
Defines functions plotMKmodel getRateMats getRateMatCoord

Documented in plotMKmodel

getRateMatCoord <- function(RateMat){
  x.vec <- seq(from = 2, to = 4, length.out = dim(RateMat)[1]+1)
  y.vec <- seq(from = 1, to = -1, length.out = dim(RateMat)[1]+1)
  x.mat <- matrix(x.vec, length(x.vec), length(x.vec), byrow = TRUE)
  y.mat <- matrix(y.vec, length(y.vec), length(y.vec))
  diag.coord <- cbind(diag(x.mat), diag(y.mat))
  diag(x.mat) <- NA
  diag(y.mat) <- NA
  mat.coord <- cbind(as.vector(na.exclude(as.vector(x.mat))), as.vector(na.exclude(as.vector(y.mat))))
  Ind <- mat.coord[,1] == 2 | mat.coord[,2] == 1
  name.coord <- mat.coord[Ind,]
  mat.coord <- mat.coord[!Ind,]
  return(list(MatrixCoord = mat.coord, NameCoord = name.coord, DiagCoord = diag.coord))

getRateMats <- function(corhmm.obj=NULL, rate.mat=NULL, rate.cat=NULL){
    rate.cat <- corhmm.obj$rate.cat
    rate.mat <- corhmm.obj$solution
  # find internal rate.cat dynamics
  RateCats <- paste("R", 1:rate.cat, sep = "")
  edge.rates <- RateMats <- vector("list", rate.cat)
  ind <- matrix(1:dim(rate.mat)[1], dim(rate.mat)[1]/rate.cat, rate.cat)
  # subset the larger matrix into the internal dynamics
  for(i in 1:length(RateCats)){
    RateMats[[i]] <- rate.mat[ind[,i], ind[,i]]
  # if there are hidden rate categories then we need a special matrix to describe them
  if(rate.cat > 1){
    RateCoord <- ind[1,]
    tmpMat1 <- matrix(RateCoord, length(RateCats) , length(RateCats))
    tmpMat2 <- matrix(RateCoord, length(RateCats) , length(RateCats), byrow = TRUE)
    diag(tmpMat1) <- diag(tmpMat2) <- NA
    ClassCoord <- cbind((as.vector(tmpMat1)), (as.vector(tmpMat2)))
    RateClassMat <- matrix(apply(ClassCoord, 1, function(x) rate.mat[x[1], x[2]]), length(RateCats), length(RateCats), dimnames = list(RateCats, RateCats))
    RateMats$RateClassMat <- RateClassMat

plotMKmodel <- function(corhmm.obj, rate.cat = NULL, display = "column", color = c("blue", "red"), arrow.scale = 1, text.scale = 1, vertex.scale = 1){
  if(class(corhmm.obj)[1] == "matrix" & is.null(rate.cat)){
    return(cat("Error: user provided a rate matrix without providing the number of rate categories."))
  vertex.scalar <- vertex.scale
  arrow.scale <- arrow.scale * 2
  text.scale <- text.scale * 3
  # decompose the matrix solution
  if(class(corhmm.obj)[1] == "corhmm"){
    RateMats <- getRateMats(corhmm.obj = corhmm.obj)
    rate.cat <- corhmm.obj$rate.cat
  if(class(corhmm.obj)[1] == "matrix"){
    RateMats <- getRateMats(rate.mat = corhmm.obj, rate.cat = rate.cat)
  # i need the max rate to ensure all the colors are scaled the same way
  edge.rates <- lapply(RateMats, function(x) as.vector(na.exclude(as.vector(t(x)))))
  max.rate <- max(unlist(edge.rates))
  # if there is one rate cat there is only one matrix (any more and we need an additional one)
  if(rate.cat == 1){
    xlim <- c(-1,5)
    if(display == "column"){
      xlim <- c(0,3)
    if(display == "row"){
      par(mfrow=c(1, rate.cat+1))
      xlim <- c(-1,4)
    if(display == "square"){
      par(mfrow=c(ceiling((rate.cat+1)/2), ceiling((rate.cat+1)/2)))
      xlim <- c(-1,4)
  # loop over all the plots
  for(i in 1:length(RateMats)){
    nCol <- dim(RateMats[[i]])[2]
    Coordinates <- getRateMatCoord(RateMats[[i]])
    IndMat <- matrix(1:prod(dim(RateMats[[i]])), dim(RateMats[[i]])[1], dim(RateMats[[i]])[2])
    diag(IndMat) <- NA
    arrow.scalar <- arrow.scale/nCol
    text.scalar <- text.scale/nCol
    if(color[1] == "col.blind"){
      cols <- plasma(101, alpha = 1)
      RampFunc <- colorRampPalette(c(color[1], color[2]))
      cols <- RampFunc(101)
    ## based on the value of rate we decide what the color will be
    # we don't want elements of the rate matrix, only the off diag
    # for the mat we need it in column order
    IndVecMat <- as.vector(na.omit(as.vector(IndMat)))
    mat.rates <- RateMats[[i]][IndVecMat]
    mat.rates[mat.rates == 0] <- NA
    scaled.mat.rates <- mat.rates/max.rate
    mat.cols <- cols[round(scaled.mat.rates*100)+1]
    mat.cols[is.na(mat.cols)] <- "black"
    # for the edges we need it in row order
    IndVecEdg <- as.vector(na.omit(as.vector(t(IndMat))))
    edge.rates <- RateMats[[i]][IndVecEdg]
    # if there are 0s in edge rates the matrix needs the color black, but the BS needs blanks
    edge.rates <- edge.rates[edge.rates != 0]
    edge.rates <- edge.rates[!is.na(edge.rates)]
    scaled.edge.rates <- edge.rates/max.rate
    edge.cols <- cols[round(scaled.edge.rates*100)+1]
    # define the main title of the plots
    main.title <- paste("Rate Category ", i, " (R",i, ")", sep = "")
    if(i == length(RateMats) & rate.cat == 1){
      main.title <- paste("Rate Category ", i, " (R",i, ")", sep = "")
    if(i == length(RateMats) & rate.cat > 1){
      main.title <- "Rate Category Transitions"
    IndVec <- as.vector(na.omit(as.vector(t(IndMat))))
    # make an igraph object
    tmp <- RateMats[[i]]
    tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- 0
    g1 <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix = tmp, 
                                      mode = "directed", 
                                      weighted = TRUE, 
                                      diag = FALSE)
    # plot the igraph object
    plot.igraph(g1, xlim = xlim,
                layout = layout_in_circle(g1),
                vertex.label.font = 2,
                vertex.shape = "none",
                vertex.label.cex = vertex.scalar,
                vertex.label.color = "black",
                edge.color = edge.cols,
                edge.width = 2,
                edge.arrow.size = arrow.scalar,
                main = main.title)
    # plot the associated markov matrix
    label.text <- as.character(round(mat.rates, 2))
    label.text[label.text == 0] <- "<0.01"
    label.text[is.na(label.text)] <- "--"
    label.names <- vertex.attributes(g1)$name
    rect(xleft = 1.6, ybottom = -1.3, xright = 4.4, ytop = 1.3, col = rgb(0,0,0,0.2))
    text(Coordinates[[1]], labels = label.text, col = mat.cols, font = 2, cex = text.scalar)
    text(Coordinates[[2]], labels = label.names, col = "black", font = 2, cex = text.scalar)
    text(Coordinates[[3]], labels = c(" ", rep("--", dim(Coordinates[[3]])[1]-1)), font = 2, cex = text.scalar)
thej022214/corHMM documentation built on May 11, 2024, 3:23 p.m.