knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


This is an analysis using polyester Bioconductor package to simulate RNA-Seq reads. We will
(1) implement null comparisons on samples simulated using polyester with no differentially expressed (DE) genes, (2) compare FDR approaches on their ability to discover 'true positive' DE genes with log2 fold changes simulated from a normal distribution.

In this Rmd, we will perform a Monte Carlo simulation study and average over the replicates in plots.

Set up workspace

# Load packages needed to simulate RNA-seq counts with polyester

# load helper functions
for (f in list.files("../R", "\\.(r|R)$", full.names = TRUE)) {

# set up results directories 
datdir <- "yeast-data"
resdir <- "../../results/RNAseq"
dir.create(datdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(resdir, showWarnings = FALSE)

# results files that will be generated below
# null
resfile_n5 <- file.path(resdir, "polyester-results-null5.rds")
resfile_n10 <- file.path(resdir, "polyester-results-null10.rds")

# strong covariate
resfile_d5 <- file.path(resdir, "polyester-results-de5.rds")
resfile_d10 <- file.path(resdir, "polyester-results-de10.rds")

# weak covariate 
resfile_d5_w <- file.path(resdir, "polyesterW-results-de5.rds")
resfile_d10_w <- file.path(resdir, "polyesterW-results-de10.rds")

# uninformative covariate
resfile_d5_uninfCov <- file.path(resdir, "polyester-results-de5-uninfCov.rds")
resfile_d10_uninfCov <- file.path(resdir, "polyester-results-de10-uninfCov.rds")

# # set up parallel backend:
nCores <- 20

Set up Polyester

We use the polyester Bioconductor package to simulate RNA-Seq reads. The package requires a count matrix as input which estimates the mean variance relationship. Here we start with the yeast data with 48 biological replicates in each of two conditions (analyzed in this publication). We'll use the samples passing QC in the original study that belong to the WT group to estimate mean and variance relationship. We assume the data has already been downloaded (this is carried out in the yeast-simulation.Rmd vignette).

files <- dir(path = datdir, pattern = "*.bam.gbgout", full.names = TRUE)
sample_names <- sapply(strsplit(dir(path = datdir, pattern = "*.bam.gbgout"), "_MID"),
                       function(x) x[[1]])
badreps <- read_tsv(file.path(datdir, "badreps.txt"), col_names = FALSE)$X1
badreps <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(badreps, "_MID"), function(x) x[1]))

counts <- files %>%
  purrr::map(read_tsv, col_names = FALSE) %>% # read in all the files individually
  purrr::map2(sample_names, ~ dplyr:::rename(.x, !! .y := X2, feature = X1) ) %>% # add sample names
  purrr::reduce(left_join, by = "feature") %>% # reduce with rbind into one dataframe
  dplyr::select(-badreps ) %>% # remove badreps
  data.frame() %>%
  dplyr::select(contains("WT"))  %>%

# filter low count genes
counts <- counts[rowMeans(counts) > 1,]

# normalize
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts, 
                              colData = tibble(sample=colnames(counts)),
                              design = ~1)
dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
counts <- counts(dds, normalize=TRUE)

## Estimate the zero inflated negative binomial parameters
paramPolyester = get_params(counts)

Helper functions for simulation

Next, we'll simulate RNA-Seq samples, both with and without the addition of simulated DE genes. Here we'll create a function that we can use to run one replicate given sample size and number of DE gene settings. This will be looped over many replications and results averaged over them.

#' @param sampleSize is the number of samples in each condition
#' @param nDE is the number of DE genes
#' @param bd is the bench design object
#' @param uninformativeCovariate logical indicating whether to use an uninformative
#'  covariate (default is FALSE)
#' @param strongCovariate logical indicating whether to use a strongly informative
#'  covariate (default is TRUE)
#' @param rseed random seed
#' @param ngenes the number of genes to simulate. If this number is greater than 
#'  the number of genes in the count matrix, then the polyester parameters will be
#'  drawn with replacement from the available pool in order to obtain the requested
#'  number of genes.
simulateOneSplit <- function(X, rseed, 
                             nDE, sampleSize, bd, uninformativeCovariate = FALSE,
                             ngenes = nrow(counts),
                             strongCovariate = TRUE){

  # set random seed

  covar <- 1 / (1+exp(-runif(nrow(counts), 0, 10) + 5))

  # things needed to simulate with Polyester
  groupPolyester = rep(c(0,1),each=sampleSize)
  modPolyester = model.matrix(~-1 + groupPolyester)

