
## A small class for information deduced about a variable in a BUGS model
varInfoClass <- setRefClass('varInfoClass',
                            fields = list(
                                varName = 'ANY',
                                mins = 'ANY',
                                maxs = 'ANY',
                                nDim = 'ANY',
                                anyStoch = 'ANY'))

## A small class for information about a node in the igraph
graphNode <- setRefClass(
    Class = 'graphNode',
    fields = list(
        nodeName         = 'ANY',
        graphID          = 'ANY',
        type             = 'ANY',
        originNodeName   = 'ANY',
        nodeFunctionName = 'ANY'

#' Class for NIMBLE model definition
#' Class for NIMBLE model definition that is not usually needed directly by a user.
#' @details See \code{?modelBaseClass} for information about creating NIMBLE BUGS models.
modelDefClass <- setRefClass('modelDefClass',
                             fields = list(
                                 ## set in the call modelDefClass$new(name)
                                 name = 'ANY',
                                 ## the following are all set in setupModel()
                                 BUGScode = 'ANY',  ## original BUGS code, set in assignBUGScode()
                                 constantsEnv = 'ANY', ## environment with constants, set in assignConstants()
                                 constantsList = 'ANY',  ## named list with constants, set in assignConstants()
                                 constantsNamesList = 'ANY', ## list of constants name objects, set in assignConstants()
                                 dimensionsList = 'ANY',		#list		   ## list of provided dimension information, set in assignDimensions()
                                 contexts = 'ANY',				#list 			 ## list of BUGScontextClass objects
                                 declInfo = 'ANY',				#list				 ## list of BUGSdeclInfo objects
                                 nodeInfo = 'ANY', 			#list				## list of nodeInfoClass objects, set in genNodeInfo()
                                 varInfo = 'ANY',			#list	  ## list of varInfoClass objects, set in genVarInfo()
                                 logProbVarInfo = 'ANY',	#list	  ## list of varInfoClass objects, set in genLogProbVarInfo()
                                 isDataVarInfo = 'ANY', 	#list		## list of varInfoClass objects, set in genIsDataVarInfo()
                                 varNames = 'ANY',  ## vector of all model variable names, set in genVarNames()
                                 symTab = 'ANY',  ## symbolTable object, set in buildSymbolTable()
                                 graph = 'ANY',     ## igraph object, set in buildIgraph()
                                 graphNodesList = 'ANY',   ## list of graphNode objects, set in genGraphNodesList()
                                 maps = 'ANY',   ## object of mapsClass, set in buildMaps()
                                 modelClass = 'ANY',   ## custom model class
                                 modelValuesClassName = 'ANY',    ## set in setModelValuesClassName()
                                 modelValuesClass = 'ANY', ## custom model values class
                                 classEnvironment = 'ANY'	#environment		 # environment in which the reference classes will be defined.
                             methods = list(
                                 initialize = function(...){
                                 	name <<- character()
                                 	dimensionsList <<- list() 	
                                 	contexts <<- list()
                                 	declInfo <<- list()
                                 	nodeInfo <<- list()
                                 	varInfo <<- list()
                                 	logProbVarInfo <<- list()
                                 	isDataVarInfo <<- list()
                                 	classEnvironment <<- new.env()
                                 setupModel = function(code, constants, dimensions, debug) {},
                                 ## the following are all run, in this order, by setupModel():
                                 setModelValuesClassName        = function() {},
                                 assignBUGScode                 = function() {},
                                 assignConstants                = function() {},
                                 assignDimensions               = function() {},
                                 initializeContexts             = function() {},
                                 processBUGScode                = function() {},
                                 splitConstantsAndData          = function() {},
                                 addMissingIndexing             = function() {},
                                 expandDistributions            = function() {},
                                 processLinks                   = function() {},
                                 reparameterizeDists            = function() {},
                                 addRemainingDotParams          = function() {},
                                 replaceAllConstants            = function() {},
                                 liftExpressionArgs             = function() {},
                                 addIndexVarsToDeclInfo         = function() {},
                                 genSymbolicParentNodes         = function() {},
                                 genReplacementsAndCodeReplaced = function() {},
                                 genAltParamsModifyCodeReplaced = function() {},
                                 genNodeInfo                    = function() {},
                                 removeEmptyBUGSdeclarations    = function() {},
                                 genVarInfo                     = function() {},
                                 genLogProbVarInfo              = function() {},
                                 genIsDataVarInfo               = function() {},
                                 genVarNames                    = function() {},
                                 buildSymbolTable               = function() {},
                                 buildIgraph                    = function() {},
                                 genGraphNodesList              = function() {},
                          #       buildMaps                      = function() {},
                                 buildMaps2						= function() {},
                                 newModel   = function() {},
                                 printDI    = function() {},
                                 #These functions are NOT run inside of setupModel
                                 nodeName2GraphIDs = function(){},
                                 nodeName2LogProbName = function(){}

## This is the master entry function
## (1) for the moment, we bail on 'lifting' any expression with vectorized indexing, e.g. x[1:10], UNLESS it's a call to chol(x[..., ...]).
##     this occurs in isExprLiftable().
## (2) in generating replacement code, we do *not* replace ':' expressions.
##     this takes place due to a single line, near the end of genReplacementsAndCodeRecurse() in nimbleBUGS_class_BUGSdeclClass.R
##     further, nameMashupFromExpr(expr) in nimbleBUGS_utils.R throws an error if expr contains a ':'
modelDefClass$methods(setupModel = function(code, constants, dimensions, debug) {
    if(debug) browser()
    setModelValuesClassName()         ## uses 'name' field to set field: modelValuesClassName
    assignBUGScode(code)              ## uses 'code' argument, assigns field: BUGScode.  puts codes through nf_changeNimKeywords
    assignConstants(constants)        ## uses 'constants' argument, sets fields: constantsEnv, constantsList, constantsNamesList
    assignDimensions(dimensions)      ## uses 'dimensions' argument, sets field: dimensionList
    initializeContexts()              ## initializes the field: contexts
    processBUGScode()                 ## uses BUGScode, sets fields: contexts, declInfo$code, declInfo$contextID
    splitConstantsAndData()           ## deals with case when data is passed in as constants
    addMissingIndexing()              ## overwrites declInfo, using dimensionsList, fills in any missing indexing
    expandDistributions()             ## overwrites declInfo for stochastic nodes: calls match.call() on RHS      (uses distributions$matchCallEnv)
    processLinks()                    ## overwrites declInfo (*and adds*) for nodes with link functions           (uses linkInverses)
    reparameterizeDists()             ## overwrites declInfo when distribution reparameterization is needed       (uses distributions), keeps track of orig parameter in .paramName
    addRemainingDotParams()           ## overwrites declInfo, adds any additional .paramNames which aren't there  (uses distributions)
    replaceAllConstants()             ## overwrites declInfo with constants replaced; only replaces scalar constants
    liftExpressionArgs()              ## overwrites declInfo (*and adds*), lifts expressions in distribution arguments to new nodes.  does NOT lift '.param' names
    addIndexVarsToDeclInfo()          ## sets field declInfo[[i]]$indexVariableExprs from contexts.  must be after overwrites of declInfo
    genSymbolicParentNodes()          ## sets field declInfo[[i]]$symbolicParentNodes. must be after overwrites of declInfo
    genReplacementsAndCodeReplaced()  ## sets fields: declInfo[[i]]$replacements, $codeReplaced, $replacementNameExprs, $logProbNodeExpr
    genAltParamsModifyCodeReplaced()  ## sets field declInfo[[i]]$altParams, and modifies $codeReplaced to not include .param arguments (if stochastic)
    genNodeInfo()    #*               ## sets fields: declInfo[[i]]$indexedNodeInfo, and nodeInfo. these never change.
    removeEmptyBUGSdeclarations()     ## removes any declInfo[[i]] BUGSdecl objects for which length(indexedNodeInfo) == 0
    genVarInfo()                      ## uses nodeInfo and dimensionsList to set field: varInfo
    genLogProbVarInfo()               ## uses varInfo to set field: logProbVarInfo
    genIsDataVarInfo()                ## uses varInfo to set field: isDataVarInfo
    genVarNames()                     ## uses varInfo and logProbVarInfo to set field: varNames
    buildSymbolTable()                ## uses varInfo and logProbVarInfo to set field: symTab
    buildIgraph()      #*             ## uses declInfo and declInfo[[i]]$indexedNodeInfo to set field: graph
     ## old: use next two lines
    ##    genGraphNodesList()  #*           ## uses graphIDs, nodeInfo and varInfo to create graphNodesList, which is accessed by modeDef$graphNodes()
    ##    buildMaps()
    ## uses everything above to set field: maps
    ## new: use next one line

