# File R/InitErgmTerm.multinet.R in package ergm.multi, part of the
# Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
# This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free,
# open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
# https://statnet.org/attribution .
# Copyright 2003-2024 Statnet Commons
#' A multinetwork network representation.
#' A function for specifying the LHS of a multi-network
#' (a.k.a. multilevel) ERGM. Typically used in conjunction with the
#' [`N()`][N-ergmTerm] term operator.
#' @param ... network specification, in one of two formats:
#' 1. An (optionally named) list of networks with same directedness and bipartedness (but possibly different sizes).
#' 1. Several networks as (optionally named) arguments.
#' @return A [`network`] object comprising the provided networks, with multinetwork metadata.
#' @templateVar combiner Networks
#' @template combine_networks_readonly
#' @seealso [`ergmTerm`] for specific terms.
#' @seealso `vignette("Goeyvaerts_reproduction")` for a demonstration.
#' @examples
#' data(samplk)
#' # Method 1: list of networks
#' monks <- Networks(list(samplk1, samplk2))
#' ergm(monks ~ N(~edges))
#' # Method 2: networks as arguments
#' monks <- Networks(samplk1, samplk2)
#' ergm(monks ~ N(~edges))
#' @export
Networks <- function(...){
args <- list(...)
if(all(sapply(args, is, "network"))){
nwl <- args
}else if(is.list(args[[1]]) && all(sapply(args[[1]], is, "network"))){
nwl <- args[[1]]
}else stop("Unrecognized format for multinetwork specification. See help for information.")
if(!.same_constraints(nwl, "constraints")) stop("Networks have differing constraint structures. This is not supported at this time.")
if(!.same_constraints(nwl, "obs.constraints")) stop("Networks have differing observation processes. This is not supported at this time.")
nw <- combine_networks(nwl, blockID.vattr=".NetworkID", blockName.vattr=".NetworkName", ignore.nattr = c(eval(formals(combine_networks)$ignore.nattr), "constraints", "obs.constraints", "ergm"), subnet.cache=TRUE)
nw %n% "ergm" <- combine_ergmlhs(nwl)
nw %ergmlhs% "constraints" <-
if(NVL(nwl[[1]] %ergmlhs% "constraints",base_env(~.))==base_env(~.))
append_rhs.formula(nwl[[1]]%ergmlhs%"constraints", list(call("blockdiag",".NetworkID")), TRUE)
if(!is.null(nwl[[1]]%ergmlhs%"obs.constraints")) nw %ergmlhs% "obs.constraints" <- nwl[[1]]%ergmlhs%"obs.constraints"
InitErgmTerm..subnets <- function(nw, arglist, ...){
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist,
varnames = c("attrname"),
vartypes = c("character"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL),
required = c(TRUE))
list(name="_subnets", coef.names=c(), iinputs=c(unlist(.block_vertexmap(nw, a$attrname))), dependence=FALSE)
#' An `as_tibble` method for combined networks.
#' A method to obtain a network attribute table from a
#' [`combined_networks`] object, falling back to the
#' [network::as_tibble.network()] if vertex or edge attributes are
#' required.
#' @param x a [`combined_networks`] (inheriting from [`network::network`]).
#' @param attrnames a list (or a selection index) for attributes to obtain; for combined networks, defaults to all.
#' @param unit whether to obtain edge, vertex, or network attributes.
#' @template ergmTerm-NetworkIDName
#' @param store.nid whether to include columns with network ID and network name; the columns will be named with the arguments passed to `.NetworkID` and `.NetworkName`.
#' @param ... additional arguments, currently passed to unlist()].
#' @seealso [network::as_tibble.network()]
#' @export
as_tibble.combined_networks<-function(x,attrnames=(match.arg(unit)%in%c("vertices","networks")), ..., unit=c("edges", "vertices", "networks"), .NetworkID=".NetworkID", .NetworkName=".NetworkName", store.nid=FALSE){
unit <- match.arg(unit)
if(unit!="networks") return(NextMethod())
al <-
if(is(x, "combined_networks") && !is.null(x %n% ".subnetattr")) (x %n% ".subnetattr")[[.NetworkID]]
