
Defines functions varSummary combineVarReports variantReport .codingReport .allAnnot filterVars

Documented in combineVarReports filterVars variantReport varSummary

## Filter VCF files ##
filterVars <- function(files, filter, varcaller = "gatk", organism, out_dir = "results") {
    pkg <- c("VariantAnnotation")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    if (class(files) %in% c("SYSargs", "SYSargs2")) {
            'filterVars: New version of SPR no longer accept "SYSargs", "SYSargs2" objects as inputs.\n',
            "Use `getColumn` to get a vector of paths instead OR 
                   provide a named character vector."
    stopifnot(is.character(filter) && length(filter) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.character(organism) && length(organism) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.character(out_dir) && length(out_dir) == 1)
    if (!dir.exists(out_dir)) dir.create(out_dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    if (!dir.exists(out_dir)) stop("Cannot create output directory", out_dir)
    if (!all(check_files <- file.exists(files))) stop("Some files are missing:\n", paste0(files[!check_files], collapse = ",\n"))
    if (!all(check_ext <- stringr::str_detect(files, "\\.vcf$"))) stop("filterVars: All files need to end with .vcf\n", paste0(files[!check_ext], collapse = ",\n"))
    outfiles <- file.path(out_dir, basename(gsub("\\.vcf", "_filter.vcf", files)))
    for (i in seq(along = files)) {
        vcf <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(files[i], organism)
        vr <- as(vcf, "VRanges")
        if (varcaller == "gatk") {
            vrfilt <- vr[eval(parse(text = filter)), ]
        if (varcaller == "bcftools") {
            vrsambcf <- vr
            vr <- unlist(values(vr)$DP4)
            vr <- matrix(vr, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
            VariantAnnotation::totalDepth(vrsambcf) <- as.integer(values(vrsambcf)$DP)
            VariantAnnotation::refDepth(vrsambcf) <- rowSums(vr[, 1:2])
            VariantAnnotation::altDepth(vrsambcf) <- rowSums(vr[, 3:4])
            vrfilt <- vrsambcf[eval(parse(text = filter)), ]
        vcffilt <- VariantAnnotation::asVCF(vrfilt)
        VariantAnnotation::writeVcf(vcffilt, outfiles[i], index = TRUE)
        print(paste("Generated file", i, gsub(".*/", "", paste0(outfiles[i], ".bgz"))))
    out_paths <- paste0(outfiles, ".bgz")
    names(out_paths) <- names(files)
## Usage for GATK:
# filter <- "totalDepth(vr) >= 20 & (altDepth(vr) / totalDepth(vr) >= 0.8) & rowSums(softFilterMatrix(vr))==6"
# filterVars(args, filter, varcaller="gatk", organism="Pinfest")
## Usage for BCFtools:
# filter <- "rowSums(vr) >= 20 & (rowSums(vr[,3:4])/rowSums(vr[,1:4]) >= 0.8)"
# filterVars(args, filter, varcaller="bcftools", organism="Pinfest")

## VAR Reports ##
## Report for locatVariants() where data for each variant is collapsed to a single line.
.allAnnot <- function(x, vcf) {
    pkg <- c("GenomeInfoDb")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    rd <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)
    ## Make variant calls in rd unique by collapsing duplicated ones
    VARID <- VARID <- unique(names(rd))
    REF <- tapply(as.character(values(rd)$REF), factor(names(rd)), function(i) paste(unique(i), collapse = " "))
    # gatk > 4.2 chaged the way of detection. Now alternative allele can have more than one possiblities, simply `unlist` will not work.
    ALT <- tapply(
        unlist(lapply(values(rd)$ALT, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ","))), factor(names(rd)),
        function(i) paste(unique(i), collapse = " ")
    QUAL <- tapply(values(rd)$QUAL, factor(names(rd)), function(i) paste(unique(i), collapse = " "))
    ## fix names field in x if incomplete
    if (any(names(x) == "")) {
        index <- unique(names(rd))
        names(index) <- gsub("_.*", "", index)
        names(x) <- index[paste(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(x)), ":", start(x), sep = "")]
    ## Make annotated variant calls in x unique by collapsing duplicated ones
    LOCATION <- tapply(as.character(values(x)$LOCATION), as.factor(names(x)), function(i) paste(i, collapse = " "))
    GENEID <- tapply(values(x)$GENEID, factor(names(x)), function(i) paste(unique(i), collapse = " "))
    ## Assemble results in data.frame
    df <- data.frame(
        VARID = VARID,
        REF = REF[VARID],
        ALT = ALT[VARID],
        QUAL = QUAL[VARID],
    df[, "LOCATION"] <- gsub("NA", "", df$LOCATION)
    df[, "GENEID"] <- gsub("NA", "", df$GENEID)
## Usage:
# allvar <- locateVariants(rd, txdb, AllVariants())
# varreport <- .allAnnot(allvar, vcf)

