
Defines functions useB useOrd useMN useGLMcount useLM getM initialise Inter_list Unit_list anyNA irmi

Documented in initialise irmi

#' Iterative robust model-based imputation (IRMI)
#' In each step of the iteration, one variable is used as a response variable
#' and the remaining variables serve as the regressors.
#' The method works sequentially and iterative. The method can deal with a
#' mixture of continuous, semi-continuous, ordinal and nominal variables
#' including outliers.
#' A full description of the method can be found in the mentioned reference.
#' @param x data.frame or matrix
#' @param eps threshold for convergency
#' @param maxit maximum number of iterations
#' @param mixed column index of the semi-continuous variables
#' @param mixed.constant vector with length equal to the number of
#'   semi-continuous variables specifying the point of the semi-continuous
#'   distribution with non-zero probability
#' @param count column index of count variables
#' @param step a stepwise model selection is applied when the parameter is set
#'   to TRUE
#' @param robust if TRUE, robust regression methods will be applied
#' @param takeAll takes information of (initialised) missings in the response
#' as well for regression imputation.
#' @param noise irmi has the option to add a random error term to the imputed
#'   values, this creates the possibility for multiple imputation. The error term
#'   has mean 0 and variance corresponding to the variance of the regression
#'   residuals.
#' @param noise.factor amount of noise.
#' @param force if TRUE, the algorithm tries to find a solution in any case,
#'   possible by using different robust methods automatically. 
#' @param robMethod regression method when the response is continuous. Default is
#'   MM-regression with `lmrob`.
#' @param force.mixed if TRUE, the algorithm tries to find a solution in any
#'   case, possible by using different robust methods automatically.
#' @param addMixedFactors if TRUE add additional factor variable for each
#'   mixed variable as X variable in the regression
#' @param modelFormulas a named list with the name of variables for the  rhs
#'   of the formulas, which must contain a rhs formula for each variable with
#'   missing values, it should look like `list(y1=c("x1","x2"),y2=c("x1","x3"))``
#'   if factor variables for the mixed variables should be created for the
#'   regression models
#' @param mi number of multiple imputations.
#' @param trace Additional information about the iterations when trace equals
#'   TRUE.
#' @param init.method Method for initialization of missing values (kNN or
#'   median)
#' @param multinom.method Method for estimating the multinomial models
#'   (current default and only available method is multinom)
#' @param imp_var TRUE/FALSE if a TRUE/FALSE variables for each imputed
#'   variable should be created show the imputation status
#' @param imp_suffix suffix for the TRUE/FALSE variables showing the imputation
#'   status
#' @return the imputed data set.
#' @author Matthias Templ, Alexander Kowarik
#' @references M. Templ, A. Kowarik, P. Filzmoser (2011) Iterative stepwise
#' regression imputation using standard and robust methods.  *Journal of
#' Computational Statistics and Data Analysis*, Vol. 55, pp. 2793-2806.
#' @references A. Kowarik, M. Templ (2016) Imputation with
#' R package VIM.  *Journal of
#' Statistical Software*, 74(7), 1-16.
#' @keywords manip
#' @family imputation methods
#' @examples
