
getTemplateCoordinates <- function(imagePairToBeLabeled, templatePairWithLabels, labelnames = NA, outprefix = NA, 
  convertToTal = FALSE) {
  if (nargs() == 0 | length(imagePairToBeLabeled) < 2 | length(templatePairWithLabels) < 2) {
    print(" imagePairToBeLabeled <-list( myBrain, myBrainBlobs ) ")
    print(" templatePairWithLabels <-list( ch2orMNI_Brain, ch2orMNI_BrodmannLabels ) ")
    print(" labelnames <-c(\"HippocampusL\",\"HippocampusR\") ")
  fi <- templatePairWithLabels[[1]]
  mi <- imagePairToBeLabeled[[1]]
  if (class(fi)[[1]] != "antsImage") {
    print("  class(fi)[[1]] != antsImage ")
  if (class(mi)[[1]] != "antsImage") {
    print("  class(mi)[[1]] != antsImage ")
  imagedim <- mi@dimension
  if (is.na(outprefix)) {
    outprefix <- paste(tempdir(), "/Z", sep = "")
  txfn <- paste(outprefix, "0GenericAffine.mat", sep = "")
  if (!file.exists(txfn)) 
    mytx <- antsRegistration(fixed = fi, moving = mi, typeofTransform = c("Affine"), outprefix = outprefix) else mytx <- list(fwdtransforms = txfn)
  mywarpedimage <- antsApplyTransforms(fixed = fi, moving = mi, transformlist = mytx$fwdtransforms, interpolator = c("Linear"))
  milab <- imagePairToBeLabeled[[2]]
  mywarpedLimage <- antsApplyTransforms(fixed = fi, moving = milab, transformlist = mytx$fwdtransforms, interpolator = c("NearestNeighbor"))
  pointfile <- paste(outprefix, "coords.csv", sep = "")
  ImageMath(milab@dimension, pointfile, "LabelStats", mywarpedLimage, mywarpedLimage, 1)
  mypoints <- read.csv(pointfile)
  for (mylab in 2:length(templatePairWithLabels)) {
    filab <- templatePairWithLabels[[mylab]]
    if (class(filab)[[1]] != "antsImage") {
      print("  class(filab)[[1]] != antsImage ")
    if (class(milab)[[1]] != "antsImage") {
      print("  class(milab)[[1]] != antsImage ")
    # now we know the (e.g. MNI) coordinate of each labeled region in the original image we want, next, to
    # identify the 'Brodmann' label for each of these regions for instance, you might have found 2 blobs, blob1
    # and blob2 with labels 1 and 2 you know want to know if these are at Brodmann area 21 or 22 or whatever so we
    # iterate through the point list and index the filab image ( template labels )
    templateLab <- rep(NA, nrow(mypoints))
    for (i in 1:nrow(mypoints)) {
      if (imagedim == 2) 
        mypoint <- as.numeric(c(mypoints$x[i], mypoints$y[i]))
      if (imagedim == 3) 
        mypoint <- as.numeric(c(mypoints$x[i], mypoints$y[i], mypoints$z[i]))
      templateLab[i] <- getValueAtPoint(filab, mypoint)
    if (mylab == 2) 
      mypoints <- cbind(mypoints, Brodmann = templateLab)
    if (mylab == 3 & max(filab[filab > 0]) == 11) 
      mypoints <- cbind(mypoints, Tracts = templateLab)
    if (mylab == 3 & max(filab[filab > 0]) != 11) 
      mypoints <- cbind(mypoints, AAL = templateLab)
    if (mylab > 3) 
      mypoints <- cbind(mypoints, templateLab = templateLab)
  if (convertToTal & imagedim == 3) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(mypoints)) {
      talpt <- mni2tal(c(mypoints$x[i], mypoints$y[i], mypoints$z[i]))
      mypoints$x[i] <- talpt[1]
      mypoints$y[i] <- talpt[2]
      mypoints$z[i] <- talpt[3]
  if (!convertToTal & imagedim == 3) {
    # assume MNI
    for (i in 1:nrow(mypoints)) {
      mypoints$x[i] <- mypoints$x[i] * (-1)  #
      mypoints$y[i] <- mypoints$y[i] * (-1)  # due to ITK coordinates being LPS whereas MNI are RAS
      mypoints$z[i] <- mypoints$z[i]
  scl <- 1
  mypoints$x <- round(mypoints$x * scl)/scl
  mypoints$y <- round(mypoints$y * scl)/scl
  mypoints$z <- round(mypoints$z * scl)/scl
  if (max(filab[filab > 0]) == 11) {
    data("tracts", package = "ANTsR")
    tractnames <- rep("", nrow(mypoints))
    for (i in 1:nrow(mypoints)) {
      tractnum <- as.character(mypoints$Tracts[i])
      tractname <- as.character(tracts$label_name[as.numeric(tractnum)])
      if (length(tractname) > 0) 
        tractnames[i] <- tractname
    mypoints$Tracts <- tractnames
  if (max(filab[filab > 0]) != 11) {
    data("aal", package = "ANTsR")
    aalnames <- rep("", nrow(mypoints))
    for (i in 1:nrow(mypoints)) {
      aalnum <- as.character(mypoints$AAL[i])
      aalname <- as.character(aal$label_name[as.numeric(aalnum)])
      if (length(aalname) > 0) 
        aalnames[i] <- aalname
    mypoints$AAL <- aalnames
  return(list(templatepoints = mypoints, myLabelsInTemplateSpace = mywarpedLimage, myImageInTemplateSpace = mywarpedimage))
stnava/itkImageR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:21 p.m.