modelDefClass$methods(setModelValuesClassName = function() {
    ## use this line to always ensure a unique internal refClass name
    modelValuesClassName <<- paste0(Rname2CppName(name), '_MV_', nimbleUniqueID())
    ## or this line if not.
    ##modelValuesClassName <<- paste0(name, '_MV')
modelDefClass$methods(assignBUGScode = function(code) {
    ## uses 'code' argument, assigns field: BUGScode
    BUGScode <<- nf_changeNimKeywords(code)
modelDefClass$methods(assignConstants = function(constants) {
    ## uses 'constants' argument, sets fields: constantsEnv, constantsList, constantsNamesList
    constantsEnv <<- new.env()
    if(length(constants) > 0) {
        if(!is.list(constants) || is.null(names(constants)))   stop('constants argument must be a named list')
        list2env(constants, constantsEnv)
        constantsList <<- constants
        constantsNamesList <<- lapply(ls(constants), as.name)
    } else {
        constantsList <<- list()
        names(constantsList) <<- character(0)
        constantsNamesList <<- list()
modelDefClass$methods(assignDimensions = function(dimensions) {
    ## uses 'dimensions' argument, sets field: dimensionList
    # first, add the provided dimensions
    dL <- dimensions
    # add dimensions of any *non-scalar* constants to dimensionsList
    # we'll try to be smart about this: check for duplicate names in constants and dimensions, and make sure they agree
    for(i in seq_along(constantsList)) {
        constName <- names(constantsList)[i]
        ## constDim <- if(is.null(dim(constantsList[[i]]))) length(constantsList[[i]]) else dim(constantsList[[i]])
        constDim <- dimOrLength(constantsList[[i]])
        if(constName %in% names(dL)) {
            if(!identical(as.numeric(dL[[constName]]), as.numeric(constDim))) {
                stop('inconsistent dimensions between constants and dimensions arguments')
        } else {
            dL[[constName]] <- constDim
    dimensionsList <<- dL

modelDefClass$methods(initializeContexts = function() {
    ## initializes the field: contexts
    ## there is always a context #1 that is the empty context. this sets it up.
    BUGScontextClassObject <- BUGScontextClass$new()
    BUGScontextClassObject$setup(singleContexts = list())
    contexts[[1]] <<- BUGScontextClassObject

reprioritizeColonOperator <- function(code) {
    split.code <- strsplit(deparse(code), ":")
    if(length(split.code[[1]]) == 2) return(parse(text = paste0("(", split.code[[1]][1], "):(", split.code[[1]][2], ")"), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]])
    if(length(split.code[[1]]) > 2) stop(paste0('Error with this code: ', deparse(code)))

modelDefClass$methods(processBUGScode = function(code = NULL, contextID = 1, lineNumber = 0) {
    ## uses BUGScode, sets fields: contexts, declInfo$code, declInfo$contextID.
    ## all processing of code is done by BUGSdeclClass$setup(code, contextID).
    ## all processing of contexts is done by BUGScontextClass$setup()
    if(is.null(code)) {
        code <- BUGScode 
        declInfo <<- list()
    for(i in 1:length(code)) {
        if(code[[i]] == '{') next  ## skip { lines
        lineNumber <- lineNumber + 1
        if(code[[i]][[1]] == '~' || code[[i]][[1]] == '<-') {  ## a BUGS declaration
            iAns <- length(declInfo) + 1
            BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new() ## record the line number (a running count of non-`{` lines) for use in naming nodeFunctions later
            BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(code[[i]], contextID, lineNumber)
            declInfo[[iAns]] <<- BUGSdeclClassObject
        if(code[[i]][[1]] == 'for') {        ## e.g. (for i in 1:N).  New context (for-loop info) needed
            indexVarExpr <- code[[i]][[2]]   ## This is the `i`
            indexRangeExpr <- code[[i]][[3]] ## This is the `1:N`
            if(nimbleOptions$prioritizeColonLikeBUGS) indexRangeExpr <- reprioritizeColonOperator(indexRangeExpr)
            nextContextID <- length(contexts) + 1
            forCode <- code[[i]][1:3]        ## This is the (for i in 1:N) without the code block
            sinlgeContexts <- c(if(contextID == 1) NULL else contexts[[contextID]]$singleContexts, ## concatenate any current contexts
                                list(BUGSsingleContextClass$new(indexVarExpr = indexVarExpr,       ## Add the new context
                                                                indexRangeExpr = indexRangeExpr,
                                                                forCode = forCode)))
            BUGScontextClassObject <- BUGScontextClass$new()
            BUGScontextClassObject$setup(singleContexts = sinlgeContexts)
            contexts[[nextContextID]] <<- BUGScontextClassObject
            if(length(code[[i]][[4]])==1) {
                stop(paste0('Error, not sure what to do with ', deparse(code[[i]])))
            recurseCode <- if(code[[i]][[4]][[1]] == '{') {
            } else {
                substitute( {ONELINE}, list(ONELINE = code[[i]][[4]]))
            lineNumber <- processBUGScode(recurseCode, nextContextID, lineNumber = lineNumber)  ## Recursive call to process the contents of the for loop
        ## could consider definition-time if-then

modelDefClass$methods(splitConstantsAndData = function() {
    # removes items from constantsNamesList that appear as variables in declInfo
    # also, move detected data to 'data'
    # this deals with case when 'data' are passed in as 'constants'
    if(length(constantsNamesList)) {
        vars <- sapply(declInfo, function(x) x$targetVarName)
        constantsNames <- as.character(constantsNamesList)
        newDataVars <- constantsNames[constantsNames %in% vars]
        if(length(newDataVars)) {
            cat("Detected", paste(newDataVars, collapse = ','), "as data within 'constants'.\n")
            constantsNamesList <<- constantsNamesList[!constantsNames %in% vars]
            constantsList[newDataVars] <<- NULL
            for(varName in newDataVars) eval(substitute(rm(varName, envir = constantsEnv), list(varName = varName)))