#' data(sleep)
#' irmi(sleep)
#' data(testdata)
#' imp_testdata1 <- irmi(testdata$wna, mixed = testdata$mixed)
#' # mixed.constant != 0 (-10)
#' testdata$wna$m1[testdata$wna$m1 == 0] <- -10
#' testdata$wna$m2 <- log(testdata$wna$m2 + 0.001)
#' imp_testdata2 <- irmi(
#'   testdata$wna,
#'   mixed = testdata$mixed,
#'   mixed.constant = c(-10,log(0.001))
#' )
#' imp_testdata2$m2 <- exp(imp_testdata2$m2) - 0.001
#' #example with fixed formulas for the variables with missing
#' form = list(
#'   NonD  = c("BodyWgt", "BrainWgt"),
#'   Dream = c("BodyWgt", "BrainWgt"),
#'   Sleep = c("BrainWgt"           ),
#'   Span  = c("BodyWgt"            ),
#'   Gest  = c("BodyWgt", "BrainWgt")
#' )
#' irmi(sleep, modelFormulas = form, trace = TRUE)
#' # Example with ordered variable
#' td <- testdata$wna
#' td$c1 <- as.ordered(td$c1)
#' irmi(td)
#' @export
irmi <- function(x, eps = 5, maxit = 100, mixed = NULL, mixed.constant = NULL,
    count = NULL, step = FALSE, robust = FALSE, takeAll = TRUE, noise = TRUE,
    noise.factor = 1, force = FALSE, robMethod = "lmrob", force.mixed = TRUE,
    mi = 1, addMixedFactors = FALSE, trace = FALSE, init.method = "kNN",
    modelFormulas = NULL, multinom.method = "multinom", imp_var = TRUE,
    imp_suffix = "imp") {
#Authors: Alexander Kowarik and Matthias Templ, Statistics Austria, GPL 2 or
#newer, version: 15. Nov. 2012
#object mixed conversion into the right format (vector of variable names of
#type mixed)
#TODO: Data sets with variables "y" might fail
  if (trace) {
    message("Method for multinomial models:", multinom.method, "\n")
  if (!is.data.frame(x)) {
    if (is.matrix(x))
      x <- as.data.frame(x)
      stop("data frame must be provided")
  if (!is.null(mixed.constant) && !is.null(mixed)) {
    if (length(mixed) != length(mixed.constant))
      stop("The length of 'mixed' and 'mixed.constant' differ.")
  if (!is.null(mixed)) {
    if (!is.character(mixed)) {
      if (is.logical(mixed)) {
        if (length(mixed) != length(colnames(x)))
          stop("the mixed parameter is not defined correct.")
        mixed <- colnames(x)[mixed]
      } else if (is.numeric(mixed)) {
        if (max(mixed) > length(colnames(x)))
          stop("the mixed parameter is not defined correct.")
        mixed <- colnames(x)[mixed]
    } else if (!all(mixed %in% colnames(x))) {
      stop("Not all mixed variables are found in the colnames of the input dataset.")
  if (!is.null(count)) {
    if (!is.character(count)) {
      if (is.logical(count)) {
        if (length(count) != length(colnames(x)))
          stop("the count parameter is not defined correct.")
        count <- colnames(x)[count]
      } else if (is.numeric(count)) {
        if (max(count) > length(colnames(x)))
          stop("the count parameter is not defined correct.")
        count <- colnames(x)[count]
    } else if (!all(count %in% colnames(x))) {
      stop("Not all count variables are found in the colnames of the input dataset.")
  class1 <- function(x) class(x)[1]
  types <- lapply(x, class1)
#  if(any(types=="ordered")){
#    for(i in which(types=="ordered")){
#      msg <- paste(names(x)[i]," is defined as ordered,but irmi cannot deal with ordered variables
#              at the moment, therefore the ordered attribute is set to FALSE \n",sep="")
#      cat(msg)
#      x[,i] <- factor(x[,i],ordered=FALSE)
#      types[i] <- "factor"
#    }
#  }
  types[colnames(x) %in% mixed] <- "mixed"
  types[colnames(x) %in% count] <- "count"

