
Defines functions gatherDataMinimal.spectrum gatherDataMinimal.cpd addPeaks makeMollist exportMassbank_moldata exportMassbank_recdata exportMassbank .parseTitleString annotator.default readMbdata flatten gatherDataUnknown gatherDataBabel gatherData gatherPubChem createMolfile mbWorkflow resetInfolists loadInfolist loadInfolists

Documented in addPeaks annotator.default createMolfile exportMassbank flatten gatherData gatherDataBabel gatherDataUnknown gatherPubChem loadInfolist loadInfolists makeMollist mbWorkflow .parseTitleString readMbdata resetInfolists

# Script for writing MassBank files

#testtest change
#' Load MassBank compound information lists
#' Loads MassBank compound information lists (i.e. the lists which were created
#' in the first two steps of the MassBank \code{\link{mbWorkflow}} and
#' subsequently edited by hand.).
#' \code{resetInfolists} clears the information lists, i.e. it creates a new
#' empty list in \code{mbdata_archive}. \code{loadInfolist} loads a single CSV
#' file, whereas \code{loadInfolists} loads a whole directory.
#' @aliases loadInfolists loadInfolist resetInfolists
#' @usage loadInfolists(mb, path)
#'  loadInfolist(mb, fileName)
#'  resetInfolists(mb)
#' @param path Directory in which the namelists reside. All CSV files in this
#' directory will be loaded.
#' @param fileName A single namelist to be loaded.
#' @param mb The \code{mbWorkspace} to load/reset the lists in.
#' @return The new workspace with loaded/reset lists.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @examples
#' #
#' \dontrun{mb <- resetInfolists(mb)
#' 	mb <- loadInfolist(mb, "my_csv_infolist.csv")}
#' @export
loadInfolists <- function(mb, path)
  archivefiles <- list.files(path, ".csv", full.names=TRUE)
  for(afile in archivefiles)
    mb <- loadInfolist(mb, afile)

# Load an "infolist". This loads a CSV file which should contain the entries
# edited and controlled by hand. All compound infos from fileName are added into the
# global mbdata_archive. Entries with a cpdID which was already present, are substituted
# by new entries from the fileName file.
#' @export
loadInfolist <- function(mb, fileName)
  # Prime a new infolist if it doesn't exist
  if(ncol(mb@mbdata_archive) == 0)
    mb <- resetInfolists(mb)
  mbdata_new <- read.csv(fileName, sep=",", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  # Legacy check for loading the Uchem format files.
  # Even if dbname_* are not used downstream of here, it's still good to keep them
  # for debugging reasons.
  n <- colnames(mbdata_new)
  cols <- c("id","dbcas","dataused")
  # Check if comma-separated or semicolon-separated
  d <- setdiff(cols, n)
		mbdata_new <- read.csv2(fileName, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		n <- colnames(mbdata_new)
		d2 <- setdiff(cols, n)
		if(length(d2) > 0){
			stop("Some columns are missing in the infolist.")
  if("dbname_d" %in% colnames(mbdata_new))
    colnames(mbdata_new)[[which(colnames(mbdata_new)=="dbname_d")]] <- "dbname"
    # dbname_e will be dropped because of the select= in the subset below.
  if("COMMENT.EAWAG_UCHEM_ID" %in% colnames(mbdata_new))
    colnames(mbdata_new)[[which(colnames(mbdata_new)== "COMMENT.EAWAG_UCHEM_ID")]] <-
  # Clear from padding spaces and NAs
  mbdata_new <- as.data.frame(x = t(apply(mbdata_new, 1, function(r) 
    # Substitute empty spaces by real NA values
    r[which(r == "")] <- NA
    # Trim spaces (in all non-NA fields)
    r[which(!is.na(r))] <- sub(pattern = "^ *([^ ]+) *$", replacement = "\\1", x = r[which(!is.na(r))])
  })), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # use only the columns present in mbdata_archive, no other columns added in excel
  colNames <- colnames(mb@mbdata_archive)
  commentColNames <- colnames(mbdata_new)[grepl(x = colnames(mbdata_new), pattern = "^COMMENT\\.(?!CONFIDENCE)(?!ID)", perl = TRUE)]
  colNames <- c(colNames, commentColNames)

  ## The read infolists might not have all required / expected columns
  missingColNames <- colNames[! colNames %in% colnames(mbdata_new)]
  if (length(missingColNames >0)) {
    missingCols <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(missingColNames))
    colnames(missingCols) <- missingColNames
    mbdata_new <- cbind(mbdata_new, missingCols)
  mbdata_new <- mbdata_new[, colNames]
  # substitute the old entires with the ones from our files
  # then find the new (previously inexistent) entries, and rbind them to the table
  new_entries <- setdiff(mbdata_new$id, mb@mbdata_archive$id)
  old_entries <- intersect(mbdata_new$id, mb@mbdata_archive$id)
  for(colname in colnames(mb@mbdata_archive))
    mb@mbdata_archive[, colname] <- as.character(mb@mbdata_archive[, colname])
  for(entry in old_entries)
    mb@mbdata_archive[mb@mbdata_archive$id == entry,] <- mbdata_new[mbdata_new$id == entry,]
  mb@mbdata_archive <- rbind(mb@mbdata_archive, mbdata_new[mbdata_new$id==new_entries,])
  for(colname in colnames(mb@mbdata_archive))
    mb@mbdata_archive[, colname] <- as.factor(mb@mbdata_archive[, colname])

# Resets the mbdata_archive to an empty version.
#' @export
resetInfolists <- function(mb) 
	mb@mbdata_archive <-
			structure(list(X = integer(0), id = integer(0), dbcas = character(0), 
							dbname = character(0), dataused = character(0), COMMENT.CONFIDENCE = character(0), 
							COMMENT.ID = integer(0), CH.NAME1 = character(0), 
							CH.NAME2 = character(0), CH.NAME3 = character(0), CH.NAME4 = character(0), CH.NAME5 = character(0), CH.COMPOUND_CLASS = character(0), 
							CH.FORMULA = character(0), CH.EXACT_MASS = numeric(0), CH.SMILES = character(0), 
							CH.IUPAC = character(0), CH.LINK.CAS = character(0), CH.LINK.CHEBI = integer(0), 
							CH.LINK.HMDB = character(0), CH.LINK.KEGG = character(0), CH.LINK.LIPIDMAPS = character(0), 
							CH.LINK.PUBCHEM = character(0), CH.LINK.INCHIKEY = character(0), 
							CH.LINK.CHEMSPIDER = integer(0), CH.LINK.COMPTOX = character(0)), .Names = c("X", "id", "dbcas", 
							"dbname", "dataused", "COMMENT.CONFIDENCE", "COMMENT.ID", 
              "CH.NAME1", "CH.NAME2", "CH.NAME3", "CH.NAME4", "CH.NAME5", "CH.COMPOUND_CLASS", "CH.FORMULA", 
							"CH.LINK.INCHIKEY", "CH.LINK.CHEMSPIDER", "CH.LINK.COMPTOX"), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame")
	  mb@mbdata_archive["SP.SAMPLE"] <- character(0)

