setGeneric("findIsotopesWithValidation", function(object, maxcharge=3, ppm=5, mzabs=0.01, intval=c("maxo","into","intb"), validateIsotopePatterns = TRUE, database="kegg") standardGeneric("findIsotopesWithValidation"));
setMethod("findIsotopesWithValidation", "xsAnnotate", function(object, maxcharge=3, ppm=5, mzabs=0.01, intval=c("maxo","into","intb"), validateIsotopePatterns = TRUE, database="kegg")
#searches in every pseudospectrum mass differences, which match isotope distances
## sanity checks
## test maxcharge
if(!is.wholenumber(maxcharge) || maxcharge < 1)
stop("Invalid argument 'maxcharge'. Must be integer and > 0.\n")
## test ppm
if(!is.numeric(ppm) || ppm < 0)
stop("Invalid argument 'ppm'. Must be numeric and not negative.\n")
## test mzabs
if(!is.numeric(mzabs) || mzabs < 0)
stop("Invalid argument 'mzabs'. Must be numeric and not negative.\n")
## test intval
intval <- match.arg(intval)
## test database
if(!(database %in% compoundLibraries()))
stop("Invalid argument 'database'. Must be one of compoundLibraries().\n")
## init
numberOfPS <- length(object@pspectra)
## scaling
devppm <- ppm / 1000000
## Check if object have been preprocessed with groupFWHM
if(numberOfPS < 1) {
cat("xsAnnotate contains no pseudospectrum. Regroup all peaks into one!\n")
numberOfPS <- 1
object@pspectra[[1]] <- seq(1:nrow(object@groupInfo))
object@psSamples <- 1
## number of peaks in pseudospectrum
numberOfPeaks <- sum(sapply(object@pspectra, length))
## get mz, rt, and intensity values from peaktable
## "mz" "mzmin" "mzmax" "rt" "rtmin" "rtmax" "into" "intb" "maxo" "sn"
## "egauss" "mu" "sigma" "h" "f" "dppm" "scale" "scpos" "scmin" "scmax" "lmin" "lmax" "sample"
cat("Generating peak matrix!\n")
mzValues <- object@groupInfo[, "mz", drop=FALSE]
rtValues <- object@groupInfo[, "rt", drop=FALSE]
if(nrow(object@xcmsSet@groups) > 0){
## multiple sample or grouped single sample
index <- 1:length(object@xcmsSet@filepaths)
index <- object@sample
#intValues <- groupval(object@xcmsSet,value=intval)[,index,drop=FALSE]
intValues <- apply(X = groupval(object@xcmsSet,value=intval)[,index,drop=FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x){median(x = x, na.rm = TRUE)})
snValues <- unlist(lapply(X = 1:nrow(object@groupInfo), FUN = function(x){median(object@xcmsSet@peaks[object@xcmsSet@groupidx[[x]], "sn"])}))
## one sample case
intValues <- object@groupInfo[, intval, drop=FALSE]
snValues <- object@groupInfo[, "sn", drop=FALSE]
## isotope matrix
isoMatrix <- matrix(ncol=4, nrow=0)
colnames(isoMatrix) <- c("mpeak", "isopeak", "iso", "charge")
## find isotopes
cat("Run isotope peak annotation\n % finished: ")
## look for isotopes in every pseudospectrum
numberOfPS <- length(object@pspectra)
isotopeClusterCounter <- 0
for(psIdx in 1:numberOfPS){
## progress
if(numberOfPS >= 10) if((psIdx %% round(numberOfPS / 10)) == 0) cat((psIdx / round(numberOfPS / 10) * 10), ' ')
## get peak indizes for psIdx-th pseudospectrum
peakIndeces <- object@pspectra[[psIdx]]
if(length(peakIndeces) <= 1)
## Pseudospectrum has only one peak
## calculate isotopes
isoMatrixForPS.list <- findIsotopesForPS(
peakIndeces, mzValues[peakIndeces], intValues[peakIndeces], snValues[peakIndeces],
maxcharge=maxcharge, devppm=devppm, mzabs=mzabs, validateIsotopePatterns=validateIsotopePatterns, database=database
if(length(isoMatrixForPS.list) == 0)
## no isotope cluster found
## add isotope cluster to isoMatrix
for(isotopeCluster in 1:length(isoMatrixForPS.list)){
isoClusterMatrix <- isoMatrixForPS.list[[isotopeCluster]]
numberOfClusterPeaks <- nrow(isoClusterMatrix)
isotopeClusterCounter <- isotopeClusterCounter + 1