  attributes(types)$names <- NULL
  types <- unlist(types)
  if (any(types == "character")) {
    chr_ind <- which(types == "character")
    warning("At least one character variable is converted into a factor")
    for (ind in chr_ind) {
      x[, ind] <- as.factor(x[, ind])
      types[ind] <- "factor"

  #determine factor type: dichotomous or polytomous
  #detect problematic factors
  ind_fac <- which(types == "factor")
  for (ind in ind_fac) {
    #get number of levels
    fac_nlevels <- nlevels(x[[ind]])
    if (fac_nlevels < 2)
      stop(sprintf("factor with less than 2 levels detected! - `%s`", names(x)[ind]))
    types[ind] = ifelse(fac_nlevels == 2, "binary", "nominal")
  ind_ord <- which(types == "ordered")
  for (ind in ind_ord) {
    #get number of levels
    fac_nlevels <- nlevels(x[[ind]])
    if (fac_nlevels == 2)
      types[ind] <- "binary"

  missing_summary <- cbind(types, apply(x, 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x))))
  colnames(missing_summary) <- c("type", "#missing")
  if (imp_var) {
    imp_vars <- paste(rownames(missing_summary), "_", imp_suffix, sep = "")
    imp_vardf <- as.data.frame(apply(x, 2, function(x) is.na(x)))
    colnames(imp_vardf) <- imp_vars
    imp_vardf <- imp_vardf[, missing_summary[, 2] != "0", drop = FALSE]
# save(x, file="xtest.RData")
  P <- dim(x)[2]
  ## error management:
  if (dim(x)[2] < 2) stop("Less than 2 variables included in x.")
  if (step && robust)
    stop("robust stepwise is not yet implemented")
  if (!any(is.na(x))) message("No missings in x. Nothing to impute")
  if (any(apply(x, 1, function(x) all(is.na(x))))) stop("Unit non-responses included in x.")
  ## mixed into logical vector:
  if (!is.logical(mixed) & !is.null(mixed)) {
    ind <- rep(FALSE, P)
    ind[mixed] <- TRUE
  if (!is.character(mixed)) {
    mixed <- colnames(x)[mixed]
  if (!is.character(count)) {
    count <- colnames(x)[count]
#  if(!is.null(mixed) && length(mixed) != P) stop(paste("Length of mixed must either be NULL or", P))
  ## count into logical vector:
  #if(!is.logical(count) & !is.null(count)){
  #  ind <- rep(FALSE, P)
  #  ind[which(colnames(x) == count)] <- TRUE
  #  countlog <- ind
  #}  else countlog <- count
#  if(is.null(mixed)) mixed <- rep(FALSE, P)
#  if(is.null(count)) count <- rep(FALSE, P)
#  if(!is.null(count) && length(count) != P) stop(paste("Length of mixed must either be NULL or", P))
#if(any(countlog == mixedlog) && countlog == TRUE) stop(paste("you declined variable", which(countlog==mixedlog && countlog==TRUE), "to be both, count and mixed"))
  if (length(Inter_list(list(count, mixed))) > 0)
    stop(paste("you declined a variable to be both, count and mixed"))
  #for(i in which(countlog)){
  #  class(x[,i]) <- c("count", "numeric")
  # }

  ## check for factors in x
  factors <- vector()
  for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
    factors <- c(factors, is.factor(x[, i]))

  ## Recode the levels of a factor to 1:number of levels
  if (any(factors)) {
    factors <- colnames(x)[factors]
    orig_levels <- list()
    for (f in 1:length(factors)) {
      orig_levels[[f]] <- levels(x[, factors[f]])
      levels(x[, factors[f]]) <- 0:(length(orig_levels[[f]]) - 1)
  } else factors <- character(0)

  vars_with_na <- vector()

  ## index for missingness
  w2 <- is.na(x)

  ## variables that include missings
  for (i in seq(P)) {
    if (anyNA(x[, i]))
      vars_with_na <- c(vars_with_na, i)
  ## count runden, da MIttelwertimputation in initialise:
  n_digits_count <- apply(
    x[, types == "count", drop = FALSE], 2,
      x <- as.character(x)
        strsplit(x, "\\."),
        function(x) ifelse(length(x) > 1, nchar(strsplit(x, "\\.")[2]), 0)

  ## initialisiere
  #for( j in 1:ncol(x) ) {
  #print(paste("HIER:", j))
  x <- initialise(x, mixed = mixed, method = init.method,
                  mixed.constant = mixed.constant)

  ## round count variables:
  j <- 0
  for (i in which(types == "count")) {
    j <- j + 1
    x[, i] <- round(x[, i], n_digits_count[j])

  if (trace) print(head(x))
  mixed_tf <- FALSE
  mixed_constant <- 0
  ### outer loop
  d <- 99999
  it <- 0
  while (d > eps && it < maxit) {
    it <- it + 1
    if (trace)
      message("Iteration", it, "\n")
    x_save <- x
    ## inner loop
    for (i in vars_with_na) {
      if (trace) {
        print(paste("inner loop:", i))
        if (Sys.info()[1] == "Windows") flush.console()
      y_part <- x[, i, drop = FALSE]
      wy <- which(w2[, i])
      x_part <- x[, -i, drop = FALSE]

      ## --- Start Additonal xvars for mixed vars
      if (!is.null(mixed) && addMixedFactors) {
        if (any(names(x_part) %in% mixed)) {
          mixed_index <- which(names(x_part) %in% mixed)
          for (ii in 1:length(mixed_index)) {
            namenew <- paste(names(x_part)[mixed_index[ii]], "ADDMIXED", sep = "")
            if (is.null(mixed.constant))
              x_part[, namenew] <- as.numeric(x_part[, mixed_index[ii]] == 0)
              x_part[, namenew] <- as.numeric(x_part[, mixed_index[ii]] == mixed.constant[ii])
      } ## end additional xvars for mixed vars ---
      if (!takeAll) {
        data_for_reg <- data.frame(cbind(y_part[-wy, ], x_part[-wy, ])) ## part, wo in y keine missings
      } else {
        data_for_reg <- data.frame(cbind(y_part, x_part))
      if (!is.null(mixed)) {
        if (names(x)[i] %in% mixed) {
          mixed_tf <- TRUE
          if (is.null(mixed.constant)) {
            mixed_constant <- 0
          } else {
            mixed_constant <- mixed.constant[which(mixed == names(x)[i])]
        } else {
          mixed_tf <- FALSE
      colnames(data_for_reg)[1] <- "y"
      new.dat <- data.frame(cbind(rep(1, length(wy)), x_part[wy,, drop = FALSE]))


