
Defines functions .getAllCmdNames2 .removeSpaces2 .catCmdRaw2 .catStdout2 .catOutputs2 .catInputs2 .catArgs2 .catBase2 .catCmdAll2 .checkInstr2 .parseInstr2 .checkInlist2 .buildInlist2 .cmdRename2 .cmdRemove2 .cmdReplace2 .cmdAppend2 .cmd2cwl2 renameParam2 removeParam2 replaceParam2 appendParam2 printParam2

Documented in appendParam2 printParam2 removeParam2 renameParam2 replaceParam2

## ## Version 2 Functions  ##

############# Exports ###########

# createParam2 # the same as createParam

printParam2 <- function(
        base = FALSE, args = FALSE, inputs = FALSE,
        outputs = FALSE, stdout = FALSE, raw_cmd = FALSE, all = TRUE
    ) {
    obj <- if(inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) cmdToCwl(sysargs) else if(inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) sysargs else {
        stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if(inherits(obj, "v1")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 1, please use `printParam")
        obj, base = base, args = args, inputs = inputs,
        outputs = outputs, stdout = stdout, raw_cmd = raw_cmd, all = all

appendParam2 <- function(
        sysargs, x,
        position = c("inputs", "args", "outputs"),
        after = NULL,
        verbose = FALSE
    ) {
    obj <- if(inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) cmdToCwl(sysargs) else if(inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) sysargs else {
        stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if(inherits(obj, "v1")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 1, please use `appendParam`")
        obj, x = x,
        position = position,
        after = after,
        verbose = verbose

replaceParam2 <- function(
        sysargs, x, index=NULL,
        position = c("inputs", "baseCommand", "args", "outputs", "stdout"),
        verbose = FALSE
    ) {
    obj <- if(inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) cmdToCwl(sysargs) else if(inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) sysargs else {
        stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if(inherits(obj, "v1")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 1, please use `replaceParam`")
        obj, x = x,
        position = position,
        verbose = verbose

removeParam2 <- function(
        sysargs, index=NULL,
        position = c("inputs", "args", "outputs", "stdout"),
        verbose = FALSE
    ) {
    obj <- if(inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) cmdToCwl(sysargs) else if(inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) sysargs else {
        stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if(inherits(obj, "v1")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 1, please use `subsetParam`")

        obj, index=index,
        position = position,
        verbose = verbose

renameParam2 <- function(
        sysargs, index=NULL,
        position = c("inputs", "args", "outputs", "stdout"),
        verbose = FALSE
        ) {
    obj <- if(inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) cmdToCwl(sysargs) else if(inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) sysargs else {
        stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if(inherits(obj, "v1")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 1, please use `renameParam`")
        obj, index=index,
        new_names = new_names,
        position = position,
        verbose = verbose

############# Internal ###########
## actual cmd
# mycmd \
#     -s sample1.txt \
#     -s sample2.txt \
#     --c \
#     -o myout.txt \
#     a.fasta \
#     --n mouse \
#     > abc.txt

## format ##
# mycmd \                                   -> base command
# p: prefixx;     ;                       \ -> args
# p: prefixx; type; default_value         \ -> inpputs
# name      ; type; default_value         \ -> inpputs no prefix
# p: prefixx; type; out: default_value    \ -> inpputs, outputs
# name      ; type; default_value         \ -> inpputs
# name      ; type; stdout: default_value   -> stdout

