
Defines functions checkIntensityFile

Documented in checkIntensityFile

checkIntensityFile <- function(path=".",
                               file.type=c("gds", "ncdf"),
                               affy.inten = FALSE,
                               diagnostics.filename = "checkIntensityFile.diagnostics.RData",
                               verbose = TRUE) {

    ## sx is vector of sample indices to check
    ## N is the number of samples loaded so far

    if(!all(is.element(check.scan.index,1:n.scans.loaded))) stop("check.scan.index must be included in 1:n.scans.loaded")
### get file type
    file.type <- match.arg(file.type)

    if (file.type == "gds") {
        quantfile <- GdsIntensityReader(filename)
    } else if (file.type == "ncdf") {
        quantfile <- NcdfIntensityReader(filename)

    ## get sample ids
    quant.sampid <- getScanID(quantfile, index=1:n.scans.loaded)

    ## get snp ids from the netCDF file
    nc.snpid <- getSnpID(quantfile)
    ## get sample info and file names
    stopifnot(all(c("scanID", "scanName", "file") %in% names(scan.annotation)))
    if(any(!is.element(quant.sampid, scan.annotation$scanID))) stop("some sample id(s) in data file not found in sample annotation dataframe")
    scan.annotation <- scan.annotation[match(quant.sampid, scan.annotation$scanID),]

    files <- file.path(path, scan.annotation$file)

    ## check col.nums vector
    col.nums <- col.nums[!is.na(col.nums)]
    intensity.vars <-  c("quality", "X", "Y", "rawX", "rawY", "R", "Theta", "BAlleleFreq","LogRRatio")
    if(!all(names(col.nums) %in% c("snp", "sample", "geno", "a1", "a2", intensity.vars))) stop("problem with col.nums vector names")
    if(!is.integer(col.nums)) stop("col.nums vector class is not integer")
    if(!("snp" %in% names(col.nums))) stop("snp id missing in col.nums")
    if( max(col.nums) > col.total) stop("some element of col.nums is greater than total number of columns")

    ## compare with ncdf
    varnames <- getVariableNames(quantfile)
    chk.vars <- intersect(names(col.nums), intensity.vars)
    if (length(chk.vars) > 0) {
        if(!all(is.element(chk.vars, varnames))) stop("variables designated in col.nums are not all defined in the data file")

    ## check snp.annotation
    stopifnot(all(c("snpID", "snpName") %in% names(snp.annotation)))
    if(any(snp.annotation$snpID != sort(snp.annotation$snpID))) stop("snp annotation ids not in order")
    if(any(snp.annotation$snpID != nc.snpid)) stop("snp annotation ids not the same as in data file")
    n <- nrow(snp.annotation)
    ## generate colClasses vector for read.table
    cc <- rep("NULL",col.total)
    ## don't need to check genotype variables
    ## cc[col.nums[names(col.nums) %in% c("snp","sample","geno","a1","a2")]] <- "character"
    cc[col.nums[names(col.nums) %in% c("snp","sample")]] <- "character"
    cc[col.nums[names(col.nums) %in% intensity.vars]] <- "double"
    ## generate names for the genotype data.frame
    df.names <- names(sort(col.nums))

    ## set up objects to keep track of things for each file

    ## refresh diagnostics from when the ncdf was created
    fn <- length(files)
    read.file <- rep(NA, fn)  ## keeps track of whether the file was readable or not
    row.num <- rep(NA, fn)	  ## number of rows read
    sample.names <- vector("list",fn)		 ## list of vectors of unique sample names in each file
    sample.match <- rep(NA, fn)		## indicator whether sample name inside file matches sample names in sample annotation data.frame
    ## missg <- vector("list",fn)		 ## vector of character string(s) used for missing genotypes (i.e. not AA, AB or BB)
    snp.chk <- rep(NA,fn)
    chk <- rep(NA,fn)			## ##  final check on data ready to load into ncdf

    ## ##  new diagnostics
    ## snp.order <- rep(NA,fn)
    ## geno.chk <- rep(NA,fn)
    qs.chk <- rep(NA,fn)
    z <- rep(NA,fn)
    inten.chk <- list(z,z,z,z,z,z,z,z)
    names(inten.chk) <- intensity.vars[-1]	

    ## diagnostics for Affy intensity files
    read.file.inten <- rep(NA,fn)
    sample.match.inten <- rep(NA,fn)
    rows.equal <- rep(NA,fn)
    snp.chk.inten <- rep(NA,fn)