# FIXME: Probably more efficient to use attrnames earlier, in order to save calls to get.network.attribute().
xl <- if(is.network(x)) subnetwork_templates(x, .NetworkID, .NetworkName) else x
nattrs <- Reduce(union, lapply(xl, list.network.attributes))
lapply(nattrs, function(nattr) lapply(xl, get.network.attribute, nattr)) %>% set_names(nattrs)
if(is.logical(attrnames) || is.numeric(attrnames)) attrnames <- na.omit(names(al)[attrnames])
else intersect(attrnames, names(al))
out <- al[attrnames] %>% lapply(simplify_simple, ...) %>% as_tibble()
out[[.NetworkID]] <- unique(x %v% .NetworkID)
out[[.NetworkName]] <- unique(x %v% .NetworkName)
get_lminfo <- function(nattrs, lm=~1, subset=TRUE, contrasts=NULL, offset=NULL, weights=1){
nn <- nrow(nattrs)
subset <-
if(mode(subset) %in% c("expression", "call")) eval(if(is(subset, "formula")) subset[[2]] else subset, envir = nattrs, enclos = environment(lm))
else subset
subset <- unwhich(switch(mode(subset),
logical = which(rep(subset, length.out = nn)),
numeric = subset),
weights <- if(mode(weights) %in% c("expression", "call")) eval(if(is(weights, "formula")) weights[[2]] else weights, envir = nattrs, enclos = environment(lm))
else weights
weights <- rep(weights, length.out=nn)
offset <- if(mode(offset) %in% c("expression", "call")) eval(if(is(offset, "formula")) offset[[2]] else offset, envir = nattrs, enclos = environment(lm))
else offset
subset[weights==0] <- FALSE
## model.frame
# This loop is necessary because if the predictor vector for a
# network is all 0s as is its offest, it needs to be dropped.
subset.prev <- NULL
while(!identical(subset, subset.prev)){
nm <- sum(subset)
xf <- do.call(stats::lm, list(lm, data=nattrs,contrast.arg=contrasts, offset = offset, subset=subset, weights=weights, na.action=na.fail, method="model.frame"), envir=environment(lm))
xm <- model.matrix(attr(xf, "terms"), xf, contrasts=contrasts)
offset <- model.offset(xf) %>% NVL(numeric(nrow(xm))) %>% matrix(nrow=nrow(xm)) # offset needs to have reliable dimension.
subset.prev <- subset
subset[subset] <- subset[subset] & !apply(cbind(xm,offset)==0, 1, all)
list(xf=xf, xm=xm, subset=subset, offset=offset)
assert_LHS_Networks <- function(nw, nid, term_trace = TRUE, call = if(term_trace) NULL else rlang::caller_env()){
if(anyNA(.peek_vattrv(nw, nid))){
msg <- paste0("The LHS of the model is not a multi-network ", sQuote("Networks()"), " construct.")
if(term_trace) ergm_Init_abort(msg, call=call)
else abort(msg, call=call)
#' @import purrr
#' @import tibble
#' @templateVar name N
#' @title Evaluation on multiple networks
#' @description Evaluates the terms in `formula` on each of the networks joined
#' using [`Networks`] function, and returns either a weighted
#' sum or an [`lm`]-style linear model for the ERGM
#' coefficients \insertCite{KrCo22t}{ergm.multi}. Its syntax follows that of [`lm`] closely,
#' with sensible defaults.
#' The default formula (`~1`) sums the specified network
#' statistics. If `lm` refers to any network attributes for which some
#' networks have missing values, the term will stop with an
#' error. This can be avoided by pre-filtering with `subset`, which
#' controls which networks are affected by the term.
#' The formula may also reference `.NetworkID` and `.NetworkName`. In
#' particular, `~0+factor(.NetworkID)` will evaluate `formula` on each
#' network individually.
#' @note Care should be taken to avoid multicollinearity when using
#' this operator. As with the [lm()] function, `lm` formulas have an
#' implicit intercept, which can be suppressed by specifying `~ 0 +
#' ...` or `~ -1 + ...` on the formula. When `lm` is given a model
#' with intercept and a categorical predictor (including a
#' [`logical`] one), it will use the first level (or `FALSE`) as the
#' baseline, but if the model is without intercept, it will use all
#' levels of the first categorical predictor. This is typically what
#' is wanted in a linear regression, but for the `N` operator, this
#' can be problematic if the "intercept" effect is added by a
#' different term. A workaround is to convert the categorical
#' predictor to dummy variables before putting it into the `lm`
#' formula.
