
Defines functions examples.showreg showreg print.classShowReg add.showreg.title get.coef.mat convert.na

Documented in get.coef.mat showreg

examples.showreg = function() {

  # iv and ols with robust standard errors
  data("CigarettesSW", package = "AER")
  CigarettesSW$rprice <- with(CigarettesSW, price/cpi)
  CigarettesSW$rincome <- with(CigarettesSW, income/population/cpi)
  CigarettesSW$tdiff <- with(CigarettesSW, (taxs - tax)/cpi)

  iv <- ivreg(log(packs) ~ log(rprice) + log(rincome) | log(rincome) + tdiff + I(tax/cpi),data = CigarettesSW, subset = year == "1995")
  ols <- lm(log(packs) ~ log(rprice) + log(rincome),data = CigarettesSW, subset = year == "1995")

  showreg(list(iv,ols), package="texreg")
  showreg(list(iv,ols), package="stargazer")
  txt = showreg(list(iv=iv,iv.rob=iv, ols=ols,  ols.rob=ols),
          robust=c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE), robust.type="HC4", output="text", package="stargazer")
  showreg(list(iv=iv,iv.rob=iv, ols=ols,  ols.rob=ols), title = "My models",
          robust=c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE), robust.type="NeweyWest")  

  txt = showreg(list(iv=iv,iv.rob=iv, ols=ols,  ols.rob=ols),
          robust=c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE), robust.type="HC4", output="html", caption="My table", caption.above=!TRUE)  

  # Marginal effect for probit regression
  n = 1000
  x = rnorm(n)
  # binary outcome
  y = ifelse(pnorm(1 + 4*x + rnorm(n))>0.5, 1, 0)
  data = data.frame(y,x)

  reg = glm(y~x, data=data, family=binomial(link=probit))
  showreg(list("probit"=reg,"marginal effects"=reg), coef.transform=c("no", "mfx"), omit.coef = "(Intercept)")

  # Clustered standard errors
  # (not tested for correctness at all)
  LSDV <- lm(mrall ~ beertax + factor(year) + factor(state), data=Fatality)
  LSDV$custom.data = Fatality
         "LSDV (state cluster)"=LSDV,
         "LSDV (state-year cluster)"=LSDV
    cluster1 = "state", cluster2="year"


#' Show and compare regression results
#' The function extends and wraps either stargazer or the screenreg, texreg and htmlreg functions in the texreg package. It allows for robust standard errors (also clustered robust standard errors) and can show marginal effects in glm models.
#' @param l list of models as in screenreg
#' @param custom.model.names custom titles for each model. By default the names of the model list.
#' @param robust shall robust standard errors be used? Logical single number or a vector specifying for each model.
#' @param robust.type the type of robust standard errors. Can be "HAC", "cluster", "HC1" to "HC4" or "NeweyWest". Can be a vector specifying a type for each model.
#' @param cluster1 and cluster2 if clustered robust standard errors are used, the name of the variables that shall be clustered by
#' @param vcov.list optional a list of covariance matrices of the coefficients for every model
#' @param coef.transform either NULL or a vector containing "no" or "mfx", if an entry is "mfx" we show the marginal effects of the corresponding model.
#' @param coef.mat.li for highest flexibility, you can also provide a list that contains for each model a matrix or data.frame as returned by coeftest with the columns: coefficent, se, t-value, p-value.
#' @param output either "text", "html" or "latex"
#' @param output.fun allows a manual output function, e.g. if one has overloaded the design of screenreg, texreg or htmlreg. 
#' @param title a string shown as title above the table
#' @param package the underlying package for creating the tables, either "texreg" or "stargazer". The current default is texreg but that may change. 
#' @param ... additional parameters for stargazer or screenreg, texreg or htmlreg
#' @export
showreg = function(l,custom.model.names=names(l), omit.stat=c("F","ser"),robust = FALSE, robust.type = "HC3", cluster1=NULL, cluster2=NULL,vcov.li=NULL,coef.transform = NULL, coef.mat.li = NULL, digits = 2, output=c("text","html","latex")[1], output.fun = NULL, doctype = FALSE,title=NULL, intercept.bottom=FALSE, package=getOption("showreg.package")[1]
, ...){
  dots = list(...)