      if (trace) {

      meth <- switch(
        ## todo: ausserhalb der Schleife!!
        integer = "numeric",
        numeric = "numeric",
        mixed = "numeric",
        binary = "bin",
        nominal = "factor",
        count = "count",
        ordered = "ordered",
        logical = "bin",
        stop("unsupported variable type for column ", i)

      ## replace initialised missings:
      if (length(wy) > 0) {
        #idata_for_reg <<- data_for_reg
        #indata <<- new.dat[,-1,drop=FALSE]
        #imeth <<- meth
        #ii <<- i
        #iindex <<- wy
        #imixed_tf<<- mixed_tf
        #ifactors <<- factors
        #istep <<- step
        #irobust <<- robust
        #inoise <<- FALSE
        #itypes <<- types
        if (trace)
        #print(lapply(data_for_reg, class))
        #if(i==10) stop("ZUR KONTROLLE i=10")
        if (!is.null(modelFormulas)) {
          TFform <- names(modelFormulas) == colnames(x)[i]
          if (any(TFform))
            active_formula <- modelFormulas[[which(TFform)]]
            active_formula <- names(data_for_reg)[names(data_for_reg) != "y"]
        } else
          active_formula <- names(data_for_reg)[names(data_for_reg) != "y"]
        if (trace) {
          print(paste("formula used:", paste(colnames(x)[i], "~",
                                             paste(active_formula, collapse = "+"))))
          if (Sys.info()[1] == "Windows") flush.console()
        x[wy, i] <- getM(
          x_reg = data_for_reg, ndata = new.dat[, -1, drop = FALSE], type = meth,
          index = wy, mixed_tf = mixed_tf, mixed_constant = mixed_constant,
          factors = factors, step = step, robust = robust, noise = FALSE,
          force = force, robMethod, form = active_formula,
          multinom.method = multinom.method)
        #if(!testdigits(x$x5)) stop()
    }  ## end inner loop
    d <- 0
    if (any(types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")))
      d <- sum( (x_save[, types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")] -
                   x[, types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")]) ^ 2,
                na.rm = TRUE)  #todo: Faktoren anders behandeln.
    if (any(!types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")))
      d <- d + sum(x_save[, !types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")] != x[, !types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")])
    if (trace) {
      print(paste("it =", it, ",  Wert =", d))
      print(paste("eps", eps))
      print(paste("test:", d > eps))
  } ## end outer loop

  if (it > 1) {
    d <- 0
    if (any(types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")))
      d <- sum( (x_save[, types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")] -
                   x[, types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")]) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)
    #todo: Faktoren anders behandeln.
    if (any(!types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")))
      d <- d + sum(x_save[, !types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")] != x[, !types %in% c("numeric", "mixed")])
    if (trace) {
      if (it < maxit) {
        print(paste(d, "<", eps, "= eps"))
        print(paste("      --> finished after", it, "iterations"))
      } else if (it == maxit) {
        print("not converged...")
        print(paste(d, "<", eps, "= eps"))
  ### Add NOISE:
  ### A last run with building the model and adding noise...
  if (noise && mi == 1) {
    for (i in seq(P)) {
      y_part <- x[, i, drop = FALSE]
      wy <- which(w2[, i])
      x_part <- x[, -i, drop = FALSE]
      if (!takeAll) {
        data_for_reg <- data.frame(cbind(y_part[-wy, ], x_part[-wy, ])) ## part, wo in y keine missings
      } else {
        data_for_reg <- data.frame(cbind(y_part, x_part))
      if (!is.null(mixed)) {
        if (names(x)[i] %in% mixed) {
          mixed_tf <- TRUE
          if (is.null(mixed.constant)) {
            mixed_constant <- 0
          } else {
            mixed_constant <- mixed.constant[which(mixed == names(x)[i])]
        } else {
          mixed_tf <- FALSE
      colnames(data_for_reg)[1] <- "y"
      new.dat <- data.frame(cbind(rep(1, length(wy)), x_part[wy,, drop = FALSE]))