#' @usage
#' # binary: N(formula, lm=~1, subset=TRUE, weights=1, contrasts=NULL, offset=0, label=NULL,
#' # .NetworkID=".NetworkID", .NetworkName=".NetworkName")
#' @template ergmTerm-formula
#' @param lm a one-sided [lm()]-style formula whose RHS specifies the network-level predictors for the terms in the [ergm()] formula `formula`.
#' @param subset,contrasts see [lm()].
#' @param offset A constant, a vector of length equal to the number of networks, or a matrix whose number of rows is the number of networks and whose number of columns is the number of free parameters of the ERGM. It can be specified in `lm` as well.
#' @param weights reserved for future use; attempting to change it will cause an
#' error: at this time, there is no way to assign sampling weights to
#' networks.
#' @param label An optional parameter which will add a label to model
#' parameters to help identify the term (which may have similar
#' predictors but, say, a different network subset) in the output
#' *or* a function that wraps the names.
#' @template ergmTerm-NetworkIDName
#' @section Offsets and fixing parameters:
#' By default, an `N(formula, lm)` term will add \eqn{p \times q}{p*q} free
#' parameters, where \eqn{p} is the number of free parameters
#' (possibly curved) of the ERGM specified by `formula`, and \eqn{q}
#' is the number of parameters specified by the `lm` formula. That is,
#' there would be one parameter for each combination of an ERGM
#' parameter and a linear model parameter, in an ERGM-major order
#' (i.e., for each ERGM parameter, the linear model parameters will be
#' enumerated). For example, the term `gwesp()` has two free
#' parameters: its coefficient and its decay rate. We can specify a
#' model in which they depend on \eqn{\log(n)} as `N(~gwesp,
#' ~log(n))`, resulting in the following 4 parameters, with the
#' intercept for the linear model being implicit:
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
#' data(florentine)
#' param_names(ergm_model(Networks(flomarriage,flobusiness) ~ N(~gwesp, ~log(n))))
#' ```
#' If a different linear model is desired for different ERGM terms
#' (e.g., some are to be affected by network size while others are
#' not), multiple `N()` terms can be specified. This covers most such
#' cases, but not all. For example, suppose that for the above model,
#' we wish for its coefficient to depend on `log(n)` but for the decay
#' parameter not to. In this case, one can use the `offset()`
#' decorator with partial offsetting. Then, specifying
#' `offset(N(~gwesp(), ~log(n)), 4)`, we get:
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
#' data(florentine)
#' param_names(ergm_model(Networks(flomarriage,flobusiness) ~ offset(N(~gwesp(), ~log(n)), 4)))
#' ```
#' Then, setting the corresponding `offset.coef = 0` will fix the
#' coefficient of `log(n)` for the decay parameter at 0, while
#' allowing a constant decay parameter to be estimated.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @seealso `vignette("Goeyvaerts_reproduction")` for a demonstration.
#' @concept operator
#' @concept directed
#' @concept undirected
InitErgmTerm.N <- function(nw, arglist, ..., N.compact_stats=TRUE, .NetworkID=".NetworkID", .NetworkName=".NetworkName"){
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist,
varnames = c("formula", "lm", "subset", "weights", "contrasts", "offset", "label", ".NetworkID", ".NetworkName"),
vartypes = c("formula", "formula", "formula,logical,numeric,expression,call", "formula,logical,numeric,expression,call", "list", "formula,logical,numeric,expression,call", "character,function", "character", "character"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, ~1, TRUE, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, .NetworkID, .NetworkName),
assert_LHS_Networks(nw, a$.NetworkID)
auxiliaries <- eval(substitute(~.subnets(.NetworkID), list(.NetworkID=a$.NetworkID)), baseenv())
nwl <- subnetwork_templates(nw, a$.NetworkID, a$.NetworkName)
nwnames <- names(nwl)
nn <- length(nwl)
nattrs <- as_tibble(nw, unit="networks", .NetworkID=a$.NetworkID, .NetworkName=a$.NetworkName, store.nid=TRUE)
lmi <- get_lminfo(nattrs, lm=a$lm, subset=a$subset, contrasts=a$contrasts, offset=a$offset, weights=a$weights)
xf <- lmi$xf
xm <- lmi$xm
subset <- lmi$subset
weights <- lmi$weights
offset <- lmi$offset
nm <- sum(subset)
nwl <- nwl[subset]
ms <- lapply(nwl, function(nw1){
ergm_model(a$formula, nw1, ..., offset.decorate=FALSE)
nparams <- ms %>% map_int(nparam, canonical=FALSE)
nstats <- ms %>% map_int(nparam, canonical=TRUE)
# Check for MANOVA style matrix.
if(!all_identical(nparams)) ergm_Init_abort("N() operator only supports models with the same numbers of parameters for every network. This may change in the future.")