  # things needed for differential testing using DESeq2
  groupDESeq = factor(rep(c(0,1), each=sampleSize))

  gs <- sample(1:nrow(counts), ngenes, replace = as.logical(ngenes > nrow(counts)))
  mu <- paramPolyester$mu[gs]
  p0 <- paramPolyester$p0[gs]

  # Null genes
  log2FC = rep(0, ngenes)
  dat_alt = create_read_numbers(mu,
                                n=sampleSize*2, beta=cbind(log2FC), 

  # filter genes with mostly zeroes
  pzero = rowSums(dat_alt==0)/ncol(dat_alt)
  dat_alt <- dat_alt[pzero < 0.5,]
  truth <- rep(FALSE, nrow(dat_alt))
  log2FC <- log2FC[pzero < 0.5]
  mu <- mu[pzero < 0.5]
  p0 <- p0[pzero < 0.5]
  covar <- covar[pzero < 0.5]

  # DE simulation
  if(nDE > 0){
    DE <- sample(1:nrow(dat_alt), nDE, prob = covar)
    truth[DE] <- TRUE

    # randomly sample a log2FC from N(0,1) 
    log2FC[DE] <- rnorm(nDE, sd = 1)
    # polyester assumes FC is on the log scale
    dat_alt[DE,] = create_read_numbers(mu[DE], paramPolyester$fit, p0[DE], 
                                  n=sampleSize*2, beta=cbind(log(2^log2FC[DE])), 

  # run DESeq2
  dds_alt <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=dat_alt, 
                                    colData = DataFrame(groupDESeq), 
  dds_alt <- DESeq(dds_alt, parallel = FALSE)
  res_alt <- results(dds_alt, independentFiltering = FALSE)

  geneExp <- tbl_df(data.frame(pval=res_alt$pvalue, SE=res_alt$lfcSE, 
                               ind_covariate = covar, 
                               test_statistic=res_alt$stat, qvalue=truth))

  if (uninformativeCovariate){
    geneExp <- mutate(geneExp, ind_covariate = runif(length(covar)))
  }else if(!strongCovariate){
    geneExp <- mutate(geneExp, ind_covariate = pmin(1, abs(covar + rnorm(length(covar), 0, 0.25))))

  # filter NAs 
  geneExp <- geneExp %>% na.omit() 

  # built Benchmark data
  sb <- bd %>% buildBench(data=geneExp, parallel = FALSE, 
                          truthCols = "qvalue", 
                          ftCols = "ind_covariate")
  sb <- addDefaultMetrics(sb)
  rowData(sb)$log2FC <- geneExp$effect_size


We'll also set some parameters that will be common to all simulations. These include the number of replications, the bench design object, the set of methods to exclude in the results plots, and the alpha cutoff level to be used when plotting the aggregated Upset results.

B <- 100
bd <- initializeBenchDesign() # only needs to be done once
excludeSet <- c("unadjusted", "bl-df02", "bl-df04", "bl-df05") 
ualpha <- 0.05

We also add in Scott's FDR Regression (both nulltype = "empirical" and nulltype = "theoretical") since our test statistics are approximately t-distributed.

bd <- addBMethod(bd, "fdrreg-t",
                     function(x) { x$FDR },
                     z = test_statistic,
                     features = model.matrix( ~  splines::bs(ind_covariate, df = 3) - 1),
                     nulltype = 'theoretical',
                     control = list(lambda = 0.01))
bd <- addBMethod(bd, "fdrreg-e",
                     function(x) { x$FDR },
                     z = test_statistic,
                     features = model.matrix( ~  splines::bs(ind_covariate, df = 3) - 1),
                     nulltype = 'empirical',
                     control = list(lambda = 0.01))

Here's a helper function to return the number of methods with rejections at a particular alpha level (this helps us determine whether or not to plot the aggregated upset plot - if there aren't at least 2 methods it will throw an error, which is a problem for the null simulations).

# To be included in the upset agg plot, method needs to have found on average
# at least one rejection per replicate. To create an upset plot, require that
# at least two methods rejected at this threshold.
#' @param res standardized metric data.table generated using
#'        standardize_results.
#' @param alpha alpha cutoff
#' @param filterSet which methods to exclude from consideration 
numberMethodsReject <- function(res, alphacutoff, filterSet){
  res <- res %>% 
    filter( | (param.alpha == alphacutoff)) %>%
    filter(!(blabel %in% filterSet)) %>%
    filter(alpha == alphacutoff) %>%
    filter(performanceMetric == "rejections") %>%
    select(blabel, performanceMetric, value) %>%
    group_by(blabel) %>%
    summarize(mean_value = mean(value)) %>%
    filter(mean_value > 1)

Null Comparisons

N5: Null 5v5

Here we run a null comparison 5 versus 5 RNA-Seq samples. This will be done for 100 simulations.

