
Defines functions check_target check_age check_package_name check_distance_matrix check_v0 check_u0 check_compartments check_N check_node_index_argument is_wholenumber check_model_argument check_end_t_arg check_ldata_arg check_gdata_arg check_integer_arg check_infectious_pressure_arg

## This file is part of SimInf, a framework for stochastic
## disease spread simulations.
## Copyright (C) 2015 Pavol Bauer
## Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2019 Robin Eriksson
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2019 Stefan Engblom
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2024 Stefan Widgren
## SimInf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## SimInf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

##' Check integer arguments
##' Raise an error if any of the arguments are non-integer.
##' @param len Expected length of the infectious pressure vector
##' @param ... The arguments to check
##' @return invisible(NULL)
##' @noRd
check_infectious_pressure_arg <- function(len, ...) {
    arg <- list(...)
    for (i in seq_len(length(arg))) {
        if (!is.numeric(arg[[i]]) || !is.null(dim(arg[[i]])) ||
            !identical(length(arg[[i]]), len)) {
            stop(paste0("Invalid '",
                        match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."[i],
                        "': must be numeric vector with length 'nrow(u0)'."),
                 call. = FALSE)

        if (any(arg[[i]] < 0)) {
            stop(paste0("Invalid '",
                        match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."[i],
                        "': must be numeric vector with non-negative values."),
                 call. = FALSE)


##' Check integer arguments
##' Raise an error if any of the arguments are non-integer.
##' @param ... The arguments to check
##' @return invisible(NULL)
##' @noRd
check_integer_arg <- function(...) {
    arg <- list(...)
    for (i in seq_len(length(arg))) {
        if (is.null(arg[[i]])) {
                        match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."[i],
                        "' is missing."),
                 call. = FALSE)

        if (!is.numeric(arg[[i]]) ||
            anyNA(arg[[i]]) ||
            !all(is_wholenumber(arg[[i]]))) {
                        match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."[i],
                        "' must be integer."),
                 call. = FALSE)


##' Check arguments for 'gdata'
##' Raise an error if any of the arguments are not ok.
##' @param ... The arguments to check
##' @return invisible(NULL)
##' @noRd
check_gdata_arg <- function(...) {
    arg <- list(...)
    for (i in seq_len(length(arg))) {
        if (!is.numeric(arg[[i]]) || !identical(length(arg[[i]]), 1L)) {
                        match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."[i],
                        "' must be numeric of length 1."),
                 call. = FALSE)


##' Check arguments for 'ldata'
##' Raise an error if any of the arguments are not ok.
##' @param len Exprected length of each data vector in '...'.
##' @param ... The arguments to check
##' @return invisible(NULL)
##' @noRd
check_ldata_arg <- function(len, ...) {
    arg <- list(...)
    for (i in seq_len(length(arg))) {
        if (!is.numeric(arg[[i]]) ||
            !is.atomic(arg[[i]]) ||
            (!identical(length(arg[[i]]), 1L) &&
             !identical(length(arg[[i]]), len))) {
                        match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."[i],
                        "' must be numeric of length 1 or 'nrow(u0)'."),
                 call. = FALSE)


##' Check arguments for interval endpoints
##' Raise an error if any of the arguments are not ok.
##' @param len Exprected length of each of the interval endpoint
##' vectors
##' @param ... The arguments to check
##' @return invisible(NULL)
##' @noRd
check_end_t_arg <- function(len, ...) {
    arg <- list(...)
    names(arg) <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."

    for (i in seq_len(length(arg))) {
        if (!identical(length(arg[[i]]), len)) {
                        match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."[i],
                        "' must be of length 1 or 'nrow(u0)'."),
                 call. = FALSE)

    ## Check interval endpoints
    if (!all(0 <= arg$end_t1))
        stop("'end_t1' must be greater than or equal to '0'.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!all(arg$end_t1 < arg$end_t2))
        stop("'end_t1' must be less than 'end_t2'.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!all((arg$end_t4 < arg$end_t1) | (arg$end_t2 < arg$end_t3))) {
        stop(paste0("'end_t2' must be less than 'end_t3' or ",
                    "'end_t3' less than 'end_t1'."),
             call. = FALSE)
    if (!all(arg$end_t3 < 364))
        stop("'end_t3' must be less than '364'.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!all(0 <= arg$end_t4))
        stop("'end_t4' must be greater than or equal to '0'.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!all(arg$end_t4 <= 365))
        stop("'end_t4' must be less than or equal to '365'.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!all((arg$end_t4 < arg$end_t1) | (arg$end_t3 < arg$end_t4))) {
        stop("'end_t4' must be less than 'end_t1' or greater than 'end_t3'.",
             call. = FALSE)


##' Check model argument
##' Raise an error if the model argument is not ok.
##' @param model the model to check.
##' @return invisible(NULL)
##' @noRd
check_model_argument <- function(model) {
    if (missing(model))
        stop("Missing 'model' argument.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!methods::is(model, "SimInf_model"))
        stop("'model' argument is not a 'SimInf_model'.", call. = FALSE)


##' Check if wholenumbers
##' Check that all values are wholenumbers, see example in integer {base}
##' @param x Value to check
##' @param tol Tolerance of the check
##' @return logical vector
##' @noRd
is_wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5) {
    abs(x - round(x)) < tol