# 1. Each line specifies one argument and its default value.
# 2. text before first `;` will be will used as prefix/names. If it starts with
#    keyword "p:", anything after "p:" and before the first `;` will be used as
#    prefix, and the name of this position will be the prefix but with leading
#    dash(s) '-', '--' removed. If there is any duplication, a number index will be
#    added to the end.
# 3. If there is no keyword "p:" before first `;`, all text before first `;` will
#    the name.
# 4. If there is  keyword "p:" before first `;` but nothing before and after the second `;`,
#    this position will be treated as CWL argument instead of input.
# 5. Text between first and second `;` is type. Must be one of  File, Directory, string,
#    int, double, float, long, boolean.
# 6. Text after second `;` and before `\` or end of the line is the default value. If it starts with
#    keywrod "out" or "stdout", this position will also be added to outputs or
#    standard output.
# 7. There is only 1 position with "stdout" allowed and usually it is the last position.
# 8. Ending with "\" is recommended but not required.
##### Test code
# cmd <- '
# mycmd \
#     p: -s; File; sample1.txt \
#     p: -s; File; sample2.txt \
#     p: --c; ; \
#     p: -o; File; out: myout.txt \
#     ref_genome; File; a.fasta \
#     p: --n; string; mouse \
#     mystdout; File; stdout: abc.txt
# '
# library(magrittr)
# cmd <- '
# mycmd \
#     p: -s; File; sample1.txt \
#     p: -s; File; sample2.txt \
#     p: --c; ; \
#     p: -o; File; out: myout.txt \
#     ref_genome; File; a.fasta \
#     p: --n; string; mouse \
#     mystdout; File; stdout: abc.txt
# '
# parsed <- .cmd2cwl2(cmd)
# .catCmdAll2(parsed)
# cmd <- ' p: -s; File; sample1.txt'

#' @param cmd_str length 1 commandline string.
#' @param verbose bool
#' @return `cmdParse` object
.cmd2cwl2 <- function(cmd_str, verbose = TRUE) {
    stopifnot(is.character(cmd_str) && length(cmd_str) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose) && length(verbose) == 1)
    cmd_lines <- stringr::str_split(cmd_str, "\n", simplify = TRUE) %>% # split args by line
        stringr::str_remove_all("^[ ]+") %>% # remove all leading, ending spaces
        stringr::str_remove_all("[ ]+$")
    # remove empty lines
    cmd_lines <- cmd_lines[cmd_lines != ""]
    cmd_base <- cmd_lines[1]
    cmd_lines <- cmd_lines[-1]
    # split by ; and remove all leading/ending spaces
    cmd_split <- stringr::str_split(cmd_lines, ";") %>%
        lapply(stringr::str_remove_all, "^[ ]{0,}") %>%
        lapply(stringr::str_remove_all, "[ ]{0,}$")
    valid_types <- c("File", "Directory", "string", "int", "double", "float", "long", "boolean")
    cmd_types <- lapply(seq_along(cmd_split), function(x){
        if(length(cmd_split[[x]]) != 3) stop("Each param line needs to have exact 2 ';' to separate prefix/name with type and value. Error in:\n", cmd_lines[[x]])
        has_pre_name <- cmd_split[[x]][1] != ""
        has_type <-  cmd_split[[x]][2] != ""
        has_value <-  cmd_split[[x]][3] != ""
        is_out <- stringr::str_detect(cmd_split[[x]][3], "^out:")
        is_stdout <- stringr::str_detect(cmd_split[[x]][3], "^stdout:")
        if(has_pre_name && !has_type && !has_value) return("arg")
        if(!has_type && has_value) stop(cmd_lines[[x]], ": If default value is provided, type must be provided as well.")
        if(!cmd_split[[x]][2] %in% valid_types) stop("Input, output require a valid type, should be one of:\n", paste(valid_types, collapse = ", "))
        if(is_stdout) {
            if(stringr::str_detect( cmd_split[[x]][1], "^p:")) stop("standard out cannot have prefix")
        if(is_out) return("out")
    }) %>% unlist()
    cmd_split <- mapply(x = cmd_split, i = seq_along(cmd_split), FUN = function(x, i) c(x, i), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    cmd_input <- cmd_split[cmd_types %in% c("input", "out")]
    cmd_arg <- cmd_split[cmd_types == "arg"]
    cmd_out <- cmd_split[cmd_types == "out"]
    cmd_stdout <- cmd_split[cmd_types == "stdout"]
    if(length(cmd_stdout) > 1) stop("You can only have one standard out")