Generate a list of SB results objects

sampleSize <- 5
nDE <- 0
rseed <- 225

if (!file.exists(resfile_n5)){
  null5 <- mclapply(X=1:B, rseed=rseed, FUN=simulateOneSplit,  
                    nDE=nDE, sampleSize=sampleSize, bd=bd, mc.cores = nCores)
  saveRDS(null5, file=resfile_n5)
} else {
  null5 <- readRDS(file=resfile_n5)

Plot average results over replications

Plot results.

# Check for missing results (if any methods threw an error for relevant metrics).
rowSums(sapply(null5, function(x) colSums($qvalue)) > 0))

res5 <- plotsim_standardize(null5, alpha = seq(0.01, 0.10, 0.01))

# metrics = ""TPR"   "FPR"   "TNR"   "FNR"   "rejections"  "FWER"   "rejectprop"
plotsim_average(res5, met="rejections",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5, met="TNR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 

covariateLinePlot(null5, alpha=0.05, covname="log2FC", nbins=25, 
covariateLinePlot(null5, alpha=0.05, covname="ind_covariate", nbins=25, 

if (numberMethodsReject(res5, alphacutoff=ualpha, filterSet=excludeSet) >= 2){
  aggupset(null5, alpha=ualpha, supplementary = FALSE, return_list = FALSE) 
} else {
  message("Not enough methods found rejections at alpha ", ualpha, 
          "; skipping upset plot")

N10: Null 10v10

Here we'll repeat the above, but for a null comparison 10 versus 10 samples. This will be done for 100 simulations.

Generate a list of SB results objects

sampleSize <- 10
nDE <- 0
rseed <- 837

if (!file.exists(resfile_n10)){
  null10 <- mclapply(X=1:B, rseed=837, FUN=simulateOneSplit,
                     nDE=nDE, sampleSize=sampleSize, bd=bd, mc.cores=nCores)
  saveRDS(null10, file=resfile_n10)
} else {
  null10 <- readRDS(file=resfile_n10)

Plot average results over replications

Plot results.

# Check for missing results (if any methods threw an error for relevant metrics).
rowSums(sapply(null10, function(x) colSums($qvalue)) > 0))

res10 <- plotsim_standardize(null10, alpha = seq(0.01, 0.10, 0.01))

plotsim_average(res10, met="rejections",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10, met="TNR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 

covariateLinePlot(null10, alpha=0.05, covname="log2FC", nbins=25, 
covariateLinePlot(null10, alpha=0.05, covname="ind_covariate", nbins=25, 

if (numberMethodsReject(res10, alphacutoff=ualpha, filterSet=excludeSet) >= 2){
  aggupset(null10, alpha=ualpha, supplementary = FALSE, return_list = FALSE) 
} else {
  message("Not enough methods found rejections at alpha ", ualpha, "; skipping upset plot")

Non-null Comparisons with Strongly Informative Covariate

D5S: DE 5v5 Strong

Here we'll repeat the above, but for a DE comparison 5 versus 5 samples and 2000 DE genes are added. This will be done for 100 simulations.

Generate a list of SB results objects

sampleSize <- 5
nDE <- 2000
rseed <- 198

if (!file.exists(resfile_d5)){
  de5 <- mclapply(X=1:B, rseed = rseed, FUN=simulateOneSplit, 
                  nDE=nDE, sampleSize=sampleSize, bd=bd, mc.cores=nCores)
  saveRDS(de5, file=resfile_d5)
} else {
  de5 <- readRDS(file=resfile_d5)

Plot average results over replications

Plot results.

# Check for missing results (if any methods threw an error for relevant metrics).
rowSums(sapply(de5, function(x) colSums($qvalue)) > 0))

res5d <- plotsim_standardize(de5, alpha = seq(0.01, 0.10, 0.01))

plotsim_average(res5d, met="rejections",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5d, met="FDR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5d, met="TPR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5d, met=c("FPR", "TPR"), filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE) 

covariateLinePlot(de5, alpha=0.05, covname="log2FC", nbins=25, 
covariateLinePlot(de5, alpha=0.05, covname="ind_covariate", nbins=25, 

if (numberMethodsReject(res5d, alphacutoff=ualpha, filterSet=excludeSet) >= 2){
  aggupset(de5, alpha=ualpha, supplementary = FALSE, return_list = FALSE) 
} else {
  message("Not enough methods found rejections at alpha ", ualpha, "; skipping upset plot")

D10S: DE 10v10 Strong

Here we'll repeat the above, but for a DE comparison 10 versus 10 samples and 2000 DE genes are added. This will be done for 100 simulations.