# The workflow function, i.e. (almost) the only thing you actually need to call.
# See below for explanation of steps.
#' MassBank record creation workflow
#' Uses data generated by \code{\link{msmsWorkflow}} to create MassBank records.
#' See the vignette \code{vignette("RMassBank")} for detailed informations about the usage.
#' Steps:
#' Step 1: Find which compounds don't have annotation information yet. For these
#' 		 compounds, pull information from several databases (using gatherData).
#' Step 2: If new compounds were found, then export the infolist.csv and stop the workflow.
#' 		Otherwise, continue.
#' Step 3: Take the archive data (in table format) and reformat it to MassBank tree format.
#' Step 4: Compile the spectra. Using the skeletons from the archive data, create
#'   MassBank records per compound and fill them with peak data for each spectrum.
#'   Also, assign accession numbers based on scan mode and relative scan no.
#' Step 5: Convert the internal tree-like representation of the MassBank data into
#'  flat-text string arrays (basically, into text-file style, but still in memory)
#' Step 6: For all OK records, generate a corresponding molfile with the structure
#'   of the compound, based on the SMILES entry from the MassBank record. (This molfile
#'   is still in memory only, not yet a physical file)
#' Step 7: If necessary, generate the appropriate subdirectories, and actually write
#'   the files to disk.
#' Step 8: Create the list.tsv in the molfiles folder, which is required by MassBank
#'   to attribute substances to their corresponding structure molfiles. 
#' @param steps Which steps in the workflow to perform.
#' @param infolist_path A path where to store newly downloaded compound informations,
#' 			which should then be manually inspected.
#' @param mb The \code{mbWorkspace} to work in.
#' @param gatherData A variable denoting whether to retrieve information using several online databases \code{gatherData= "online"}
#' or to use the local babel installation \code{gatherData= "babel"}. Note that babel is used either way, if a directory is given 
#' in the settings. This setting will be ignored if retrieval is set to "standard"
#' @param filter If \code{TRUE}, the peaks will be filtered according to the standard processing workflow in RMassBank - 
#' only the best formula for a peak is retained, and only peaks passing multiplicity filtering are retained. If FALSE, it is assumed
#' that the user has already done filtering, and all peaks in the spectrum should be printed in the record (with or without formula.)
#' @return The processed \code{mbWorkspace}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mbWorkspace-class}}
#' @author Michael A. Stravs, Eawag <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' 		mb <- newMbWorkspace(w) # w being a msmsWorkspace
#' 		mb <- loadInfolists(mb, "D:/myInfolistPath")
#' 		mb <- mbWorkflow(mb, steps=c(1:3), "newinfos.csv")
#' }
#' @export
mbWorkflow <- function(mb, steps=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), infolist_path="./infolist.csv", gatherData = "online", filter = TRUE)
    # Step 1: Find which compounds don't have annotation information yet. For these
    # compounds, pull information from CTS (using gatherData).
    if(1 %in% steps)
        mbdata_ids <- lapply(selectSpectra(mb@spectra, "found", "object"), function(spec) spec@id)
                message("mbWorkflow: Step 1. Gather info from several databases")
      # Which IDs are not in mbdata_archive yet?
      new_ids <- setdiff(as.numeric(unlist(mbdata_ids)), mb@mbdata_archive$id)
      mb@mbdata <- lapply(new_ids, function(id) 
            if(findLevel(id,TRUE) == "standard"){
            if(gatherData == "online"){
                d <- gatherData(id)
            if(gatherData == "babel"){
                    # message("mbWorkflow: Step 1. Gather info using babel")
                d <- gatherDataBabel(id)
        } else{
                # message("mbWorkflow: Step 1. Gather no info - Unknown structure")
                d <- gatherDataUnknown(id, mb@spectra[[1]]@mode, retrieval=findLevel(id,TRUE))
		message(paste(id, ": ", d$dataused, sep=''))
  # Step 2: If new compounds were found, then export the infolist.csv and stop the workflow.
  # Otherwise, continue!
  if(2 %in% steps)
	message("mbWorkflow: Step 2. Export infolist (if required)")
      mbdata_mat <- flatten(mb@mbdata)
      write.csv(as.data.frame(mbdata_mat),infolist_path, na="")
            message(paste("The file", infolist_path, "was generated with new compound information. Please check and edit the table, and add it to your infolist folder."))
      message("No new data added.")
  # Step 3: Take the archive data (in table format) and reformat it to MassBank tree format.
  if(3 %in% steps)
	message("mbWorkflow: Step 3. Data reformatting")
    mb@mbdata_relisted <- apply(mb@mbdata_archive, 1, readMbdata)
  # Step 4: Compile the spectra! Using the skeletons from the archive data, create
  # MassBank records per compound and fill them with peak data for each spectrum.
  # Also, assign accession numbers based on scan mode and relative scan no.
  if(4 %in% steps)
	  message("mbWorkflow: Step 4. Spectra compilation")
	  mb@compiled <- lapply(
			  selectSpectra(mb@spectra, "found", "object"),
			  function(r) {
				  message(paste("Compiling: ", r@name, sep=""))
				  mbdata <- mb@mbdata_relisted[[which(mb@mbdata_archive$id == as.numeric(r@id))]]
            res <- buildRecord(r, mbdata=mbdata, additionalPeaks=mb@additionalPeaks, filter = filterOK & best)
				    res <- buildRecord(r, mbdata=mbdata, additionalPeaks=mb@additionalPeaks)
	  # check which compounds have useful spectra
	  mb@ok <- which(!is.na(mb@compiled) & !(lapply(mb@compiled, length)==0))
        #mb@ok <- which(!is.na(mb@compiled) & !(lapply(mb@compiled, length)==0))
	  mb@problems <- which(is.na(mb@compiled))
	  mb@compiled_ok <- mb@compiled[mb@ok]
    mb@compiled_notOk <- mb@compiled[!mb@ok]
  # Step 5: Convert the internal tree-like representation of the MassBank data into
  # flat-text string arrays (basically, into text-file style, but still in memory)
  if(5 %in% steps)
	message("mbWorkflow: [Legacy Step 5. Flattening records] ignored")
    #mb@mbfiles <- lapply(mb@compiled_ok, function(cpd) toMassbank(cpd, mb@additionalPeaks))
    #mb@mbfiles_notOk <- lapply(mb@compiled_notOk, function(c) lapply(c, toMassbank))
  # Step 6: For all OK records, generate a corresponding molfile with the structure
  # of the compound, based on the SMILES entry from the MassBank record. (This molfile
  # is still in memory only, not yet a physical file)
  if(6 %in% steps)
      message("mbWorkflow: Step 6. Generate molfiles")
      mb@molfile <- lapply(mb@compiled_ok, function(c) createMolfile(as.numeric(c@id)))
    } else
      warning("RMassBank is configured not to export molfiles (RMassBank.env$export.molfiles). Step 6 is therefore ignored.")
  # Step 7: If necessary, generate the appropriate subdirectories, and actually write
  # the files to disk.
  if(7 %in% steps)
	message("mbWorkflow: Step 7. Generate subdirs and export")
        ## create folder
        filePath_recData_valid   <- file.path(getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$entry_prefix, "recdata")
        filePath_recData_invalid <- file.path(getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$entry_prefix, "recdata_invalid")
        filePath_molData         <- file.path(getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$entry_prefix, "moldata")
        if(!file.exists(filePath_recData_valid)) if(!dir.create(filePath_recData_valid,recursive=TRUE))  stop(paste("Could not create folder", filePath_recData_valid))
          if(!file.exists(filePath_molData)) if(!dir.create(filePath_molData,recursive=TRUE))  stop(paste("Could not create folder", filePath_molData))
        if(RMassBank.env$export.invalid & length(mb@mbfiles_notOk) > 0)
          if(!file.exists(filePath_recData_invalid)) if(!dir.create(filePath_recData_invalid,recursive=TRUE))  stop(paste("Could not create folder", filePath_recData_invalid))
        if(length(mb@molfile) == 0)
            mb@molfile <- as.list(rep(x = NA, times = length(mb@compiled_ok)))
        ## export valid spectra
        for(cnt in seq_along(mb@compiled_ok)){
                recDataFolder = filePath_recData_valid
                molfile = mb@molfile[[cnt]], 
                molDataFolder = filePath_molData
        ## export invalid spectra
            for(cnt in seq_along(mb@compiled_notOk))
                    compiled = mb@mbfiles_notOk[[cnt]], 
                    recDataFolder = filePath_recData_invalid
  # Step 8: Create the list.tsv in the molfiles folder, which is required by MassBank
  # to attribute substances to their corresponding structure molfiles.
  if(8 %in% steps)
          message("mbWorkflow: Step 8. Create list.tsv")
          makeMollist(compiled = mb@compiled_ok)
        } else
            warning("RMassBank is configured not to export molfiles (RMassBank.env$export.molfiles). Step 8 is therefore ignored.")