modelDefClass$methods(addMissingIndexing = function() {
    ## overwrites declInfo, using dimensionsList, fills in any missing indexing
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        BUGSdecl <- declInfo[[i]]
        newCode <- addMissingIndexingRecurse(BUGSdecl$code, dimensionsList)
        BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
        BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(newCode, BUGSdecl$contextID, BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber)
        declInfo[[i]] <<- BUGSdeclClassObject
addMissingIndexingRecurse <- function(code, dimensionsList) {
    if(!is.call(code)) return(code)   # returns names, numbers
    if(code[[1]] != '[') {
        for(i in seq_along(code))     code[[i]] <- addMissingIndexingRecurse(code[[i]], dimensionsList)
    if(code[[1]] != '[')   stop('something went wrong: expecting a [')
    ## code must be an indexing call, e.g. x[.....]
    if(!any(code[[2]] == names(dimensionsList))) {
        ## dimension information was NOT provided for this variable
        ## let's check to make sure all indexes are present
        if(any(unlist(lapply(as.list(code), is.blank)))) {
            stop(paste0('Opps! This part of NIMBLE is still under development.', '\n',
                        'The model definition included the expression \'', deparse(code), '\', which contains missing indices.', '\n',
                        'There are two options to resolve this:', '\n',
                        '(1) Explicitly provide the missing indices in the model definition (e.g., \'', deparse(example_fillInMissingIndices(code)), '\'), or', '\n',
                        '(2) Provide the dimensions of variable \'', code[[2]], '\' via the \'dimensions\' argument to nimbleModel(), e.g.,', '\n',
                        '    nimbleModel(code, dimensions = list(', code[[2]], ' = ', deparse(example_getMissingDimensions(code)), '))', '\n',
                        'Thanks for bearing with us.'), call. = FALSE)
        ## and to recurse on all elements
        for(i in seq_along(code))     code[[i]] <- addMissingIndexingRecurse(code[[i]], dimensionsList)
    if(any(code[[2]] == names(dimensionsList))) {
        dimensions <- dimensionsList[[as.character(code[[2]])]]
        ## dimension information WAS provided for this variable
        ## first, just check that the dimensionality of the node is consistent
        if(length(code) != length(dimensions)+2)   stop(paste0('inconsistent dimensionality provided for node \'', code[[2]], '\''))
        ## then, fill in any missing indicies, and recurse on all other elements
        for(i in seq_along(code)) {
            if(is.blank(code[[i]])) {
                code[[i]] <- substitute(1:TOP, list(TOP = as.numeric(dimensions[i-2])))
            } else {
                code[[i]] <- addMissingIndexingRecurse(code[[i]], dimensionsList)
    stop('something went wrong')
example_fillInMissingIndices <- function(code) {
    as.call(lapply(as.list(code), function(el) if(is.blank(el)) quote(1:10) else el))
example_getMissingDimensions <- function(code) {
    cCall <- quote(c())
    for(i in seq_along(code)[-c(1,2)]) {
        cCall[[i-1]] <- parse(text = paste0('dim', i-2, '_max'))[[1]]
modelDefClass$methods(expandDistributions = function() {
    ## overwrites declInfo for stochastic nodes: calls match.call() on RHS (uses distributions$matchCallEnv)
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        BUGSdecl <- declInfo[[i]]
        if(BUGSdecl$type != 'stoch') next
        newCode <- BUGSdecl$code
        newCode[[3]] <- eval(BUGSdecl$valueExpr, distributions$matchCallEnv)
        BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
        BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(newCode, BUGSdecl$contextID, BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber)
        declInfo[[i]] <<- BUGSdeclClassObject
modelDefClass$methods(processLinks = function() {
    ## overwrites declInfo (*and adds*) for nodes with link functions (uses linkInverses)
    newDeclInfo <- list()
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        BUGSdecl <- declInfo[[i]]
        nextNewDeclInfoIndex <- length(newDeclInfo) + 1
        if(is.null(BUGSdecl$transExpr))     { newDeclInfo[[nextNewDeclInfoIndex]] <- BUGSdecl; next }
        linkText <- deparse(BUGSdecl$transExpr)
        if(!(linkText %in% names(linkInverses)))    stop(paste('Error, unknown link function:',linkText))
        if(BUGSdecl$type == 'stoch') {   # stochastic node
            code <- BUGSdecl$code
            code[[2]] <- parse(text = paste0(linkText, '_', BUGSdecl$targetNodeName), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]  
            newRHS <- linkInverses[[linkText]]
            newRHS[[2]] <- code[[2]]
            newCode <- substitute(A <- B, list(A = BUGSdecl$targetNodeExpr, B = newRHS))
            BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
            BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(code, BUGSdecl$contextID, BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber)
            newDeclInfo[[nextNewDeclInfoIndex]]     <- BUGSdeclClassObject
            BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
            BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(newCode, BUGSdecl$contextID, BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber)
            newDeclInfo[[nextNewDeclInfoIndex + 1]] <- BUGSdeclClassObject
        } else {    # deterministic node
            newRHS <- linkInverses[[linkText]]
            newRHS[[2]] <- BUGSdecl$code[[3]]
            newLHS <- BUGSdecl$targetNodeExpr
            newCode <- substitute(A <- B, list(A = newLHS, B = newRHS))
            BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
            BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(newCode, BUGSdecl$contextID, BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber)
            newDeclInfo[[nextNewDeclInfoIndex]] <- BUGSdeclClassObject
    }  # close loop over declInfo
    declInfo <<- newDeclInfo
modelDefClass$methods(reparameterizeDists = function() {
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        BUGSdecl <- declInfo[[i]]     ## grab this current BUGS declation info object
        if(BUGSdecl$type == 'determ')  next  ## skip deterministic nodes
        code <- BUGSdecl$code   ## grab the original code
        valueExpr <- BUGSdecl$valueExpr   ## grab the RHS (distribution)
        distName <- as.character(valueExpr[[1]])
        if(!(distName %in% distributions$namesVector))    stop('unknown distribution name: ', distName)      ## error if the distribution isn't something we recognize
        distRule <- distributions[[distName]]
        numArgs <- length(distRule$reqdArgs)
        newValueExpr <- quote(dist())       ## set up a parse tree for the new value expression
        newValueExpr[[1]] <- as.name(distName)     ## add in the distribution name
        newValueExpr[1 + (1:numArgs)] <- rep(NA, numArgs)      ## fill in the new parse tree with required arguments
        names(newValueExpr)[1 + (1:numArgs)] <- distRule$reqdArgs    ## add names for the arguments
        params <- as.list(valueExpr[-1])   ## extract the original distribution parameters
        if(identical(sort(names(params)), sort(distRule$reqdArgs))) {
            matchedAlt <- 0
        } else {
            matchedAlt <- NULL; count <- 0
            while(is.null(matchedAlt) && count < distRule$numAlts) {
                count <- count + 1
                if(identical(sort(unique(distRule$alts[[count]])), sort(unique(names(params)))))
                    matchedAlt <- count
            if(is.null(matchedAlt)) stop('Error: no available re-parameterization found for: ', deparse(valueExpr), '.')
        nonReqdArgs <- names(params)[!(names(params) %in% distRule$reqdArgs)]
        for(iArg in 1:numArgs) {   ## loop over the required arguments
            reqdArgName <- distRule$reqdArgs[iArg]
            ## if it was supplied, copy the supplied expression "as is"
            if(reqdArgName %in% names(params)) {
                newValueExpr[[iArg + 1]] <- params[[reqdArgName]];
            if(!matchedAlt) error("Something wrong - looking for alternative parameterization but supplied args are same as required args: ", deparse(valueExpr))
            if(!reqdArgName %in% names(distRule$exprs[[matchedAlt]]))
                stop('Error: could not find ', reqdArgName, ' in alternative parameterization number ', matchedAlt, ' for: ', deparse(valueExpr), '.')
            transformedParameterPT <- distRule$exprs[[matchedAlt]][[reqdArgName]]
            for(nm in c(nonReqdArgs, distRule$reqdArgs))
                # loop thru possible non-canonical parameters in the expression for the canonical parameter
                transformedParameterPT <- parseTreeSubstitute(pt = transformedParameterPT, pattern = as.name(nm), replacement = params[[nm]])
            newValueExpr[[iArg + 1]] <- transformedParameterPT
        ## hold onto the expressions for non-required args
        nonReqdArgExprs <- params[nonReqdArgs]    ## grab the non-required args from the original params list
        names(nonReqdArgExprs) <- if(length(nonReqdArgExprs) > 0) paste0('.', names(nonReqdArgExprs)) else character(0)  ## append '.' to the front of all the old (reparameterized away) param names
        newValueExpr <- as.call(c(as.list(newValueExpr), nonReqdArgExprs))
        newCode <- BUGSdecl$code
        newCode[[3]] <- newValueExpr
        BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
        BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(newCode, BUGSdecl$contextID, BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber)
        declInfo[[i]] <<- BUGSdeclClassObject
    }  # close loop over declInfo
modelDefClass$methods(addRemainingDotParams = function() {
    for(iDecl in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        BUGSdecl <- declInfo[[iDecl]]     ## grab this current BUGS declation info object
        if(BUGSdecl$type == 'determ')  next  ## skip deterministic nodes
        valueExpr <- BUGSdecl$valueExpr   ## grab the RHS (distribution)
        newValueExpr <- valueExpr
        defaultParamExprs <- distributions[[as.character(newValueExpr[[1]])]]$altParams
        if(length(defaultParamExprs) == 0)   next   ## skip if there are no altParams defined in distributions
        defaultParamNames <- names(defaultParamExprs)
        defaultDotParamNames <- paste0('.', defaultParamNames)
        for(iParam in seq_along(defaultDotParamNames)) {
            dotParamName <- defaultDotParamNames[iParam]
            if(!(dotParamName %in% names(newValueExpr))) {
                defaultParamExpr <- defaultParamExprs[[iParam]]
                subParamExpr <- eval(substitute(substitute(EXPR, as.list(valueExpr)[-1]), list(EXPR=defaultParamExpr)))
                newValueExpr[[dotParamName]] <- subParamExpr
        newCode <- BUGSdecl$code
        newCode[[3]] <- newValueExpr
        BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
        BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(newCode, BUGSdecl$contextID, BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber)
        declInfo[[iDecl]] <<- BUGSdeclClassObject
modelDefClass$methods(replaceAllConstants = function() {
    ## overwrites declInfo with constants replaced; only replaces scalar constants
    ## does both LHS and RHS of each BUGSdecl code
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        newCode <- replaceConstantsRecurse(declInfo[[i]]$code, constantsEnv, constantsNamesList)$code
        BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
        BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(newCode, declInfo[[i]]$contextID, declInfo[[i]]$sourceLineNumber)
        declInfo[[i]] <<- BUGSdeclClassObject

