chromIntensityPlot <- function(
intenData, # object of type IntensityData
type = c("BAF/LRR", "BAF", "LRR", "R", "Theta", "R/Theta"),
main = NULL,
info = NULL,
abln = NULL,
horizln = c(1/2, 1/3, 2/3),
colorGenotypes = FALSE,
genoData = NULL,
colorBatch = FALSE,
batch.column = NULL,
snp.exclude = NULL,
ideogram=TRUE, ideo.zoom=TRUE, ideo.rect=FALSE,
colors = c("default", "neon", "primary"),
# check arguments
if (length(scan.ids) != length(chrom.ids)) {
stop("scan.ids and chrom.ids must be parallel vectors of the same length")
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "BAF" | type == "BAF/LRR") {
if (!hasBAlleleFreq(intenData)) stop("BAlleleFreq not found")
if (type == "LRR" | type == "BAF/LRR") {
if (!hasLogRRatio(intenData)) stop("LogRRatio not found")
if (type == "R" | type == "Theta" | type == "R/Theta") {
if (!hasX(intenData) | !hasY(intenData)) stop("X and Y not found")
if (!is.null(main)) {
if (length(main) == 1 & length(scan.ids) > 1) {
main <- rep(main, length(scan.ids))
} else {
stopifnot(length(main) == length(scan.ids))
if (!is.null(info)) { stopifnot(length(info)==length(scan.ids)) }
if (colorGenotypes & colorBatch) {
stop("cannot color by Genotype and Batch simultaneously")
if (colorGenotypes & is.null(genoData)) {
stop("genoData must be specified if colorGenotypes is TRUE")
if (colorBatch) {
if (is.null(batch.column)) {
stop("batch.column must be specified if colorBatch is TRUE")
} else if (!hasSnpVariable(intenData, batch.column)) {
stop(paste("SNP variable", batch.column, "was not found in intenData."))
colors <- match.arg(colors)
chr <- getChromosome(intenData)
chr.char <- getChromosome(intenData, char=TRUE)
pos <- getPosition(intenData)
scanID <- getScanID(intenData)
if (hasSex(intenData)) {
sex <- getSex(intenData)
} else {
sex <- NULL
chrom.char <- chrom.ids
chrom.char[chrom.ids == XchromCode(intenData)] <- "X"
chrom.char[chrom.ids == YchromCode(intenData)] <- "Y"
# layout
if (ideogram & type %in% c("BAF/LRR", "R/Theta")) {
layout(matrix(c(1,2,3), nrow=3, ncol=1), heights=c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2))
} else if (ideogram | type %in% c("BAF/LRR", "R/Theta")) {
layout(matrix(c(1,2), nrow=2, ncol=1), heights=c(0.5, 0.5))
for (i in 1:length(scan.ids)) {
# index for sample to be plotted
stopifnot(is.element(scan.ids[i], scanID))
sid <- which(scanID == scan.ids[i])
chri <- which(is.element(chr, chrom.ids[i]))
chr.start <- chri[1]
chr.count <- length(chri)
chr.label <- unique(chr.char[chri])
# logical for snps to be plotted
if (!is.null(snp.exclude)) {
snpID <- getSnpID(intenData, index=chri)
toPlot <- !(snpID %in% snp.exclude)
} else {
toPlot <- rep(TRUE, length(chri))
# get the data to plot
if (type == "BAF" | type == "LRR" | type == "BAF/LRR") {
logrratio <- getLogRRatio(intenData, snp=c(chr.start,chr.count), scan=c(sid,1))
mninten <- mean(logrratio, na.rm = T)
bafreq <- getBAlleleFreq(intenData, snp=c(chr.start,chr.count), scan=c(sid,1))
} else { # type is R, Theta or R/Theta
x <- getX(intenData, snp=c(chr.start,chr.count), scan=c(sid,1))
y <- getY(intenData, snp=c(chr.start,chr.count), scan=c(sid,1))
theta <- atan(y/x) * (2/pi)
r <- x + y
posi <- pos[chri]
# calculate values at which the 1/8 lines should be plotted
top <- max(posi, na.rm = TRUE)
bot <- min(posi, na.rm = TRUE)
len <- top - bot
eighth <- len/8
c <- 1:8
vals <- rep(eighth * c) + bot
# plot title
if (is.null(main)) {
if (!is.null(sex)) {
txt.main <- paste("Scan", scan.ids[i], "-", sex[sid], "- Chromosome", chr.label)
} else {
txt.main <- paste("Scan", scan.ids[i], "- Chromosome", chr.label)
} else {
txt.main <- main[i]
if (!is.null(info)) {
txt.main <- paste(txt.main, "-", info[i])
# create genotype color vector if colorGenotypes==TRUE
cols <- .colorByGeno(colors)