# Calls openbabel and converts the SMILES code string (or retrieves the SMILES code from
# the ID, and then calls openbabel) to create a molfile in text format.
# If fileName is given, the file is directly stored. Otherwise, it is returned as a 
# character array.
#' Create MOL file for a chemical structure
#' Creates a MOL file (in memory or on disk) for a compound specified by the
#' compound ID or by a SMILES code.
#' The function invokes OpenBabel (and therefore needs a correctly set
#' OpenBabel path in the RMassBank settings), using the SMILES code retrieved
#' with \code{findSmiles} or using the SMILES code directly. The current
#' implementation of the workflow uses the latter version, reading the SMILES
#' code directly from the MassBank record itself.
#' @usage createMolfile(id_or_smiles, fileName = FALSE)
#' @param id_or_smiles The compound ID or a SMILES code.
#' @param fileName If the filename is set, the file is written directly to disk
#' using the specified filename. Otherwise, it is returned as a text array.
#' @return A character array containing the MOL/SDF format file, ready to be
#' written to disk.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{findSmiles}}
#' @references OpenBabel: \url{http://openbabel.org}
#' @examples
#' # Benzene:
#' \dontrun{
#' createMolfile("C1=CC=CC=C1")
#' }
#' @export
createMolfile <- function(id_or_smiles, fileName = FALSE)
	babeldir <- getOption("RMassBank")$babeldir
		smiles <- id_or_smiles
    } else{
        if(findLevel(id_or_smiles,TRUE) != "standard"){
            return(c(" ","$$$$"))
		smiles <- findSmiles(id_or_smiles)
    # if no babeldir was set, get the result from cactus.
		res <- getCactus(smiles, "sdf")
			res <- getPcSDF(smiles)
			stop("Pubchem and Cactus both seem to be down.")
			writeLines(res, fileName)
	# otherwise use the better-tested OpenBabel toolkit.
			cmd <- paste(babeldir, "babel -ismi -osdf -d -b --gen2D", sep='')
			cmd <- paste(babeldir, "babel -ismi -osdf ", fileName , " -d -b --gen2D", sep='')
		res <- system(cmd, intern=TRUE, input=smiles, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
		# If we wrote to a file, read it back as return value.
			res <- readLines(fileName)
  #return(c(" ","$$$$"))

# Retrieve annotation data for a compound, from the internet service Pubchem
#' Retrieve supplemental annotation data from Pubchem
#' Retrieves annotation data for a compound from the internet service Pubchem 
#' based on the inchikey generated by babel or Cactus
#' The data retrieved is the Pubchem CID, a synonym from the Pubchem database,
#' the IUPAC name (using the preferred if available) and a Chebi link
#' @usage gatherPubChem(key)
#' @param key An Inchi-Key
#' @return Returns a list with 4 slots:
#' \code{PcID} The Pubchem CID
#' \code{Synonym} An arbitrary synonym for the compound name
#' \code{IUPAC} A IUPAC-name (preferred if available)
#' \code{Chebi} The identification number of the chebi database
#' @author Erik Mueller
#' @seealso \code{\link{mbWorkflow}}
#' @references Pubchem REST:
#' \url{https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pug_rest/PUG_REST.html}
#' Chebi:
#' \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi}
#' @examples
#' # Gather data for compound ID 131
#' \dontrun{gatherPubChem("QEIXBXXKTUNWDK-UHFFFAOYSA-N")}
#' @export
gatherPubChem <- function(key){
	PubChemData <- list()
	##Trycatches are there because pubchem has connection issues 1 in 50 times.
	##Write NA into the respective fields if something goes wrong with the conenction or the data.
	##Retrieve Pubchem CID
		PubChemData$PcID <- getPcId(key),
		PubChemData$PcID <<- NA
	##Retrieve a synonym to the name
		PubChemData$Synonym <- getPcSynonym(key),
		PubChemData$Synonym <<- NA
	##Retrieve the IUPAC-name
		PubChemData$IUPAC <- getPcIUPAC(key),
		PubChemData$IUPAC <<- NA
	##Retrieve the Chebi-ID
		PubChemData$Chebi <- getPcCHEBI(key),
		PubChemData$Chebi <<- NA

# Retrieve annotation data for a compound, from the internet services Cactvs, Pubchem, Chemspider and CTS.
#' Retrieve annotation data
#' Retrieves annotation data for a compound from the internet services CTS, Pubchem, Chemspider and
#' Cactvs, based on the SMILES code and name of the compounds stored in the
#' compound list.
#' Composes the "upper part" of a MassBank record filled with chemical data
#' about the compound: name, exact mass, structure, CAS no., links to PubChem,
#' KEGG, ChemSpider.  The instrument type is also written into this block (even
#' if not strictly part of the chemical information). Additionally, index
#' fields are added at the start of the record, which will be removed later:
#' \code{id, dbcas, dbname} from the compound list, \code{dataused} to indicate
#' the used identifier for CTS search (\code{smiles} or \code{dbname}).
#' Additionally, the fields \code{ACCESSION} and \code{RECORD_TITLE} are
#' inserted empty and will be filled later on.
#' @usage gatherData(id)
#' @aliases gatherData
#' @param id The compound ID.
#' @return Returns a list of type \code{list(id= \var{compoundID}, ...,
#' 'ACCESSION' = '', 'RECORD_TITLE' = '', )} etc. %% ...
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{mbWorkflow}}
#' @references Chemical Translation Service:
#' \url{http://uranus.fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu:8080/cts/homePage} 
#' cactus Chemical Identifier Resolver: 
#' \url{http://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure}
#' MassBank record format:
#' \url{http://www.massbank.jp/manuals/MassBankRecord_en.pdf}
#' Pubchem REST:
#' \url{https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pug_rest/PUG_REST.html}
#' Chemspider InChI conversion:
#' \url{https://www.chemspider.com/InChI.asmx}
#' @examples
#' # Gather data for compound ID 131
#' \dontrun{gatherData(131)}
#' @export
gatherData <- function(id)
	##Preamble: Is a babeldir supplied?
	##If yes, use it
	babeldir <- getOption("RMassBank")$babeldir
	##Get all useful information from the local "database" (from the CSV sheet)
	smiles <- findSmiles(id)
	mass <- findMass(smiles)
	dbcas <- findCAS(id)
	dbname <- findName(id)
	if(is.na(dbname)) dbname <- ""
	if(is.na(dbcas)) dbcas <- ""
	iupacName <- dbname
	synonym <- dbname
	formula <- findFormula(id)
	##Convert SMILES to InChI key via Cactvs or babel. CTS doesn't "interpret" the SMILES per se,
	##it just matches identical known SMILES, so we need to convert to a "searchable" and
	##standardized format beforehand. Other databases are able to interpret the smiles.
		cmdinchikey <- paste0(babeldir, 'obabel -:"',smiles,'" ', '-oinchikey')
		inchikey_split <- system(cmdinchikey, intern=TRUE, input=smiles, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
	} else{
		inchikey <- getCactus(smiles, 'stdinchikey')
			##Split the "InChiKey=" part off the key
			inchikey_split <- strsplit(inchikey, "=", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][[2]]
		} else{
		    inchikey_split <- getPcInchiKey(smiles)
	##Use Pubchem to retrieve information
	PcInfo <- gatherPubChem(inchikey_split)
	if(!is.null(PcInfo$Synonym) & !is.na(PcInfo$Synonym)){
		synonym <- PcInfo$Synonym
	if(!is.null(PcInfo$IUPAC) & !is.na(PcInfo$IUPAC)){
		iupacName <- PcInfo$IUPAC
	##Get Chemspider-ID
	csid <- getCSID(inchikey_split)
		##Get ChemSpider ID from Cactus if the Chemspider page is down
		csid <- getCactus(inchikey_split, 'chemspider_id')
	##Get CompTox
	comptox <- getCompTox(inchikey_split)
	  comptox <- NA
	##Use CTS to retrieve information
	CTSinfo <- getCtsRecord(inchikey_split)
	if((CTSinfo[1] == "Sorry, we couldn't find any matching results") || is.null(CTSinfo[1]))
		CTSinfo <- NA
	##List the names
	if(iupacName == ""){
		warning(paste0("Compound ID ",id,": no IUPAC name could be identified."))

