
visualizeBlob <- function(template, blob, outname = "wmBlob", dim = 3) {
  if (missing(template) | missing(blob)) 
    stop("Must provide template and blob images.")
  if (is.character(template)) {
    template <- antsImageRead(template, dim, "float")
  } else if (class(template) == "antsImage") {
    if (template@pixeltype != "float") {
      template <- antsImageClone(template, "float")
  } else stop("Template must be file name or antsImage.")
  if (is.character(blob)) {
    blob <- antsImageRead(blob, dim, "float")
  } else if (class(blob) == "antsImage") {
    if (blob@pixeltype != "float") {
      blob <- antsImageClone(blob, "float")
  } else stop("Blob must be file name or antsImage.")
  mymask <- getMask(template)
  myseg <- Atropos(d = dim, a = template, m = "[0.25,1x1x1]", c = "[2,0]", x = mymask, i = "kmeans[3]")
  wm <- antsImageClone(maskImage(myseg$segmentation, myseg$segmentation, 3), "float")
  glassbrain <- antsImageClone(mymask)
  SmoothImage(dim, glassbrain, "3", glassbrain)
  ThresholdImage(dim, glassbrain, glassbrain, "0.3", "999")
  ImageMath(dim, glassbrain, "FillHoles", glassbrain)
  myrender <- renderSurfaceFunction(list(glassbrain), list(wm, blob), surfval = 0.2, smoothsval = 1.5, alphasurf = 0.3, 
    smoothfval = 1.5, alphafunc = 1)
  lateralLeft <- rotationMatrix(pi/2, 0, -1, 0) %*% rotationMatrix(pi/2, -1, 0, 0)
  par3d(userMatrix = lateralLeft, windowRect = c(25, 25, 325, 325), zoom = 0.7)
  rgl.snapshot(paste(outname, "_lateral.png", sep = ""))
  anterior <- rotationMatrix(0, 0, -1, 0) %*% rotationMatrix(pi/2, -1, 0, 0)
  par3d(userMatrix = anterior, windowRect = c(25, 25, 325, 325), zoom = 0.7)
  rgl.snapshot(paste(outname, "anterior.png", sep = ""))
  list(mask = mymask, seg = myseg, glassbrain = glassbrain)
stnava/itkImageR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:21 p.m.