neverReplaceable <- list(chol = TRUE, inverse = TRUE) ## only the names matter, any non-null value will do.

replaceConstantsRecurse <- function(code, constEnv, constNames, do.eval = TRUE) {
    ## This takes as input a call and an environment or list of constants (only names matter)
    ## It replaces constants that involve no indexing
    ## E.g. dnorm(x[N], sd) , where N is a constant, gets N replaced
    ## but dnorm(x[blockID[i]], sd), where i is a for-loop index, does not get replaced at this step
    cLength <- length(code)
    if(cLength == 1) {
        if(is.name(code)) {
            if( any(code == constNames)) {                
                if(do.eval) {
                    origCode <- code
                    code <- as.numeric(eval(code, constEnv))
                    if(length(code) != 1) warning(paste('Code', deparse(origCode),'was given as known but evaluates to a non-scalar.  This is probably not what you want.'))
                return(list(code = code,
                            replaceable = TRUE))
            return(list(code = code,
                        replaceable = FALSE))
        if( is.numeric(code)) {
            return(list(code = code,
                        replaceable = TRUE))
    if(is.call(code)) {
        if(code[[1]] == '[') {
            replacements <- lapply(code[-c(1,2)],
                                   function(x) replaceConstantsRecurse(x, constEnv, constNames))
            for(i in 1:length(replacements)) {
                code[[i+2]] <- replacements[[i]]$code
            replaceables <- unlist(lapply(replacements, function(x) x$replaceable))
            allReplaceable <- all(replaceables) & do.eval
            repVar <- replaceConstantsRecurse(code[[2]], constEnv, constNames, FALSE)
            if(allReplaceable & repVar$replaceable) {
                testcode <- as.numeric(eval(code, constEnv))
                if(length(testcode) == 1) code <- testcode
            return(list(code = code,
                        replaceable = allReplaceable & repVar$replaceable))
        ## call that is not '['
        if(cLength > 1) {
            if(as.character(code[[1]]) %in% c('<-', '~')) {
                replacements <- c(list(replaceConstantsRecurse(code[[2]], constEnv, constNames, FALSE)),
                                  lapply(code[-c(1,2)], function(x) replaceConstantsRecurse(x, constEnv, constNames) ) )
                replacements[[1]]$replaceable <- FALSE
            } else {
                replacements <- lapply(code[-1], function(x) replaceConstantsRecurse(x, constEnv, constNames))
            for(i in 1:length(replacements)) {
                code[[i+1]] <- replacements[[i]]$code
            replaceables <- unlist(lapply(replacements, function(x) x$replaceable))
            allReplaceable <- all(replaceables)
        } else {
            allReplaceable <- TRUE
        if(allReplaceable) {
            if(!any(code[[1]] == distributions$namesVector)) {
                callChar <- as.character(code[[1]])
                if(exists(callChar, constEnv)) {
                    # if(callChar != ':') {
                    if(!is.vectorized(code)) {
                        if(is.null(neverReplaceable[[callChar]])) {
                            if(class(get(callChar, constEnv)) == 'function') {
                                testcode <- as.numeric(eval(code, constEnv))
                                if(length(testcode) == 1) code <- testcode
        return(list(code = code, replaceable = allReplaceable))
    stop('Error, hit end')
modelDefClass$methods(liftExpressionArgs = function() {
    ## overwrites declInfo (*and adds*), lifts any expressions in distribution arguments to new nodes
    newDeclInfo <- list()
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        BUGSdecl <- declInfo[[i]]        ## grab this BUGS declaration info
        valueExpr <- BUGSdecl$valueExpr  ## extract original valueExpr
        newValueExpr <- valueExpr        ## newValueExpr is initially a copy of the old one
        nextNewDeclInfoIndex <- length(newDeclInfo) + 1
        if(BUGSdecl$type == 'stoch') {
            params <- as.list(valueExpr[-1])   ## extract the original distribution parameters
            for(iParam in seq_along(params)) {
                if(grepl('^\\.', names(params)[iParam]))   next        ## skips '.param' names; we do NOT lift these
                paramExpr <- params[[iParam]]
                if(!isExprLiftable(paramExpr))    next     ## if this param isn't an expression, go ahead to next parameter
                newNodeNameExpr <- as.name(paste0('lifted_', nameMashupFromExpr(paramExpr, colonsOK = TRUE)))   ## create the name of the new node
                newNodeNameExprIndexed <- addNecessaryIndexingToNewNode(newNodeNameExpr, paramExpr, contexts[[BUGSdecl$contextID]]$indexVarExprs)  ## add indexing if necessary
                newValueExpr[[iParam + 1]] <- newNodeNameExprIndexed  ## update the newValueExpr
                newNodeCode <- substitute(LHS <- RHS, list(LHS = newNodeNameExprIndexed, RHS = paramExpr))     ## create code line for declaration of new node
                if(!checkForDuplicateNodeDeclaration(newNodeCode, newNodeNameExprIndexed, newDeclInfo)) {
                    BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
                    BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(newNodeCode, BUGSdecl$contextID, BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber)   ## keep new declaration in the same context, regardless of presence/absence of indexing
                    newDeclInfo[[nextNewDeclInfoIndex]] <- BUGSdeclClassObject
                    nextNewDeclInfoIndex <- nextNewDeclInfoIndex + 1     ## update for lifting other nodes, and re-adding BUGSdecl at the end
            }    # closes loop over params
        newCode <- BUGSdecl$code
        newCode[[3]] <- newValueExpr
        BUGSdeclClassObject <- BUGSdeclClass$new()
        BUGSdeclClassObject$setup(newCode, BUGSdecl$contextID, BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber)
        newDeclInfo[[nextNewDeclInfoIndex]] <- BUGSdeclClassObject    ## regardless of anything, add BUGSdecl itself in
    }    # closes loop over declInfo
    declInfo <<- newDeclInfo
isExprLiftable <- function(paramExpr) {
    ## determines whether a parameter expression is worthy of lifiting up to a new node
    if(is.name(paramExpr))       return(FALSE)