    ## Set tolerance for intensity comparisons
    tol <- 1e-4 ## - used for difference
    rtol <- 1e-6  ## used for ratio of difference to raw data file value

    ## specify intensity variables to check
    qvars <- c("X", "Y", "rawX", "rawY", "R", "Theta", "BAlleleFreq", "LogRRatio")
    varin <- names(col.nums)
    if(affy.inten) varin <- c(varin, "X","Y")
    qvars <- qvars[is.element(qvars, varin)]
    m <- length(qvars)

    inten.chk <- inten.chk[is.element(names(inten.chk), qvars)]	

    nsx <- length(check.scan.index)

    if (verbose) start <- Sys.time()
    for(i in check.scan.index){

        ## save diagnostics at each step in case of crash
        diagnostics <- list(read.file, row.num, sample.names, sample.match, snp.chk, chk, qs.chk,
                            rows.equal, inten.chk)
        names(diagnostics) <- c("read.file", "row.num", "sample.names", "sample.match", "snp.chk", "chk",
                                "rows.equal", "inten.chk")
        save(diagnostics, file=diagnostics.filename)

        ## non-affy - one line per snp
        if (!affy.inten) {
            ##read in the file for one sample and keep columns of interest; skip to next file if there is a read error (using function "try")
            if(scan.name.in.file==-1) {skip.num <- skip.num-1; head<-TRUE} else  {head<-FALSE}
            dat <- try(fread(files[i], header=head, sep=sep.type, skip=skip.num, colClasses=cc, data.table=FALSE))
            if (inherits(dat, "try-error")) { read.file[i] <- 0; message(paste("error reading file",i)); next; k <- k+1 } 		
            read.file[i] <- 1 
            ## get sample name from column heading for Affy
            if(scan.name.in.file==-1) {tmp.names <- names(dat)}
            names(dat) <- df.names

            ##check and save row number
            row.num[i] <- dim(dat)[1]
            if(row.num[i]!=n) {rm(dat); next; k <- k+1}  ## each file should have the same number of rows (one per snp)

            ## Sample names for Illumina			
            if(is.element("sample", names(dat))){
                sample.names[[i]] <- unique(dat$sample)
                if(length(sample.names[[i]])>1) {rm(dat);next; k <- k+1}	## there should only be one sample per file
                if(sample.names[[i]]!=scan.annotation$scanName[i]) {sample.match[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next; k <- k+1}  else {sample.match[i] <- 1}
                ## sample name inside file should match sample.name vector
            ## Sample names for Affy
            if(scan.name.in.file==-1) {
                tmp <- paste(scan.annotation$scanName[i], c("_Call", "_Confidence",".cel"),sep="")
                if(!any(is.element(tmp, tmp.names))) {sample.match[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next} else {sample.match[i] <- 1}
            }	## sample names embedded in file and column names should match

            ##check for duplicate snp names
            if(any(duplicated(dat$snp))) {snp.chk[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next; k <- k+1} 

            ##check that all expected snps are present
            if(!setequal(dat$snp,snp.annotation$snpName)) {snp.chk[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next; k <- k+1} else snp.chk[i] <- 1

            ##Using the first raw data file to make it this far, put the int.ids in same order as in raw data
            ##	(expecting all to be in this order)
            dat <- dat[match(snp.annotation$snpName, dat$snp),]
            ## if(!exists("snp2")) {
            ##     row.names(snp.annotation) <- snp.annotation$snpName
            ##     snp2 <- snp.annotation[dat$snp, ]
            ## }

            ## check to be sure snp ids are in the same order in each file
            ## if(!all(snp2$snpName==dat$snp)) { rm(dat); snp.order[i] <- 0; next; k <- k+1} else {snp.order[i] <- 1}

            ## set non-finite values to missing
            for (v in intersect(names(dat), intensity.vars)) dat[[v]][!is.finite(dat[[v]])]<- NA

            ## load quality score from ncdf and check
            if(is.element("quality", names(dat))) {
                qs <- getQuality(quantfile, start=c(1,i), count=c(n,1))
                ## qs <- qs[match(snp2$snpID, nc.snpid)]
                if(!all(is.na(qs)==is.na(dat$quality)))	{
                    rm(dat); rm(qs); qs.chk[i] <- 0; next
                } else {
                    qs <- qs[!is.na(qs)]
                    dqs <- dat$quality[!is.na(dat$quality)]
                    dif <- abs(qs-dqs)
                    ratio <- dif/dqs
                    chkr <- ratio<rtol
                    chkd <- dif < tol
                    if(all(chkr | chkd)) {qs.chk[i] <- 1; rm(qs); rm(dqs)}  else {rm(dat); rm(qs); rm(dqs); qs.chk[i] <- 0; next}