if(!all_identical(ms %>% map(param_names, canonical=FALSE))) ergm_Init_warn("Subnetwork models have different parameter names but the same parameter vector lengths; this may indicate specification problems.")
nparam <- nparams[1]
# Extract offsets and weights.
offset <- model.offset(xf) %>% NVL(numeric(nm)) %>% matrix(nrow=nm, ncol=nparam) # offset is actually an nm*q matrix.
weights <- model.weights(xf)
if(!all(weights==1)) ergm_Init_abort("Network-level weights different from 1 are not supported at this time.")
# Model parameters.
params <- rep(list(NULL), nparam*ncol(xm))
parnames <- colnames(xm)
parnames <- ifelse(parnames=="(Intercept)", "1", parnames)
names(params) <- (
if(is.function(a$label)) a$label
else ergm_mk_std_op_namewrap('N',a$label)
)(rep(param_names(ms[[1]], canonical=FALSE), each=ncol(xm)), parnames)
ergm_Init_abort("The ERGM ", sQuote("formula="), " argument of an ", sQuote("N()"),
" operator may not have offsets. See ", sQuote("ergmTerm?N"),
" section on fixing parameters for details.")
any(mintheta[!offsettheta]!=-Inf) || any(maxtheta[!offsettheta]!=+Inf))){
warning("Submodel specified to N() operator with a linear model formula has parameter constraints. They will be ignored.")
nstats.all <- integer(nn)
nstats.all[subset] <- nstats # So networks not in subset get 0 stats.
# Get the extended state and empty network stats wrapping. Note that
# naming, curved models, etc., are handled "in-house" (for now).
wms <- .mapply(wrap.ergm_model, list(ms, nwl), NULL)
## An important special case is when all models are linear and have
## the same number of stats. lm-offset does not work with this
## approach at this time, either *unless* all terms are offset by
## the same amount (that may vary over networks). Also,
## N.compact_stats can be set to FALSE to force the general case to
## be used.
# TODO: A more refined detection than is.curved(), since currently
# all operators show up as curved.
# TODO: Check that multivariate offset is still not allowed in R.
if(N.compact_stats &&
all_identical(nstats) &&
!any(ms%>%map_lgl(is.curved)) &&
xm.all <- matrix(0, nn, ncol(xm))
xm.all[subset,] <- xm
offset.all <- numeric(nn)
offset.all[subset] <- offset[,1]
}else offset.all <- NULL
iinputs <- ncol(xm)+!is.null(offset.all)
inputs <- c(t(cbind(xm.all,offset.all)))
# This can be represented as a fully linear term.
coef.names <- names(params)
params <- etamap <- etagradient <- NULL
# Offset requires a bit of extra work.
etamap <- function(x, n, ...){
x %>% matrix(ncol=nparam) %>% rbind(1) %>% c()
etagradm <- list(cbind(diag(1, ncol(xm)), 0)) %>%
rep(nparam) %>%
Matrix::.bdiag() %>%
etagradient <- function(x, n, ...){
coef.names <- names(params) %>% matrix(ncol=nparam) %>% rbind(paste0("offset",seq_len(nparam))) %>% c()
gss <- map(wms, "emptynwstats")
gs <-
if(all(map_lgl(gss, is.null))){ # Linear combination of 0s is 0.
