
Defines functions predict.ICCier .get_random_effect_samples .get_random_effect_z_samples .extract_transform fitted.ICCier coef.ICCier ranef.ICCier

Documented in coef.ICCier .extract_transform fitted.ICCier .get_random_effect_samples .get_random_effect_z_samples predict.ICCier ranef.ICCier

#' Predict new ICC values.
#' Predicts new ICC values.
#' If the grouping variable column is not included in \code{newdata}, then \code{predict} only predicts
#' from the fixed values.
#' This is \emph{not recommended}.
#' If the grouping variable column is present in \code{newdata}, but a value is either \code{NA} or not previously fit,
#' then \code{predict} marginalizes over the entire random effects distribution.
#' Finally, if the grouping variable is present and known, then \code{predict} marginalizes over the
#' uncertainty in that person's (standardized, orthogonalized) random effects.
#' We recommend including the grouping column, even if the grouping identifier for the predicted case
#' is unknown. This ensures that uncertainty in the predicted ICC includes the uncertainty of that
#' case's random effects.
#' @param object ICCier object.
#' @param newdata Data to predict from. If NULL, calls \code{\link{fitted.ICCier}} on fit data.
#' @param draws Number of draws to use from posterior samples for prediction. Default: All of them.
#' @inheritParams fitted.ICCier
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @inherit fitted.ICCier return
#' @export
predict.ICCier <- function(object, newdata=NULL, draws=NULL,summary=TRUE,prob=.95,inc_group=TRUE,occasion=NULL, ...){
  fnames <- .get_formula_names(object)
  magic_NA <- 'NA_ICCier'
  magic_ignore <- 'Ignore_ICCier'
  adjusted <- object$type$adjusted
  newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
  total_iter <- nsamples(object)
    draws <- total_iter
  if(draws > total_iter){
    stop('More draws specified than actually exist.')

  if(!(fnames$grouping %in% colnames(newdata))){
    grouping_available <- FALSE
    message('No grouping variable. Using fixef only.')
    newdata[,fnames$grouping] <- magic_ignore
  } else{
    grouping_available <- TRUE
    group_known <- newdata[,fnames$grouping] %in% object$group_map$group_L2[,fnames$grouping]
    newdata[!group_known,fnames$grouping] <- magic_NA

  samps <- .extract_transform(object,draws)
  dat <- .parse_formula(object$formula,newdata,predict=TRUE)
  Q_l1 <- object$stan_data$Q_l1
  P_l1 <- object$stan_data$P_l1

  out <- sapply(1:nrow(dat$stan_data$x_sca_l1),FUN = function(i){ # Each row
    sapply(1:draws, function(s){ # Each posterior sample
      sds <- as.vector(exp(dat$stan_data$x_sca_l2[i,,drop=FALSE] %*% samps$eta[,,s]))
      sds.diag <- diag(sds,length(sds),length(sds))

      var.mu <- sds[1]^2
        cov <- sds.diag %*% samps$Omega[,,s] %*% sds.diag
        var.mu <- dat$stan_data$x_loc_l1[i,,drop=FALSE] %*% cov[1:Q_l1,1:Q_l1] %*% t(dat$stan_data$x_loc_l1[i,,drop=FALSE])

      gamma_group <- dat$stan_data$x_sca_l2[i,,drop=FALSE] %*% samps$gamma[,,s]
          # Get group_numeric for this row from previous fit.
          group_numeric_i <- object$group_map$group_L2[object$group_map$group_L2[,1] == dat$group_map$group_L1[i,1], 'group_numeric']
          # Add fixed to RE_z(diag(sd)L).
          gamma_group <- gamma_group + (samps$random_z[,,s][group_numeric_i,,drop=FALSE] %*% t(sds.diag%*%t(chol(samps$Omega[,,s]))))[(Q_l1 + 1):(Q_l1 + P_l1)]
        } else {
          gamma_group <- gamma_group + mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1,sigma=sds.diag%*%samps$Omega[,,s]%*%sds.diag)[(Q_l1 + 1):(Q_l1 + P_l1)]
      shat <- exp(dat$stan_data$x_sca_l1[i,,drop=FALSE] %*% t(gamma_group))
      if(!is.null(occasion)){ # Composite/avg score ICC
        if(adjusted){stop('Occasion does not make sense with an adjusted ICC.')}
        icc <- var.mu / (var.mu + shat^2/occasion[i])
      } else { # Raw score ICC
        icc <- var.mu / (var.mu + shat^2)
  colnames(out) <- paste0('icc[',1:nrow(newdata),']')
    L <- (1-prob)/2
    U <- 1 - L
    out <- as.data.frame(cbind(mean=colMeans(out),t(apply(out,2,function(x){
    if(inc_group & grouping_available){
      out[,fnames$grouping] <- newdata[,fnames$grouping]
      out[out[,fnames$grouping] == magic_NA,fnames$grouping] <- NA