## assign cluster index and box
isoCluster2 <- cbind(
isoClusterMatrix[, "peak index"],
rep(x = isotopeClusterCounter, times = numberOfClusterPeaks),
isoClusterMatrix[, "isotope"],
isoClusterMatrix[, "charge"]
isoMatrix <- rbind(isoMatrix, isoCluster2)
## create isotope matrix for peak list
isotopeMatrix <- vector(mode="list", length=numberOfPeaks)
for(peakIdx in 1:numberOfPeaks){
row <- match(peakIdx, isoMatrix[, "mpeak"])
## no isotope found
## register isotope data
isotopeMatrix[[peakIdx]] <- list(
"y" = isoMatrix[row[[1]], "isopeak"],
"iso" = isoMatrix[row[[1]], "iso"] - 1,
"charge" = isoMatrix[row[[1]], "charge"],
"val" = 0
## assign isotope matrix to object
object@isoID <- isoMatrix
object@isotopes <- isotopeMatrix
## out
cat("\nNumber of isotopes:", nrow(object@isoID), "\n")
findIsotopesForPS <- function(peakIndeces, mzValues, intValues, snValues, maxcharge, devppm, mzabs, validateIsotopePatterns = TRUE, database){
## peakIndeces - peak indeces
## mzValues - m/z vector, contains all m/z values from specific pseudospectrum
## intValues - int vector, see above
## snValues - signal-to-noise vector, see above
## maxcharge - maximum allowed charge
## devppm - scaled ppm error
## mzabs - absolut error in m/z
## algorithm
## 1) compute triangular matrix of peak differences regarding m/z
## 2) compute for all charges possible isotope chains M, M+1, M+2, ...
## (in case of multiple possible successors take the successor with minimum m/z distance from expected m/z)
## 3) select the longest chain and proceed with the remaining peaks
## 4) check isotope cluster validity and split chains to chain segments
## 5) box results
## init
## matrix with all important informationen
snValues[snValues==0] <- 1
noiseEstimate <- intValues / snValues
intensityMin <- intValues - noiseEstimate
intensityMax <- intValues + noiseEstimate
spectrum <- cbind(peakIndeces, mzValues, intValues, intensityMin, intensityMax)
colnames(spectrum) <- c("peak index", "mz", "intensity", "intensityMin", "intensityMax")
## order peaks by m/z
spectrum <- spectrum[order(spectrum[, "mz"]), ]
numberOfPeaksHere <- nrow(spectrum)
if(numberOfPeaksHere <= 1)
## calculate allowed m/z errors for the given masses; at least mzabs
mzErrors <- devppm * spectrum[, "mz"] / 1E6
mzErrors[mzErrors < mzabs] <- mzabs
## compute m/z difference and possible isotopic connection for every peak pair in pseudospectrum
isotopeDifference <- 1.0033548378
expectedDistances <- isotopeDifference / 1:maxcharge
hitsForCharge_c_p1_p2 <- array(
dim = c(maxcharge, numberOfPeaksHere - 1, numberOfPeaksHere - 1)#,
#dimnames = c("charge", "peak1", "peak2")
for(peakIdx in 1:(numberOfPeaksHere - 1)){
## create distance matrix
mzDiff <- spectrum[(peakIdx + 1):numberOfPeaksHere, "mz"] - spectrum[peakIdx, "mz"]
## compare distances to expected distances
mzDiffExp <- outer(-expectedDistances, mzDiff, FUN="+")
## create hit matrix
hits <- abs(mzDiffExp) <= mzErrors[[peakIdx]]
## add hit matrix to big picture
for(chargeIdx in 1:maxcharge)
hitsForCharge_c_p1_p2[chargeIdx, peakIdx, 1:(numberOfPeaksHere - peakIdx)] <- hits[chargeIdx, ]
}#end for peakIdx
## find and select isotope chains
goOnSearching <- TRUE
peakIsProcessed <- rep(x = FALSE, times = numberOfPeaksHere)
resultChains <- list()
chainCharges <- list()
candidateChains <- list()
candidateCharge <- list()
## check all charges and potential starting peaks to built all possible isotope chains
for(chargeIdx in 1:maxcharge){
## get potential monoisotopic peaks to built all possible isotope chains
potentialStartPeaks <- which(!peakIsProcessed[1:(numberOfPeaksHere - 1)])
for(peakIdx in potentialStartPeaks){