    if(is.numeric(paramExpr))    return(FALSE)
    if(is.call(paramExpr)) {
        if(paramExpr[[1]] == 'chol')        return(TRUE)    ## do lift calls to chol(...)
        if(paramExpr[[1]] == 'inverse')     return(TRUE)    ## do lift calls to inverse(...)
        if(length(paramExpr) == 1)          return(FALSE)   ## don't generally lift function calls:   fun(...) ## this comment seems incorrect
        if(getCallText(paramExpr) == '[')   return(FALSE)   ## don't lift simply indexed expressions:  x[...]
        ## if(getCallText(paramExpr) == '[') { ## these lines are for future handling of foo()[]
        ##     if(is.name(paramExpr))          return(FALSE)   ## don't lift simply indexed expressions:  x[...]
        ##                                     return(TRUE)    ## do lift foo(x)[...]
        ## }
        if(is.vectorized(paramExpr))        return(FALSE)   ## don't lift any expression with vectorized indexing,  funName(x[1:10])
    stop(paste0('error, I need to figure out how to process this parameter expression: ', deparse(paramExpr)))
addNecessaryIndexingToNewNode <- function(newNodeNameExpr, paramExpr, indexVarExprs) {
    usedIndexVarsList <- indexVarExprs[indexVarExprs %in% all.vars(paramExpr)]    # this extracts any index variables which appear in 'paramExpr'
    vectorizedIndexExprsList <- extractAnyVectorizedIndexExprs(paramExpr)    # creates a list of any vectorized (:) indexing expressions appearing in 'paramExpr'
    neededIndexExprsList <- c(usedIndexVarsList, vectorizedIndexExprsList)
    if(length(neededIndexExprsList) == 0)  return(newNodeNameExpr)  # no index variables, or vectorized indexing, return the (un-indexed) name expression
    newNodeNameExprIndexed <- substitute(NAME[], list(NAME = newNodeNameExpr))
    newNodeNameExprIndexed[3:(2+length(neededIndexExprsList))] <- neededIndexExprsList
extractAnyVectorizedIndexExprs <- function(expr) {
    if(!(':' %in% all.names(expr)))    return(list())
    if(!is.call(expr))     return(list())
    if(expr[[1]] == ':')     return(expr)
  ##  if(expr[[1]] == '[')    return(as.list(expr[-c(1,2)])) ## 
    ret <- unlist(lapply(expr[-1], function(i) extractAnyVectorizedIndexExprs(i)))
    if(is.null(ret)) return(list()) else return(ret)
checkForDuplicateNodeDeclaration <- function(newNodeCode, newNodeNameExprIndexed, newDeclInfo) {
    for(i in seq_along(newDeclInfo)) {
        if(identical(newNodeNameExprIndexed, newDeclInfo[[i]]$targetExpr)) {
            ## we've found a node declaration with exactly the same LHS
            if(!identical(newNodeCode, newDeclInfo[[i]]$code))   { stop('something fishy going on with our new node declarations.....') }
            return(TRUE)   ## indicate that we found a matching node declaration
    return(FALSE)     ## a duplicate node entry was *not* found
modelDefClass$methods(addIndexVarsToDeclInfo = function() {
    ## sets field declInfo[[i]]$indexVariableExprs from contexts.  must be after overwrites of declInfo
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
modelDefClass$methods(genSymbolicParentNodes = function() {
    ## sets field declInfo[[i]]$symbolicParentNodes. must be after overwrites of declInfo
    nimFunNames <- distributions$namesExprList
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)){
        declInfo[[i]]$genSymbolicParentNodes(constantsNamesList, contexts[[declInfo[[i]]$contextID]], nimFunNames)
modelDefClass$methods(genReplacementsAndCodeReplaced = function() {
    ## sets fields declInfo[[i]]$replacements, $codeReplaced, and $replacementNameExprs
    nimFunNames <- distributions$namesExprList
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        declInfo[[i]]$genReplacementsAndCodeReplaced(constantsNamesList, contexts[[declInfo[[i]]$contextID]], nimFunNames)
modelDefClass$methods(genAltParamsModifyCodeReplaced = function() {
    ## setsfield declInfo[[i]]$altParams, and modifies $codeReplaced to not include .param arguments (if stochastic)
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
modelDefClass$methods(genNodeInfo = function() {
    ## sets fields: declInfo[[i]]$indexedNodeInfo, and nodeInfo. these never change.
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        genNodeInfo_singleDeclaration(declInfo[[i]], contexts[[declInfo[[i]]$contextID]], constantsEnv)
    ## gather all the indexedNodeNames from each BUGSdecl object; throw an error if any duplicates exist
    allIndexedNodeNames <- unlist(lapply(declInfo, `[[`, 'indexedNodeNames'))
    duplicateNodes <- unique(allIndexedNodeNames[duplicated(allIndexedNodeNames)])
    if(length(duplicateNodes) > 0)   stop(paste0('duplicate node declarations: ', paste0(duplicateNodes, collapse=', ')))
    nodeInfoTemp <- unlist(lapply(declInfo, `[[`, 'indexedNodeInfo'))
    nodeInfo <<- if(is.null(nodeInfoTemp)) list() else nodeInfoTemp
#### wrapAsNumeric <- function(code) substitute(as.numeric(X), list(X = code))     ## as.numeric() flattens everything to a vector
wrapAsNumeric <- function(code) substitute({ value <- CODE;   storage.mode(value) <- 'numeric';   value }, list(CODE = code))
genNodeInfo_singleDeclaration <- function(BUGSdecl, context, constantsEnv) {
    ## This function turns out to be a computational bottleneck, so I have added some efficiencies.  There is room for more.
    constantsEnvCopy <- list2env(as.list(constantsEnv))
    indexVariableExprs <- context$indexVarExprs
    indexVarValues <- context$genIndexVarValues(constantsEnvCopy)
    BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(indexVarValues))
    targetNodeExprHasBracket <- hasBracket(BUGSdecl$targetNodeExpr)
    targetNodeExpressionIsVectorized <- unlist(lapply(as.list(BUGSdecl$targetNodeExpr), is.vectorized))
    substituteCodeReadyForValues <- substitute(substitute(CODE, replacementValuesScalar), list(CODE=BUGSdecl$codeReplaced))
    substituteAltParamsReadyForValues <- lapply(BUGSdecl$altParamExprs, function(expr) substitute(substitute(EXPR, replacementValuesScalar), list(EXPR=expr)))
    logProbSubstituteCodeReadyForValues <- substitute(substitute(LOGPROBNODE, replacementValuesScalar), list(LOGPROBNODE=BUGSdecl$logProbNodeExpr))
    doLogProbSubstitute <- !is.null(BUGSdecl$logProbNodeExpr)
    logProbNodeReplacedWithValues <- NULL
    logProbIndexValues <- NULL
    replacementsOneBlock <- as.call(c(list(as.name('list')), lapply(BUGSdecl$replacements, wrapAsNumeric)))