            ## For Affy, intensity files have two rows per snp
        } else {
            ## Get the intensity data
            ## must use read.table instead of fread to filter comment lines with "#"
            dat <- try(read.table(files[i], sep="\t", header=TRUE, colClasses=c("character","double")))
            if (inherits(dat, "try-error")) { read.file[i] <- 0; message(paste("error reading intensity file",i)); next }
            read.file[i] <- 1	
            ## check sample names
            tmp.names <- names(dat)
            tmp <- paste(scan.annotation$scanName[i], c("_Call", "_Confidence",".cel"),sep="")
            if(!any(is.element(tmp, tmp.names))) {sample.match[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next} else {sample.match[i] <- 1}
            names(dat) <- c("sub.probe.id", "inten")
            ##check and save row number
            row.num[i] <- dim(dat)[1]
            if(row.num[i]!=(n*2)) {rm(dat); next; k <- k+1}  ## each file should have the same number of rows (two per snp)

            ## rearrange to get one row per snp with X and Y for each row
            dat$nchar <- nchar(dat$sub.probe.id)
            dat$sub <- substr(dat$sub.probe.id, dat$nchar, dat$nchar)
            dat$probe.id <- substr(dat$sub.probe.id, 1, dat$nchar-2)
            dat.a <- dat[is.element(dat$sub,"A"),][,c("inten", "probe.id")]; names(dat.a) <- c("X", "probe.id")
            dat.b <- dat[is.element(dat$sub,"B"),][,c("inten", "probe.id")]; names(dat.b) <- c("Y", "probe.id")
            if(nrow(dat.a)!=nrow(dat.b) && any(dat.a$probe.id!=dat.b$probe.id)) { rows.equal[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next }
            rows.equal[i] <- 1
            dat <- cbind(dat.a,dat.b[,"Y"]); names(dat)[3] <- "Y"

            ## remove "AFFX snps, check for duplicate snp names, check that all expected snps are present
            ## dat <- dat[is.element(dat$probe.id,snp.annotation$snpName),]
            dat <- dat[match(snp.annotation$snpName, dat$probe.id),]
            if(nrow(dat)!=n) {snp.chk[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next }
            if(any(duplicated(dat$probe.id))) {snp.chk[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next}
            if(any(!is.element(snp.annotation$snpName,dat$probe.id))) {snp.chk[i] <- 0; rm(dat); next} else snp.chk[i] <- 1
        ## load other intensity variable(s) from ncdf and check against what's in the data file
        if(m>0) {
            for(j in 1:m) {
                z <- getVariable(quantfile, varname=qvars[j], snp=c(1,n), scan=c(i,1))
                ## z <- z[match(snp2$snpID, nc.snpid)]  ## put in the same order as dat
                dz <- dat[,qvars[j]]
                if(!all(is.na(z)==is.na(dz))) {
                    rm(dat); rm(z); inten.chk[[j]][i] <- 0; break
                } else {
                    z <- z[!is.na(z)]
                    dz <- dz[!is.na(dz)]
                    dif <- abs(z-dz)
                    ratio <- dif/dz
                    chkr <- ratio<rtol
                    chkd <- dif < tol
                    if(all(chkr | chkd)) {
                        inten.chk[[j]][i] <- 1; rm(z); rm(dz)
                    }  else {
                        rm(dat); rm(z); rm(dz); inten.chk[[j]][i] <- 0; break

        chk[i] <- 1	## made it this far
        if (exists("dat")) rm(dat)
        ## to monitor progress
        if(verbose & i%%10==0) {
            rate <- (Sys.time()-start)/10
            percent <- 100*i/nsx
            message(paste("file", i, "-", format(percent,digits=3), "percent completed - rate =", format(rate,digits=4)))
            start <- Sys.time()

    }	## end of loop

    diagnostics <- list(read.file, row.num, sample.names, sample.match, snp.chk, chk, qs.chk,
        		rows.equal, inten.chk)
    names(diagnostics) <- c("read.file", "row.num", "sample.names", "sample.match", "snp.chk", "chk",
                            "rows.equal", "inten.chk")
    save(diagnostics, file=diagnostics.filename)


smgogarten/GWASTools documentation built on Nov. 10, 2024, 9:54 p.m.