	if(toupper(dbname) == toupper(synonym)){
		synonym <- dbname
	if(toupper(dbname) == toupper(iupacName)){
		iupacName <- dbname
	if(toupper(synonym) == toupper(iupacName)){
		synonym <- iupacName
	names <- as.list(unique(c(dbname, synonym, iupacName)))
	##If no name is found, it must be supplied in one way or another
	if(all(sapply(names, function(x) x == ""))){
		stop("RMassBank wasn't able to extract a usable name for this compound from any database. Please supply a name manually.")
	# Start to fill the MassBank record.
	# The top 4 entries will not go into the final record; they are used to identify
	# the record and also to facilitate manual editing of the exported record table.
	mbdata <- list()
	mbdata[['id']] <- id
	mbdata[['dbcas']] <- dbcas
	mbdata[['dbname']] <- dbname
	mbdata[['dataused']] <- "smiles"
	mbdata[['ACCESSION']] <- ""
	mbdata[['RECORD_TITLE']] <- ""
	mbdata[['DATE']] <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y.%m.%d")
	mbdata[['AUTHORS']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$authors
	mbdata[['LICENSE']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$license
	mbdata[['COPYRIGHT']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$copyright
	# Confidence annotation and internal ID annotation.
	# The ID of the compound will be written like:
	# if annotations$internal_id_fieldname is set to "EAWAG_UCHEM_ID"
	mbdata[["COMMENT"]] <- list()
  if(findLevel(id) == "0"){
	mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$confidence_comment
	} else{
        level <- findLevel(id)
        if(level %in% c("1","1a")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Reference Standard (Level 1)"
        if(level == c("2")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Probable structure, tentative identification (Level 2)"
        if(level == c("2a")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Probable structure via library match, tentative identification (Level 2a)"
        if(level == c("2b")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Probable structure via diagnostic evidence, tentative identification (Level 2b)"
        if(level == c("3")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification only (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("3a")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: most likely structure (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("3b")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: isomers possible (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("3c")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: substance class known (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("3d")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: best match only (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("4")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: molecular formula only (Level 4)"
        if(level == c("5")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: structure and formula unknown (Level 5)"
	mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["ID"]] = id
  ## add generic COMMENT information
  rowIdx <- which(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$ID == id)
  properties      <- colnames(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList)
  properties2     <- gsub(x = properties, pattern = "^COMMENT ", replacement = "")
  theseProperties <- grepl(x = properties, pattern = "^COMMENT ")
  theseProperties <- theseProperties & (!(unlist(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[rowIdx, ]) == "NA" | is.na(unlist(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[rowIdx, ]))))
  mbdata[["COMMENT"]][properties2[theseProperties]] <- unlist(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList[rowIdx, theseProperties])
	# here compound info starts
	mbdata[['CH$NAME']] <- names
	# Currently we use a fixed value for Compound Class, since there is no useful
	# convention of what should go there and what shouldn't, and the field is not used
	# in search queries.
	mbdata[['CH$COMPOUND_CLASS']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$compound_class
	mbdata[['CH$FORMULA']] <- formula
	mbdata[['CH$EXACT_MASS']] <- mass
	mbdata[['CH$SMILES']] <- smiles
		cmdinchi <- paste0(babeldir, 'obabel -:"',smiles,'" ', '-oinchi')
		mbdata[['CH$IUPAC']] <- system(cmdinchi, intern=TRUE, input=smiles, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
	} else{
		mbdata[['CH$IUPAC']] <- getCactus(smiles, "stdinchi")

	# Add all CH$LINK fields present in the compound datasets
	link <- list()
	# CAS
		if("CAS" %in% CTS.externalIdTypes(CTSinfo))
			# Prefer database CAS if it is also listed in the CTS results.
			# otherwise take the shortest one.
			cas <- CTS.externalIdSubset(CTSinfo,"CAS")
			if(dbcas %in% cas)
				link[["CAS"]] <- dbcas
				link[["CAS"]] <- cas[[which.min(nchar(cas))]]
		} else{
			if(dbcas != ""){
				link[["CAS"]] <- dbcas
	} else{
		if(dbcas != ""){
			link[["CAS"]] <- dbcas
			if("ChEBI" %in% CTS.externalIdTypes(CTSinfo))
				# Cut off front "CHEBI:" if present
				chebi <- CTS.externalIdSubset(CTSinfo,"ChEBI")
				chebi <- chebi[[which.min(nchar(chebi))]]
				chebi <- strsplit(chebi,":")[[1]]
				link[["CHEBI"]] <- chebi[[length(chebi)]]
	} else{
		chebi <- PcInfo$Chebi
		chebi <- chebi[[which.min(nchar(chebi))]]
		chebi <- strsplit(chebi,":")[[1]]
		link[["CHEBI"]] <- chebi[[length(chebi)]]
		if("Human Metabolome Database" %in% CTS.externalIdTypes(CTSinfo))
			link[["HMDB"]] <- CTS.externalIdSubset(CTSinfo,"HMDB")[[1]]
		# KEGG
		if("KEGG" %in% CTS.externalIdTypes(CTSinfo))
			link[["KEGG"]] <- CTS.externalIdSubset(CTSinfo,"KEGG")[[1]]
		# LipidMAPS
		if("LipidMAPS" %in% CTS.externalIdTypes(CTSinfo))
			link[["LIPIDMAPS"]] <- CTS.externalIdSubset(CTSinfo,"LipidMAPS")[[1]]
	# PubChem CID
			if("PubChem CID" %in% CTS.externalIdTypes(CTSinfo))
				pc <- CTS.externalIdSubset(CTSinfo,"PubChem CID")
				link[["PUBCHEM"]] <- paste0(min(pc))
	} else{
		link[["PUBCHEM"]] <- PcInfo$PcID[1]
		if(substr(link[["PUBCHEM"]],1,4) != "CID:"){
			link[["PUBCHEM"]] <- paste0("CID:", link[["PUBCHEM"]])
	link[["INCHIKEY"]] <- inchikey_split
	link[["COMPTOX"]] <- comptox
	if(length(csid)>0) if(any(!is.na(csid))) link[["CHEMSPIDER"]] <- min(as.numeric(as.character(csid[!is.na(csid)])))
	mbdata[['CH$LINK']] <- link

# Retrieve annotation data for a compound, using only babel
#' Retrieve annotation data
#' Retrieves annotation data for a compound by using babel,
#' based on the SMILES code and name of the compounds stored in the
#' compound list.
#' Composes the "upper part" of a MassBank record filled with chemical data
#' about the compound: name, exact mass, structure, CAS no..  
#' The instrument type is also written into this block (even
#' if not strictly part of the chemical information). Additionally, index
#' fields are added at the start of the record, which will be removed later:
#' \code{id, dbcas, dbname} from the compound list.
#' Additionally, the fields \code{ACCESSION} and \code{RECORD_TITLE} are
#' inserted empty and will be filled later on.
#' This function is an alternative to gatherData, in case CTS is down or if information
#' on one or more of the compounds in the compound list are sparse
#' @usage gatherDataBabel(id)
#' @param id The compound ID.
#' @return Returns a list of type \code{list(id= \var{compoundID}, ...,
#' 'ACCESSION' = '', 'RECORD_TITLE' = '', )} etc. %% ...
#' @author Michael Stravs, Erik Mueller
#' @seealso \code{\link{mbWorkflow}}
#' @references MassBank record format:
#' \url{http://www.massbank.jp/manuals/MassBankRecord_en.pdf}
#' @examples
#' # Gather data for compound ID 131
#' \dontrun{gatherDataBabel(131)}
#' @export
gatherDataBabel <- function(id){
		babeldir <- getOption("RMassBank")$babeldir
		smiles <- findSmiles(id)
		# if no babeldir was set, throw an error that says that either CTS or babel have to be used
			stop("No babeldir supplied; It is currently not possible to convert the information without either babel or CTS")
		} else {
			###Babel conversion
			cmdinchikey <- paste0(babeldir, 'obabel -:"',smiles,'" ', '-oinchikey')
			inchikey <- system(cmdinchikey, intern=TRUE, input=smiles, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
			cmdinchi <- paste0(babeldir, 'obabel -:"',smiles,'" ', '-oinchi')
			inchi <- system(cmdinchi, intern=TRUE, input=smiles, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
			##Read from Compoundlist
			smiles <- findSmiles(id)
			mass <- findMass(smiles)
			dbcas <- findCAS(id)
			dbname <- findName(id)
			if(is.na(dbname)) dbname <- ""
			if(is.na(dbcas)) dbcas <- ""
			formula <- findFormula(id)
			mbdata <- list()
			mbdata[['id']] <- id
			mbdata[['dbcas']] <- dbcas
			mbdata[['dbname']] <- dbname
			mbdata[['dataused']] <- "smiles"
			mbdata[['ACCESSION']] <- ""
			mbdata[['RECORD_TITLE']] <- ""
			mbdata[['DATE']] <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y.%m.%d")
			mbdata[['AUTHORS']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$authors
			mbdata[['LICENSE']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$license
			mbdata[['COPYRIGHT']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$copyright
			# Confidence annotation and internal ID annotation.
			# The ID of the compound will be written like:
			# if annotations$internal_id_fieldname is set to "EAWAG_UCHEM_ID"
			mbdata[["COMMENT"]] <- list()
			if(findLevel(id) == "0"){
			mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$confidence_comment
            } else{
                level <- findLevel(id)
                if(level %in% c("1","1a")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Reference Standard (Level 1)"
                if(level == c("2")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Probable structure, tentative identification (Level 2)"
                if(level == c("2a")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Probable structure via library match, tentative identification (Level 2a)"
                if(level == c("2b")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Probable structure via diagnostic evidence, tentative identification (Level 2b)"
                if(level == c("3")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification only (Level 3)"
                if(level == c("3a")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: most likely structure (Level 3)"
                if(level == c("3b")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: isomers possible (Level 3)"
                if(level == c("3c")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: substance class known (Level 3)"
                if(level == c("3d")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: best match only (Level 3)"
                if(level == c("4")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: molecular formula only (Level 4)"
                if(level == c("5")){
                     mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: structure and formula unknown (Level 5)"
			mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["ID"]] <- id

