
sparseDecom2 <- function(inmatrix, inmask = c(NA, NA), sparseness = c(0.01, 0.01), nvecs = 50, its = 5, cthresh = c(250, 
  250), statdir = NA, perms = 0, uselong = 0, z = 0, smooth = 0, robust = 0, mycoption = 1, initializationList = list(), 
  initializationList2 = list(), ell1 = 0.05) {
  numargs <- nargs()
  if (numargs < 1 | missing(inmatrix)) {
    cat(" sparseDecom( inmatrix=NA,  inmask=NA , sparseness=c(0.01,0.01) , nvecs=50 , cthresh=c(250,250),  its=5  ) \n")
    cat(" each input should be a list with 2 entries e.g. sparseness=c(0.01,0.02) \n")
  post <- c(1, 2)
  if (is.na(statdir)) 
    statdir <- paste(tempdir(), "/", sep = "")
  mfn <- paste(statdir, "sccamask", post, ".nii.gz", sep = "")
  outfn <- paste(statdir, "scca.nii.gz", sep = "")
  decomp <- paste(statdir, "sccaprojectionsView", post, "vec.csv", sep = "")
  matname <- paste(statdir, "sccamatrix", post, ".mha", sep = "")
  antsImageWrite(as.antsImage(inmatrix[[1]]), matname[1])
  antsImageWrite(as.antsImage(inmatrix[[2]]), matname[2])
  if (!is.na(inmask[[1]])) {
    m1 <- inmask[[1]]
    dim <- as.numeric(m1@dimension)
    antsImageWrite(inmask[[1]], mfn[1])
  } else mfn[1] <- NA
  if (!is.na(inmask[[2]])) {
    m2 <- inmask[[2]]
    dim2 <- as.numeric(m2@dimension)
    antsImageWrite(inmask[[2]], mfn[2])
  } else mfn[2] <- NA
  args <- list("--scca", paste("two-view[", matname[1], ",", matname[2], ",", mfn[1], ",", mfn[2], ",", sparseness[1], 
    ",", sparseness[2], "]", sep = ""), "--l1", ell1, "-i", its, "--PClusterThresh", cthresh[1], "-p", perms, 
    "--QClusterThresh", cthresh[2], "-n", nvecs, "-o", outfn, "-g", uselong, "-z", z, "-s", smooth, "-r", 
    robust, "-c", mycoption)
  if (length(initializationList) > 0) {
    ct <- 1
    outfns <- c()
    for (img in initializationList) {
      tempfn <- paste(statdir, "init", ct, ".nii.gz", sep = "")
      outfns <- c(outfns, tempfn)
      antsImageWrite(img, tempfn)
      ct <- ct + 1
    initlistfn <- paste(statdir, "init.txt", sep = "")
    fileConn <- file(initlistfn)
    writeLines(outfns, fileConn)
    args <- list("--scca", paste("two-view[", matname[1], ",", matname[2], ",", mfn[1], ",", mfn[2], ",", 
      sparseness[1], ",", sparseness[2], "]", sep = ""), "--l1", ell1, "-i", its, "--PClusterThresh", cthresh[1], 
      "-p", perms, "--QClusterThresh", cthresh[2], "-n", nvecs, "-o", outfn, "-g", uselong, "-z", z, "-s", 
      smooth, "-r", robust, "-c", mycoption, "--mask", mfn[1], "--initialization", initlistfn)
    if (length(initializationList2) > 0) {
      ct <- 1
      outfns <- c()
      for (img in initializationList2) {
        tempfn <- paste(statdir, "init2_", ct, ".nii.gz", sep = "")
        outfns <- c(outfns, tempfn)
        antsImageWrite(img, tempfn)
        ct <- ct + 1
      initlistfn2 <- paste(statdir, "init2.txt", sep = "")
      fileConn <- file(initlistfn)
      writeLines(outfns, fileConn)
      args <- list("--scca", paste("two-view[", matname[1], ",", matname[2], ",", mfn[1], ",", mfn[2], ",", 
        sparseness[1], ",", sparseness[2], "]", sep = ""), "--l1", ell1, "-i", its, "--PClusterThresh", 
        cthresh[1], "-p", perms, "--QClusterThresh", cthresh[2], "-n", nvecs, "-o", outfn, "-g", uselong, 
        "-z", z, "-s", smooth, "-r", robust, "-c", mycoption, "--mask", mfn[1], "--initialization", initlistfn, 
        "--mask2", mfn[2], "--initialization2", initlistfn2)
  .Call("sccan", int_antsProcessArguments(c(args)), PACKAGE = "itkImageR")
  mydecomp <- read.csv(decomp[1])
  if (!is.na(inmask[[1]])) {
    glb <- paste("scca*View1vec*.nii.gz", sep = "")
    fnl <- list.files(path = statdir, pattern = glob2rx(glb), full.names = T, recursive = T)[1:nvecs]
    fnll <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(fnl)) {
      img <- antsImageRead(fnl[i], dim[1])
      fnll <- lappend(fnll, img)
    fnl <- fnll
  mydecomp2 <- read.csv(decomp[2])
  if (!is.na(inmask[[2]])) {
    glb <- paste("scca*View2vec*.nii.gz", sep = "")
    fnl2 <- list.files(path = statdir, pattern = glob2rx(glb), full.names = T, recursive = T)[1:nvecs]
    fnll2 <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(fnl2)) {
      img <- antsImageRead(fnl2[i], dim2[1])
      fnll2 <- lappend(fnll2, img)
    fnl2 <- fnll2
  if (is.na(inmask[[1]])) {
    glb <- paste("*scca*_Variate_View1vec.csv", sep = "")
    fnl <- list.files(path = statdir, pattern = glob2rx(glb), full.names = T, recursive = T)
    fnl <- read.csv(fnl)
  if (is.na(inmask[[2]])) {
    glb <- paste("scca*_Variate_View2vec.csv", sep = "")
    fnl2 <- list.files(path = statdir, pattern = glob2rx(glb), full.names = T, recursive = T)
    fnl2 <- read.csv(fnl2)
  pvfn <- paste(statdir, "scca_summary.csv", sep = "")
  ccasummary <- NA
  if (file.exists(pvfn)) {
    ccasummary <- read.csv(pvfn)
  return(list(projections = mydecomp, projections2 = mydecomp2, eig1 = fnl, eig2 = fnl2, ccasummary = ccasummary))
stnava/itkImageR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:21 p.m.