## start new chain with this peak
peakIdx1 <- peakIdx
candidateChain <- c(peakIdx1)
## assemble matching m/z distances to a chain of peaks
## peak is not in any prior chain
(!peakIsProcessed[peakIdx1]) &&
## peak is not the last peak in m/z dimension in the current pseudo spectrum
(peakIdx1 <= (numberOfPeaksHere - 1)) &&
## there are peaks in the right m/z distance
any(hitsForCharge_c_p1_p2[chargeIdx, peakIdx1, ], na.rm = TRUE)){
## get matching peak index
matchingIdx <- which(hitsForCharge_c_p1_p2[chargeIdx, peakIdx1, ])
peakIdx2 <- matchingIdx + peakIdx1
if(length(peakIdx2) > 1){
## more than one peak is candidate as successor: take the best matching one regarding m/z
## get mass of current peak and successor peaks
mass1 <- spectrum[peakIdx1, "mz"]
masses2 <- spectrum[peakIdx2, "mz"]
## take peak with minimum deviation from the expected value
masses2 <- masses2 - mass1 - expectedDistances[chargeIdx]
masses2 <- abs(masses2)
tempIdx <- which.min(masses2)
peakIdx2 <- peakIdx2[[tempIdx]]
## next peak is already part of a isotope chain --> do not elongate chain
## elongate chain
candidateChain <- c(candidateChain, peakIdx2)
## set peak for next iteration
peakIdx1 <- peakIdx2
}#end of while loop for current peak chain
if(length(candidateChain) == 1)
## a single peak
## add candidate chain
candidateChains[[length(candidateChains) + 1]] <- candidateChain
candidateCharge[[length(candidateCharge) + 1]] <- chargeIdx
}#end for peakIdx
}#end for chargeIdx
## select the longest chain
if(length(candidateChains) == 0){
## no more chains left -> stop searching
goOnSearching <- FALSE
} else {
## select the longest chain
maxChainIdx <- which.max(sapply(candidateChains, function(x) length(x)))
maxChain <- candidateChains[[maxChainIdx]]
maxCharge <- candidateCharge[[maxChainIdx]]
## add chain
resultChains[[length(resultChains) + 1]] <- maxChain
chainCharges[[length(chainCharges) + 1]] <- maxCharge
## mark comprised peaks
peakIsProcessed[maxChain] <- TRUE
}#end of while loop for peak chains
if(length(resultChains) == 0)
## no isotope cluster found
## validate chains
validatedResultChains <- list()
validatedChainCharges <- list()
## for validation
cpObj <- compoundQuantiles(compoundLibrary = database)
maximumIsotopeNumber <- max(cpObj@isotopeSet)
## available quantiles:
## 0.000005 0.999995 0.000010 0.999990 0.000050 0.999950 0.000100 0.999900 0.000500 0.999500 0.001000 0.999000
## 0.005000 0.995000 0.010000 0.990000 0.025000 0.975000 0.050000 0.950000 0.100000 0.900000 0.500000
#quantileLow <- 0.025
#quantileHigh <- 0.975
quantileLow <- 0.01
quantileHigh <- 0.99
for(chainIdx in seq_len(length.out = length(resultChains))){
## get data
charge <- chainCharges[[chainIdx]]
chain <- resultChains[[chainIdx]]
numberOfIsotopes <- length(chain)
mass <- spectrum[[chain[[1]], "mz"]] * charge
compoundMassInRange <- mass < cpObj@maxCompoundMass
if(validateIsotopePatterns & compoundMassInRange){
## validate and decompose chain to segments
monoisotopicPeakIdx <- 1
isotopePatternMembership <- integer(length = length(chain))
isotopePatternLabel <- 1
isotopePatternMembership[[1]] <- isotopePatternLabel
for(peakIdx in 2:length(chain)){
## check proportion
#proportion <- spectrum[chain[[monoisotopicPeakIdx]], "intensity"] / spectrum[chain[[peakIdx]], "intensity"]
proportionObservedMin <- spectrum[[chain[[monoisotopicPeakIdx]], "intensityMin"]] / spectrum[[chain[[peakIdx]], "intensityMax"]]
proportionObservedMax <- spectrum[[chain[[monoisotopicPeakIdx]], "intensityMax"]] / spectrum[[chain[[peakIdx]], "intensityMin"]]
isotopeNumber <- peakIdx - monoisotopicPeakIdx
if(isotopeNumber > maximumIsotopeNumber){
