
#   MASH
#   R6-ified
#   Human Movement-related Methods for MACRO
#   David Smith, Hector Sanchez, Sean Wu
#   May 21, 2017

# Travel: initialize inter-patch travel

#' Get \code{Human} travel
#' Write me!
#' @param a parameter
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_get_travel <- function(){

#' Set \code{Human} travel
#' Write me!
#' @param a parameter
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_set_travel <- function(travel){
  private$travel = travel

#' MACRO \code{\link{Human}} Method: Initialize Travel
#' Write me! a method for \code{\link{Human}}
#' @param n number of other patches to visit
#' @param freqMean meanlog
#' @param freqSd sdlog
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_init_travel <- function(n, freqMean = 7, freqSd = 2, lengthMean = 2, lengthSd = 1, tNow = 0){

  private$travelHistory = MASH::HistoryTravel()

  N = self$get_PatchesPointer()$get_N() # how many patches
  here = self$get_patchID() # where is my home?

  there = sample(x = c(1:N)[-here], size = n) # where do i often go?
  howOften = 60+round(rlnorm(n,meanlog=freqMean,sdlog=freqSd))
  meanLengthOfTrip = 1+round(rlnorm(n,meanlog=lengthMean,sdlog=lengthSd))

  # set up the next trip
  tTrip = tNow + rexp(n=1,rate=sum(1/howOften))
  ixTrip = sample(x=c(1:n), size=1, prob=1/howOften)
  away = there[ixTrip]

  PAR = list(there = away, ixTravel = ixTrip)
  self$add2Q_takeTrip(tEvent = tTrip, PAR = PAR)


  travel = list(
        randomRate = 1/730,
        nPlaces = n,
        totFreq = sum(1/howOften),
        places_there = there,
        places_frequency = 1/howOften,
        places_length = meanLengthOfTrip

# Travel history tracking

#' Return \code{Human} Travel History
#' Write me! Called as \code{self$get_travelHistory()}  Defined in MACRO-Human-Travel.R
#' @return a list
#' * location: vector of integer locations
#' * tTravel: vector of numeric trip times
#' @md
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_get_travelHistoryHuman <- function(){

#' Return \code{HumanPop} Travel History
#' Write me! Called as \code{self$get_travelHistory()} defined in MACRO-Human-Travel.R
#' @return a list
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_get_travelHistoryHumanPop <- function(){

  travelHistories = vector(mode = "list", length = self$nHumans)
  for(ixH in 1:self$nHumans){
    travelHistories[[ixH]] = private$pop[[ixH]]$get_travelHistory()


# humanIDs: interface with MACRO:
#   * tell the MacroPatch where you are

#' Set \code{Human} go_Patch
#' Update \code{\link{MacroPatch}} list of humanIDs when a human leaves a site \code{old} and goes to a site \code{new}
#' @param old old patch (integer index)
#' @param new new patch (integer index)
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_go_Patch <- function(old, new){

# Add MACRO Movement Events to 'Human' Class
# 'XX' family of functions for human event queues

# Take a trip to another patch

#' add2Q_takeTrip
#' Write me!
#' @param a parameter
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_add2Q_takeTrip <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_takeTrip(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' event_takeTrip
#' Write me!
#' @param a parameter
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_event_takeTrip <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  list(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR, tag = "takeTrip")

#' takeTrip
#' Write me!
#' @param a parameter
#' @param PAR a list of length two
#' * there ID of patch this human will visit
#' * ixTravel index of the patch this human will visit in their travel destinations
#' @md
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_takeTrip <- function(tEvent, PAR){

  # take the trip
  away = PAR$there
  private$location = away
  home = private$patchID

  # self$track_travel(tTravel = tEvent, locationH = away) # history

  # update home biting weight
  wHome = self$get_PatchesPointer()$get_bWeightHuman(ix = home) - self$get_bWeight()
  self$get_PatchesPointer()$set_bWeightHuman(bWeightHuman = wHome, ix = home)

  # update visiting patch biting weight
  wAway = self$get_PatchesPointer()$get_bWeightHuman(ix = away) + self$get_bWeight()
  self$get_PatchesPointer()$set_bWeightHuman(bWeightHuman = wAway, ix = away)

  # tell the MacroPatch class where you went
  self$go_Patch(old = home, new = away)

  # queue up the voyage home
  tReturn = tEvent + rexp(n = 1, rate = 1 / self$get_travel()$places_length[PAR$ixTravel])
  self$add2Q_returnHome(tEvent = tReturn, PAR = NULL)

# Take a trip to another patch

#' add2Q_returnHome
#' Write me!
#' @param a parameter
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_add2Q_returnHome <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_returnHome(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' event_returnHome
#' Write me!
#' @param a parameter
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_event_returnHome <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  list(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR, tag = "returnHome")

#' returnHome
#' Write me!
#' @param a parameter
#' @return does stuff
#' @examples
#' some_function()
MacroHuman_returnHome <- function(tEvent, PAR){

  away = private$location
  home = private$patchID
  private$location = home  # go home

  # self$track_travel(tTravel = tEvent, locationH = home) # history

  # update home biting weight
  wHome = self$get_PatchesPointer()$get_bWeightHuman(ix = home) + self$get_bWeight()
  self$get_PatchesPointer()$set_bWeightHuman(bWeightHuman = wHome, ix = home)

  # update visiting patch biting weight
  wAway = self$get_PatchesPointer()$get_bWeightHuman(ix = away) - self$get_bWeight()
  self$get_PatchesPointer()$set_bWeightHuman(bWeightHuman = wAway, ix = away)

  # tell the MacroPatch class where you went
  self$go_Patch(old = away, new = home)

  #Schedule next trip
  tTrip = tEvent + rexp(n=1,rate=sum(self$get_travel()$totFreq))
  ixTrip = sample(x = private$travel$nPlaces, size = 1, prob = private$travel$places_frequency)
  away = self$get_travel()$places_there[ixTrip]

  PAR = list(there = away, ixTravel = ixTrip) # trip parameters
  self$add2Q_takeTrip(tEvent = tTrip, PAR = PAR) # add the trip

# MACRO Human Movement Utilities

#' Write \code{HumanPop} Travel History to JSON
#' Write each \code{\link{Human}} travel history as a .json object to a connection. Depends on \code{\link{get_travelHistoryHumanPop}} defined in MACRO-Human-Travel.R
#' @param con a connection open for writing
#' @return none
#' @examples
#' HumanPop$MacroHuman_json_travelHistory(con = file(description = paste0(directory, "OUTPUT/humanTravel.json"),open = "wt"))
MacroHuman_json_travelHistory <- function(con){
  travelHist = self$get_travelHistory()
  humanID = vapply(X = private$pop,FUN = function(x){x$get_myID()},FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
  names(travelHist) = paste0("human", humanID)
  writeLines(text = jsonlite::toJSON(x = travelHist, pretty = TRUE),
             con = con)
  print("closing human travel history connection to .json out")
smitdave/MASH documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:02 a.m.