##' Check the node index argument
##' Raise an error if the node argument is not ok.
##' @param model the model with nodes.
##' @param index the node index vector to check.
##' @return the node vector with unique nodes sorted in order.
##' @noRd
check_node_index_argument <- function(model, index) {
    if (is.null(index))

    if (!is.numeric(index) ||
        !all(is_wholenumber(index)) ||
        min(index) < 1 ||
        max(index) > n_nodes(model))
        stop("The node index must be an integer > 0 and <= number of nodes.",
             call. = FALSE)


##' Check the shift matrix 'N'
##' Raise an error if the 'N' argument is not ok.
##' @param model the model with nodes.
##' @param N the shift matrix to check
##' @return the shift matrix.
##' @noRd
check_N <- function(N) {
    if (is.null(N))
        return(matrix(integer(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 0))

    if (!all(is.matrix(N), is.numeric(N)))
        stop("'N' must be an integer matrix.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!is.integer(N)) {
        if (!all(is_wholenumber(N)))
            stop("'N' must be an integer matrix.", call. = FALSE)
        storage.mode(N) <- "integer"


##' Check compartments
##' Raise an error if the 'compartments' arguments is invalid.
##' @param compartments a character vector with the compartment names
##'     to check.
##' @return invisible(NULL)
##' @noRd
check_compartments <- function(compartments) {
    if (!is.atomic(compartments) || !is.character(compartments) ||
        !identical(compartments, make.names(compartments, unique = TRUE))) {
        stop("'compartments' must be specified in a character vector.",
             call. = FALSE)


##' Check u0
##' Raise an error if any of the 'u0' or 'compartments' arguments are
##' invalid.
##' @param u0 the initial state for the model.
##' @param compartments the compartments in u0.
##' @return u0 with columns ordered by the compartments.
##' @noRd
check_u0 <- function(u0, compartments) {

    ## Check u0
    if (!is.data.frame(u0)) {
        if (is.vector(x = u0, mode = "numeric"))
            u0 <- t(u0)
        u0 <- as.data.frame(u0)
    if (!all(compartments %in% names(u0)))
        stop("Missing columns in u0.", call. = FALSE)

    u0[, compartments, drop = FALSE]

##' Check v0
##' Raise an error if any of the 'v0' or 'compartments' arguments are
##' invalid.
##' @param v0 the initial continuous state for the model.
##' @param variables the variables in v0.
##' @return v0 with columns ordered by the variables.
##' @noRd
check_v0 <- function(v0, variables) {

    ## Check v0
    if (!is.data.frame(v0)) {
        if (is.vector(x = v0, mode = "numeric"))
            v0 <- t(v0)
        v0 <- as.data.frame(v0)
    if (!all(variables %in% names(v0)))
        stop("Missing columns in 'v0'.", call. = FALSE)

    v0[, variables, drop = FALSE]

##' Check distance matrix
##' Raise an error if the distance argument is not ok.
##' @param distance The distance matrix between neighboring nodes
##' @return invisible(NULL)
##' @noRd
check_distance_matrix <- function(distance) {
    if (is.null(distance))
        stop("'distance' is missing.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!methods::is(distance, "dgCMatrix")) {
        stop("The 'distance' argument must be of type 'dgCMatrix'.",
             call. = FALSE)
    if (any(distance < 0))
        stop("All values in the 'distance' matrix must be >= 0.", call. = FALSE)


##' Check a package name
##' From the "Writing R Extensions" manual: The mandatory ‘Package’
##' field gives the name of the package. This should contain only
##' (ASCII) letters, numbers and dot, have at least two characters and
##' start with a letter and not end in a dot.
##' @param name Character string with the package name.
##' @return invisible(NULL)
##' @noRd
check_package_name <- function(name) {
    pattern <- paste0("^", .standard_regexps()$valid_package_name, "$")

    if (any(is.null(name), !is.character(name), length(name) != 1,
            nchar(name) == 0, !grepl(pattern, name))) {
        stop("Malformed package name.", call. = FALSE)


##' Check the age argument and raise an error if the age argument is
##' not ok.
##' @param age an integer vector with break points in days for the
##'     ageing events.
##' @return an integer vector with the valid break points.
##' @noRd
check_age <- function(age) {
    if (is.null(age))

    ## Check for valid age.
    age <- sort(unique(as.integer(age)))
    if (any(age <= 0L))
        stop("'age' must be an integer vector with values > 0.", call. = FALSE)

    c(0L, age)

##' Check for valid target model and raise an error if the target is
##' not ok.
##' @param target The SimInf model ('SEIR', 'SIR', 'SIS', 'SISe3',
##'     'SISe3_sp', 'SISe', or 'SISe_sp') to target the events and u0
##'     for.
##' @param age an integer vector with break points in days for the
##'     ageing events.
##' @return valid target.
##' @noRd
check_target <- function(target, age) {
    if (is.null(target))

    target <- match.arg(target, c("SEIR", "SIR", "SIS", "SISe3",
                                  "SISe3_sp", "SISe", "SISe_sp"))

    if (target %in% c("SISe3", "SISe3_sp") && length(age) == 3)

    if (target %in% c("SEIR", "SIR", "SIS", "SISe", "SISe_sp") &&
        length(age) == 1) {

    stop("Invalid 'age' for 'target' model.", call. = FALSE)
stewid/SimInf documentation built on July 1, 2024, 2:29 a.m.