
renderSurfaceFunction <- function(surfimg, funcimg, surfval = 0.5, basefval, offsetfval, smoothsval = 0, smoothfval = 0, 
  blobrender = TRUE, alphasurf = 1, alphafunc = 1, outdir = "./", outfn = NA, mycol, physical = TRUE) {
  if (missing(surfimg)) {
    stop("Check usage:  at minimum, you need to call \n renderSurfaceFunction( list(an_ants_image) ) \n ")
  smoothsval <- rep(smoothsval, length.out = length(surfimg))
  for (i in 1:length(surfimg)) {
    if (smoothsval[i] > 0) {
      simg <- antsImageClone(surfimg[[i]])
      SmoothImage(3, simg, smoothsval[i], simg)
      surfimg[[i]] <- simg
  surfval <- rep(surfval, length.out = length(surfimg))
  if (length(alphasurf) != length(surfimg)) 
    alphasurf <- rep(alphasurf, length.out = length(surfimg))
  mylist <- list()
  if (missing(funcimg)) {
    cat("No functional images--only plotting surface images.\n")
    for (i in 1:length(surfimg)) {
      surf <- as.array(surfimg[[i]])
      brain <- contour3d(surf, level = c(surfval[i]), alpha = alphasurf[i], draw = FALSE, smooth = 1, material = "metal", 
        depth = 0.6, color = "white")
      # each point has an ID, 3 points make a triangle , the points are laid out as c( x1 , y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 , ...
      # , xn, yn, zn ) indices are just numbers vertices<-c( brain <- subdivision3d(brain)
      if (physical == TRUE) {
        brain$v1 <- antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(surfimg[[i]], brain$v1)
        brain$v2 <- antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(surfimg[[i]], brain$v2)
        brain$v3 <- antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(surfimg[[i]], brain$v3)
      mylist[[i]] <- brain
  if (smoothfval > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(funcimg)) {
      fimg <- antsImageClone(funcimg[[i]])
      SmoothImage(3, fimg, smoothfval, fimg)
      funcimg[[i]] <- fimg
  if (missing(mycol)) {
    mycol <- rainbow(length(funcimg))
  if (length(alphafunc) != length(funcimg)) 
    alphafunc <- rep(alphafunc, length.out = length(funcimg))
  for (i in 1:length(surfimg)) {
    surf <- as.array(surfimg[[i]])
    brain <- contour3d(surf, level = c(surfval[i]), alpha = alphasurf[i], draw = FALSE, smooth = 1, material = "metal", 
      depth = 0.6, color = "white")
    if (physical == TRUE) {
      brain$v1 <- antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(surfimg[[i]], brain$v1)
      brain$v2 <- antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(surfimg[[i]], brain$v2)
      brain$v3 <- antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(surfimg[[i]], brain$v3)
    mylist[[i]] <- brain
  for (i in 1:length(funcimg)) {
    func <- as.array(funcimg[[i]])
    vals <- abs(funcimg[[i]][funcimg[[i]] > 0])
    if (missing(basefval)) {
      # just threshold at mean > 0
      usefval <- mean(vals)
    } else usefval <- basefval
    if (missing(offsetfval)) 
      offsetfval <- sd(vals[vals > usefval])
    print(paste(i, usefval, alphafunc[i]))
    blob <- contour3d(func, level = c(usefval), alpha = alphafunc[i], draw = FALSE, smooth = 1, material = "metal", 
      depth = 0.6, color = mycol[[i]])
    if (physical == TRUE) {
      blob$v1 <- antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(funcimg[[i]], blob$v1)
      blob$v2 <- antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(funcimg[[i]], blob$v2)
      blob$v3 <- antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(funcimg[[i]], blob$v3)
    mylist <- lappend(mylist, list(blob))
  # s<-scene3d() s$par3d$windowRect <- c(0, 0, 500, 500) # make the window large 1.5*s$par3d$windowRect
  # s$par3d$zoom = 1.1 # larger values make the image smaller
  drawScene.rgl(mylist)  # surface render 
  par3d(windowRect = c(0, 0, 500, 500))  # make the window large
  par3d(zoom = 1.1)  # larger values make the image smaller
  drawScene.rgl(mylist)  # surface render 
  if (!is.na(outfn)) 
    movie3d(spin3d(), duration = 15, dir = outdir, movie = outfn, clean = F)

# Make a function that will make each facet from data returned from surfaceTriangles applied to a function
# (probably a more elegant way to do this?)
makefacet <- function(data) {
  # Code for 3D function->stl files for molding and casting stl creation functions similar to week 4 files Laura
  # Perovich Oct 2012 Load package misc3d that includes surfaceTriangles function Define character constants
  # used in the stl files
  tristart1 <- "facet normal 0 0 0"
  tristart2 <- " outer loop"
  triend1 <- " endloop"
  triend2 <- "endfacet"
  startline1 <- "+"
  startline2 <- " solid LAURA"
  endline <- " endsolid LAURA"
  facetvector <- c()
  progress <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(data[[1]]), style = 3)
  for (i in 1:nrow(data[[1]])) {
    v1 <- paste("  vertex", as.character(data[[1]][i, 1]), as.character(data[[1]][i, 2]), as.character(data[[1]][i, 
      3]), sep = " ")
    v2 <- paste("  vertex", as.character(data[[2]][i, 1]), as.character(data[[2]][i, 2]), as.character(data[[2]][i, 
      3]), sep = " ")
    v3 <- paste("  vertex", as.character(data[[3]][i, 1]), as.character(data[[3]][i, 2]), as.character(data[[3]][i, 
      3]), sep = " ")
    facetvector <- c(facetvector, tristart1, tristart2, v1, v2, v3, triend1, triend2)
    if (i%%50 == 0) {
      setTxtProgressBar(progress, i)

# Make a function that puts the facets together with the file headers and writes it out
makestl <- function(facetvector, outfile) {
  # Code for 3D function->stl files for molding and casting stl creation functions similar to week 4 files Laura
  # Perovich Oct 2012 Load package misc3d that includes surfaceTriangles function
  # Define character constants used in the stl files
  tristart1 <- "facet normal 0 0 0"
  tristart2 <- " outer loop"
  triend1 <- " endloop"
  triend2 <- "endfacet"
  startline1 <- "+"
  startline2 <- " solid LAURA"
  endline <- " endsolid LAURA"
  fileConn <- file(outfile)
  myout <- c(startline1, startline2, facetvector, endline)
  writeLines(myout, fileConn)
############################ to use this do ############################ library(ANTsR) source('R/renderSurfaceFunction.R')
############################ fn<-'/Users/stnava/Downloads/resimplerenderingexample/wmss.nii.gz' img<-antsImageRead(fn,3)
############################ brain<-renderSurfaceFunction( img ) fv<-makefacet(brain[[1]]) makestl(fv,'/tmp/temp.stl')

getvertices <- function(inrglmesh) {
  cter <- nrow(inrglmesh[[1]])
  vertices <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3 * cter, ncol = 3)
  inds <- c(1:cter)
  vertices[(3 * inds - 2), ] <- inrglmesh[[1]]
  vertices[(3 * inds - 1), ] <- inrglmesh[[2]]
  vertices[(3 * inds - 0), ] <- inrglmesh[[3]]
  indices <- rep(NA, nrow(vertices))
  return(list(vertices = vertices, indices = indices))
# vtri <- surfaceTriangles(vertices[,1], vertices[,2], vertices[,3] , color='red')
# drawScene(updateTriangles(vtri, material = 'default', smooth = 3) ) 
stnava/itkImageR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:21 p.m.