      meth <- switch(
        ## todo: ausserhalb der Schleife!!
        integer = "numeric",
        numeric = "numeric",
        mixed = "numeric",
        binary = "bin",
        nominal = "factor",
        count = "count",
        ordered = "ordered",
        logical = "bin",
        stop("unsupported variable type for column ", i)

      if (!is.null(modelFormulas)) {
        TFform <- names(modelFormulas) == colnames(x)[i]
        if (any(TFform))
          active_formula <- modelFormulas[[which(TFform)]]
          active_formula <- names(data_for_reg)[names(data_for_reg) != "y"]
      } else
        active_formula <- names(data_for_reg)[names(data_for_reg) != "y"]
      if (length(wy) > 0) x[wy, i] <- getM(
        x_reg = data_for_reg, ndata = new.dat[, -1, drop = FALSE], type = meth,
        index = wy, mixed_tf = mixed_tf, mixed_constant = mixed_constant,
        factors = factors, step = step, robust = robust, noise = TRUE,
        noise.factor = noise.factor, force = force, robMethod,
        form = active_formula, multinom.method = multinom.method)
  ## End NOISE
  #if(!testdigits(x$x5)) stop("s121212121212asasa\n")
  ## Begin multiple imputation
  if (mi > 1 && !noise) {
    message("Noise option is set automatically to TRUE")
    noise <- TRUE
  if (mi > 1) {
    mimp <- list()
    x_save1 <- x
    for (m in 1:mi) {
      for (i in seq(P)) {
        y_part <- x[, i, drop = FALSE]
        wy <- which(w2[, i])
        x_part <- x[, -i, drop = FALSE]
        if (!takeAll) {
          data_for_reg <- data.frame(cbind(y_part[-wy, ], x_part[-wy, ])) ## part, wo in y keine missings
        } else {
          data_for_reg <- data.frame(cbind(y_part, x_part))
        if (!is.null(mixed)) {
          if (names(x)[i] %in% mixed) {
            mixed_tf <- TRUE
            if (is.null(mixed.constant))
              mixed_constant <- 0
              mixed_constant <- mixed.constant[which(mixed == names(x)[i])]
          } else {
            mixed_tf <- FALSE
        colnames(data_for_reg)[1] <- "y"
        new.dat <- data.frame(cbind(rep(1, length(wy)), x_part[wy,, drop = FALSE]))
        if (inherits(data_for_reg$y, "numeric"))
          meth <- "numeric"
        else if (inherits(data_for_reg$y, "factor") & length(levels(data_for_reg$y)) == 2)
          meth <- "bin"
          meth <- "factor"
        ## replace initialised missings:
        if (!is.null(modelFormulas)) {
          TFform <- names(modelFormulas) == colnames(x)[i]
          if (any(TFform))
            active_formula <- modelFormulas[[which(TFform)]]
            active_formula <- names(data_for_reg)[names(data_for_reg) != "y"]
        } else
          active_formula <- names(data_for_reg)[names(data_for_reg) != "y"]
        if (length(wy) > 0) x[wy, i] <- getM(
          x_reg = data_for_reg, ndata = new.dat[, -1, drop = FALSE], type = meth,
          index = wy, mixed_tf = mixed_tf, mixed_constant = mixed_constant,
          factors = factors, step = step, robust = robust, noise = TRUE,
          noise.factor = noise.factor, force = force, robMethod,
          form = active_formula, multinom.method = multinom.method)
      mimp[[m]] <- x
      x <- x_save1
    x <- mimp
  ##  End Multiple Imputation

  ## Recode factors to their original coding
  if (length(factors) > 0) {
    for (f in 1:length(factors)) {
#    cat("vorher\n")
#    print(str(x))

#    print(orig_levels[[f]])
      if (mi > 1) {
        for (mii in 1:mi)
          levels(x[[mii]][, factors[f]]) <- orig_levels[[f]]
      } else {
        levels(x[, factors[f]]) <- orig_levels[[f]]
#    cat("nachher\n")
  if (trace) {
    message("Imputation performed on the following data set:\n")
  if (imp_var) {
    if (trace) {
      message(paste("The variables", paste(colnames(imp_vardf), collapse = ","),
                    "are added to the data set."))
    x <- cbind(x, imp_vardf)