    # arguments
    args <- lapply(cmd_arg, function(x){
        preF <- if(stringr::str_detect(x[1], "^p:")) stringr::str_remove(x[1], "^p:[ ]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2()
        else stop("command with no type and value will be arguments and must have prefix.")
        list(preF = preF, index = x[4])
    if(length(args)) names(args) <- paste0("argument", seq(length(args)))
    # inputs
    inputs <<- lapply(cmd_input, function(x){
        preF <- if(stringr::str_detect(x[1], "^[ ]{0,}p:")) stringr::str_remove(x[1], "^[ ]{0,}p:") %>% .removeSpaces2() else ""
            preF = preF,
            arg_name =  if(preF != "") stringr::str_remove(preF, "^[-]{0,}") else x[1] %>% .removeSpaces2(),
            type = x[2] %>% .removeSpaces2(),
            value = stringr::str_remove(x[3], "^out:[ ]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2(),
            index = x[4]
        input_names <- lapply(inputs, `[[`, 'arg_name') %>% unlist()
        inputs <- lapply(inputs, `[`, c('preF', 'type', 'value', 'index'))
        # fix dup names
        input_names <- ave(
            input_names, input_names,
            FUN=function(i) if (length(i) > 1) paste0(i[1], seq_along(i)) else i[1])
        names(inputs) <- input_names
    # outputs
    outputs <- lapply(cmd_out, function(x) list(
        type = x[2] %>% .removeSpaces2(),
        value = stringr::str_remove(x[3], "^out:[ ]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2()
    if(length(outputs)) names(outputs) <- paste0("output", seq(length(outputs)))
    # stdout
    stdout <- if(length(cmd_stdout)) list(list(
        type = cmd_stdout[[1]][2] %>% .removeSpaces2(),
        value = stringr::str_remove(cmd_stdout[[1]][3], "^stdout:[ ]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2()
    )) else list()
    if(length(stdout)) names(stdout) <- cmd_stdout[[1]][1]
    commandline <- structure(list(baseCommand = cmd_base, args = args, inputs = inputs, outputs = outputs, stdout = stdout), class = c("list", "cwlParse", "v2"))
    if (verbose) .catCmdAll2(commandline)

## appending methods


#' @param cmd `cmdParse` object
#' @param x either a list of values of a param or a length 1 character string
#' which can be translated to the param structure.
#' @param position one of "inputs", "args", "outputs"
#' @param after numeric, where to append the new param, default is after all current params in
#' the `position` selected, `0` means before all current params.
#' @param verbose bool, verbose mode
#' @return `cmdParse` object
#' @details
#' different position has different requirements for the `x`
#' #### List format
#' inputs position require the list contains following items:
#' "name", "preF", "type", "value", "index".
#' args position require the list contains following items:
#' "name", "preF", "index".
#' outputs position require the list contains following items:
#' "name", "type", "value".
#' #### String format
#' Please follow this format, append and replace methods
#' needs 3 semi-colons to separate 4 columns.
#' p: prefixx;     ;                      ; index  -> args
#' p: prefixx; type; default_value        ; index  -> inputs
#' name      ; type; default_value        ; index  -> inputs
#' p: prefixx; type; out: default_value   ; index  -> outputs
#' name      ; type; out: default_value   ; index  -> outputs
.cmdAppend2 <- function(
        cmd, x,
        position = c("inputs", "args", "outputs"),
        after = NULL,
        verbose = FALSE
    position <- match.arg(position, c("inputs", "args", "outputs"))
    if (!inherits(cmd, "cwlParse"))  stop("Expecting a 'cwlParse' object")
    if(!is.null(after)) stopifnot(is.numeric(after) && length(after) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose) && length(verbose) == 1)
    # find append index
    after <- if(is.null(after)) length(cmd[[position]]) else {
        if(length(after) > 1) stop("`after` can only be one number")
    # parse string or check list type, names
    if(is.character(x)) {
        x <- .parseInstr2(x, verbose) %>% .checkInstr2(position, cmd, check_dup = TRUE, verbose)
    } else if (is.list(x)) {
        x <- .checkInlist2(x, position, cmd, check_dup = TRUE, verbose)
    } else stop("x can only be a length 1 character string or a list")
    # build required list
    new_list <- .buildInlist2(x, position, verbose)
    # append the list
    if(verbose) message("Appnding to the ", after + 1, "th position in the list")
    cmd[[position]] <- append(cmd[[position]], new_list, after = after)
    if(verbose) .catCmdAll2(cmd)
    if(position == "outputs") message("Note: New output appended. However, outputs are often come in pairs with inputs. ",
                                      "Make sure the corresponding input is there, or append it.")