#' Extract random effect samples.
#' gamma_group and beta_group are returned.
#' However, for prediction, we need the group-specific random effects.
#' This function takes the object and returns the computed REs.
#' group_gamma = x_sca_l2%*%gamma + group_gamma_random
#' @param object ICCier object.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Samples of RE matrices: Arrays with dimensions KxP_l1xdraws.
.get_random_effect_samples <- function(object,draws=NULL){
    draws <- nsamples(object)
  K <- object$stan_data$K
  P_l1 <- object$stan_data$P_l1
  P_l2 <- object$stan_data$P_l2
  Q_l1 <- object$stan_data$Q_l1
  Q_l2 <- object$stan_data$Q_l2
  x_sca_l2 <- object$stan_data$x_sca_l2
  x_loc_l2 <- object$stan_data$x_loc_l2

  # Grab (formatted) matrices
  samps.mu <- array(t(as.matrix(object$fit,pars='beta0')[1:draws,]),dim=c(Q_l2,Q_l1,draws))
  samps.gamma <- array(t(as.matrix(object$fit,pars='gamma')[1:draws,]),dim=c(P_l2,P_l1,draws))
  # samps.mu_group <- as.matrix(object$fit,pars='mu_group')[1:draws,,drop=FALSE]
  # samps.mu_group <- array(t(samps.mu_group),dim=c(K,1,draws))
  samps.mu_group <- as.matrix(object$fit,pars='mu_group')[1:draws,,drop=FALSE]
  samps.mu_group <- array(t(samps.mu_group),dim=c(K,Q_l1,draws))
  samps.gamma_group <- as.matrix(object$fit,pars='gamma_group')[1:draws,,drop=FALSE]
  samps.gamma_group <- array(t(samps.gamma_group),dim=c(K,P_l1,draws))

  # Solve for RE
  group_mu_random <- sapply(1:draws,FUN=function(x){
    samps.mu_group[,,x] - x_loc_l2%*%samps.mu[,,x]
  # group_mu_random <- sapply(1:draws,FUN=function(x){
  #   samps.mu_group[,,x] - samps.mu[x,1]
  # },simplify='array')
  group_mu_random <- array(group_mu_random,dim=c(K,Q_l1,draws))

  group_gamma_random <- sapply(1:draws,FUN=function(x){
    samps.gamma_group[,,x] - x_sca_l2%*%samps.gamma[,,x]
  },simplify = 'array')
  group_gamma_random <- array(group_gamma_random,dim=c(K,P_l1,draws))

  colnames(group_mu_random) <- colnames(object$stan_data$x_loc_l1)
  colnames(group_gamma_random) <- colnames(object$stan_data$x_sca_l1)

  list(mu_random = group_mu_random, gamma_random = group_gamma_random)

#' Extract standardized RE
#' log(sds) = x_sca_l2%*%eta
#' RE = RE_z%\*%t(diag(sds)%\*%L_cor)
#' RE_z = RE %*% solve(t(diag(sds)%*%L_cor))
#' @param object ICCier object
#' @inheritParams predict.ICCier
#' @return Kx(P_l1 + 1)xS array of standardized REs.
#' @keywords internal
.get_random_effect_z_samples <- function(object,draws=NULL){
    draws <- nsamples(object)
  P_l1 <- object$stan_data$P_l1
  Q_l1 <- object$stan_data$Q_l1
  rand_samps <- .get_random_effect_samples(object,draws)
  samps <- sapply(1:draws,function(x){cbind(rand_samps$mu_random[,,x],rand_samps$gamma_random[,,x])},simplify='array')
  omega <- array(t(as.matrix(object$fit,pars='Omega')[1:draws,]),dim=c(P_l1 + Q_l1, P_l1 + Q_l1,draws))
  eta <- array(t(as.matrix(object$fit,pars='eta')[1:draws,]),dim=c(object$stan_data$P_l2, P_l1 + Q_l1, draws))

