######### ---------- popular clustering methods: SC3, Seurat, TSCAN. ---------- #########
# These methods only involve one-step of feature selection.
# Among these, SC3 can specify the number of clusters, but the other two d
# I didn't consider CIDR and Monocle, because their performance is not good.
#' SC3 Clustering
#' @param Y A expression matrix. It is recommended to use the raw count matrix.
#' @param k The number of clusters. If it is not provided, k is estimated by the default method in SC3.
#' @param input_markers A character vector including the featured genes. If they are not presented, SC3 will take care of this.
#' @return the clustering labels and the featured genes.
#' @importFrom matrixStats colVars
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import SC3
#' @export
SC3_Clust = function(Y, k = NULL, input_markers = NULL){
# Y is the count matrix
sce = SingleCellExperiment(
assays = list(
counts = as.matrix(Y),
logcounts = log2(as.matrix(Y) + 1))
rowData(sce)$feature_symbol <- rownames(sce)
sce = sce[!duplicated(rowData(sce)$feature_symbol), ]
if (! is.null(input_markers)){
rowD = rowData(sce)
sce = sc3_prepare(sce)
sc3_gene_filter = rep(FALSE, nrow(sce))
ix = match(input_markers, rownames(sce))
col_sds = colVars(Y[ix,])
col_ix = which(col_sds == 0)
if (length(col_ix) > 0){
for(col_id in col_ix){
id_add = which.max(Y[, col_id])
ix = c(ix, id_add)
markers = rownames(Y)[ix]
sc3_gene_filter[ix] = TRUE
rowD$sc3_gene_filter = sc3_gene_filter
markers = rownames(rowD)[rowD$sc3_gene_filter == TRUE]
rowData(sce) = rowD
sce = sc3_prepare(sce)
rowD = rowData(sce)
markers = rownames(rowD)[rowD$sc3_gene_filter == TRUE]
sce = sc3_estimate_k(sce)
cat("estimated k clusters: ", metadata(sce)$sc3$k_estimation, "\n")
k = metadata(sce)$sc3$k_estimation
sce = sc3_calc_dists(sce)
sce = sc3_calc_transfs(sce)
sce = sc3_kmeans(sce, ks = k)
sce = sc3_calc_consens(sce)
colTb = data.frame(colData(sce), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cluster = colTb[,1]; names(cluster) = rownames(colTb)
return(list(cluster = cluster, markers = markers))
#' TSCAN Clustering
#' @param Y A expression matrix. It is recommended to use the raw count matrix.
#' @param k The number of clusters. If it is not provided, k is estimated by the default method in SC3.
#' @param input_markers A character vector including the featured genes. If they are not presented, SC3 will take care of this.
#' @param minexpr_percent minimum expression threshold (default = 0.5).
#' @param cvcutoff the cv cutoff to filter the genes (default = 1).
#' @return the clustering labels and the featured genes.
#' @examples
#' data(Yan)
#' k = length(unique(trueclass))
#' # TSCAN_res = TSCAN_Clust(Y, k=k)
#' @import TSCAN
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @export
TSCAN_Clust = function(Y, k, minexpr_percent = 0.5, cvcutoff = 1, input_markers = NULL) {
# Here k is a vector for BIC calculation in Mclust function.
if (all(Y %%1 == 0)){
dat = log2(Y + 1)
dat = Y
# Remove genes with sd == 0. Didn't follow the original criterion
if (is.null(input_markers)){
dat = preprocess(dat, takelog = FALSE, minexpr_percent = minexpr_percent, cvcutoff = cvcutoff)
dat = dat[input_markers, ]
# from the TSCAN source code.
markers = input_markers
sdev <- prcomp(t(dat), scale = TRUE)$sdev[seq_len(20)]
x <- seq_len(20)
optpoint <- which.min(vapply(2:10, function(i) {
x2 <- pmax(0, x - i)
sum(lm(sdev ~ x + x2)$residuals^2)
}, numeric(1)))
pcadim = optpoint + 1
tmpdata <- t(apply(dat, 1, scale))
colnames(tmpdata) <- colnames(dat)
tmppc <- prcomp(t(tmpdata), scale = TRUE)
pcareduceres <- t(tmpdata) %*% tmppc$rotation[, seq_len(pcadim)]
res <- suppressWarnings(Mclust(pcareduceres, G = k,
modelNames = "VVV"))
# This part is not robust
if (is.null(res)){
res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(pcareduceres, G = k, verbose = FALSE))
clusterid <- apply(res$z, 1, which.max)
list(cluster = clusterid, markers = markers)
#' #' Seurat Clustering
#' #'
#' #' @param Y A expression matrix. It is recommended to use the raw count matrix.
#' #' @param knn of nearest neighbors (knn).
#' #' @param input_markers A character vector including the featured genes. If they are not presented, Seurat will take care of this.
#' #' @param resolution clustering resolution (0, 1) (default = 0.5).
#' #' @return the clustering labels and the featured genes.
#' Seurat_Clust = function(Y, knn = 10, resolution = 0.5, input_markers = NULL){
#' #' input_markers is a character vector
#' seuset = CreateSeuratObject(counts = Y)
#' seuset = NormalizeData(object = seuset, normalization.method = "LogNormalize")
#' if (! is.null(input_markers)){
#' seuset@assays$RNA@var.features = input_markers
#' markers = input_markers
#' }else{
#' seuset = FindVariableFeatures(object = seuset, selection.method = "vst")
#' markers = seuset@assays$RNA@var.features
#' }
#' seuset = ScaleData(object = seuset)
#' seuset = RunPCA(object = seuset, features = VariableFeatures(object = seuset))
#' if (! is.null(knn)){
#' seuset = FindNeighbors(object = seuset, dims = seq_len(knn))
#' }else{
#' seuset = FindNeighbors(object = seuset)
#' }
#' if (! is.null(resolution)){
#' seuset = FindClusters(object = seuset, resolution = resolution)
#' }else{
#' seuset = FindClusters(object = seuset)
#' }
#' cluster = Idents(seuset)
#' tb = table(cluster)
#' percentage = tb/sum(tb)
#' return(list(cluster = cluster, percentage = percentage, markers = markers))
#' }
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