#' @param cmd `cmdParse` object
#' @param x either a list of values of a param or a length 1 character string
#' which can be translated to the param structure.
#' @param position one of "baseCommand","inputs", "args", "outputs", "stdout"
#' @param index numeric or character, where or the name to replace the new param
#' @param verbose bool, verbose mode
#' @return `cmdParse` object
#' @details
#' different position has different requirements for the `x`
#' #### List format
#' inputs position require the list contains following items:
#' "name", "preF", "type", "value", "index".
#' args position require the list contains following items:
#' "name", "preF", "index".
#' outputs position require the list contains following items:
#' "name", "type", "value".#
#' stdout position require the list contains following items:
#' "name", "type", "value".
#' baseCommand is **not supported** to use list
#' #### String format
#' Please follow this format, append and replace methods
#' needs 3 semi-colons to separate 4 columns.
#' ""
#' p: prefixx;     ;                      ; index  -> args
#' p: prefixx; type; default_value        ; index  -> inputs
#' name      ; type; default_value        ; index  -> inputs
#' p: prefixx; type; out: default_value   ; index  -> outputs
#' name      ; type; out: default_value   ; index  -> outputs
#' name      ; type; stdout: default_value; index  -> stdout
.cmdReplace2 <- function(
        cmd, x, index=NULL,
        position = c("inputs", "baseCommand", "args", "outputs", "stdout"),
        verbose = FALSE
    # assertions
    position <- match.arg(position,  c("inputs", "baseCommand", "args", "outputs", "stdout"))
    if(position == "baseCommand") {
        stopifnot(is.character(x) && length(x) == 1)
        cmd$baseCommand <- x
        if(verbose) .catCmdAll2(cmd, base = TRUE, raw_cmd = TRUE, all = FALSE)
    if (!inherits(cmd, "cwlParse"))  stop("Expecting a 'cwlParse' object")
    if(!(is.numeric(index) || is.character(index)) || length(index) != 1)
        stop("Index must be a single integer or a character name to indicate the name of param to replace.")
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose) && length(verbose) == 1)
    # find the position
    if(cmd[[position]][index] %>% names() %>% is.na()) {
        stop("Cannot find index '", index, "' at position ", position)
    # parse string or check list type, names
    if(is.character(x)) {
        x <- .parseInstr2(x, verbose) %>% .checkInstr2(position, cmd, check_dup = TRUE, verbose)
    } else if (is.list(x)) {
        x <- .checkInlist2(x, position, cmd, check_dup = TRUE, verbose)
    } else stop("x can only be a length 1 character string or a list")
    # build required list
    new_list <- .buildInlist2(x, position, verbose)

    if(verbose) message("Replacing to the ", index, " at position ", position)
    pos_names <- names(cmd[[position]])
    after <- which(names(cmd[[position]][index]) %in% pos_names)
    cmd[[position]] <- append(cmd[[position]], new_list, after = after)
    cmd[[position]][index] <-  NULL
    if(verbose) .catCmdAll2(cmd)
    if(position == "outputs") message("Note: New output replaced. However, outputs are often come in pairs with inputs. ",
                                      "Make sure the corresponding input is also updated.")

#' @param cmd `cmdParse` object
#' @param index numeric or character vector, where or the name(s) of param(s) to remove
#' @param position one of "inputs", "args", "outputs", "stdout"
#' @param verbose bool, verbose mode
#' @return `cmdParse` object
.cmdRemove2 <- function(
        cmd, index=NULL,
        position = c("inputs", "args", "outputs", "stdout"),
        verbose = FALSE
    # assertions
    position <- match.arg(position,  c("inputs", "args", "outputs", "stdout"))
    if (!inherits(cmd, "cwlParse"))  stop("Expecting a 'cwlParse' object")
    if(!(is.numeric(index) || is.character(index)))
        stop("Index must be integer(s) or a character name(s) to indicate the name of param to remove.")
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose) && length(verbose) == 1)
    # find the position
    if(cmd[[position]][index] %>% names() %>% is.na() %>% any()) {
        stop("Cannot find at least one of the indices '", index, "' at position ", position)
    # parse string or check list type, names
    if(verbose) message("Remove the ", index, " at position ", position)
    cmd[[position]][index] <-  NULL
    if(verbose) .catCmdAll2(cmd)

