
Defines functions qqPlot

Documented in qqPlot

qqPlot <- function(pval, truncate = FALSE, ylim=NULL, thinThreshold=NULL, ci=TRUE, ...) 
  # pvalue is a vector of p-values
  # truncate is T/F whether to truncate the y-axis (observed) to the same limits as the x-axis (expected)
  # thin is whether to thin insignificant p-values
  pval <- -log10(sort(pval)) # sort() removes NAs
  n <- length(pval)
  a <- 1:n
  b <- a/n
  x <- -log10(b)
  if (!is.null(thinThreshold)){
    breaks <- seq(from=0, to=thinThreshold, length.out=11)
    pval.cut <- cut(pval, breaks=breaks, right=FALSE)
    #quant <- quantile(pval[pval < thinThreshold], probs=1:10/10)
    #pval.cut <- cut(pval, breaks=c(0, quant), right=FALSE)
    ind.list <- list()
    for (level in levels(pval.cut)){
      sel <- which(pval.cut == level)
      ind.list[[level]] <- sel[sample.int(length(sel), min(1000, length(sel)))]
    ind.list[["max"]] <- which(pval >= thinThreshold)
    ind <- unlist(ind.list, use.names=FALSE)
    ind <- sort(ind) # sorting necessary for polygon, below
  } else {
    ind <- 1:n
  char <- rep(1,n)
  if(!is.logical(truncate) | truncate){
    if (is.logical(truncate)){
      maxx <- max(x)+2  
    } else {
      maxx <- min(truncate, max(pval))
    ylm <- c(0,maxx)
    ylb <- expression(paste(-log[10], "(observed P) - truncated"))
    nx <- length(which(pval > maxx))
    if(nx > 0){
      pval[1:nx] <- maxx
      char[1:nx] <- 2
  } else {
    ylm <- ylim
    ylb <- expression(paste(-log[10], "(observed P)"))
  plot(x[ind], pval[ind], type = "n", ylim = ylm, ylab = ylb,
       xlab = expression(paste(-log[10], "(expected P)")), ...)
  # upper and lower have already been subset
  if (ci){
    upper <- qbeta(0.025, a[ind], rev(a)[ind])
    lower <- qbeta(0.975, a[ind], rev(a)[ind])

    polygon(-log10(c(b[ind], rev(b[ind]))), -log10(c(upper, rev(lower))), density=NA, col="gray")
  points(x[ind], pval[ind], pch = char, ...)  
smgogarten/GWASTools documentation built on May 18, 2024, 1:19 a.m.