			# here compound info starts
			mbdata[['CH$NAME']] <- as.list(dbname)
			# Currently we use a fixed value for Compound Class, since there is no useful
			# convention of what should go there and what shouldn't, and the field is not used
			# in search queries.
			mbdata[['CH$COMPOUND_CLASS']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$compound_class
			mbdata[['CH$FORMULA']] <- formula
			mbdata[['CH$EXACT_MASS']] <- mass
			mbdata[['CH$SMILES']] <- smiles
			mbdata[['CH$IUPAC']] <- inchi
			link <- list()
			if(dbcas != "")
			link[["CAS"]] <- dbcas
			link[["INCHIKEY"]] <- inchikey
			mbdata[['CH$LINK']] <- link

# Retrieve annotation data for a compound, using only babel
#' Retrieve annotation data
#' Retrieves annotation data for an unknown compound by using basic information present
#' Composes the "upper part" of a MassBank record filled with chemical data
#' about the compound: name, exact mass, structure, CAS no..  
#' The instrument type is also written into this block (even
#' if not strictly part of the chemical information). Additionally, index
#' fields are added at the start of the record, which will be removed later:
#' \code{id, dbcas, dbname} from the compound list.
#' Additionally, the fields \code{ACCESSION} and \code{RECORD_TITLE} are
#' inserted empty and will be filled later on.
#' This function is used to generate the data in case a substance is unknown,
#' i.e. not enough information is present to derive anything about formulas or links
#' @usage gatherDataUnknown(id, mode, retrieval)
#' @param id The compound ID.
#' @param mode \code{"pH", "pNa", "pM", "pNH4", "mH", "mM", "mFA"} for different ions 
#' 			([M+H]+, [M+Na]+, [M]+, [M+NH4]+, [M-H]-, [M]-, [M+FA]-).
#' @param retrieval A value that determines whether the files should be handled either as "standard",
#' if the compoundlist is complete, "tentative", if at least a formula is present or "unknown"
#' if the only know thing is the m/z
#' @return Returns a list of type \code{list(id= \var{compoundID}, ...,
#' 'ACCESSION' = '', 'RECORD_TITLE' = '', )} etc. %% ...
#' @author Michael Stravs, Erik Mueller
#' @seealso \code{\link{mbWorkflow}}
#' @references MassBank record format:
#' \url{http://www.massbank.jp/manuals/MassBankRecord_en.pdf}
#' @examples
#' # Gather data for compound ID 131
#' \dontrun{gatherDataUnknown(131,"pH")}
#' @export
gatherDataUnknown <- function(id, mode, retrieval){
    ##Read from Compoundlist
    smiles <- ""
    if(retrieval == "unknown"){
        mass <- findMass(id, "unknown", mode)
        formula <- ""
    if(retrieval == "tentative"){
        mass <- findMass(id, "tentative", mode)
        formula <- findFormula(id, "tentative")
    dbcas <- NA
    dbname <- findName(id)
    if(is.na(dbname)) dbname <- paste("Unknown ID:",id)
    if(is.na(dbcas)) dbcas <- ""

    mbdata <- list()
    mbdata[['id']] <- id
    mbdata[['dbcas']] <- dbcas
    mbdata[['dbname']] <- dbname
    mbdata[['dataused']] <- "none"
    mbdata[['ACCESSION']] <- ""
    mbdata[['RECORD_TITLE']] <- ""
    mbdata[['DATE']] <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y.%m.%d")
    mbdata[['AUTHORS']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$authors
    mbdata[['LICENSE']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$license
    mbdata[['COPYRIGHT']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$copyright
    # Confidence annotation and internal ID annotation.
    # The ID of the compound will be written like:
    # if annotations$internal_id_fieldname is set to "EAWAG_UCHEM_ID"
    mbdata[["COMMENT"]] <- list()
    if(findLevel(id) == "0"){
    mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$confidence_comment
	} else{
        level <- findLevel(id)
        if(level %in% c("1","1a")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Reference Standard (Level 1)"
        if(level == c("2")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Probable structure, tentative identification (Level 2)"
        if(level == c("2a")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Probable structure via library match, tentative identification (Level 2a)"
        if(level == c("2b")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Probable structure via diagnostic evidence, tentative identification (Level 2b)"
        if(level == c("3")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification only (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("3a")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: most likely structure (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("3b")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: isomers possible (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("3c")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: substance class known (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("3d")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: best match only (Level 3)"
        if(level == c("4")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: molecular formula only (Level 4)"
        if(level == c("5")){
             mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- "Tentative identification: structure and formula unknown (Level 5)"
    mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["ID"]] <- id

    # here compound info starts
    mbdata[['CH$NAME']] <- as.list(dbname)
    # Currently we use a fixed value for Compound Class, since there is no useful
    # convention of what should go there and what shouldn't, and the field is not used
    # in search queries.
    mbdata[['CH$COMPOUND_CLASS']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$compound_class
    mbdata[['CH$FORMULA']] <- formula
    mbdata[['CH$EXACT_MASS']] <- mass
    mbdata[['CH$SMILES']] <- ""
    mbdata[['CH$IUPAC']] <- ""
    link <- list()
    mbdata[['CH$LINK']] <- link


# Flatten the internal tree-like representation of MassBank data to a flat table.
# Note that this limits us, in that the fields should be constant over all records!
# Therefore, e.g. the fixed number of 3 names which may be filled.
# If anybody has a cooler solution, I'll be happy to hear from you :)
# Note: the records from gatherData have additional information which is discarded, like
# author, copyright etc. They will be re-filled automatically when reading the file.
#' Flatten, or re-read, MassBank header blocks
#' \code{flatten} converts a list of MassBank compound information sets (as
#' retrieved by \code{\link{gatherData}}) to a flat table, to be exported into
#' an \link[=loadInfolist]{infolist}. \code{readMbdata} reads a single record
#' from an infolist flat table back into a MassBank (half-)entry.
#' Neither the flattening system itself nor the implementation are particularly
#' fantastic, but since hand-checking of records is a necessary evil, there is
#' currently no alternative (short of coding a complete GUI for this and
#' working directly on the records.)
#' @aliases flatten readMbdata
#' @usage flatten(mbdata) 
#' readMbdata(row)
#' @param mbdata A list of MassBank compound information sets as returned from
#' \code{\link{gatherData}}.
#' @param row One row of MassBank compound information retrieved from an
#' infolist.
#' @return \code{flatten} returns a matrix (not a data frame) to be written to
#' CSV.
#' \code{readMbdata} returns a list of type \code{list(id= \var{compoundID},
#' ..., 'ACCESSION' = '', 'RECORD_TITLE' = '', )} etc.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{gatherData}},\code{\link{loadInfolist}}
#' @references MassBank record format:
#' \url{http://www.massbank.jp/manuals/MassBankRecord_en.pdf}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' 	# Collect some data to flatten
#' 	ids <- c(40,50,60,70)
#'  data <- lapply(ids, gatherData)
#'  # Flatten the data trees to a table
#'  flat.table <- flatten(data)
#'  # reimport the table into a tree
#'  data.reimported <- apply(flat.table, 1, readMbdata)
#' }
#' @export
flatten <- function(mbdata)
  colNames     <- names(unlist(mbdata[[1]]))
  commentNames <- colNames[grepl(x = colNames, pattern = "^COMMENT\\.")]
  colList <- c(
              # Note: The field name of the internal id field is replaced with the real name
              # at "compilation" time. Therefore, functions DOWNSTREAM from compileRecord() 
              # must use the full name including the info from options("RMassBank").
  # make an empty data frame with the right length
  rows <- length(mbdata)
  cols <- length(colList)
  mbframe <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=rows, ncol=cols)
  colnames(mbframe) <- colList
  for(row in 1:rows)
    # fill in all the data into the dataframe: all columns which 
    # a) exist in the target dataframe and b) exist in the (unlisted) MB record
    # are written into the dataframe.
    data <- unlist(mbdata[[row]])
	# bugfix for the case of only one name
	if(!("CH$NAME1" %in% names(data)))
		data[["CH$NAME1"]] <- data[["CH$NAME"]]
    datacols <- intersect(colList, names(data))
    mbframe[row,datacols] <- data[datacols]