### utility functions
anyNA <- function(X) any(is.na(X))
Unit_list <- function(A) {
  # Units a list of vectors into one vector
  a <- vector()
  for (i in 1:length(A)) {
    a <- c(a, A[[i]])
Inter_list <- function(A) {
  # common entries from a list of vectors
  a <- Unit_list(A)
  TF <- rep(TRUE, length(a))
  for (i in 1:length(a)) {
    for (j in 1:length(A)) {
      TF[i] <- TF[i] && a[i] %in% A[[j]]

#' Initialization of missing values
#' Rough estimation of missing values in a vector according to its type.
#' Missing values are imputed with the mean for vectors of class
#' `"numeric"`, with the median for vectors of class `"integer"`, and
#' with the mode for vectors of class `"factor"`.  Hence, `x` should
#' be prepared in the following way: assign class `"numeric"` to numeric
#' vectors, assign class `"integer"` to ordinal vectors, and assign class
#' `"factor"` to nominal or binary vectors.
#' @param x a vector.
#' @param mixed a character vector containing the names of variables of type
#' mixed (semi-continous).
#' @param method Method used for Initialization (median or kNN)
#' @param mixed.constant vector with length equal to the number of
#' semi-continuous variables specifying the point of the semi-continuous
#' distribution with non-zero probability
#' @return the initialized vector.
#' @note The function is used internally by some imputation algorithms.
#' @author Matthias Templ, modifications by Andreas Alfons
#' @keywords manip
#' @export initialise
initialise <- function(x, mixed, method = "kNN", mixed.constant = NULL) {
  if (method == "median") {
    for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
      xx <- x[, j]
      if (is.numeric(xx)) {
        xx <- as.vector(impute(as.matrix(xx), "median"))
      if (is.factor(xx) || is.character(xx)) {
        xx <- as.character(xx)
        #if(class(x)[2] == "count") {x <-as.vector(impute(as.matrix(x), "mean"))} ### hier Fehler #TODO: verbessern
        xx[which(is.na(xx))] <-  names(which.max(table(xx)))
        xx <- as.factor(xx)
      x[, j] <- xx
  } else {
    x <- invisible(kNN(x, imp_var = FALSE, mixed = mixed,
                       mixed.constant = mixed.constant))

## switch function to automatically select methods
getM <- function(x_reg, ndata, type, index, mixed_tf, mixed_constant, factors,
                 step, robust, noise, noise.factor = 1, force = FALSE,
                 robMethod = "MM", form = NULL, multinom.method = "mnlogit") {
    numeric = useLM(x_reg, ndata, index, mixed_tf, mixed_constant, factors, step,
                    robust, noise, noise.factor, force, robMethod, form = form),
    factor = useMN(x_reg, ndata, index, factors, step, robust, form = form,
                    multinom.method = multinom.method),
    bin = useB(x_reg, ndata, index, factors, step, robust, form = form),
    count   = useGLMcount(x_reg, ndata, index, factors, step, robust,
                          form = form),
    ordered  = useOrd(x_reg, ndata, index, factors, step, robust, form = form),