#' @param cmd `cmdParse` object
#' @param index numeric or character vector, where or the name(s) of param(s) to remove
#' @param new_names character vector, new names to rename, must be equal length with `index`
#' @param position one of "inputs", "args", "outputs", "stdout"
#' @param verbose bool, verbose mode
#' @return `cmdParse` object
.cmdRename2 <- function(
        cmd, index=NULL,
        position = c("inputs", "args", "outputs", "stdout"),
        verbose = FALSE
    # assertions
    position <- match.arg(position,  c("inputs", "args", "outputs", "stdout"))
    if (!inherits(cmd, "cwlParse"))  stop("Expecting a 'cwlParse' object")
    if(length(index) != length(new_names)) stop("new names must be equal length with `index`")
    if(!(is.numeric(index) || is.character(index)))
        stop("Index must be integer(s) or a character name(s) to indicate the name of param to remove.")
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose) && length(verbose) == 1)
    if(length(unique(new_names)) != length(new_names)) stop("All values in `new_names` must be unique")
    if(any(new_names %in% .getAllCmdNames2(cmd))) stop("At least one of the new names exists in current param names, try different names.")
    # find the position
    if(cmd[[position]][index] %>% names() %>% is.na() %>% any()) {
        stop("Cannot find at least one of the indices '", index, "' at position ", position)
    # parse string or check list type, names
    if(verbose) message("Rename the ", index, " at position ", position)
    pos_names <- names(cmd[[position]])
    index_names <- names(cmd[[position]][index])
    for(i in seq_along(index_names)) {
        pos_names[pos_names == index_names[i]] <- new_names[i]
    names(cmd[[position]]) <- pos_names
    if(verbose) .catCmdAll2(cmd)

## New param list format parser and checker
.buildInlist2 <- function(x, position, verbose = FALSE) {
                  "args" = {
                      cmd_list <- list()
                      cmd_list[[x$name]] <- list(preF = x$preF, index = x$index)
                  "inputs" = {
                      cmd_list <- list()
                      cmd_list[[x$name]] <- list(preF = x$preF, type = x$type, value = x$value, index = x$index)
                  "outputs" = {
                      cmd_list <- list()
                      cmd_list[[x$name]] <- list(type = x$type, value = x$value)
                  "stdout" = {
                      cmd_list <- list()
                      cmd_list[[x$name]] <- list(type = x$type, value = x$value)
.checkInlist2 <- function(x, position, cmd, check_dup = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
    if (verbose) message("Detected the input to be a list, checking items in the list...")
    lapply(x[[1]], function(i) {
        if(length(i) != 1 || !is.character(i)) stop("Each item in new param list must be a length 1 character string.")
    cmd_names <- names(x)
           "args" = {
               if(!all(c("name", "preF", "index") %in% cmd_names))
                   stop('"name", "preF", "index" are required for argument position')
           "inputs" = {
               if(!all(c("name", "preF", "type", "value", "index") %in% cmd_names))
                   stop('"name", "preF", "type", "value", "index" are required for input position')
           "outputs" = {
               if(!all(c("name", "type", "value") %in% cmd_names))
                   stop('"name", "type", "value" are required for output position')
           "stdout" = {
               if(!all(c("name", "type", "value") %in% cmd_names))
                   stop('"name", "type", "value" are required for standard out position')
    if(!check_dup) return()
    pos_names <- names(cmd[[position]])
    if(x$name %in% .getAllCmdNames2(cmd)) {
        new_name <- paste0(c(x$name, "_", sample(c(seq(9), letters), 3)), collapse = "")
        message("Param name ", x$name, " exists, it will be renamed to: ", new_name)
        x$name <- new_name

