
#   MASH
#   R6-ified
#   MICRO-Search Kernels
#   David Smith, Hector Sanchez, Sean Wu
#   June 1, 2017


# Calculate MICRO Search Kernels

#' MICRO Search Kernels: Calculate Euclidean Distance Matrix
#' Given pointers \code{S} and \code{D} to two lists of \code{MicroSite} objects,
#' Calculate the Euclidean distance matrix between them.
#' @param S pointer to list of starting sites (for example, Landscape$get_AquaSites())
#' @param D pointer to list of destination sites
#' @return matrix
#' @export
MicroKernel_DistanceMat <- function(S, D) {
  Sxy = t(vapply(X = S,FUN = function(x){x$get_siteXY()},FUN.VALUE = numeric(2)))
  Dxy = t(vapply(X = D,FUN = function(x){x$get_siteXY()},FUN.VALUE = numeric(2)))
  dMat = matrix(0,nrow = length(S),ncol = length(D))

  for(i in 1:nrow(Sxy)){
    for(j in 1:nrow(Dxy)){
      dMat[i,j] = sqrt((Sxy[i,1]-Dxy[j,1])^2 + (Sxy[i,2]-Dxy[j,2])^2)

#' MICRO Search Kernels: Calculate Power Kernel
#' Given pointers \code{S} and \code{D} to two lists of \code{MicroSite} objects,
#' Calculate one-step Markov transition matrix between sites.
#' @param S pointer to starting sites (for example, Landscape$get_AquaSites())
#' @param D pointer to destination sites
#' @param sigma a param
#' @param eps a param
#' @param beta a param
#' @return matrix
#' @export
MicroKernel_PowerKernel <- function(S, D, sigma = 3, eps = 0.1, beta = 0){
  dW = vapply(X = D,FUN = function(x){x$get_searchWt()},FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
  dS2D = MicroKernel_DistanceMat(S,D)
  S2D = matrix(0,nrow=length(S),ncol=length(D))

  for(ix in 1:length(S)){
    allProb = dW^(-beta*dS2D[ix,]) * (eps + dS2D[ix,])^-sigma
    S2D[ix,] = allProb / sum(allProb)


#' MICRO Search Kernels: Sort ID and Probabilities
#' Return sorted list of IDs and probabilities
#' @param id vector of IDs
#' @param pr vector of probabilities
#' @return list
#'  * id: sorted IDs
#'  * pr: sorted and normalized probabilities
#' @md
#' @export
MicroKernel_prSort <- function(id, pr){
  #.prSort: Return sorted list of ids and probabilities
  ot = order(pr,decreasing = TRUE)
    id = id[ot],
    pr = pr[ot]/sum(pr)

#' MICRO Search Kernels: Exact Movement Object Between Two Point Sets
#' Generate an exact movement object (one-step Markov transition matrix between two sets of sites).
#' The movement object is a list of lists where each element \code{ix} is the \code{\link{MicroKernel_PowerKernel}}
#' evaluated at starting location \code{ix}. If the destinations are the same sites as the starting locations
#' the mosquito is forced to change sites (ie; there are no one-step movements to the same site).
#' @param S pointer to starting sites (for example, Landscape$get_AquaSites())
#' @param D pointer to destination sites
#' @param sigma a param
#' @param eps a param
#' @param beta a param
#' @return movement object; each element has the following structure:
#'  * ix: ID of starting site
#'  * PR: probabilities of near, around, and moveFar movement
#'  * near: the near movement object
#'    * id: sorted ID of destination sites
#'    * pr: sorted probabilities of destination sites
#'  * around:
#'  * moveFar:
#' @md
#' @export
MicroKernel_exactMvOb <- function(S,D,sigma=3,eps=0.1,beta=0){

  ixS = vapply(X = S,FUN = function(x){x$get_ix()},FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) #id of starting sites
  prS2D = MicroKernel_PowerKernel(S,D,sigma,eps,beta) #movement matrix between S to D
  MvOb = vector(mode="list",length = length(S)) #empty movement object
  nD = length(D) #number of D sites

  if(identical(S,D)){ # movement within same class of site
    for(i in 1:length(S)){
      id = (1:nD)[-i]
      pr = prS2D[i,-i]
      sortedPr = MicroKernel_prSort(id,pr)
      MvOb[[i]] = list(
        ix = ixS[i],
        PR = c(0,1,0), # PR = c(pr[i],1-pr[i],0),
        near = sortedPr,
        around = NULL,
        moveFar = NULL
  } else { # movement between classes of sites
    for(i in 1:length(S)){
      sortedPr = MicroKernel_prSort(1:nD,prS2D[i,])
      MvOb[[i]] = list(
        ix = ixS[i],
        PR = c(0,1,0), # PR = c(pr[i],1-pr[i],0),
        near = sortedPr,
        around = NULL,
        moveFar = NULL


#' MICRO Search Kernels: Exact Movement Object Between All Point Sets
#' Generate an exact movement object (one-step Markov transition matrix between all sets of sites).
#' This function returns nested list of the following form for all site classes in landscape:
#'  * S2D: output of \code{\link{MicroKernel_exactMvOb}} applied to starting site point set S and destination point set D
#' The output, MvAll, will be assigned to \code{private$movement} field of \code{\link{MicroMosquitoPopFemale}} or \code{\link{MicroMosquitoPopMale}}. The specific accessor can be found at \code{\link{get_MicroKernel_movement}}.
#' @param Landscape a microsimulation \code{\link{Landscape}} object
#' @param sigma a param
#' @param eps a param
#' @param beta a param
#' @return list of movement objects between all site classes (see above and \code{\link{MicroKernel_exactMvOb}}) for details.
#' @md
#' @export
MicroKernel_exactAll <- function(Landscape,sigma=3,eps=0.1,beta=0){

  MvAll = list()

  # move to feeding site
  MvAll$F2F = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_FeedingSites(),D = Landscape$get_FeedingSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
  MvAll$L2F = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_AquaSites(),D = Landscape$get_FeedingSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
    MvAll$S2F = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_SugarSites(),D = Landscape$get_FeedingSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
    MvAll$M2F = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_MatingSites(),D = Landscape$get_FeedingSites(),sigma,eps,beta)

  # move to aquatic habitat
  MvAll$F2L = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_FeedingSites(),D = Landscape$get_AquaSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
  MvAll$L2L = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_AquaSites(),D = Landscape$get_AquaSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
    MvAll$S2L = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_SugarSites(),D = Landscape$get_AquaSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
    MvAll$M2L = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_MatingSites(),D = Landscape$get_AquaSites(),sigma,eps,beta)

  # move to sugar site
    MvAll$F2S = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_FeedingSites(),D = Landscape$get_SugarSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
    MvAll$L2S = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_AquaSites(),D = Landscape$get_SugarSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
    MvAll$S2S = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_SugarSites(),D = Landscape$get_SugarSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
      MvAll$M2S = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_MatingSites(),D = Landscape$get_SugarSites(),sigma,eps,beta)

  # move to mating site
    MvAll$F2M = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_FeedingSites(),D = Landscape$get_MatingSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
    MvAll$M2M = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_MatingSites(),D = Landscape$get_MatingSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
    MvAll$L2M = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_AquaSites(),D = Landscape$get_MatingSites(),sigma,eps,beta)
      MvAll$S2M = MicroKernel_exactMvOb(S = Landscape$get_SugarSites(),D = Landscape$get_MatingSites(),sigma,eps,beta)

smitdave/MASH documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:02 a.m.