Generate a list of SB results objects

sampleSize <- 10
nDE <- 2000
rseed <- 961

if (!file.exists(resfile_d10)){
  de10 <- mclapply(X=1:B, rseed = rseed, FUN=simulateOneSplit, 
                   nDE=nDE, sampleSize=sampleSize, bd=bd, mc.cores = nCores)
  saveRDS(de10, file=resfile_d10)
} else {
  de10 <- readRDS(file=resfile_d10)

Plot average results over replications

Plot results.

# Check for missing results (if any methods threw an error for relevant metrics).
rowSums(sapply(de10, function(x) colSums($qvalue)) > 0))

res10d <- plotsim_standardize(de10, alpha = seq(0.01, 0.10, 0.01))

plotsim_average(res10d, met="rejections",filter_set = excludeSet, 
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10d, met="FDR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10d, met="TPR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10d, met=c("FPR", "TPR"), filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE) 

covariateLinePlot(de10, alpha=0.05, covname="log2FC", nbins=25, 
covariateLinePlot(de10, alpha=0.05, covname="ind_covariate", nbins=25, 

if (numberMethodsReject(res10d, alphacutoff=ualpha, filterSet=excludeSet) >= 2){
  aggupset(de10, alpha=ualpha, supplementary = FALSE, return_list = FALSE) 
} else {
  message("Not enough methods found rejections at alpha ", ualpha, "; skipping upset plot")

Non-null Comparisons with Weakly Informative Covariate

D5W: DE 5v5 Weak

Here we'll repeat the above, but using a weakly informative covariate.

Generate a list of SB results objects

sampleSize <- 5
nDE <- 2000
rseed <- 198

if (!file.exists(resfile_d5_w)){
  de5 <- mclapply(X=1:B, rseed = rseed, FUN=simulateOneSplit, 
                  nDE=nDE, sampleSize=sampleSize, bd=bd, 
                  strongCovariate = FALSE, mc.cores=nCores)
  saveRDS(de5, file=resfile_d5_w)
} else {
  de5 <- readRDS(file=resfile_d5_w)

Plot average results over replications

Plot results.

# Check for missing results (if any methods threw an error for relevant metrics).
rowSums(sapply(de5, function(x) colSums($qvalue)) > 0))

res5d <- plotsim_standardize(de5, alpha = seq(0.01, 0.10, 0.01))

plotsim_average(res5d, met="rejections",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5d, met="FDR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5d, met="TPR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5d, met=c("FPR", "TPR"), filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE) 

covariateLinePlot(de5, alpha=0.05, covname="log2FC", nbins=25, 
covariateLinePlot(de5, alpha=0.05, covname="ind_covariate", nbins=25, 

if (numberMethodsReject(res5d, alphacutoff=ualpha, filterSet=excludeSet) >= 2){
  aggupset(de5, alpha=ualpha, supplementary = FALSE, return_list = FALSE) 
} else {
  message("Not enough methods found rejections at alpha ", ualpha, "; skipping upset plot")

D10W: DE 10v10 Weak

Here we'll repeat the above, but for a DE comparison 10 versus 10 samples.

Generate a list of SB results objects

sampleSize <- 10
nDE <- 2000
rseed <- 961

if (!file.exists(resfile_d10_w)){
  de10 <- mclapply(X=1:B, rseed = rseed, FUN=simulateOneSplit, 
                   nDE=nDE, sampleSize=sampleSize, bd=bd, 
                   strongCovariate = FALSE,
                   mc.cores = nCores)
  saveRDS(de10, file=resfile_d10_w)
} else {
  de10 <- readRDS(file=resfile_d10_w)

Plot average results over replications

Plot results.