## New param string format parser and checkers
.parseInstr2 <- function(x, verbose=FALSE) {
    cmd_lines <- stringr::str_split(x, "\n", simplify = TRUE) %>% # split args by line
        stringr::str_remove_all("^[ ]+") %>% # remove all leading, ending spaces
        stringr::str_remove_all("[ ]+$")
    if(length(cmd_lines) > 1) stop("Only one new command can be modified or added a time")
    # split by ; and remove all leading/ending spaces
    cmd_split <- stringr::str_split(cmd_lines, ";") %>%
        lapply(stringr::str_remove_all, "^[ ]{0,}") %>%
        lapply(stringr::str_remove_all, "[ ]{0,}$")
    cmd_split <- cmd_split[[1]]

    valid_types <- c("File", "Directory", "string", "int", "double", "float", "long", "boolean")
    cmd_type <- (function(){
        if(length(cmd_split) != 4) stop("New param line needs to have exact 3 ';' to separate prefix/name, type, value, and index. Error in:\n", cmd_lines)
        has_pre_name <- cmd_split[1] != ""
        has_type <-  cmd_split[2] != ""
        has_value <-  cmd_split[3] != ""
        is_out <- stringr::str_detect(cmd_split[3], "^out:")
        is_stdout <- stringr::str_detect(cmd_split[3], "^stdout:")
        if(has_pre_name && !has_type && !has_value) return("arg")
        if(!has_type && has_value) stop(cmd_lines, ": If default value is provided, type must be provided as well.")
        if(!cmd_split[2] %in% valid_types) stop("Input, output require a valid type, should be one of:\n", paste(valid_types, collapse = ", "))
        if(is_stdout) {
            if(stringr::str_detect( cmd_split[1], "^p:")) stop("standard out cannot have prefix")
        if(is_out) return("out")
    if(verbose) message("Detected type is: ", cmd_type)

           'arg' = {
               preF <- if(stringr::str_detect(cmd_split[1], "^p:")) stringr::str_remove(cmd_split[1], "^p:[ ]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2()
               else stop("New string is detected to be commandline argument type, but it has noe prefix, not allowed")
               arg_name <- if(preF != "") stringr::str_remove(preF, "^[-]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2()
               else cmd_split[1] %>% .removeSpaces2()
                   pos = "arg", name = arg_name, preF = preF,
                   index = if(!is.na(cmd_split[4])) cmd_split[4] %>% .removeSpaces2()
                   else stop("Index required for argument param but not found in the string.")
           'input' = {
               preF <- if(stringr::str_detect(cmd_split[1], "^p:")) stringr::str_remove(cmd_split[1], "^p:[ ]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2() else ""
               arg_name <- if(preF != "") stringr::str_remove(preF, "^[-]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2()
               else cmd_split[1] %>% .removeSpaces2()
                   pos = "input", name = arg_name,
                   preF = preF, type = cmd_split[2] %>% .removeSpaces2(),
                   index = if(!is.na(cmd_split[4])) cmd_split[4] %>% .removeSpaces2()
                   else stop("Index required for input param but not found in the string."),
                   value = stringr::str_remove(cmd_split[3], "^out:[ ]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2()
           'out' = list(
               pos = "out", name = if(!is.na(cmd_split[1])) cmd_split[1] %>% .removeSpaces2() else "",
               type = cmd_split[2] %>% .removeSpaces2(),
               value = stringr::str_remove(cmd_split[3], "^out:[ ]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2()
           'stdout' = list(
               pos = "stdout", name = if(!is.na(cmd_split[1])) cmd_split[1] %>% .removeSpaces2() else "",
               type = cmd_split[2] %>% .removeSpaces2(),
               value = stringr::str_remove(cmd_split[3], "^stdout:[ ]{0,}") %>% .removeSpaces2()
.checkInstr2 <- function(x, position, cmd, check_dup = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
    cmd_pos <- x$pos
    position <- switch(position,
                       "inputs" = "input",
                       "args" = "arg",
                       "outputs" = "out",
                       "stdout" = "stdout",
    if(cmd_pos != position) stop("The parsed param string is good for ",
                                 " position, but the position you have provided is ",
    if(!check_dup) return()
    pos_names <- names(cmd[[position]])
    if(x$name %in% .getAllCmdNames2(cmd)) {
        new_name <- paste0(c(x$name, "_", sample(c(seq(9), letters), 3)), collapse = "")
        message("Param name ", x$name, " exists, it will be renamed to: ", new_name)
        x$name <- new_name