}else{ # All numeric or NULL
gs0 <- map_lgl(gss, is.null)
lst(X = (cbind(xm,offset.all[subset]) %>% split(., row(.)))[!gs0],
Y = gss[!gs0]) %>%
pmap(outer) %>%
reduce(`+`) %>%
list(name="MultiNet", coef.names = coef.names, inputs=inputs, iinputs=iinputs, submodels=ms, dependence=any(map_lgl(wms, "dependence")), emptynwstats = gs, auxiliaries = auxiliaries, map = etamap, gradient = etagradient, params = params)
Xl <- xm %>%
split(., row(.)) %>% # Rows of xl as a list.
map(rbind) %>% # List of row vectors.
map(list) %>% # List of singleton lists of row vectors.
map(rep, nparam) %>% # List of lists with appropriate parameter numbers.
map(Matrix::.bdiag) %>% # nm-list of block-diagonal matrices.
map(as.matrix) # FIXME: Maintain representation as sparse matrices?
# Xl can now be used as covariates to vectorized MANOVA-style
# parameters.
ol <- offset %>% split(., row(.)) # Rows of offset as a list.
iinputs <- c(0,cumsum(nstats.all))
etamap <- function(x, n, ...){
Xl %>%
map(`%*%`, c(x)) %>% # Evaluate X%*%c(x), where X is the predictor matrix and x is "theta".
map(c) %>% # Output of the previous step is a matrix; convert to vector.
map2(ol, `+`) %>% # Add on offset.
map2(ms %>% map("etamap"), # Obtain the etamap.
ergm.eta) %>% # Evaluate eta.
# map2(weights, `*`) %>% # Weight.
etagradient <- function(x, n, ...){
Xl %>%
map(`%*%`, c(x)) %>% # Evaluate X%*%c(x), where X is the predictor matrix and x is "theta".
map(c) %>% # Output of the previous step is a matrix; convert to vector.
map2(ol, `+`) %>% # Add on offset.
map2(ms %>% map("etamap"), # Obtain the etamap.
ergm.etagrad) %>% # Evaluate eta gradient.
map2(Xl, ., crossprod) %>%
# map2(weights, `*`) %>% # Weight.
coef.names <- ergm_mk_std_op_namewrap(paste0('N#',rep(seq_len(nm), nstats)))(unlist(lapply(ms, param_names, canonical=TRUE)))
# Empty network statistics.
gss <- map(wms, "emptynwstats")
gs <-
if(all(map_lgl(gss, is.null))){ # Linear combination of 0s is 0.
}else{ # All numeric or NULL
unlist(Map(function(gs, nst) if(is.null(gs)) numeric(nst) else gs, gss, nstats))
list(name="MultiNets", coef.names = coef.names, iinputs=iinputs, submodels=ms, dependence=any(map_lgl(wms, "dependence")), emptynwstats = gs, auxiliaries = auxiliaries, map = etamap, gradient = etagradient, params = params)
#' @templateVar name ByNetDStats
#' @title Evaluate the formula on each individual network
#' @description Evaluates the terms in `formula` on each of the
#' networks joined using [`Networks`] function, and returns a vector
#' of its statistics for each network. This term is used internally
#' for model diagnostics, and should not, generally, be used in models.
#' @usage
#' # binary: N(formula, subset=TRUE)
#' @template ergmTerm-formula
#' @param subset see [lm()].
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept operator
#' @concept directed
#' @concept undirected
#' @noRd
InitErgmTerm.ByNetDStats <- function(nw, arglist, ..., .NetworkID=".NetworkID"){
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist,
varnames = c("formula", "subset", ".NetworkID"),
vartypes = c("formula", "formula,logical,numeric,expression,call", "character"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, TRUE, .NetworkID),
required = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
assert_LHS_Networks(nw, a$.NetworkID)
auxiliaries <- eval(substitute(~.subnets(.NetworkID), list(.NetworkID=a$.NetworkID)), baseenv())
nattrs <- as_tibble(nw, unit="networks")
lmi <- get_lminfo(nattrs, subset=a$subset)
subset <- lmi$subset
nn <- sum(subset)
m <- ergm_model(a$formula, nw, ..., offset.decorate=FALSE)
coef.names <- ergm_mk_std_op_namewrap(paste0('N#',rep(seq_len(nn)[subset], each=nparam(m, canonical=TRUE))))(param_names(m, canonical=TRUE))
iinputs <- cumsum(c(-1,subset))*nparam(m, canonical=TRUE)
wm <- wrap.ergm_model(m, nw, NULL) # Only need a few things from wrap.
list(name="ByNetDStats", coef.names = coef.names, iinputs=iinputs, submodel=m, auxiliaries=auxiliaries, dependence=wm$dependence, ext.encode=wm$ext.encode)
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