# Check for missing results (if any methods threw an error for relevant metrics).
rowSums(sapply(de10, function(x) colSums($qvalue)) > 0))

res10d <- plotsim_standardize(de10, alpha = seq(0.01, 0.10, 0.01))

plotsim_average(res10d, met="rejections",filter_set = excludeSet, 
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10d, met="FDR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10d, met="TPR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10d, met=c("FPR", "TPR"), filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE) 

covariateLinePlot(de10, alpha=0.05, covname="log2FC", nbins=25, 
covariateLinePlot(de10, alpha=0.05, covname="ind_covariate", nbins=25, 

if (numberMethodsReject(res10d, alphacutoff=ualpha, filterSet=excludeSet) >= 2){
  aggupset(de10, alpha=ualpha, supplementary = FALSE, return_list = FALSE) 
} else {
  message("Not enough methods found rejections at alpha ", ualpha, "; skipping upset plot")

Non-null Comparisons with Uninformative Covariate

D5U: DE 5v5 Uninformative

Here we'll repeat the above, but using a completely uninformative covariate.

Generate a list of SB results objects

sampleSize <- 5
nDE <- 2000
rseed <- 198

if (!file.exists(resfile_d5_uninfCov)){
  de5 <- mclapply(X=1:B, rseed=rseed, FUN=simulateOneSplit, 
                  nDE=nDE, sampleSize=sampleSize, 
                  bd=bd, uninformativeCovariate = TRUE, mc.cores=nCores)
  saveRDS(de5, file=resfile_d5_uninfCov)
} else {
  de5 <- readRDS(file=resfile_d5_uninfCov)

Plot average results over replications

Plot results.

# Check for missing results (if any methods threw an error for relevant metrics).
rowSums(sapply(de5, function(x) colSums($qvalue)) > 0))

res5d <- plotsim_standardize(de5, alpha = seq(0.01, 0.10, 0.01))

plotsim_average(res5d, met="rejections",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5d, met="FDR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5d, met="TPR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res5d, met=c("FPR", "TPR"), filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE) 

covariateLinePlot(de5, alpha=0.05, covname="log2FC", nbins=25, 
covariateLinePlot(de5, alpha=0.05, covname="ind_covariate", nbins=25, 

if (numberMethodsReject(res5d, alphacutoff=ualpha, filterSet=excludeSet) >= 2){
  aggupset(de5, alpha=ualpha, supplementary = FALSE, return_list = FALSE) 
} else {
  message("Not enough methods found rejections at alpha ", ualpha, "; skipping upset plot")

D10U: DE 10v10 Uninformative

Here we'll repeat the above, but for a DE comparison 10 versus 10 samples.

Generate a list of SB results objects

sampleSize <- 10
nDE <- 2000
rseed <- 961

if (!file.exists(resfile_d10_uninfCov)){
  de10 <- mclapply(X=1:B, rseed=rseed, FUN=simulateOneSplit, 
                   nDE=nDE, sampleSize=sampleSize, 
                   bd=bd, uninformativeCovariate = TRUE, mc.cores = nCores)
  saveRDS(de10, file=resfile_d10_uninfCov)
} else {
  de10 <- readRDS(file=resfile_d10_uninfCov)

Plot average results over replications

Plot results.

# Check for missing results (if any methods threw an error for relevant metrics).
rowSums(sapply(de10, function(x) colSums($qvalue)) > 0))

res10d <- plotsim_standardize(de10, alpha = seq(0.01, 0.10, 0.01))

plotsim_average(res10d, met="rejections",filter_set = excludeSet, 
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10d, met="FDR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10d, met="TPR",filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE, errorBars=TRUE) 
plotsim_average(res10d, met=c("FPR", "TPR"), filter_set = excludeSet,
                merge_ihw = TRUE) 

covariateLinePlot(de10, alpha=0.05, covname="log2FC", nbins=25, 
covariateLinePlot(de10, alpha=0.05, covname="ind_covariate", nbins=25, 

if (numberMethodsReject(res10d, alphacutoff=ualpha, filterSet=excludeSet) >= 2){
  aggupset(de10, alpha=ualpha, supplementary = FALSE, return_list = FALSE) 
} else {
  message("Not enough methods found rejections at alpha ", ualpha, "; skipping upset plot")

Sample size comparison

Here we compare the method ranks for the different sample sizes and informative covariate settings at alpha = 0.10.

plotMethodRanks(c(resfile_d5, resfile_d5_w, resfile_d5_uninfCov,
                  resfile_d10, resfile_d10_w, resfile_d10_uninfCov), 
                colLabels = c("DE5 S", "DE5 W", "DE5 U", "DE10 S", "DE10 W", "DE10 U"), 
                alpha = 0.10, xlab = "Comparison",
                excludeMethods = NULL)

Session information


stephaniehicks/benchmarkfdrData2019 documentation built on June 20, 2021, 10 a.m.