  L_omega <- array(apply(omega,3,function(x){t(chol(x))}),dim=dim(omega))
  sds <- sapply(1:draws,FUN = function(x){
    (exp(object$stan_data$x_sca_l2 %*% eta[,,x]))
  }, simplify='array')

    t(sapply(1:dim(sds)[1], FUN=function(y){
      samps[y,,x] %*% solve(t(diag(sds[y,,x]) %*% L_omega[,,x]))


#' Extracts samples, turns them into formed matrices for prediction
#' Extracts \code{draws} of the generative parameters.
#' For matrices, converts to array; e.g., gamma is a [P_l2,P_l1,draws] array.
#' This will ease the computation of predictions, because it can be applied over draws.
#' @param object ICCier object.
#' @param draws Number of draws
#' @keywords internal
#' @return List of arrays.
.extract_transform <- function(object,draws){
  K <- object$stan_data$K
  P_l2 <- object$stan_data$P_l2
  P_l1 <- object$stan_data$P_l1
  Q_l2 <- object$stan_data$Q_l2
  Q_l1 <- object$stan_data$Q_l1
  # Only these are needed for predicting ICC
  samps <- as.matrix(object$fit, pars = c('gamma','eta','Omega'))[1:draws,]
  gamma.cols <- grep('gamma.*',colnames(samps),value = TRUE)
  eta.cols <- grep('eta.*',colnames(samps),value = TRUE)
  gamma_group.cols <- grep('gamma_group.*',colnames(samps),value = TRUE)
  Omega.cols <- grep('Omega.*',colnames(samps),value = TRUE)

  gamma <- array(t(samps[,gamma.cols]),dim=c(P_l2,P_l1,draws))
  eta <- array(t(samps[,eta.cols]),dim=c(P_l2,P_l1 + Q_l1,draws))
  Omega <- array(t(samps[,Omega.cols]),dim=c(P_l1 + Q_l1,P_l1 + Q_l1,draws))
  random_z <- .get_random_effect_z_samples(object,draws)

#' Extract ICC values.
#' @param object ICCier object
#' @param summary Logical. Whether to return summary (mean, intervals) of ICCs (TRUE), or posterior samples (FALSE)
#' @inheritParams posterior_interval.ICCier
#' @param inc_group Logical. Whether to include the grouping variable with the estimates.
#' @param occasion Default: NULL. Vector representing the occasion number. One value per row in newdata. For estimating composite score reliability. If unspecified, set to NULL (default), and raw score ICCs are estimated.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @return If \code{summary=TRUE}, then the mean and \code{prob}\% intervals are returned for each observation in the model frame.
#' If \code{summary=FALSE}, an S by N matrix containing the S posterior samples for N observations.
#' @export
fitted.ICCier <- function(object, summary=TRUE, prob=.95,inc_group=TRUE,occasion=NULL){
  if(summary) {
    out <- as.data.frame(cbind(mean=matrix(.posterior_mean(object,pars='icc'),ncol=1),posterior_interval(object,prob=prob,pars='icc')))
    colnames(out)[1] <- 'mean'
      out[,.get_formula_names(object)$grouping] <- object$group_map$group_L1[,1]
  } else {
    out <- as.matrix(object$fit,pars='icc')

    out <- predict.ICCier(object,object$data,summary=summary,prob=prob,inc_group=inc_group,occasion=occasion)