## Report for predictCoding() where data for each variant if collapsed to one line.
.codingReport <- function(x, txdb) {
    pkg <- c("GenomicFeatures")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    txids <- values(GenomicFeatures::transcripts(txdb))$tx_name
    names(txids) <- values(GenomicFeatures::transcripts(txdb))$tx_id
    # myf <- as.factor(names(values(x)$CDSLOC))
    myf <- as.factor(names(x))
    if (length(myf) > 0) {
        df <- data.frame(
            VARID = tapply(as.character(myf), myf, unique),
            Strand = tapply(as.character(BiocGenerics::strand(x)), myf, unique),
            Consequence = tapply(as.character(values(x)$CONSEQUENCE), myf, function(i) paste(unique(i), collapse = " ")),
            Codon = tapply(paste(start(values(x)$CDSLOC), "_", as.character(values(x)$REFCODON), "/", as.character(values(x)$VARCODON), sep = ""), myf, paste, collapse = " "),
            AA = tapply(paste(sapply(values(x)$PROTEINLOC, paste, collapse = "_"), "_", as.character(values(x)$REFAA), "/", as.character(values(x)$VARAA), sep = ""), myf, paste, collapse = " "),
            TXIDs = tapply(txids[values(x)$TXID], myf, paste, collapse = " "),
            GENEIDcode = tapply(values(x)$GENEID, myf, function(i) paste(unique(i), collapse = " "))
    } else {
        df <- data.frame(VARID = NA, Strand = NA, Consequence = NA, Codon = NA, AA = NA, TXIDs = NA, GENEIDcode = NA)[FALSE, , drop = FALSE]
## Usage:
# codereport <- predictCoding(vcf, txdb, seqSource=fa)
# codereport <- .codingReport(coderport, txdb)

## Variant Report ##
variantReport <- function(files, txdb, fa, organism, out_dir = "results") {
    pkg <- c("VariantAnnotation", "GenomeInfoDb")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    if (class(files) %in% c("SYSargs", "SYSargs2")) {
            'filterVars: New version of SPR no longer accept "SYSargs", "SYSargs2" objects as inputs.\n',
            "Use `getColumn` to get a vector of paths instead OR 
                     provide a named character vector."
    stopifnot(is.character(organism) && length(organism) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.character(out_dir) && length(out_dir) == 1)
    if (!dir.exists(out_dir)) dir.create(out_dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    if (!dir.exists(out_dir)) stop("Cannot create output directory", out_dir)

    if (!all(check_files <- file.exists(files))) stop("Some files are missing:\n", paste0(files[!check_files], collapse = ",\n"))
    if (!all(check_ext <- stringr::str_detect(files, "(\\.vcf|\\.bgz)$"))) stop("variantReport: All files need to end with .vcf or .bgz\n", paste0(files[!check_ext], collapse = ",\n"))
    outfiles <- file.path(out_dir, basename(gsub("(\\.vcf$|\\.vcf.bgz$|\\.bgz$)", "_anno.tsv", files)))