### LM+GLM --- useLM start
useLM <- function(x_reg, ndata, wy, mixed_tf, mixed_constant, factors, step,
                  robust, noise, noise.factor, force, robMethod, form) {
  n <- nrow(x_reg)
  factors <- Inter_list(list(colnames(x_reg), factors))
  ## for semicontinuous variables
  if (mixed_tf) {
    del_factors <- vector()
    if (length(factors) > 0){
      for (f in 1:length(factors)) {
        if (any(summary(x_reg[, factors[f]]) == 0)) {
          x_reg <- x_reg[, -which(colnames(x_reg) == factors[f])]
          ndata <- ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == factors[f])]
          del_factors <- c(del_factors, factors[f])
    x_reg1 <- x_reg
    x_reg1$y[x_reg$y == mixed_constant] <- 0
    x_reg1$y[x_reg$y != mixed_constant] <- 1
    form <- form[form %in% names(x_reg1)]
    if (!inherits(form, "formula"))
      form <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(form, collapse = "+")))
      form <- y ~ .
    if (!robust)
      glm.bin <- glm(form, data = x_reg1, family = "binomial")
    else {
      glm.bin <- glm(form, data = x_reg1, family = "binomial")
#     if VGAM will be chosen instead of multinom:
#	  op <- options() #Alles auskommentiert, weil VGAM draussen!
#	  options(show.error.messages=FALSE)
#	  try(detach(package:VGAM))
#	  options(op)
    if (step)
      glm.bin <- stepAIC(glm.bin, trace = -1)
    ## imputation
    imp <- predict(glm.bin, newdata = ndata, type = "response")
    imp[imp < 0.5] <- 0
    imp[imp >= 0.5] <- 1
    x_reg <- x_reg[x_reg$y != mixed_constant, ]
    factors2 <- factors[!factors %in% del_factors]
    if (length(factors2) > 0) {
      for (f in 1:length(factors2)) {
        if (any(summary(x_reg[, factors2[f]]) == 0)) {
          x_reg <- x_reg[, -which(colnames(x_reg) == factors2[f])]
          ndata <- ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == factors2[f])]
    ## for continuous variables:
  } else {
    if (length(factors) > 0) {
      del_factors <- vector()
      for (f in 1:length(factors)) {
        if (any(summary(x_reg[, factors[f]]) == 0)) {
          x_reg <- x_reg[, -which(colnames(x_reg) == factors[f])]
          ndata <- ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == factors[f])]
          del_factors <- c(del_factors, factors[f])
    imp <- rep(1, nrow(ndata))
  if (!inherits(form, "formula")) {
    form <- form[form %in% names(x_reg)]
    if (length(form) > 0)
      form <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(form, collapse = "+")))
      form <- y ~ .
  } else {
    form_vars <- all.vars(form)[-1]
    if (any(!form_vars %in% colnames(x_reg))) {
      form_vars <- form_vars[form_vars %in% colnames(x_reg)]
      form <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(form_vars, collapse = "+")))
  if (!robust) {
    glm.num <- glm(form, data = x_reg, family = "gaussian")
    #cat("not ROBUST!!!!!!!!\n")
  } else {
    if (exists("glm.num"))
    if (force) {
      try(glm.num <- rlm(form, data = x_reg, method = "MM"), silent = TRUE)
      if (!exists("glm.num")) {
        try(glm.num <- lmrob(form, data = x_reg), silent = TRUE)
        if (!exists("glm.num")) {
          glm.num <- rlm(form, data = x_reg, method = "M")
          if (!exists("glm.num")) {
            glm.num <- glm(form, data = x_reg, family = "gaussian")
    } else {
      glm.num <- switch(
        lmrob = lmrob(form, data = x_reg),
        lqs = lqs(form, data = x_reg),
        rlm(form, data = x_reg, method = robMethod)
#  op <- options()#Alles auskommentiert, weil VGAM draussen
#  options(show.error.messages=FALSE)
#  try(detach(package:VGAM))
#  options(op)
  if (step) {
    glm.num <- stepAIC(glm.num, trace = -1)

  if (noise) {
    if (!robust) {
      consistency_factor <- sqrt( (nrow(ndata[imp == 1,, drop = FALSE]) / n + 1))#*n/(n+1)
      p_glm_num <- predict(glm.num, newdata = ndata[imp == 1,, drop = FALSE], se.fit = TRUE)
      if (is.nan(p_glm_num $ residual.scale)) {
        warning("The residual scale could not be computed, probably due to a rank deficient model. It is set to 1\n")
        p_glm_num$residual.scale <- 1
      imp2 <- p_glm_num$fit + noise.factor * rnorm(length(p_glm_num$fit), 0, p_glm_num$residual.scale * consistency_factor)
    } else {
      nout <- nrow(ndata[imp == 1,, drop = FALSE])
      consistency_factor <- sqrt( (nrow(ndata[imp == 1,, drop = FALSE]) / n + 1))#*(n)/(n+1))
      p_glm_num <- predict(glm.num, newdata = ndata[imp == 1,, drop = FALSE])
      if (is.nan(glm.num$s)) {
        warning("The residual scale could not be computed, probably due to a rank deficient model. It is set to 1\n")
        glm.num$s <- 1
      imp2 <- p_glm_num + noise.factor * rnorm(length(p_glm_num), 0, glm.num$s * consistency_factor)
  } else
    imp2 <- predict(glm.num, newdata = ndata[imp == 1,, drop = FALSE])
  imp3 <- imp
  imp3[imp == 0] <- mixed_constant
  imp3[imp == 1] <- imp2
#		library(VGAM, warn.conflicts = FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
# -end useLM-