#' Extract group-specific values
#' Takes ICCier object and returns group-specific values.
#' @param object ICCier object
#' @param predict Logical (Default = FALSE). If TRUE, the group-specific effect is the predicted value and the random effect; e.g., \eqn{g_{0i} = X^{(2)}G + u_{0i}}.
#' If FALSE, the group-specific effect is the fixed effect and the random effect; e.g., \eqn{g_{0i} = g_0 + u_{0i}}.
#' The latter is akin to what brms computes.
#' @inheritParams fitted.ICCier
#' @inherit ranef.ICCier return
#' @export
coef.ICCier <- function(object,summary = TRUE,prob = .95,predict=FALSE){
  ranef_samps <- .get_random_effect_samples(object)
  fnames <- .get_formula_names(object,prefix = TRUE)
  L <- (1-prob)/2
  U <- 1 - L
  P_l1 <- object$stan_data$P_l1
  P_l2 <- object$stan_data$P_l2
  Q_l1 <- object$stan_data$Q_l1
  Q_l2 <- object$stan_data$Q_l2

  x_sca_l2 <- object$stan_data$x_sca_l2
  x_loc_l2 <- object$stan_data$x_loc_l2
    if(!('(Intercept)' %in% fnames$l2)) {
    x_sca_l2[,-1] <- 0
    x_loc_l2[,-1] <- 0

  mu_samps <- array(t(as.matrix(object$fit,pars='beta0')),dim=c(Q_l2,Q_l1,nsamples(object)),dimnames=list(fnames$l2.loc,fnames$l1.loc,NULL))
  out_mu <- sapply(1:nsamples(object),function(x){
    x_loc_l2%*%mu_samps[,,x] + ranef_samps$mu_random[,,x]
  },simplify = 'array')
  out_mu <- array(out_mu, dim=c(nrow(out_mu),ncol(out_mu),nsamples(object)),dimnames=list(NULL,fnames$l1.loc,NULL))
  # mu_samps <- array(as.matrix(object$fit,pars='beta0'),dim=c(1,1,nsamples(object)))
  # out_mu <- sapply(1:nsamples(object),function(x){
  #   mu_samps[,,x] + ranef_samps$mu_random[,,x]
  # },simplify='array')
  # out_mu <- array(out_mu, dim=c(nrow(out_mu),1,nsamples(object)),dimnames=list(NULL,'Mean',NULL))

  gamma_samps <- array(t(as.matrix(object$fit,pars='gamma')),dim=c(P_l2,P_l1,nsamples(object)),dimnames=list(fnames$l2,fnames$l1,NULL))
  out_gamma <- sapply(1:nsamples(object),function(x){
    x_sca_l2%*%gamma_samps[,,x] + ranef_samps$gamma_random[,,x]
  },simplify = 'array')
  out_gamma <- array(out_gamma, dim=c(nrow(out_gamma),ncol(out_gamma),nsamples(object)),dimnames=list(NULL,fnames$l1,NULL))

  out <- array(dim=dim(out_gamma) + c(0,Q_l1,0))
  out[,1:(Q_l1),] <- out_mu
  out[,(Q_l1+1):(Q_l1 + P_l1),] <- out_gamma
  colnames(out) <- c(colnames(out_mu),colnames(out_gamma))
  rownames(out) <- object$group_map$group_L2[,fnames$grouping]

  sum.fun <- function(x){

  out <- apply(out,c(1,2),sum.fun)
  out <- aperm(out,c(2,1,3))

#' Extract random effect values
#' Takes ICCier object and returns random effects.
#' @param object ICCier object
#' @inheritParams fitted.ICCier
#' @return 3D array. If `summary = TRUE` (default): `[group, statistic, random effect]`. If `summary = FALSE`: `[group, random effect, MCMC sample]`
#' @export
#' @importFrom nlme ranef
#' @export ranef
ranef.ICCier <- function(object,summary = TRUE, prob = .95){
  ranef_samps <- .get_random_effect_samples(object)
  fnames <- .get_formula_names(object,prefix=TRUE)
  L <- (1-prob)/2
  U <- 1 - L

  sum.fun <- function(x){

  random <- sapply(1:nsamples(object),function(x){
    cbind(Mean = ranef_samps$mu_random[,,x],ranef_samps$gamma_random[,,x])
    },simplify = 'array')
  colnames(random) <- c(fnames$l1.loc,fnames$l1)

    rownames(random) <- object$group_map$group_L2[,fnames$grouping]

  out <- apply(random,c(1,2),sum.fun)
  out <- aperm(out,c(2,1,3))
  rownames(out) <- object$group_map$group_L2[,fnames$grouping]
stephensrmmartin/ICCier documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 10 a.m.