    for(i in seq_along(indexVarValues)) {
        indexValues <- indexVarValues[[i]]
        if(length(indexValues) > 0)     list2env(indexValues, constantsEnvCopy)
        ## evalBracketArgs could operate on args of ':' directly
        evaledTargetNodeExpr <- if(targetNodeExprHasBracket) evalBracketArgsKnownBracket(BUGSdecl$targetNodeExpr, constantsEnvCopy, targetNodeExpressionIsVectorized) else BUGSdecl$targetNodeExpr
        evaledSymbolicParentNodes <- lapply(BUGSdecl$symbolicParentNodes, evalBracketArgs, constantsEnvCopy)
        targetNodeIndexValuesList <- if(targetNodeExprHasBracket) exprAsListDrop2(evaledTargetNodeExpr)
        targetNodeIndexSizes <- unlist(lapply(targetNodeIndexValuesList, function(ind) max(eval(ind)) - min(eval(ind)) + 1))
        replacementValues <- eval(replacementsOneBlock, constantsEnvCopy)
        replacementValuesScalar <- removeNonScalarElementsFromList(replacementValues)
        codeReplacedWithValues <- eval(substituteCodeReadyForValues)
        altParamExprsWithValues <- lapply(substituteAltParamsReadyForValues, function(expr) eval(expr))
        if(doLogProbSubstitute) {
            logProbNodeReplacedWithValues <- eval(logProbSubstituteCodeReadyForValues)
            logProbIndexValues <- if(length(logProbNodeReplacedWithValues)==0)   numeric(0)   else   unlist(as.list(logProbNodeReplacedWithValues)[-c(1,2)])
        targetNodeName <- if(targetNodeExprHasBracket) deparse(evaledTargetNodeExpr) else BUGSdecl$targetNodeName
        BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo[[i]] <- nodeInfoClass$new(code = BUGSdecl$code,
                                                           type = BUGSdecl$type,
                                                           targetNodeExpr = evaledTargetNodeExpr,
                                                           targetNodeName =  targetNodeName,
                                                           targetNodeIndexValuesList = targetNodeIndexValuesList,
                                                           targetNodeIndexSizes = targetNodeIndexSizes,
                                                           logProbIndexValues = logProbIndexValues,
                                                           targetVarName = BUGSdecl$targetVarName,
                                                           parentNodeExprs = evaledSymbolicParentNodes,
                                                           parentNodeNames = lapply(evaledSymbolicParentNodes, deparse), ## could avoid some deparses here
                                                           nodeFunctionName = targetNodeName,
                                                           indexVariableExprs = indexVariableExprs,
                                                           indexVariableValues = indexValues,
                                                           codeReplaced = BUGSdecl$codeReplaced,
                                                           replacementValues = replacementValues,
                                                           codeReplacedWithValues = codeReplacedWithValues,
                                                           logProbNodeReplacedWithValues = logProbNodeReplacedWithValues,
                                                           altParamExprs = BUGSdecl$altParamExprs,
                                                           altParamExprsWithValues = altParamExprsWithValues
    }   # closes loop over indexVarValues
    indexedNodeNames <- unlist(lapply(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo, `[[`, 'nodeFunctionName'))
    names(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo) <- if(is.null(indexedNodeNames)) character(0) else indexedNodeNames
    ## experiment:  this will remove duplicate node names
    ## idea being, this would allow for code like
    ## for(i in 1:10) {
    ##    mu ~ dnorm(0,1)
    ## }
    ## to only produce a single 'mu' variable, for this BUGSdeclClass object
    BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo <- BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo[unique(names(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo))]
    BUGSdecl$indexedNodeNames <- names(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo)
removeNonScalarElementsFromList <- function(lst) {
    scalarFlags <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(el) { if(!is.null(dim(el))) return(FALSE);   if(length(el)>1) return(FALSE);   return(TRUE) }))
modelDefClass$methods(removeEmptyBUGSdeclarations = function() {
    numberIndexedNodes <- unlist(lapply(declInfo, function(di) length(di$indexedNodeInfo)))
    exptyDeclInfoIndexes <- (numberIndexedNodes == 0)
    declInfo[exptyDeclInfoIndexes] <<- NULL
modelDefClass$methods(genVarInfo = function() {
    ## uses nodeInfo to set field: varInfo
    for(iDI in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        BUGSdecl <- declInfo[[iDI]]
        ## LHS:
        lhsVar <- BUGSdecl$targetVarName
        if(!(lhsVar %in% names(varInfo))) {
            nDim <- if(length(BUGSdecl$targetNodeExpr)==1) 0 else length(BUGSdecl$targetNodeExpr)-2
            varInfo[[lhsVar]] <<- varInfoClass$new(varName = lhsVar,
                                                   mins = rep(100000, nDim),
                                                   maxs = rep(0, nDim),
                                                   nDim = nDim,
                                                   anyStoch = FALSE)
        varInfo[[lhsVar]]$anyStoch <<- varInfo[[lhsVar]]$anyStoch | (BUGSdecl$type == 'stoch')
        if(varInfo[[lhsVar]]$nDim > 0) {
            for(iDim in 1:varInfo[[lhsVar]]$nDim) {
                indExprsList <- lapply(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo, function(x) x$targetNodeExpr[[iDim + 2]])
                inds <- unlist(lapply(indExprsList, eval))
                rangeInds <- range(inds)
                varInfo[[lhsVar]]$mins[iDim] <<- min(varInfo[[lhsVar]]$mins[iDim], rangeInds[1])
                varInfo[[lhsVar]]$maxs[iDim] <<- max(varInfo[[lhsVar]]$maxs[iDim], rangeInds[2])
        ## RHS:
        ## for now I am going into the first indexedNodeInfo entry to get the ordering correct, because it is different from from in symbolicParentNodes
        rhsDeps <- BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo[[1]]$parentNodeExprs
        rhsVars <- unlist(lapply(rhsDeps, function(x) if(length(x) == 1) as.character(x) else as.character(x[[2]])))
        for(iV in seq_along(rhsVars)) {
            rhsVar <- rhsVars[iV]
            if(!(rhsVar %in% names(varInfo))) {
                nDim <- if(length(rhsDeps[[iV]])==1) 0 else length(rhsDeps[[iV]])-2
                varInfo[[rhsVar]] <<- varInfoClass$new(varName = rhsVar,
                                                       mins = rep(100000, nDim),
                                                       maxs = rep(0, nDim),
                                                       nDim = nDim,
                                                       anyStoch = FALSE)
            if(varInfo[[rhsVar]]$nDim > 0) {
                for(iDim in 1:varInfo[[rhsVar]]$nDim) {
                    indExprsList <- lapply(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo, function(x) x$parentNodeExprs[[iV]][[iDim + 2]])
                    inds <- unlist(lapply(indExprsList, eval))
                    rangeInds <- range(inds)
                    varInfo[[rhsVar]]$mins[iDim] <<- min(varInfo[[rhsVar]]$mins[iDim], rangeInds[1])
                    varInfo[[rhsVar]]$maxs[iDim] <<- max(varInfo[[rhsVar]]$maxs[iDim], rangeInds[2])
    ## now use dimensionsList, to check / update varInfo
    for(i in seq_along(dimensionsList)) {
        dimVarName <- names(dimensionsList)[i]
        if(!(dimVarName %in% names(varInfo))) next
        if(length(dimensionsList[[dimVarName]]) != varInfo[[dimVarName]]$nDim)   stop('inconsistent dimensions')
        if(any(dimensionsList[[dimVarName]] < varInfo[[dimVarName]]$maxs))  stop(paste0('dimensions specified are smaller than model specification for variable \'', dimVarName, '\''))
        varInfo[[dimVarName]]$maxs <<- dimensionsList[[dimVarName]]
modelDefClass$methods(genLogProbVarInfo = function() {
    ## uses varInfo to set field: logProbVarInfo
    anyStoch = unlist(lapply(varInfo, `[[`, 'anyStoch'))
    logProbVarInfo <<- lapply(varInfo[anyStoch], function(x)
        varInfoClass$new(varName = makeLogProbName(x$varName),
                         mins = rep(100000, x$nDim),
                         maxs = rep(0,      x$nDim),
                         nDim = x$nDim,
                         anyStoch = FALSE))
    names(logProbVarInfo) <<- lapply(logProbVarInfo, `[[`, 'varName')
    for(iDI in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        BUGSdecl <- declInfo[[iDI]]
        if(BUGSdecl$type != 'stoch')  next
        lhsVar <- BUGSdecl$targetVarName
        lhsLogProbVar <- makeLogProbName(lhsVar)
        if(varInfo[[lhsVar]]$nDim > 0) {
            if(logProbVarInfo[[lhsLogProbVar]]$nDim != varInfo[[lhsVar]]$nDim)   stop('mismatch in nDim, this should never occur')
            for(iDim in 1:varInfo[[lhsVar]]$nDim) {
                inds <- unlist(lapply(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo, function(x) x$logProbIndexValues[iDim]))
                rangeInds <- range(inds)
                logProbVarInfo[[lhsLogProbVar]]$mins[iDim] <<- min(logProbVarInfo[[lhsLogProbVar]]$mins[iDim], rangeInds[1])
                logProbVarInfo[[lhsLogProbVar]]$maxs[iDim] <<- max(logProbVarInfo[[lhsLogProbVar]]$maxs[iDim], rangeInds[2])
modelDefClass$methods(genIsDataVarInfo = function() {
    ## uses varInfo to set field: isDataVarInfo
    isDataVarInfo <<- lapply(varInfo, function(x)
            varName = x$varName,
            mins = x$mins,
            maxs = x$maxs,
            nDim = x$nDim,
            anyStoch = FALSE))
    names(isDataVarInfo) <<- lapply(isDataVarInfo, `[[`, 'varName')
modelDefClass$methods(genVarNames = function() {
    ## uses varInfo and logProbVarInfo to set field: varNames
    varNames <<- c(names(varInfo), names(logProbVarInfo))
modelDefClass$methods(buildSymbolTable = function() {
    ## uses varInfo and logProbVarInfo to set field: symTab
    st <- symbolTable()
    for(vI in c(varInfo, logProbVarInfo)) {
        st$addSymbol(symbolDouble(name = vI$varName, nDim = vI$nDim, size = vI$maxs))
    symTab <<- st
modelDefClass$methods(buildIgraph = function() {
    graph <<- graph.empty()
    nodesLHS <- unique(unlist(lapply(declInfo, function(x) x$allTargetNodeNames())))
    nodesLHSVec <- nodesLHS[grepl(':', nodesLHS)]
    nodesLHSInferred <- nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndex(nodesLHSVec)
    if(any(nodesLHSInferred %in% nodesLHS))    stop('duplicate declaration of some nodes')
    nodesRHSExprs <- unique(unlist(lapply(declInfo, function(x) x$allParentNodeExprs())))
    nodesRHSAll <- nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndexExprs(nodesRHSExprs) #*
    nodesAll <- unique(c(nodesLHS, nodesLHSInferred, nodesRHSAll))
    graph <<- add.vertices(graph, length(nodesAll), name = nodesAll)
    allEdges <- unlist(lapply(declInfo, function(x) x$allEdges())) #**
    graph <<- add.edges(graph, allEdges)
    graph <<- permute.vertices(graph, sort(topological.sort(graph, mode = 'out'), index = TRUE)$ix)  #* ## topological sort

