix," ",title,"\n"), title = title, anchor=paste0("part",bi), type=type, title.fun=title.fun, title.display=title.display)
  if (is.null(args$title.offset)) args$title.offset=0
  button.label = str.left.of(args$name," --")
  am$bdf$obj[[bi]] = list(title = args$name,button.label = button.label, args=args)


armd.parse.as.container = function(bi, am,args=NULL, inner.ui = NULL, rmd=NULL, highlight.code = is.widget, is.widget=get.bt(type,am)$is.widget, rmd.head=NULL, rmd.prefix="", rmd.postfix="", ui.fun=NULL, title = am$bdf$obj[[bi]]$title, is.hidden = am$bdf$type[[bi]] %in% am$hidden.container.types, extra.class = "", only.children.ui = FALSE, anchor=NULL, type=am$bdf$type[[bi]], title.fun=h4, title.display="block", title.hide=isTRUE(type %in% am$opts$hide_title)) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];
  if (is.null(inner.ui) | is.null(rmd)) {
    if (only.children.ui) {
      res = get.children.ui.list(bi,am,keep.null=TRUE, layout.txt = args$layout.txt)
    } else {
      res = get.children.and.fragments.ui.list(bi,am,keep.null=TRUE, layout.txt = args$layout.txt)
    if (is.null(inner.ui)) inner.ui = res$ui.li
    if (is.null(rmd)) rmd = res$rmd
  if (!is.null(ui.fun)) {
    inner.ui = ui.fun(inner.ui)
  if (!is.null(inner.ui)) {
    inner.ui = tagList(
      if (highlight.code) highlight.code.script() else NULL

  header = NULL
  # Add slide header
  if (am$slides & identical(am$slide.type,type)) {
    slide.ind = sum(am$bdf$type[1:bi]==am$slide.type)
    header = slide.title.bar.ui(title = title,slide.ind=slide.ind,num.slides = am$num.slides,am=am, bi=bi, args=args)

  # Add title as header
  } else {
    if (!is.null(title))
      header = container.title.html(title = title, anchor=anchor, type=type, title.fun=title.fun, display=title.display, hide=title.hide)
  if (!is.null(header)) {
    inner.ui = list(header, div(class=paste0("armd-static-inner-container-div ",type,"-inner-container-div"), inner.ui))

  armd.set.rmd(bi=bi, am=am, rmd=rmd, rmd.prefix=rmd.prefix, rmd.postfix=rmd.postfix)

  # A widget will be loaded in an uiOutput
  if (is.widget) {
    am$bdf$inner.ui[[bi]] = inner.ui
    set.container.div.and.output(bi,am, is.hidden=is.hidden)
  # A static container will not be loaded in a uiOutput
  } else {

    style = ""
    if (is.hidden) style = "display: none;"

    am$bdf$div.id[[bi]] = div.id = paste0(am$prefix, br$id,"_div")

    div.class = paste0("armd-static-container-div ",type,"-container-div")
    if (isTRUE(am$slides)) {
      if (type == am$slide.type) {
        div.class = paste0(div.class," slide-container-div")

    am$bdf$ui[[bi]] = div(id=div.id,class=div.class,  style=style,
  am$bdf$is.container[[bi]] = TRUE

container.title.html = function(title,type=NULL, am=NULL, class=paste0("container-title ",type,"-title", " container-",display,"-title"), anchor=NULL, title.fun=h4, hide = isTRUE(type %in% am$opts$hide_title), display="inline") {
  if (is.null(title)) return(NULL)
  if (title=="") return(NULL)
  res = title.fun(title)
  if (!is.null(anchor)) {
    res = a(name=anchor, class="title-anchor", res)
  if (hide) {
    style = "display: none"
  } else {
    style = paste0("display: ", display)
  res = span(class=class, style=style, res)

set.container.div.and.output = function(bi, am, is.hidden = am$bdf$type[bi] %in% am$hidden.container.types) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];

  style = ""
  if (is.hidden) style = "display: none;"