# Read data from a flat-table MassBank record row and feed it into a
# MassBank tree-like record. Also, prime the ACCESSION and RECORD_TITLE fields in the
# correct position in the record.
#' @export
readMbdata <- function(row)
  # Listify the table row. Lists are just cooler to work with :)
  row <- as.list(row)
  mbdata <- list()
  # Accession and title are added empty for now, to have them in the right place.
  # Constants are read from the options or generated.
  mbdata[['ACCESSION']] <- ""
  mbdata[['RECORD_TITLE']] <- ""
  mbdata[['DATE']] <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y.%m.%d")
  mbdata[['AUTHORS']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$authors
  mbdata[['LICENSE']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$license
  mbdata[['COPYRIGHT']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$copyright
  if(getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$publication!="") {
    mbdata[['PUBLICATION']] <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$publication
  commentNames <- names(row)[grepl(x = names(row), pattern = "^COMMENT\\.")]
  commentNames <- commentNames[!is.na(row[commentNames])]
  # Read all determined fields from the file
  # This is not very flexible, as you can see...
    colList <- c(
  mbdata[["COMMENT"]] = list()
  #mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["CONFIDENCE"]] <- row[["COMMENT.CONFIDENCE"]]
  # Again, our ID field. 
  #mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["ID"]] <- row[["COMMENT.ID"]]
  mbdata[["COMMENT"]][gsub(x = commentNames, pattern = "^COMMENT\\.", replacement = "")] <- row[commentNames]
  names = c(row[["CH.NAME1"]], row[["CH.NAME2"]], row[["CH.NAME3"]], row[["CH.NAME4"]], row[["CH.NAME5"]])
  names = names[which(!is.na(names))]
  names <- gsub("'", "`", names) 
  mbdata[["CH$NAME"]] = names
  mbdata[["CH$COMPOUND_CLASS"]] = row[["CH.COMPOUND_CLASS"]]
  mbdata[["CH$FORMULA"]] = row[["CH.FORMULA"]]
  mbdata[["CH$EXACT_MASS"]] = row[["CH.EXACT_MASS"]]
  mbdata[["CH$SMILES"]] = row[["CH.SMILES"]]
  mbdata[["CH$IUPAC"]] = row[["CH.IUPAC"]]
  # Add all links and then eliminate the NA values from the tree.
  link = list()
  link[["CAS"]] = row[["CH.LINK.CAS"]]
  link[["CHEBI"]] = row[["CH.LINK.CHEBI"]]
  link[["HMDB"]] = row[["CH.LINK.HMDB"]]
  link[["KEGG"]] = row[["CH.LINK.KEGG"]]
  link[["LIPIDMAPS"]] = row[["CH.LINK.LIPIDMAPS"]]
  link[["PUBCHEM"]] = row[["CH.LINK.PUBCHEM"]]
  link[["INCHIKEY"]] = row[["CH.LINK.INCHIKEY"]]
  link[["CHEMSPIDER"]] = row[["CH.LINK.CHEMSPIDER"]]
  link[["COMPTOX"]] = row[["CH.LINK.COMPTOX"]]
  link[which(is.na(link))] <- NULL
  mbdata[["CH$LINK"]] <- link

    ## SP$SAMPLE
  if(all(nchar(row[["SP.SAMPLE"]]) > 0, row[["SP.SAMPLE"]] != "NA", !is.na(row[["SP.SAMPLE"]]), na.rm = TRUE))
    mbdata[['SP$SAMPLE']] <- row[["SP.SAMPLE"]]


#' Generate peak annotation from peaklist
#' Generates the PK$ANNOTATION entry from the peaklist obtained. This function is
#' overridable by using the "annotator" option in the settings file.
#' @param annotation A peak list to be annotated. Contains columns:
#' \code{"cpdID","formula","mzFound" ,"scan","mzCalc","dppm",
#'      "dbe","mz","int","formulaCount","parentScan","fM_factor","dppmBest",
#'     "formulaMultiplicity","intrel","mzSpec"}
#' @param type The ion type to be added to annotated formulas ("+" or "-" usually)
#' @return The annotated peak table. Table \code{colnames()} will be used for the
#' 		titles (preferrably don't use spaces in the column titles; however no format is
#' 		strictly enforced by the MassBank data format.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' annotation <- annotator.default(annotation)
#' }
#' @author Michele Stravs, Eawag <stravsmi@@eawag.ch>
#' @export
annotator.default <- function(annotation, formulaTag)
    type <- formulaTag
    type <- ""
  annotation <- annotation[!is.na(annotation$formula),,drop=FALSE]
  annotation <- annotation[annotation$formula != "",,drop=FALSE]
  annotation$formula <- paste(annotation$formula, rep(type, length(annotation$formula)), sep='')
  # Select the right columns and name them correctly for output.
  annotation <- annotation[,c("mz","formula", "formulaCount", "mzCalc", "dppm")]
  colnames(annotation) <- c("m/z", "tentative_formula", "formula_count", "mass", "error(ppm)")

#' Parse record title
#' Parses a title for a single MassBank record using the title format
#' specified in the option titleFormat. Internally used, not exported.
#' If the option is not set, a standard title format is used (for record definition
#' version 1 or 2).
#' @usage .parseTitleString(mbrecord)
#' @param mbrecord A MassBank record in list format, as returned from
#' 	\code{\link{gatherSpectrum}}.
#' @return A string with the title.
#' @author Michael Stravs, Eawag
#' @seealso \code{\link{compileRecord}}
#' @references MassBank record format:
#' \url{http://www.massbank.jp/manuals/MassBankRecord_en.pdf}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' 		# used in compileRecord()
#' 		title <- .parseTitleString(mbrecord)
#' }
.parseTitleString <- function(mbrecord)
	varlist <- getOption("RMassBank")$titleFormat
	# Set the standard title format.
		if(getOption("RMassBank")$use_version == 2)
			varlist <- c(
			varlist <- c(
	# Extract a {XXX} argument from each title section.
	# check that every title has one and only one match
	args <- regexec("\\{(.*)\\}", varlist)
	arglist <- regmatches(varlist, args)
	if(any(unlist(lapply(arglist, length)) != 2))
		stop("Title format is incorrectly specified: a section with not exactly 1 parameters")
	parsedVars <- lapply(varlist, function(var)
				# Extract the specified parameter inside the {}.
				# I.e. from a string like "R={BLA: BLUB}" return "BLA: BLUB"
				args <- regexec("\\{(.*)\\}", var)
				arg <- regmatches(var, args)[[1]][[2]]
				# Split the parameter by colon if necessary
				splitVar <- strsplit(arg, ": ")[[1]]
				# Read the parameter value from the record
				if(length(splitVar) == 2)
					replaceVar <- mbrecord[[splitVar[[1]]]][[splitVar[[2]]]]
				else if(length(splitVar) ==  1)
					replaceVar <- mbrecord[[splitVar]]
									"Title format is incorrectly specified:", var)
				# Fix problems: NULL returns
					replaceVar <- ""
				# Fix problems: Names will have >= 1 match. Take the first
				if(length(replaceVar) > 1)
					replaceVar <- replaceVar[[1]]
                # Fix problems: Unknowns might have no name
                    replaceVar <- ""
				# Substitute the parameter value into the string
				parsedVar <- sub("\\{(.*)\\}", replaceVar, var)	
	title <- paste(parsedVars, collapse="; ")