#modelDefClass$methods(genGraphNodesList = function() {
#    ## ditto - and this is repeated work from buildIgraph
#    nodesLHS <- unique(unlist(lapply(declInfo, function(x) x$allTargetNodeNames())))
#    nodesLHSVec <- nodesLHS[grepl(':', nodesLHS)]
#    nodesLHSInferred <- nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndex(nodesLHSVec)
#    if(any(nodesLHSInferred %in% nodesLHS))    stop('duplicate declaration of some nodes')
#    nodesLHSAll <- c(nodesLHS, nodesLHSInferred)
#    nodesLHFInferredLookupList <- list()
#    for(nnVec in nodesLHSVec) nodesLHFInferredLookupList[nl_expandNodeIndex(nnVec)] <- nnVec
#    ##ditto    - and ditto on repeated work
#    nodesRHSExprs <- unique(unlist(lapply(declInfo, function(x) x$allParentNodeExprs())))
#    nodesRHSAll <- nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndexExprs(nodesRHSExprs)
#    nodeNamesAll <- unique(c(nodesLHSAll, nodesRHSAll))
#    nodeNamesRHSOnly <- setdiff(nodesRHSAll, nodesLHSAll)
#    gn <- list()
#    nodeCases <- c(rep(1, length(nodesLHS)), rep(2, length(nodesLHSInferred)), rep(3, length(nodeNamesRHSOnly)))
#    names(nodeCases) <- c(nodesLHS, nodesLHSInferred, nodeNamesRHSOnly)
#    graphNames <- V(graph)$name
#    for(i in seq_along(graphNames)) {
#        nodeName <- graphNames[i]
#        nodeCase <- nodeCases[nodeName]
#        ## handle the LHS nodes which were actually declared in BUGS code
#        ## only these ones have a nodeFunction associated with them
#        if(nodeCase == 1) {
#            nI <- nodeInfo[[nodeName]]
#            if(is.null(nI))   stop('something went wrong: null value for nodeInfo for node named ', nodeName)
#            gn[[nodeName]] <- graphNode$new(nodeName           = nodeName,
#                                            graphID            = i,
#                                            type               = nI$type,
#                                            originNodeName     = nodeName,
#                                            nodeFunctionName   = nI$nodeFunctionName
#            )
#            next
#        }
#        ## handle nodes which were inferred from a vectorized LHS BUGS declaration
#        ## have to lookup the vectorized declaration from which it came
#        if(nodeCase == 2) {
#            declaredNodeName <- nodesLHFInferredLookupList[[nodeName]]
#            nI <- nodeInfo[[declaredNodeName]]
#            if(is.null(nI))   stop('something went wrong: null value for node infor for ', declaredNodeName)
#            gn[[nodeName]] <- graphNode$new(nodeName           = nodeName,
#                                            graphID            = i,
#                                            type               = 'LHSinferred',   ## idea: add these inferred nodes (e.g. x[1]) as #deterministic dependents of the declared node (x[1:10])
 #                                           originNodeName     = nI$nodeFunctionName,
 #                                           nodeFunctionName   = nI$nodeFunctionName
 #           )
 #           next
 #       }
 #       ## RHS-only nodes.  these are ONLY in the graph, and don't have an associated nodeFunction
 #       if(nodeCase == 3) {
 #           gn[[nodeName]] <- graphNode$new(nodeName           = nodeName,
 #                                           graphID            = i,
 #                                           type               = 'RHSonly',    ## idea: these RHS-only 'data type' nodes are fixed #values
 #                                           originNodeName     = nodeName,
 #                                           nodeFunctionName   = 'DOES_NOT_EXIST' ##nodeName
 #           )
 #           next
 #       }
 #       stop(paste0('something went wrong, could\'t find: ', nodeName))
 #   }
 #   graphNodesList <<- gn
#modelDefClass$methods(buildMaps = function() {
#    maps <<- mapsClass$new()
#    maps$setup(graphNodesList, graph, varInfo, nodeInfo)

modelDefClass$methods(buildMaps2 = function() {
    ## ditto - and this is repeated work from buildIgraph
    nodesLHS <- unique(unlist(lapply(declInfo, function(x) x$allTargetNodeNames())))
    nodesLHSVec <- nodesLHS[grepl(':', nodesLHS)]
    nodesLHSInferred <- nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndex(nodesLHSVec)
    if(any(nodesLHSInferred %in% nodesLHS))    stop('duplicate declaration of some nodes')
    nodesLHSAll <- c(nodesLHS, nodesLHSInferred)
    nodesLHFInferredLookupList <- list()
    for(nnVec in nodesLHSVec) nodesLHFInferredLookupList[nl_expandNodeIndex(nnVec)] <- nnVec
    ##ditto    - and ditto on repeated work
    nodesRHSExprs <- unique(unlist(lapply(declInfo, function(x) x$allParentNodeExprs())))
    nodesRHSAll <- nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndexExprs(nodesRHSExprs)
    nodeNamesAll <- unique(c(nodesLHSAll, nodesRHSAll))
    nodeNamesRHSOnly <- setdiff(nodesRHSAll, nodesLHSAll)
##    gn <- list()
##    nodeCases <- c(rep(1, length(nodesLHS)), rep(2, length(nodesLHSInferred)), rep(3, length(nodeNamesRHSOnly)))
##    names(nodeCases) <- c(nodesLHS, nodesLHSInferred, nodeNamesRHSOnly)
##    graphNames <- V(graph)$name