  am$bdf$div.id[[bi]] = div.id = paste0(am$prefix, br$id,"_div")
  am$bdf$output.id[[bi]] = output.id = paste0(am$prefix, br$id,"_output")
  type = br$stype
  div.class = paste0("armd-container-div ",type,"-container-div")
  if (isTRUE(am$slide)) {
    if (type == am$slide.type) {
      div.class = paste0(div.class," slide-container-div")
  am$bdf$ui[[bi]] = div(id=div.id,class=div.class, style=style,


get.container.default.rmd = function(bi,am) {
  title = paste0("## Frame ", args$name)


parse.container.inner.ui.and.rmd = function(bi, am) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];
  args = parse.block.args(arg.str = br$arg.str)

  children = bdf$parent == bi
  res = get.children.and.fragments.ui.list(bi,am, children=children, keep.null=TRUE)

  ui.li = res$ui.li
  is.child = !res$is.frag

  title = args$name

  armd.set.rmd(bi=bi, am=am, rmd=rmd, rmd.prefix = title)

  if (is.null(args$title.offset)) args$title.offset=0
  if (!is.null(args$name)) {
    title = fluidRow(column(offset=args$title.offset,width=12-args$title.offset,h4(args$name)))
  } else {
    title = NULL
  ui = tagList(
  am$bdf$obj[[bi]] = list(title = args$name, args=args)


armd.parse.info = function(bi,am) {

armd.parse.box = function(bi,am) {
  armd.parse.as.collapse(bi,am, open=TRUE)

armd.parse.note = function(bi,am) {

armd.parse.spoilerNote = function(bi,am) {
  armd.parse.as.collapse(bi,am, content.wrapper=function(...) div(class="spoilerNote",...))

armd.parse.references = function(bi,am) {
  title = "References"
  if (isTRUE(am$opts$lang=="de")) {
    title = "Referenzen"
  armd.parse.as.collapse(bi,am, title=title)

armd.parse.as.collapse  =  function(bi,am,title.prefix=NULL, title=args$name, rmd.head=paste0("### ", title), rmd.foot="---",args=get.bi.args(bi=bi,am=am,allow.unquoted.title=TRUE),content.wrapper=NULL, open=FALSE,...) {
  bdf = am$bdf; br = bdf[bi,];
  children = bdf$parent == bi
  res = get.children.and.fragments.ui.list(bi,am, children=children, keep.null=TRUE)

  ui.li = res$ui.li
  is.child = !res$is.frag

  if (is.null(title)) title = str.trim(paste0(title.prefix, " ",args$name))
  if (is.null(title)) title = bs$type[[bi]]
  if (!is.null(content.wrapper))
    ui.li = content.wrapper(ui.li)
  inner.ui = make.armd.collapse.note(id=paste0(am$bdf$type[[bi]],"_collapse_",bi),content=ui.li, title=title, open=open)

  rmd = lapply(res$rmd, function(txt) {
  armd.parse.as.container(bi,am,args=args, inner.ui=inner.ui, rmd=rmd,...)

get.bi.am.str = function(bi,am, remove.header.footer=TRUE) {

  start = (am$bdf$start[bi]+1)
  end = am$bdf$end[bi]-1*(am$bdf$form[[bi]]=="block")
  if (end<start) return(NULL)
  str = am$txt[start:end]

make.armd.collapse.note = function(id, html, title="Note", content=NULL, open=FALSE) {
  if (is.null(content))
    content = HTML(paste0(html, collapse="\n"))

  #shinyBS::bsCollapse(id =id, shinyBS::bsCollapsePanel(title=title,content))
  slimCollapsePanel(title, content, open=open, padding="5px")
  #shinyBS::bsCollapse(id =id, shinyBS::bsCollapsePanel(title=title,content))


set.in.bdf = function(bi,am,...) {
  args = list(...)