## printing methods----
#' @param cmd `cmdParse` object
#' @param base bool, base command
#' @param args bool, arguments
#' @param inputs bool, inputs
#' @param outputs bool, outputs
#' @param stdout bool, standard out
#' @param raw_cmd bool, raw parsed command
#' @param all bool, print all positions?
#' @return invisible of `cmdParse` object
.catCmdAll2 <- function(cmd, base = FALSE, args = FALSE, inputs = FALSE,
                       outputs = FALSE, stdout = FALSE, raw_cmd = FALSE, all = TRUE) {
    if(all) base <- args <- inputs <- outputs <- stdout <- raw_cmd <- TRUE
    if(base) .catBase2(cmd$baseCommand)
    if(args) .catArgs2(cmd$args)
    if(inputs) .catInputs2(cmd$inputs)
    if(outputs) .catOutputs2(cmd$outputs)
    if(stdout) .catStdout2(cmd$stdout)
    if(raw_cmd) .catCmdRaw2(cmd)

.catBase2 <- function(baseCommand) {
    cat(baseCommand, "\n")

.catArgs2 <- function(args) {
    if(!length(args)) return(invisible())
    for (i in seq_along(args)) {
            names(args)[i], ":\n",
            "    prefix: ", args[[i]][["preF"]], "\n",
            "    position: ", args[[i]][["index"]], "\n",
            sep = ""

.catInputs2 <- function(inputs) {
    if(!length(inputs)) return(invisible())
    input_names <- names(inputs)
    for (i in seq_along(inputs)) {
            input_names[i], ":\n",
            "    type: ", inputs[[i]][["type"]], "\n",
            "    prefix: ", inputs[[i]][["preF"]], "\n",
            "    default value: ", inputs[[i]][["value"]], "\n",
            "    position: ", inputs[[i]][["index"]], "\n",
            sep = ""

.catOutputs2 <- function(outputs) {
    if(!length(outputs)) return(invisible())
    out_names <- names(outputs)
    for (i in seq_along(outputs)) {
            out_names[i], ":\n",
            "    type: ", outputs[[i]][["type"]], "\n",
            "    default value: ", outputs[[i]][["value"]], "\n",
            sep = ""

.catStdout2 <- function(stdout) {
    cat(crayon::bgBlue("*****Standard Outputs*****\n"))
    if(!length(stdout)) return(invisible())
        names(stdout)[1], ":\n",
        "    type: ", stdout[[1]][["type"]], "\n",
        "    default value: ", stdout[[1]][["value"]], "\n",
        sep = ""

.catCmdRaw2 <- function(commandline) {
    arg_in_list <- append(commandline$inputs,  commandline$args)
    arg_in_index <- lapply(arg_in_list, `[[`, "index") %>% unlist() %>% sort()
    extract_order <- names(arg_in_index)
    arg_in_ordered <- arg_in_list[extract_order]
    cmd_string <- lapply(arg_in_ordered, `[`, c("preF", "value")) %>%
        unlist() %>%
        paste0(collapse = " ")
    stdout <- if(length(commandline$stdout)) paste(">", commandline$stdout[[1]]$value) else ""
    cat(crayon::bgBlue("*****Parsed raw command line*****\n"))
    cat(commandline$baseCommand, cmd_string, stdout, "\n")

.removeSpaces2 <- function(x){
    x %>% stringr::str_remove("^[ ]{0,}") %>% stringr::str_remove("[ ]{0,}$")

.getAllCmdNames2 <- function(cmd) {
    lapply(cmd, names) %>% unlist()
tgirke/systemPipeR documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 1:22 p.m.