
getMultivariateTemplateCoordinates <- function(imageSetToBeLabeledIn, templateWithLabels, labelnames = NA, outprefix = NA, 
  convertToTal = FALSE, pvals = NA, threshparam = 1, clustparam = 250, identifier) {
  # this function is similar to getTemplateCoordinates however we need to get the coordinates for each of the
  # entries in imageSetToBeLabeled where coordinates come from each subcomponent of the image in
  # imageSetToBeLabeled pseudo-code: 1. transform template to talairach 2. label the multivariate component
  # image by its generic Talairach position i.e. L/R, S/I, A/P --- information needed for this is given by
  # getTemplateCoordinates 3. split each image into its sub components via image2ClusterImages 4. get
  # coordinates for each sub-component image 5. append these coordinates under the output from step 2 6. return
  # something e.g. a table ....
  if (missing(identifier)) {
    identifier <- c(1:(length(imageSetToBeLabeledIn) - 1))
  if (is.na(pvals[1])) {
    pvals <- rep(NA, length(imageSetToBeLabeledIn) - 1)
  myout <- NA
  talregions <- rep(NA, length(imageSetToBeLabeledIn) - 1)
  mytemplate <- imageSetToBeLabeledIn[[1]]
  for (x in 2:length(imageSetToBeLabeledIn)) {
    img <- imageSetToBeLabeledIn[[x]]
    threshimg <- antsImageClone(img)
    thresh <- 1/length(as.array(threshimg))
    ImageMath(threshimg@dimension, threshimg, "abs", threshimg)
    # threshimg[ threshimg > (.Machine$double.eps*2) ]<-1
    meanval <- mean(threshimg[threshimg > (.Machine$double.eps * 2)])
    sdval <- sd(threshimg[threshimg > (.Machine$double.eps * 2)])
    threshval <- (meanval - sdval * threshparam)
    if (threshval < (.Machine$double.eps * 2)) 
      threshval <- (.Machine$double.eps * 2)
    threshimg[threshimg > threshval] <- 1
    threshimg[threshimg <= threshval] <- 0
    imageSetToBeLabeled <- lappend(list(mytemplate), threshimg)
    temp <- getTemplateCoordinates(imageSetToBeLabeled, templateWithLabels, labelnames, outprefix, convertToTal)
    talRegion <- ""
    if (temp$templatepoints$x < 0) 
      talRegion <- paste(talRegion, "L", sep = "") else talRegion <- paste(talRegion, "R", sep = "")
    if (temp$templatepoints$y > 0) 
      talRegion <- paste(talRegion, "A", sep = "") else talRegion <- paste(talRegion, "P", sep = "")
    if (temp$templatepoints$z < 0) 
      talRegion <- paste(talRegion, "S", sep = "") else talRegion <- paste(talRegion, "I", sep = "")
    talregions[x - 1] <- talRegion
    clust <- labelClusters(threshimg, clustparam)
    imageSetToBeLabeled <- lappend(list(mytemplate), clust)
    temp2 <- getTemplateCoordinates(imageSetToBeLabeled, templateWithLabels, labelnames, outprefix, convertToTal)
    if (x == 2) {
      myout <- data.frame(NetworkID = paste("N", identifier[1], "_omnibus", sep = ""), temp$templatepoints, 
        pval = pvals[x - 1])
      subnet <- data.frame(NetworkID = rep(paste("N", identifier[1], "_node", sep = ""), nrow(temp2$templatepoints)), 
        temp2$templatepoints, pval = rep(NA, nrow(temp2$templatepoints)))
      myout <- rbind(myout, subnet)
    } else {
      pre <- paste("N", identifier[x - 1], sep = "")
      mynextout <- data.frame(NetworkID = paste(pre, "_omnibus", sep = ""), temp$templatepoints, pval = pvals[x - 
      subnet <- data.frame(NetworkID = rep(paste(pre, "_node", sep = ""), nrow(temp2$templatepoints)), temp2$templatepoints, 
        pval = rep(NA, nrow(temp2$templatepoints)))
      myout <- rbind(myout, mynextout)
      myout <- rbind(myout, subnet)
  return(list(networks = myout, myLabelsInTemplateSpace = temp$myLabelsInTemplateSpace, myImageInTemplateSpace = temp$myImageInTemplateSpace))
stnava/itkImageR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:21 p.m.