gcol <- rep(cols["NA"], length(chri))
if (colorGenotypes) {
genos <- getGenotype(genoData, snp=c(chr.start,chr.count), scan=c(sid,1))
gcol[genos %in% 0] <- cols["BB"]
gcol[genos %in% 1] <- cols["AB"]
gcol[genos %in% 2] <- cols["AA"]
txt.leg <- paste0(cols["AAname"], "=AA, ",
cols["ABname"], "=AB, ",
cols["BBname"], "=BB, ",
cols["NAname"], "=missing")
} else {
txt.leg <- ""
# combine plot titles for single plot
if (type %in% c("BAF", "LRR", "R", "Theta")) {
tmp <- paste(txt.main, txt.leg, sep="\n")
txt.main <- tmp
txt.leg <- tmp
# create batch color vector if colorBatch==TRUE
if (colorBatch) {
batch <- getSnpVariable(intenData, batch.column, index=chri)
uniqBatch <- unique(batch)
numpool <- length(uniqBatch)
col <- colors()[seq(from=450,to=637,length.out=numpool)]
for(i in 1:length(col)) gcol[is.element(batch,uniqBatch[i])] <- col[i]
# make the plots
if (!is.null(abln)) {
abst <- abln[(i * 2) - 1]
aben <- abln[i * 2]
else {
abst <- -1
aben <- -1
if (!is.null(horizln)) {
hv <- vector()
horizvals <- format(horizln, digits = 4)
for (g in 1:length(horizvals)) {
hv <- paste(hv, horizvals[g])
subnm <- paste("horizontal line =", hv)
par(mar=c(5,4,4,2)+0.1, mgp=c(2.5,0.75,0))
if (type == "LRR" | type == "BAF/LRR") {
plot((posi/1e+06)[toPlot], logrratio[toPlot], xlab = "position (Mb)",
ylab = "LRR", sub = "horizontal line = mean LRR",
main = txt.main, ylim = c(-2, 2),
type = "n", ...)
for (d in 1:length(vals)) {
abline(v = vals[d]/1e+06, col = "royalblue",
lty = 3, lwd = 2)
if (abst != -1)
abline(v = abst, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.2)
if (aben != -1)
abline(v = aben, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.2)
points((posi/1e+06)[toPlot], logrratio[toPlot], col=ifelse(colorGenotypes, "gray", "black"), cex=cex)
abline(h = mninten, col = "red")
if (type == "BAF" | type == "BAF/LRR") {
plot((posi/1e+06)[toPlot], bafreq[toPlot], type = "n",
xlab = "position (Mb)", ylab = "BAF",
sub = subnm, main = txt.leg, ...)
if (abst != -1)
abline(v = abst, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.3)
if (aben != -1)
abline(v = aben, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.3)
for (d in 1:length(vals)) {
abline(v = vals[d]/1e+06, col = "royalblue",
lty = 3, lwd = 2)
points((posi/1e+06)[toPlot], bafreq[toPlot], col = gcol[toPlot], cex=cex)
abline(h = horizln, col = "gray")
if (type == "R" | type == "R/Theta") {
plot((posi/1e+06)[toPlot], r[toPlot], xlab = "position (Mb)",
ylab = "R", main = txt.main, type = "n", ...)
for (d in 1:length(vals)) {
abline(v = vals[d]/1e+06, col = "royalblue",
lty = 3, lwd = 2)
if (abst != -1)
abline(v = abst, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.3)
if (aben != -1)
abline(v = aben, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.3)
points((posi/1e+06)[toPlot], r[toPlot], col = gcol[toPlot], cex=cex)
if (type == "Theta" | type == "R/Theta") {
plot((posi/1e+06)[toPlot], theta[toPlot], xlab = "position (Mb)",
ylab = "Theta", main = txt.leg, type = "n", ...)
for (d in 1:length(vals)) {
abline(v = vals[d]/1e+06, col = "royalblue",
lty = 3, lwd = 2)
if (abst != -1)
abline(v = abst, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.3)
if (aben != -1)
abline(v = aben, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 1.3)
points((posi/1e+06)[toPlot], r[toPlot], col = gcol[toPlot], cex=cex)
if (ideogram) {
if (ideo.zoom) {
ideo.x <- c(min(posi[toPlot]), max(posi[toPlot]))
} else {
ideo.x <- c(0, lengthChromosome(chrom.char[i], "bases"))
plot(ideo.x, c(-2,2),
type="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", bty="n")
paintCytobands(chrom.char[i], units="bases", width=1, cex.leg=cex.leg)
if (ideo.rect) rect(min(posi[toPlot]), -1.2, max(posi[toPlot]), 0.2, border="red", lwd=2)
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