    for (i in seq(along = files)) {
        vcf <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(files[i], organism)
        allvar <- VariantAnnotation::locateVariants(vcf, txdb, VariantAnnotation::AllVariants())
        varreport <- .allAnnot(allvar, vcf)
        coding <- VariantAnnotation::predictCoding(vcf, txdb, seqSource = fa)
        codereport <- .codingReport(coding, txdb)
        vr <- as(vcf, "VRanges")
        varid <- paste(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(vr)), ":", start(vr),
            "_", VariantAnnotation::ref(vr), "/", VariantAnnotation::alt(vr),
            sep = ""
        vrdf <- data.frame(row.names = varid, as.data.frame(vr))
        vrdf <- vrdf[, c("totalDepth", "refDepth", "altDepth")]
        fullreport <- cbind(varreport, codereport[rownames(varreport), -1])
        fullreport <- cbind(
            VARID = as.character(fullreport[, 1]),
            vrdf[as.character(rownames(fullreport)), ],
            fullreport[, -1]
        fullreport <- data.frame(lapply(fullreport, as.character),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            file = outfiles[i], row.names = FALSE,
            quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", na = ""
        print(paste("Generated file", i, gsub(".*/", "", outfiles[i])))
    names(outfiles) <- names(files)
## Usage:
# variantReport(args=args, txdb=txdb, fa=fa, organism="Pinfest")

## Combine Variant Reports ##
combineVarReports <- function(files, filtercol, ncol = 15) {
    if (class(files) %in% c("SYSargs", "SYSargs2")) {
            'filterVars: New version of SPR no longer accept "SYSargs", "SYSargs2" objects as inputs.\n',
            "Use `getColumn` to get a vector of paths instead OR 
                   provide a named character vector."
    if (!all(check_files <- file.exists(files))) stop("Some files are missing:\n", paste0(files[!check_files], collapse = ",\n"))
    if (!all(check_ext <- stringr::str_detect(files, "(\\.tsv)$"))) stop("combineVarReports: All files need to end with .tsv\n", paste0(files[!check_ext], collapse = ",\n"))
    samples <- names(files)
    for (i in seq(along = samples)) {
        if (i == 1) {
            varDF <- read.delim(files[i], colClasses = rep("character", ncol))
            varDF <- cbind(Sample = samples[i], varDF)
            if (filtercol[1] != "All") varDF <- varDF[varDF[, names(filtercol)] == filtercol, ]
        } else {
            tmpDF <- read.delim(files[i])
            tmpDF <- read.delim(files[i], colClasses = rep("character", ncol))
            tmpDF <- cbind(Sample = samples[i], tmpDF)
            if (filtercol[1] != "All") tmpDF <- tmpDF[tmpDF[, names(filtercol)] == filtercol, ]
            varDF <- rbind(as.data.frame(as.matrix(varDF)), as.data.frame(as.matrix(tmpDF)))
        varDF <- varDF[order(varDF$VARID), ]
## Usage:
# args <- systemArgs(sysma="annotate_vars.param", mytargets="targets_gatk_filtered.txt")
# combineDF <- combineVarReports(args, filtercol=c(Consequence="nonsynonymous"))

## Create summary statistics of variants ##
varSummary <- function(files) {
    if (class(files) %in% c("SYSargs", "SYSargs2")) {
            'filterVars: New version of SPR no longer accept "SYSargs", "SYSargs2" objects as inputs.\n',
            "Use `getColumn` to get a vector of paths instead OR 
                   provide a named character vector."
    if (!all(check_files <- file.exists(files))) stop("Some files are missing:\n", paste0(files[!check_files], collapse = ",\n"))
    if (!all(check_ext <- stringr::str_detect(files, "(\\.tsv)$"))) stop("varSummary: All files need to end with .tsv\n", paste0(files[!check_ext], collapse = ",\n"))

    for (i in seq(along = files)) {
        annotDF <- read.delim(files[i])
        count <- c(
            all = length(annotDF[, 1]),
            table(unlist(strsplit(as.character(annotDF$LOCATION), " "))),
            table(unlist(strsplit(as.character(annotDF$Consequence), " ")))
        if (i == 1) {
            countDF <- data.frame(count)
        } else {
            countDF <- cbind(countDF, count[rownames(countDF)])
    countDF[is.na(countDF)] <- 0
    colnames(countDF) <- names(files)
## Usage:
# args <- systemArgs(sysma="annotate_vars.param", mytargets="targets_gatk_filtered.txt")
# varSummaryDF <- varSummary(args)
tgirke/systemPipeR documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 1:22 p.m.