
Defines functions GetGeneCorrelationNetwork branch_differential_expression subpopulations_differential_expression

Documented in branch_differential_expression GetGeneCorrelationNetwork subpopulations_differential_expression

#' Subpopulations differential expression
#' Given an elastic tree it calculates genes that are differentially expressed between two given populations in the tree. It applies a Kruskal-Wallis test.
#' @param SubPopulation1 It is a vector containing the indexes of cells to be part of the first Subpopulation
#' @param SubPopulation2 It is a vector containing the indexes of cells to be part of the second Subpopulation
#' @param EmbeddedTree Embedded Elastic Tree as calculated by GenesSpaceEmbedding()
#' @param mode whether the cell expression profiles or the tree nodes expression profiles will be taken into account for the test. "cells" uses the expression values from the cells. "tree"
#' @return genes_significances list object containing the p-values ($pvals) and e-values ($evals) vectors for the kruskall wallis test ordered from the highest significance to the lowest one. A vector containing the gene names ($GeneName) ordered as the significances vector is also provided. Another vector ($indexes) containing the original index order for genes in the columns from the expression matrix is also provided.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats dist sd
subpopulations_differential_expression<-function(SubPopulation1, SubPopulation2,  EmbeddedTree, mode=c("tree", "cells"))
  # for testing
  # EmbeddedTree=EmbeddedTreeTopology
  # SubPopulation1= calc_path_elastic(2, 4, EmbeddedTreeTopology)
  # SubPopulation2= calc_path_elastic(3, 4, EmbeddedTreeTopology)
  # length(SubPopulation1)
  # length(SubPopulation2)
  # end for testing


  # vectors for the expression values

  for (i in 1:dim(EmbeddedTree$Nodes)[2])
      GenePopulation1=EmbeddedTree$Nodes[SubPopulation1, i]
      GenePopulation2=EmbeddedTree$Nodes[SubPopulation2, i]
    else if(mode=="cells")
      # take cells that are mapped to the nodes in populations1 and 2
      MappedPopulation1= EmbeddedTree$Cells2TreeNodes[which(EmbeddedTree$Cells2TreeNodes[,2] %in% SubPopulation1), 1]
      MappedPopulation2= EmbeddedTree$Cells2TreeNodes[which(EmbeddedTree$Cells2TreeNodes[,2] %in% SubPopulation2), 1]
      GenePopulation1=EmbeddedTree$CellCoords[MappedPopulation1, i]
      GenePopulation2=EmbeddedTree$CellCoords[MappedPopulation2, i]

    if(stats::sd(EmbeddedTree$Nodes[, i])==0)
      # the gene has sd==0 and hence no differences can be observed
      statistic_vector=c(statistic_vector, 200)
      BothPopulations <- data.frame(Y=c(GenePopulation1, GenePopulation2), group=c(rep("Population1", length(GenePopulation1)), rep("Population2", length(GenePopulation2))))
      KruskalResult=stats::kruskal.test(Y~group, data=BothPopulations)
        statistic_vector=c(statistic_vector, KruskalResult$p.value)
        # the populations have expression vectors composed of zeros
        statistic_vector=c(statistic_vector, 300)



  genes_significances=sort(statistic_vector, index.return=T)
  names(genes_significances)[names(genes_significances)=="x"] <- "pvals"
  names(genes_significances)[names(genes_significances)=="ix"] <- "indexes"
  genes_significances$GeneName <- colnames(EmbeddedTree$Nodes)[genes_significances$indexes]
  genes_significances$evals <- genes_significances$pvals * length(genes_significances$pvals)
  genes_significances$MeanDifference <- MeanDifferences


#' differential expression in specific branch
#' Given an elastic tree it calculates genes that are differentially expressed in a particular branch in the tree
#' @param Branch It is a vector containing the indexes of cells to be part of the first Subpopulation
#' @param EmbeddedTree Embedded Elastic Tree as calculated by GenesSpaceEmbedding()
#' @param mode whether the cell expression profiles or the tree nodes expression profiles will be taken into account for the test. "cells" uses the expression values from the cells. "tree"
#' @return genes_significances list object containing the p-values ($pvals) and e-values ($evals) vectors for the kruskall wallis test ordered from the highest significance to the lowest one. A vector containing the gene names ($GeneName) ordered as the significances vector is also provided. Another vector ($indexes) containing the original index order for genes in the columns from the expression matrix is also provided.
#' @export
branch_differential_expression<-function(Branch, EmbeddedTree, mode=c("tree", "cells"))
  NOT_Branch= which(!(seq(from=1, to=NumberNodes, by=1) %in% BranchCells))
  Branch_Genes=DifferentiallyExpressedGenes=subpopulations_differential_expression(SubPopulation1 = BranchCells, SubPopulation2 = NOT_Branch, EmbeddedTree = EmbeddedTree, mode = "cells")



#' Get Gene Correlation Network
#' Given an gene expression matrix (raw or embedded in the high dimensional elastic tree) it calculates the correlations in between all pairs of gene expression profiles and plots the network
#' @param ExpressionMatrix contaings the expression profiles(columns) along the cells (rows)
#' @param cor_threshold correlation threshold for showing edges in the network plot (default=0.4)
#' @param plot whether the network should be plotted or not (default=T)
#' @return cor.genes pair correlation matrix
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph plot.igraph layout.fruchterman.reingold graph.adjacency
GetGeneCorrelationNetwork <-function(ExpressionMatrix, cor_threshold=0.4, plot=T)
  GeneCorrelations<- cor(ExpressionMatrix, use="pair")
  GeneCorrelationsPlot[GeneCorrelationsPlot < cor_threshold] <- 0
  diag(GeneCorrelationsPlot) <- 0
  graph <- igraph::graph.adjacency(GeneCorrelationsPlot, weighted=TRUE, mode="lower")
    igraph::plot.igraph(graph, vertex.size=6, edge.width=0.5, vertex.label=rownames(GeneCorrelationsPlot), layout=igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold(graph))
soedinglab/merlot documentation built on June 28, 2020, 9:36 a.m.