# This converts the tree-like list (as obtained e.g. from compileRecord())
# into a plain text array, which can then be dumped to a file suitable for 
# MassBank upload.
#' Write MassBank record into character array
#' Writes a MassBank record in list format to a text array.
#' The function is a general conversion tool for the MassBank format; i.e. the
#' field names are not fixed. \code{mbdata} must be a named list, and the
#' entries can be as follows: \itemize{
#'  \item A single text line:
#' \code{'CH\$EXACT_MASS' = '329.1023'}
#'  is written as
#'  \code{CH\$EXACT_MASS: 329.1023} 
#' \item A character array:
#'  \code{'CH\$NAME' = c('2-Aminobenzimidazole', '1H-Benzimidazol-2-amine')} 
#' is written as
#' \code{CH\$NAME: 2-Aminobenzimidazole}
#' \code{CH\$NAME: 1H-Benzimidazol-2-amine}
#' \item A named list of strings: 
#' 	\code{'CH\$LINK' = list('CHEBI' = "27822", "KEGG" = "C10901")} 
#' is written as 
#' \code{CH\$LINK: CHEBI 27822}
#' \code{CH\$LINK: KEGG C10901} 
#' \item A data frame (e.g. the peak table) is written as specified in
#' the MassBank record format (Section 2.6.3): the column names are used as
#' headers for the first line, all data rows are printed space-separated. 
#' }
#' @usage toMassbank(mbdata)
#' @param mbdata A MassBank record in list format.
#' @return The result is a text array, which is ready to be written to the disk
#' as a file.
#' @note The function iterates over the list item names. \bold{This means that
#' duplicate entries in \code{mbdata} are (partially) discarded!} The correct
#' way to add them is by making a character array (as specified above): Instead
#' of \code{'CH\$NAME' = 'bla', 'CH\$NAME' = 'blub'} specify \code{'CH\$NAME' =
#' c('bla','blub')}.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{compileRecord}}, \code{\link{mbWorkflow}}
#' @references MassBank record format:
#' \url{http://www.massbank.jp/manuals/MassBankRecord_en.pdf}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Read just the compound info skeleton from the Internet for some compound ID
#' id <- 35
#' mbdata <- gatherData(id)
#' #' # Export the mbdata blocks to line arrays 
#' # (there is no spectrum information, just the compound info...)
#' mbtext <- toMassbank(mbdata)
#' }
#' @export
setGeneric("toMassbank", function(o, ...) standardGeneric("toMassbank"))

#' @export
setMethod("toMassbank", "RmbSpectraSet", function(o, addAnnotation = getOption("RMassBank")$add_annotation)
      lapply(o@children, function(s) toMassbank(s, addAnnotation))

#' @export
setMethod("toMassbank", "RmbSpectrum2", function(o, addAnnotation = getOption("RMassBank")$add_annotation)
      .toMassbank(o, addAnnotation)

.toMassbank <- function (s, addAnnotation = getOption("RMassBank")$add_annotation)
  peaks <- getData(s)
  # check that peaks were normalized
  if(!("intrel" %in% colnames(peaks)))
    s <- normalize(s, slot="intrel")
    peaks <- getData(s)
  # Keep only peaks with relative intensity >= 1 o/oo, since the MassBank record
  # makes no sense otherwise. Also, keep only the columns needed in the output.
  peaks <- peaks[ peaks$intrel >= 1,,drop=FALSE]	
  peaks$mz <- round(peaks$mz, 4)
  # Also format the other values, which are used in the annotation
  peaks$dppm <- round(peaks$dppm, 2)
  peaks$mzCalc <- round(peaks$mzCalc, 4)
  peaks$intensity <- round(peaks$intensity, 1)
  # Get polarity from Spectrum2 now!
  formulaTag <- ""
  if(s@polarity == 1) formulaTag <- "+"
  if(s@polarity == 0) formulaTag <- "-"
  # if polarity is -1, leave it unspecified. the "specs" seem to be 1 for +, 0 for - and -1 for ???
  # (when reading mzML I often get -1, when reading mzXML I get 1 and 0 respectively)
  annotator <- getOption("RMassBank")$annotator
    annotator <- "annotator.default"
  annotation <- do.call(annotator, list(annotation= peaks, formulaTag = formulaTag))
  peaks <- peaks[,c("mz", "intensity", "intrel")]
  peaks <- unique(peaks)
  # Name the columns correctly.
  colnames(peaks) <- c("m/z", "int.", "rel.int.")
  peaknum <- nrow(peaks)
  mbdata <- s@info
  mbdata[["PK$SPLASH"]] <- list(SPLASH = getSplash(peaks[,c("m/z", "int.")]))
  # Annotation:
  if(addAnnotation && (nrow(annotation) > 0))
    mbdata[["PK$ANNOTATION"]] <- annotation
  # Peak table
  mbdata[["PK$NUM_PEAK"]] <- peaknum
  mbdata[["PK$PEAK"]] <- peaks
  # mbf is an array of lines and count is the line counter.
  # Very old-school, but it works. :)
  mbf <- character(0)
  count <- 1
  lapply(names(mbdata), function(entry)
      # If entry is a char line, add it to the file.
      # If it is a named sublist, add each subentry with name
      # If it is an unnamed sublist, add each subentry without name
      # if it is a dataframe, write in PEAKS mode
      # Note: this is were I liked "lapply" a little too much. "for" would
      # be more idiomatic, and wouldn't need the <<- assignments.
      # Data frame: table mode. A header line and one space-separated line for
      # each data frame row.
        mbf[[count]] <<- paste(entry,": " ,
                               paste(colnames(mbdata[[entry]]), collapse=" "),
        count <<- count+1
        for(row in 1:nrow(mbdata[[entry]]))
          mbf[[count]] <<- paste("  ", 
                                 paste(mbdata[[entry]][row,],collapse=" "), 
          count <<- count+1
      # List with named items: Write every entry like CH$LINK: CAS 12-345-678
      else if(is.list(mbdata[[entry]]) & !is.null(names(mbdata[[entry]])))
        lapply(names(mbdata[[entry]]), function(subentry)
          if(subentry != "SPLASH"){
            mbf[[count]] <<- paste(entry,": ",subentry, " ", mbdata[[entry]][[subentry]], sep='')
          } else {
            mbf[[count]] <<- paste(entry,": ", mbdata[[entry]][[subentry]], sep='')
          count <<- count + 1
      # Array (or list) of unnamed items: Write every entry like CH$NAME: Paracetamol
      # (iterative entry without subindices)
      else if (length(mbdata[[entry]]) > 1 & is.null(names(mbdata[[entry]])))
        lapply(mbdata[[entry]], function(subentry)
          mbf[[count]] <<- paste(entry,": ",subentry, sep='')
          count <<- count + 1
      # Length is 1: just write the entry like PK$NUM_PEAKS: 131
        mbf[[count]] <<- paste(entry,": ",mbdata[[entry]], sep='')
        count <<- count + 1
    ) # End of lapply block (per child spectrum)
  # Add mandatory EOF marker
  mbf[[count]] <- "//"