  cols = match(names(args),colnames(am$bdf))
  if (is(am$bdf,"data.table")) {
    for (j in seq_along(cols)) {
  } else {
    for (j in seq_along(cols)) {

set.bdf.ui = function(ui,bi,am=get.am()) {
  am$bdf$ui[[bi]] = ui
  #am$bdf$has.ui[[bi]] = TRUE

fragment.to.html = function(txt, bi, am) {

  if (isTRUE(am$opts$use.whiskers)) {
    .whiskers = am$pre.env[[".whiskers"]]
    if (length(.whiskers)>0)
      txt = replace.whiskers(paste0(txt,collapse="\n"),.whiskers)

  #txt = unicode.html.math(txt)

  HTML(md2html(txt, fragment.only = TRUE))

get.children.ui.list = function(bi,am,bdf=am$bdf, keep.null=TRUE, empty.as.null=FALSE, children=am$bdf$parent == bi, layout.txt=NULL) {

  ui = lapply(which(children), function(ind) {

  inds = which(children)


  rmd =armd.bind.rmd.li(rmd.li)

  if (!keep.null) {
    null.ui = sapply(ui, is.null)
    ui = ui[!is.null(ui)]
  names(ui) = NULL
  list(ui.li=ui, rmd=rmd, is.frag=rep(FALSE,length(ui)))

get.children.and.fragments.ui.list = function(bi,am,bdf=am$bdf, keep.null=TRUE, empty.as.null=FALSE, children=am$bdf$parent == bi, layout.txt=NULL) {

  res = get.non.children.fragments(bi,am, child.ind = which(children), layout.txt=layout.txt)
  is.frag = res$is.frag
  is.child = !is.frag
  ui = res$frag
  rmd.li = lapply(res$frag, function(txt) {

  ui[is.frag] = lapply(ui[is.frag], function(txt) {
    fragment.to.html(txt=txt, bi=bi, am=am)

  ui[is.child] = lapply(which(children), function(ind) {
  rmd.li[is.child] = bdf$rmd[children]

  if (!keep.null) {
    null.ui = sapply(ui, is.null)
    ui = ui[!is.null(ui)]
    is.frag = is.frag[null.ui]
  names(ui) = NULL
  rmd = armd.bind.rmd.li(rmd.li)
  list(ui.li=ui, rmd=rmd, is.frag=is.frag)

get.child.and.fragment.txt.li = function(bi,am,bdf=am$bdf, child.ind = which(bdf$parent == bi), keep.header.footer=FALSE) {

  cpos = cbind(bdf$start[child.ind],bdf$end[child.ind])
  has.footer = bdf$form[[bi]] != "dotblock"
  start = bdf$start[bi]+ (1-keep.header.footer)
  end = bdf$end[bi] - (1- (keep.header.footer | !has.footer))

  pos = pos.complement(cpos, is.sorted=TRUE, keep.pos=TRUE, start=start, end = end)
  is.frag = attr(pos,"complement")

  # we may have one end line too much
  valid = pos[,1]<=pos[,2]
  pos = pos[valid,,drop=FALSE]
  is.frag = is.frag[valid]

  txt.li = lapply(1:NROW(pos), function(row) {
  list(txt.li = txt.li, is.frag=is.frag)

get.non.children.fragments = function(bi,am,bdf=am$bdf, child.ind = which(bdf$parent == bi), keep.header.footer=FALSE, layout.txt = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(layout.txt)) {
    return(get.non.children.fragments.from.layout.txt(bi,am,bdf, child.ind, keep.header.footer, layout.txt))
  cpos = cbind(bdf$start[child.ind],bdf$end[child.ind])
  has.footer = bdf$form[[bi]] != "dotblock"
  start = bdf$start[bi]+ (1-keep.header.footer)
  end = bdf$end[bi] - (1- (keep.header.footer | !has.footer))

  pos = pos.complement(cpos, is.sorted=TRUE, keep.pos=TRUE, start=start, end = end)
  is.frag = attr(pos,"complement")

