#' @title CCLasso: Correlation inference of Composition data through Lasso method
#' @description Implementation of the CCLasso approach
#' \cite{(Fang et al., 2015)}, which is published on GitHub
#' \cite{(Fang, 2016)}. The function is extended by a progress message.
#' @param x numeric matrix (\emph{n}x\emph{p}) with samples in rows and
#' OTUs/taxa in columns.
#' @param counts logical indicating whether x constains counts or fractions.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE} meaning that x contains fractions so that rows
#' sum up to 1.
#' @param pseudo numeric value giving a pseudo count, which is added to all
#' counts if \code{counts = TRUE}. Default is 0.5.
#' @param sig numeric matrix giving an initial covariance matrix. If \code{NULL}
#' (default), \code{diag(rep(1, p))} is used.
#' @param lams numeric vector specifying the tuning parameter sequences. Default
#' is \code{10^(seq(0, -8, by = -0.01))}.
#' @param K numeric value (integer) giving the folds of crossvalidation.
#' Defaults to 3.
#' @param kmax numeric value (integer) specifying the maximum iteration for
#' augmented lagrangian method. Default is 5000.
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether a progress indicator is shown
#' (\code{TRUE} by default).
#' @return A list containing the following elements:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{cov.w}\tab Covariance estimation\cr
#' \code{cor.w}\tab Correlation estimation\cr
#' \code{lam}\tab Final tuning parameter}
#' @author
#' Fang Huaying, Peking University (R code)\cr
#' Stefanie Peschel (documentation)
#' @references
#' \insertRef{fang2015cclasso}{NetCoMi}\cr\cr
#' \insertRef{fang2016cclassoGithub}{NetCoMi}
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
cclasso <- function(x, counts = F, pseudo = 0.5, sig = NULL,
lams = 10^(seq(0, -8, by = -0.01)),
K = 3, kmax = 5000, verbose = TRUE) {
# data dimension
p <- ncol(x);
n <- nrow(x);
# Counts or Fractions?
if (counts) {
x <- x + pseudo;
x <- x / rowSums(x);
# log transformation
xlog <- log(x);
# use all data
vx <- stats::var(xlog);
# initial value
res <- list();
if (is.null(sig)) {
res$sig <- diag(rep(1, p));
else {
res$sig <- sig;
# weight diagonal for loss
rmean.vx <- rowMeans(vx);
wd <- 1 / diag(vx - rmean.vx - rep(rmean.vx, each = p) + mean(rmean.vx));
wd2 <- sqrt(wd);
# preparation for update sigma in augmented lagrange method
rho <- 1; # needed
u.f <- eigen(diag(rep(1, p)) - 1 / p)$vectors; # needed
wd.u <- (t(u.f) %*% (wd * u.f))[-p, -p];
diag(wd.u) <- diag(wd.u) + rho;
wd.u.eig <- eigen(wd.u);
d0.wd <- 2 / outer(wd.u.eig$values, wd.u.eig$values, "+"); # needed
u0.wd <- wd.u.eig$vectors; # needed
n_lam <- length(lams);
tol.zero <- 1e-8;
# cross validation
if (n_lam == 1) {
lamA <- lams[1];
else {
tol.loss <- 1e-6;
loss.old <- Inf;
k.loss <- n_lam;
n.b <- floor(n / K);
# loss <- rep(0, n_lam);
for (i in 1:n_lam) {
loss.cur <- 0;
for (k in 1:K) {
# testing data and training data
itest <- (n.b * (k-1) + 1):(n.b * k);
vxk <- stats::var(xlog[itest, ]);
vx2k <- stats::var(xlog[-itest, ]);
# for training
res <- cclasso.sub(vx = vx2k, wd = wd, lam = lams[i],
u.f = u.f, u0.wd = u0.wd, d0.wd = d0.wd,
sig = res$sig, rho = rho, kmax = kmax);
# loss cumulation
res$sig[abs(res$sig) <= tol.zero] <- 0;
dsig <- res$sig - vxk;
rmean.dsig <- rowMeans(dsig);
half.loss <- dsig * rep(wd2, each = p) -
outer(rmean.dsig, wd2, "*") +
rep( (mean(rmean.dsig) - rmean.dsig) * wd2, each = p);
# loss[i] <- loss[i] + base::norm(half.loss, "F")^2;
loss.cur <- loss.cur + base::norm(half.loss, "F")^2;
thresh <- tol.loss * max(loss.cur, loss.old, 1)
if (verbose) {
message("current loss diff.: ",
sprintf("%.6f", round(loss.cur - loss.old, 6)),
" (breaks if >= ", sprintf("%.6f", round(thresh, 6)),
")\r", appendLF=FALSE)
if (loss.cur - loss.old >= thresh) {
k.loss <- i - 1;
else {
loss.old <- loss.cur;
# select lambda
# k.loss <- which.min(loss);
lamA <- lams[k.loss];
if (k.loss == 1 || k.loss == n_lam) {
cat("Warning:", "Tuning (", lamA ,") on boundary!\n");
if (verbose) message("")
res <- cclasso.sub(vx = vx, wd = wd, lam = lamA,
u.f = u.f, u0.wd = u0.wd, d0.wd = d0.wd,
sig = res$sig, rho = rho, kmax = kmax);
res$sig[abs(res$sig) <= tol.zero] <- 0
# Edited by Stefanie Peschel:
eigres <- eigen(res$sig)$values
if (typeof(eigres) == "complex") {
eigres <- Re(eigres)
if (min(eigres) <= tol.zero) {
sig.sparse <- abs(res$sig) > tol.zero
diag(res$sig) <- diag(res$sig) * sign(diag(res$sig))
res$sig <- as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(res$sig)$mat) * sig.sparse
# get correlation matrix from covariance matrix
Is <- sqrt(1 / diag(res$sig));
cor.w <- Is * res$sig * rep(Is, each = p);
# remove too small correlation values
cor.w[abs(cor.w) <= 1e-6] <- 0;
return(list(cov.w = res$sig, cor.w = cor.w, lam = lamA));
# cclasso for only one lambda
cclasso.sub <- function(vx, wd, lam, u.f, u0.wd, d0.wd, sig = NULL,
rho = 1, kmax = 5000, x.tol = 1e-6) {
p <- ncol(vx);
# initial value
lam.rho <- lam / rho;
if (is.null(sig)) {
sig <- diag(rep(1, p));
sig2 <- sig;
LAM <- matrix(0, p, p);
# loop start
k <- 0;
err <- 1;
while(err > x.tol && k < kmax) {
# update sigma
x.sig <- t(u.f) %*% ((sig2 - vx) - LAM / rho) %*% u.f;
x.sig[-p,-p] <- u0.wd %*% ((t(u0.wd) %*% x.sig[-p, -p] %*% u0.wd) *
d0.wd * rho) %*% t(u0.wd);
sig.new <- vx + u.f %*% x.sig %*% t(u.f);
# update sigma2
A <- LAM / rho + sig.new;
sig2.new <- (A > lam.rho) * (A - lam.rho) +
(A < -lam.rho) * (A + lam.rho);
diag(sig2.new) <- diag(A);
# update Lambda
LAM <- LAM + rho * (sig.new - sig2.new);
# calculate error
err <- max( base::norm(sig.new - sig, "F") / max(1, base::norm(sig)),
base::norm(sig2.new - sig2, "F") / max(1, base::norm(sig2)));
# update current value
sig <- sig.new;
sig2 <- sig2.new;
k <- k + 1;
if (k >= kmax) {
cat("Warning:", "Maximum ", kmax,
"iteration while relative error is", err, "\n");
return(list(sig = sig, k = k));
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