## count data as response
useGLMcount <- function(x_reg,  ndata, wy, factors, step, robust, form) {
  factors <- Inter_list(list(colnames(x_reg), factors))
  if (length(factors) > 0) {
    for (f in 1:length(factors)) {
      if (any(summary(x_reg[, factors[f]]) == 0)) {
        x_reg <- x_reg[, -which(colnames(x_reg) == factors[f])]
        ndata <- ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == factors[f])]
  form <- form[form %in% names(x_reg)]
  if (length(form) > 0)
    form <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(form, collapse = "+")))
    form <- y ~ .
  if (robust) {
    #glmc <- glm(y~ ., data=x_reg, family=poisson)
    glmc <- glmrob(form, data = x_reg, family = poisson)
    glmc$rank <- ncol(x_reg)
    #glmc$coef <- glmcR$coef
  } else {
    glmc <- glm(form, data = x_reg, family = poisson)
  if (step & robust) stop("both step and robust equals TRUE not provided")
  if (step) {
    glmc <- stepAIC(glmc, trace = -1)
  imp2 <- round(predict(glmc, newdata = ndata, type = "response"))

# categorical response
useMN <- function(x_reg, ndata, wy, factors, step, robust, form, multinom.method){
  factors <- Inter_list(list(colnames(x_reg), factors))
  if (length(factors) > 0) {
    for (f in 1:length(factors)) {
      if (any(summary(x_reg[, factors[f]]) == 0)) {
        x_reg <- x_reg[, -which(colnames(x_reg) == factors[f])]
        ndata <- ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == factors[f])]
  form <- form[form %in% names(x_reg)]
  if (length(form) > 0)
    form <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(form, collapse = "+")))
    form <- y ~ .
  if (multinom.method == "multinom") {
    co <- capture.output(multimod <- multinom(
      form, data = x_reg, summ = 2, maxit = 50, trace = FALSE, MaxNWts = 50000 ))
    if (step) {
      multimod <- stepAIC(multimod, x_reg)
    imp <- predict(multimod, newdata = ndata)
  } else {
    stop("multinom is the only implemented method at the moment!\n")

# ordered response
useOrd <- function(x_reg, ndata,  wy, factors, step, robust, form){
  factors <- Inter_list(list(colnames(x_reg), factors))
  if (length(factors) > 0) {
    for (f in 1:length(factors)) {
      if (any(summary(x_reg[, factors[f]]) == 0)) {
        x_reg <- x_reg[, -which(colnames(x_reg) == factors[f])]
        ndata <- ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == factors[f])]
  form <- form[form %in% names(x_reg)]
  if (length(form) > 0)
    form <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(form, collapse = "+")))
    form <- y ~ .
  multimod <- polr(form, data = x_reg)
  if (step) {
    multimod <- stepAIC(multimod, x_reg)
  imp <- predict(multimod, newdata = ndata)

# binary response
useB <- function(x_reg,  ndata, wy, factors, step, robust, form) {
  factors <- Inter_list(list(colnames(x_reg), factors))
  #TODO: Faktoren mit 2 Levels und nicht Levels 0 1, funktionieren NICHT!!!!
  if (length(factors) > 0){
    for (f in 1:length(factors)) {
      if (any(summary(x_reg[, factors[f]]) == 0)) {
        x_reg <- x_reg[, -which(colnames(x_reg) == factors[f])]
        ndata <- ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == factors[f])]
  form <- form[form %in% names(x_reg)]
  if (length(form) > 0)
    form <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(form, collapse = "+")))
    form <- y ~ .
  if (!robust)
    glm.bin <- glm(form, data = x_reg, family = "binomial")
  else {
#		glm.bin <- BYlogreg(x0=x_reg[,-1], x_reg[,1]) ## BYlogreg kann niemals funken
    glm.bin <- glm(form, data = x_reg, family = "binomial")
#      if(exists("glm.bin"))
#        rm(glm.bin)
#      try(glm.bin <- glmrob(y ~ . , data=x_reg, family="binomial"),silent=TRUE)
#      if(exists("glm.bin"))
#        glm.bin$rank <- ncol(x_reg)
#      else
#        glm.bin <- glm(y ~ . , data=x_reg, family="binomial")

#	op <- options() # Alles auskommentiert, weil VGAM draussen
#	options(show.error.messages=FALSE)
#	try(detach(package:VGAM))
#	options(op)
  if (step)
    glm.bin <- stepAIC(glm.bin, trace = -1)
  imp <- predict(glm.bin, newdata = ndata, type = "response")
  if (is.logical(x_reg$y))
    return(imp >= 0.5)
  imp[imp < 0.5] <- 0
  imp[imp >= 0.5] <- 1
#    library(VGAM, warn.conflicts = FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
statistikat/VIM documentation built on Aug. 9, 2024, 3:20 a.m.