  # we may have one end line too much
  valid = pos[,1]<=pos[,2]
  pos = pos[valid,,drop=FALSE]
  is.frag = is.frag[valid]

  if (NROW(pos)==0) return(NULL)

  frag.li = lapply(1:NROW(pos), function(row) {
    if (!is.frag[row]) return(NULL)
  list(frags = frag.li, is.frag=is.frag)

get.non.children.fragments.from.layout.txt = function(bi,am,bdf=am$bdf, child.ind = which(bdf$parent == bi), keep.header.footer=FALSE, layout.txt = NULL) {
  child.header = am$txt[bdf$start[child.ind]]

  child.start = match(child.header, layout.txt)
  child.len = bdf$end[child.ind]-bdf$start[child.ind]+1
  child.end = child.start + child.len -1

  cpos = cbind(child.start, child.end)
  pos = pos.complement(cpos, is.sorted=TRUE, keep.pos=TRUE, start=1, end = length(layout.txt))
  is.frag = attr(pos,"complement")

  # we may have one end line too much
  valid = pos[,1]<=pos[,2]
  pos = pos[valid,,drop=FALSE]
  is.frag = is.frag[valid]

  if (NROW(pos)==0) return(NULL)

  frag.li = lapply(1:NROW(pos), function(row) {
    if (!is.frag[row]) return(NULL)
  list(frags = frag.li, is.frag=is.frag)

make.am.ui = function(am, bdf=am$bdf) {
  rows = which(bdf$parent == 0)
  ui.li = bdf$ui[rows]

default.navbar.link.fun = function(title, level, bi=NULL) {
  #paste0("<a role='button'>", title,"</a>")

default.navbar.li.fun = function(titles, child.li, levels=NULL,bis=NULL) {

  li = lapply(seq_along(titles), function(i) {
    child.ui = child.li[[i]]
    tabPanel(title = titles[i],value = paste0("armd_menu_tab_",bis[i]), child.ui)
  ui = do.call(tabsetPanel,li)
  #inner = paste0("<li>", titles, "\n", child.li, "</li>")
  #paste0("<ul>", paste0(inner, collapse="\n"),"</ul>")


del.rows.and.adapt.refs = function(df, del.rows, ref.cols=NULL) {

  if (NROW(df)==0 | NROW(del.rows)==0) return(df)
  if (!is.logical(del.rows))
    del.rows = (1:NROW(df)) %in% del.rows

  cum.del = cumsum(del.rows)
  #rbind(row = 1:NROW(df), parent = df[[col]], del.rows, cum.del, pcum.del = cum.del[ df[[col]] ] )

  for (col in ref.cols) {
    ref = df[[col]]
    valid = ref %in% 1:NROW(df)
    ref = ref[valid]
    df[[col]][valid] = ref - cum.del[ ref ]
  df = df[!del.rows,,drop=FALSE]
  rownames(df) = NULL

get.bi.inner.txt = function(bi,txt = am$txt, am=get.am()) {
  bdf = am$bdf
  has.footer = bdf$form[[bi]] != "dotblock"
  lines = (bdf$start[bi]+1):(bdf$end[bi]-has.footer)

get.bi.args = function(bi, am=get.am(),allow.unquoted.title=FALSE,...) {
  parse.block.args(arg.str = am$bdf$arg.str[[bi]],allow.unquoted.title=allow.unquoted.title,...)

error.in.bi = function(err.msg, bi,line= paste0(am$bdf$start[bi])[1], just.start.line=TRUE, am=get.am()) {

  org.line = am$txt.lines[line]
  file = am$source.files[am$txt.source[line]]
  msg = paste0(err.msg,"\nSee line ", org.line, " in file ", file)
  stop(msg,call. = FALSE)

write.am = function(am, file.name=paste0(dir,"/",am$name,".am"), dir=getwd()) {

  suppressWarnings(saveRDS(am, file.name))

read.am = function(file.name=paste0(dir,"/",name,".am"), dir=getwd(), name="") {

source.extra.code.file = function(extra.code.file, am) {
  # Source extra.code
  am$extra.code.file = extra.code.file
  if (!is.null(extra.code.file)) {
    for (file in extra.code.file)
      source(extra.code.file, local = am$init.env)
skranz/armd documentation built on Sept. 4, 2020, 12:22 p.m.