  if (!is.null(dots$type)) output=dots$type
  type = output
  if (package=="stargazer") {
    call.stargazer = function(args) {
      dupl = duplicated(names(args)) & names(args)!=""
      args = args[!dupl]
      out = capture.output(res<-do.call("stargazer",args))
      class(res) = c("classShowReg","character")
  if (is.null(output.fun)) {
    if (package=="texreg") {
      if (output=="text"){
      } else if (output=="html") {
        output.fun = htmlreg
      } else if (output=="latex") {
        output.fun = texreg
  if (!any(robust) & is.null(vcov.li) & is.null(coef.mat.li) & is.null(coef.transform)) {
    if (package=="stargazer" & is.null(output.fun)) {
      args = c(l, dots,list(type=output, digits=digits,
      res = call.stargazer(args)  
    } else {
      res =output.fun(l, ..., custom.model.names=custom.model.names,digits = digits, doctype=doctype)
    res = add.showreg.title(res,title,output)
  if (length(robust)==1)
    robust = rep(robust,length(l))
  if (length(robust.type)==1)
    robust.type = rep(robust.type,length(l))
  robust.type[!robust] = "const"
  if (is.null(vcov.li)) {
    vcov.li = lapply(seq_along(l), function(i){
      vcovRobust(l[[i]], type = robust.type[[i]], cluster1=cluster1, cluster2=cluster2)
  cml = lapply(seq_along(l), function(i){
    get.coef.mat(l[[i]],vcov=vcov.li[[i]], robust = robust[[i]], robust.type = robust.type[[i]], coef.transform = coef.transform[[i]], cluster1 = cluster1[[i]], cluster2 = cluster2[[i]], coef.mat = coef.mat.li[[i]])

  coef.li = lapply(cml, function(r) convert.na(r[,1],Inf))
  se.li = lapply(cml, function(r) convert.na(r[,2],Inf))
  pval.li = lapply(cml, function(r) convert.na(r[,4],1))
  if (package=="stargazer" & is.null(output.fun)) {
    args = c(l, dots,list(type=type, digits=digits,
        coef = coef.li, se=se.li, p=pval.li))
    res = call.stargazer(args)  
  } else {
    res = output.fun(l,..., custom.model.names = custom.model.names,
      override.coef = coef.li, override.se = se.li,
      override.pval = pval.li,
      digits = digits,doctype=doctype)


print.classShowReg = function(x) {
  cat("\n", paste0(x,collapse="\n"))

add.showreg.title = function(out, title=NULL, output="text") {
  if (is.null(title))
  out.class = class(out)
  if (output=="text" | output=="latex") {
    res = paste0(title,"\n",out)
  } else if (output=="html") {
    res = paste0("<H4>",title,"</H4>\n\n",out)
  class(res) = class(out)

#' get the matrix with coefficients, se, t-value, p-value of a regression model
#' internally used by showreg
get.coef.mat = function(mod, vcov=NULL, robust = FALSE, robust.type = "HC3", coef.transform = NULL, cluster1=NULL, cluster2=NULL,  coef.mat = NULL) {
  # coef.mat is given, so just return it
  if (!is.null(coef.mat))
  # For marginal effects use the functions from mfx
  if (isTRUE(coef.transform=="mfx")) {
    mfx = glm.marginal.effects(mod, robust=robust, clustervar1=cluster1, clustervar2 = cluster2)
    df = as.data.frame(mfx$mfxest)
    # Add a missing intercept
    if (NROW(df)<length(coef(mod))) {
      idf = data.frame(NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN)
      colnames(idf) = colnames(df)
      rownames(idf) = names(coef(mod))[1]
      df = rbind(idf,df)

  # Compute robust vcov
  if (is.null(vcov) & robust) {
    vcov = vcovRobust(l[[i]], type = robust.type, cluster1=cluster1, cluster2=cluster2)
  # return the coefficient matrix
  coeftest(mod, vcov.=vcov)

convert.na = function(x,new.val) {
  x[is.na(x)] = new.val
skranz/regtools documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:02 a.m.