## pattern is too long to be checkable
proportionExpectedMin <- 0
proportionExpectedMax <- Inf
} else {
## fetch expected proportion interval
proportionExpectedMin <- getIsotopeProportion(object = cpObj, isotope1 = 0, isotope2 = isotopeNumber, mass = mass, quantile = quantileLow)
proportionExpectedMax <- getIsotopeProportion(object = cpObj, isotope1 = 0, isotope2 = isotopeNumber, mass = mass, quantile = quantileHigh)
centerObserved = (proportionObservedMin + proportionObservedMax) / 2;
centerExpected = (proportionExpectedMin + proportionExpectedMax) / 2;
radiusObserved = (proportionObservedMax - proportionObservedMin) / 2;
radiusExpected = (proportionExpectedMax - proportionExpectedMin) / 2;
isotopeProportionFits <- abs(centerObserved - centerExpected) <= (radiusObserved + radiusExpected)
#isotopeProportionFits <- proportion >= proportionInterval[[1]] & proportion <= proportionInterval[[2]]
## isotope proportion does not fit --> start new pattern
isotopePatternLabel <- isotopePatternLabel + 1
monoisotopicPeakIdx <- peakIdx
## assign pattern membership
isotopePatternMembership[[peakIdx]] <- isotopePatternLabel
}## end for peakIdx
if(FALSE & length(unique(isotopePatternMembership)) > 1){
for(labelIdx in unique(isotopePatternMembership)){
chainPos <- which(isotopePatternMembership == labelIdx)[[1]]
massHere <- spectrum[[chain[[chainPos]], "mz"]] * charge
mm48 <- any(abs(tableMM48$Isotope.peak.0.Exact.mass - massHere) <= max(devppm * massHere, mzabs))
cat(paste(", ", mm48))
cat(" - ")
numberOfIsotopes, isotopePatternLabel, mass,
"[", paste(isotopePatternMembership, collapse = ";"), "]",
"[", paste(spectrum[chain, "intensity"], collapse = ";"), "]",
ifelse(test = isotopePatternLabel > 1, yes =
paste(spectrum[chain[[1]], "intensity"] / spectrum[chain[[(which(diff(isotopePatternMembership) == 1)[[1]]+1)]], "intensity"], "not in",
"[", getIsotopeProportion(object = cpObj, isotope1 = 0, isotope2 = which(diff(isotopePatternMembership) == 1)[[1]], mass = mass, quantile = quantileLow),
getIsotopeProportion(object = cpObj, isotope1 = 0, isotope2 = which(diff(isotopePatternMembership) == 1)[[1]], mass = mass, quantile = quantileHigh), "]"), no = "n/a")
), "\n")
## extract chain segments
chainSegments <- list()
for(chainSegmentLabel in 1:isotopePatternLabel){
chainSegment <- chain[which(isotopePatternMembership == chainSegmentLabel)]
if(length(chainSegment) <= 1)
chainSegments[[chainSegmentLabel]] <- chainSegment
}## end for chainSegment
} else {
chainSegments <- list()
chainSegments[[1]] <- chain
## box chain segments
for(chainSegment in chainSegments){
validatedResultChains[[length(validatedResultChains) + 1]] <- chainSegment
validatedChainCharges[[length(validatedChainCharges) + 1]] <- charge
}## end for chainSegment
}## end for chain
## assemble list of isotope clusters as result
isoMatrixForPS.list <- list()
for(chainIdx in seq_len(length.out = length(validatedResultChains))){
## get data
chain <- validatedResultChains[[chainIdx]]
charge <- validatedChainCharges[[chainIdx]]
## create and fill isotope cluster
numberOfIsotopes <- length(chain)
isoClusterMatrix <- matrix(nrow = numberOfIsotopes, ncol = 3)
colnames(isoClusterMatrix) <- c("peak index", "isotope", "charge")
for(isoIdx in 1:numberOfIsotopes){
## translate local peak index to global peak index
peakIdx <- spectrum[chain[[isoIdx]], "peak index"]
## add isotope entry
isoClusterMatrix[isoIdx, ] <- c(peakIdx, isoIdx, charge)
## add isotope cluster to result list
isoMatrixForPS.list[[length(isoMatrixForPS.list) + 1]] <- isoClusterMatrix
}## end for chainSegment
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