# Exports compiled and massbanked spectra, with their associated molfiles, to physical files.
# "compiled" is still used here, because we need an accessible accession number.
# In the plain text arrays, the accession number is already "hidden".
# compiled: is ONE "compiled" entry, i.e. ONE compound with e.g. 14 spectra.
# files: is a return value from lapply(toMassbank), i.e. contains 14 plain-text arrays
#  (for a 14-spectra method)
# molfile: a molfile from createMolfile
#' Export internally stored MassBank data to files
#' Exports MassBank recfile data arrays and corresponding molfiles to physical
#' files on hard disk, for one compound.
#' The data from \code{compiled} is still used here, because it contains the
#' "visible" accession number. In the plain-text format contained in
#' \code{files}, the accession number is not "accessible" anymore since it's in
#' the file.
#' @usage exportMassbank(compiled, files, molfile)
#' @param compiled Is ONE "compiled" entry, i.e. ONE compound with e.g. 14
#' spectra, as returned from \code{\link{compileRecord}}.
#' @param files A n-membered array (usually a return value from
#' \code{lapply(\link{toMassbank})}), i.e. contains n plain-text arrays with
#' MassBank records.
#' @param molfile A molfile from \code{\link{createMolfile}}
#' @return No return value.
#' @note An improvement would be to write the accession numbers into
#' \code{names(compiled)} and later into \code{names(files)} so \code{compiled}
#' wouldn't be needed here anymore. (The compound ID would have to go into
#' \code{names(molfile)}, since it is also retrieved from \code{compiled}.)
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{createMolfile}}, \code{\link{compileRecord}},
#' \code{\link{toMassbank}}, \code{\link{mbWorkflow}}
#' @references MassBank record format:
#' \url{http://www.massbank.jp/manuals/MassBankRecord_en.pdf}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' 		compiled <- compileRecord(record, mbdata, refilteredRcSpecs)
#' 		mbfiles <- toMassbank(compiled)
#' 		molfile <- createMolfile(compiled[[1]][["CH$SMILES"]])
#' 		exportMassbank(compiled, mbfiles, molfile)
#' }
#' @export
exportMassbank <- function(compiled, molfile = NULL)
    recDataFolder = file.path(getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$entry_prefix, "recdata")
  if(!is.null(molfile)) {
      molDataFolder = file.path(getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$entry_prefix, "moldata")

exportMassbank_recdata <- function(compiled, recDataFolder)
  #mb@mbfiles <- lapply(mb@compiled_ok, function(cpd) toMassbank(cpd, mb@additionalPeaks))
  files <- toMassbank(compiled)
  names(files) <- lapply(compiled@children, function(c) c@info[["ACCESSION"]] )
  molnames <- c()
  for(file in seq_len(length(files)))
    # Read the accession no. from the corresponding "compiled" entry
    filename <- names(files)[[file]]
    # use this accession no. as filename
    filename <- paste(filename, ".txt", sep="")
    filePath <- file.path(recDataFolder,filename)
    write(files[[file]], filePath)

exportMassbank_moldata <- function(compiled, molfile, molDataFolder)
  # Use internal ID for naming the molfiles
    molname <- sprintf("%04d", as.numeric(compiled@id))
    molname <- paste(molname, ".mol", sep="")
    write(molfile, file.path(molDataFolder,molname))

# Makes a list.tsv with molfile -> massbank ch$name attribution.

#' Write list.tsv file
#' Makes a list.tsv file in the "moldata" folder.
#' Generates the list.tsv file which is needed by MassBank to connect records with
#' their respective molfiles. The first compound name is linked to a mol-file with
#' the compound ID (e.g. 2334.mol for ID 2334).
#' @param compiled A list of compiled spectra (in tree-format, as returned by \code{compileRecord}).
#' @return No return value.
#' @author Michael A. Stravs, Eawag <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' 		compiled <- compileRecord(record, mbdata, refilteredRcSpecs)
#' 		# a list.tsv for only one record:
#' 		clist <- list(compiled)
#' 		makeMollist(clist)
#' }
#' @export
makeMollist <- function(compiled)
  # For every "compiled" entry (here, compiled is not one "compiled" entry but the total
  # list of all compiled spectra), extract the uppermost CH$NAME and the ID (from the
  # first spectrum.) Make the ID into 0000 format.
  tsvlist <- t(sapply(compiled, function(entry)
    name <- entry@children[[1]]@info[["CH$NAME"]][[1]]
    id <- sprintf("%04d", as.numeric(entry@id))
    molfilename <- paste(id,".mol",sep='')
    IDs <- sapply(compiled, function(entry) return( sprintf("%04d", as.numeric(
    level <- sapply(IDs, findLevel, compact=TRUE)
    validentries <- which(level == "standard")
  # Write the file with the 
              paste(getOption("RMassBank")$annotations$entry_prefix,"/moldata/list.tsv", sep=''),
              quote = FALSE,

# Load a dataframe or file into additional_peaks (or add additional points in there.)
# The columns cpdID, scan, mzFound, int, OK are mandatory. OK=1 means that the peaks
# will be added into the spectrum. mzFound and int will be taken for the table.
# No annotation will be written.
# Add peaks to the spectra by hand

#' Add additional peaks to spectra
#' Loads a table with additional peaks to add to the MassBank spectra. Required
#' columns are \code{cpdID, scan, int, mzFound, OK}.
#' All peaks with OK=1 will be included in the spectra.
#' @usage addPeaks(mb, filename_or_dataframe)
#' @param mb The \code{mbWorkspace} to load the peaks into.
#' @param filename_or_dataframe Filename of the csv file, or name of the R
#' dataframe containing the peaklist.
#' @return The \code{mbWorkspace} with loaded additional peaks.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{mbWorkflow}}
#' @examples
#' 	\dontrun{addPeaks("myrun_additionalPeaks.csv")}
#' @export 
addPeaks <- function(mb, filename_or_dataframe)
	errorvar <- 0
	currEnvir <- environment()
	d <- 1
		df <- filename_or_dataframe
		df <- read.csv(filename_or_dataframe),
		currEnvir$errorvar <- 1
	# I change your heuristic fix to another heuristic fix, because I will have to test for a column name change...
		if(ncol(df) < 2)
			df <- read.csv(filename_or_dataframe, sep=";")
		# here: the column int was renamed to intensity, and we need to be able to read old files. sorry.
		if(!("intensity" %in% colnames(df)) & ("int" %in% colnames(df)))
			df$intensity <- df$int
		cols <- c("cpdID", "scan", "mzFound", "intensity", "OK")
		n <- colnames(df)
		# Check if comma-separated or semicolon-separated
		d <- setdiff(cols, n)
			stop("Some columns are missing in the additional peak list. Needs at least cpdID, scan, mzFound, intensity, OK.")
	culled_df <- df[,c("cpdID", "scan", "mzFound", "intensity", "OK")]
	if(nrow(mb@additionalPeaks) == 0)
		mb@additionalPeaks <- culled_df
		mb@additionalPeaks <- rbind(mb@additionalPeaks, culled_df)

gatherDataMinimal.cpd <- function(cpd){
  ##Read from Compoundlist
  if(length(cpd@smiles) == 1) smiles <- cpd@smiles
    smiles <- ""
  mbdata <- list()
  mbdata[['ACCESSION']] <- ""
  mbdata[['RECORD_TITLE']] <- ""
  mbdata[['DATE']] <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y.%m.%d")
  # Confidence annotation and internal ID annotation.
  # The ID of the compound will be written like:
  # if annotations$internal_id_fieldname is set to "EAWAG_UCHEM_ID"
  if(length(cpd@id) > 0)
    mbdata[["COMMENT"]][["ID"]] <- cpd@id
  # here compound info starts
  mbdata[['CH$NAME']] <- cpd@name
  # Currently we use a fixed value for Compound Class, since there is no useful
  # convention of what should go there and what shouldn't, and the field is not used
  # in search queries.
  mbdata[['CH$FORMULA']] <- cpd@formula
  mbdata[['CH$EXACT_MASS']] <- round(findMz.formula(cpd@formula, "")$mzCenter, 4)
  if(cpd@smiles != "")
    mbdata[['CH$SMILES']] <- cpd@smiles
  link <- list()
  mbdata[['CH$LINK']] <- link


gatherDataMinimal.spectrum <- function(spectrum){
  ##Read from Compoundlist
  if(length(cpd@smiles) == 1) smiles <- cpd@smiles
    smiles <- ""
  mbdata <- list()
  mbdata[['ACCESSION']] <- ""
  mbdata[['RECORD_TITLE']] <- ""
  mbdata[['DATE']] <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y.%m.%d")
  # Confidence annotation and internal ID annotation.
  # The ID of the compound will be written like:
  # if annotations$internal_id_fieldname is set to "EAWAG_UCHEM_ID"
  # here compound info starts
  mbdata[['CH$NAME']] <- paste("parent", spectrum@precursorMz, "at RT", spectrum@rt, "- CE", spectrum@collisionEnergy) 
  # Currently we use a fixed value for Compound Class, since there is no useful
  # convention of what should go there and what shouldn't, and the field is not used
  # in search queries.
sneumann/RMassBank documentation built on Oct. 20, 2020, 3:19 p.m.