    ## this new version cuts out the "middle person" of graphNodesList
    nodeNames <- V(graph)$name ## formerly graphNames
    graphIDs <- seq_along(nodeNames)
    ##case1indices <- seq_along(nodesLHS)
    ##case2indices <- length(nodesLHS) + seq_along(nodesLHSInferred)
    numCase2 <- length(nodesLHSInferred)
    ##case3indices <- length(nodesLHS) + length(nodesLHSInferred) + seq_along(nodeNamesRHSOnly)
    numCase3 <- length(nodeNamesRHSOnly)
    case2Names <- unlist(lapply(nodesLHSInferred, function(x) nodeInfo[[ nodesLHFInferredLookupList[[x]] ]]$nodeFunctionName))
    nodeFunctionNamesRaw <- c(unlist(lapply(nodesLHS, function(x) nodeInfo[[x]]$nodeFunctionName)),
                              rep('DOES_NOT_EXIST', numCase3))
    names(nodeFunctionNamesRaw) <- c(nodesLHS, nodesLHSInferred, nodeNamesRHSOnly)
    nodeFunctionNamesRaw <- nodeFunctionNamesRaw[ nodeNames ]
    originNodeNamesRaw <- nodeNames
    names(originNodeNamesRaw) <- nodeNames
    originNodeNamesRaw[nodesLHSInferred] <- case2Names

    types <- c(unlist(lapply(nodesLHS, function(x) nodeInfo[[x]]$type)),
               rep('LHSinferred', numCase2),
               rep('RHSonly', numCase3))
    names(types) <-  c(nodesLHS, nodesLHSInferred, nodeNamesRHSOnly)
    types <- types[ nodeNames ]
##    nodeFunctionNames  not needed
    maps <<- mapsClass$new()
    maps$setup2(nodeNames, graphIDs, nodeFunctionNamesRaw, originNodeNamesRaw, types, graph, varInfo, nodeInfo)


modelDefClass$methods(newModel = function(data = list(), inits = list(), where = globalenv(), modelName = character()) {
    if(inherits(modelClass, 'uninitializedField')) {
        vars <- lapply(varInfo, `[[`, 'maxs')
        logProbVars <- lapply(logProbVarInfo, `[[`, 'maxs')
        isDataVars <- lapply(isDataVarInfo, `[[`, 'maxs')
        modelClass <<- RMakeCustomModelClass(vars = c(vars, logProbVars),
                                             className = paste0(name,'_modelClass_', nimbleUniqueID()),
                                             isDataVars = isDataVars,
                                             modelDef = .self,
                                             where = where)
        classEnvironment <<- where
    if(inherits(modelValuesClass, 'uninitializedField')) {
        modelValuesClass <<- makeCustomModelValuesClass(symTab, modelValuesClassName, where = where, addUniqueID = FALSE, modelDef = .self)
    ## would be better to build this into the class
    ## if(missing(modelName)) modelName <- name
    ## if(modelName == character(0)) stop('Error, empty name for a new model', call. = FALSE)
    model <- modelClass(name = modelName)
    model$buildNodeFunctions(where = where)
    model$buildNodesList() ## This step makes RStudio choke, we think from circular reference classes -- fixed, by not displaying Global Environment in RStudio
    # prevent overwriting of data values by inits
    for(varName in intersect(names(inits), model$getVarNames())) {
        dataVars <- model$isData(varName)
        if(sum(dataVars) && !identical(data[[varName]][dataVars],
                                      inits[[varName]][dataVars])) {
            inits[[varName]][dataVars] <- data[[varName]][dataVars]
            nonNAinits <- !is.na(inits[[varName]][dataVars])
            # only warn if user passed conflicting actual values
                warning("newModel: Conflict between 'data' and 'inits' for ", varName, "; using values from 'data'.\n")
    nonVarIndices <- !names(inits) %in% model$getVarNames()
        warning("newModel: ", paste(names(inits)[nonVarIndices], collapse = ','),
                " ", ifelse(sum(nonVarIndices) > 1, "are", "is"), " not ", ifelse(sum(nonVarIndices) > 1, "variables", "a variable"), " in the model; initial value ignored.")

	# Below is the code that checks if an index is missing    
#    allVarNames <- model$getVarNames()
#    for(var in allVarNames){
#    	varExpandedNodeNameLength = length(model$expandNodeNames(var, returnScalarComponents = TRUE))
#       	varValuesLength = length(model[[var]])
#        if(varExpandedNodeNameLength != varValuesLength){
#        	warningText <- paste('missing node detected, i.e. something like x[2] declared but not x[1]')
#        	warningText <- paste(warningText, '\n variable name = ', var)
#         	warningText <- paste(warningText, '\n Can be remedied by adding dummy nodes, i.e. x[1] <- 0')
#           	warning(warningText)
#            }
#         }


modelDefClass$methods(show = function() {
    writeLines("modelDefClass object with fields and methods:")

modelDefClass$methods(printDI = function() {
    for(i in seq_along(declInfo)) {
        BUGSdecl <- declInfo[[i]]
        cat(paste0('[[', i, ']]  '))
        lapply(contexts[[BUGSdecl$contextID]]$singleContexts, function(x) cat(paste0('for(', x$indexVarExpr, ' in ', deparse(x$indexRangeExpr), ') {{{   ')))
        cat(paste0(deparse(BUGSdecl$code, width.cutoff=500L)))
        cat(paste0(rep('   }}}', length(contexts[[BUGSdecl$contextID]]$singleContexts)), collapse=''))

modelDefClass$methods(nodeName2GraphIDs = function(nodeName, nodeFunctionID = TRUE){
	if(length(nodeName) == 0)
		output <- unique(unlist(sapply(nodeName, parseEvalNumeric, env = maps$vars2GraphID_functions, USE.NAMES = FALSE)))
		output <- unlist(sapply(nodeName, parseEvalNumeric, env = maps$vars2GraphID_values, USE.NAMES = FALSE))	

modelDefClass$methods(nodeName2LogProbName = function(nodeName){
	if(length(nodeName) == 0)
	output <- unique(unlist(sapply(nodeName, parseEvalCharacter, env = maps$vars2LogProbName, USE.NAMES = FALSE)))

modelDefClass$methods(nodeName2LogProbID = function(nodeName){
	if(length(nodeName) == 0)
	output <- unique(unlist(sapply(nodeName, parseEvalNumeric, env = maps$vars2LogProbID, USE.NAMES = FALSE) ) ) 

parseEvalNumeric <- function(x, env){
	ans <- eval(parse(text = x, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]], envir = env)
parseEvalCharacter <- function(x, env){
	ans <- eval(parse(text = x, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]], envir = env)

#The class we use keep track of graphIDs
nodeVector <- setRefClass(Class = "nodeVector",
						fields = 
							list(origNodeNames 				=	'ANY',
								expandedNodeFunctionNames 	=	'ANY',
								expandedNodeValuesNames 	=	'ANY',
								origGraphIDs_values 		=	'ANY',
								origGraphIDs_functions		=	'ANY',
								sortedGraphIDs_values 		=	'ANY',
								sortedGraphIDs_functions	=	'ANY',
								sortOrder_values 			= 	'ANY',
								sortOrder_functions 		= 	'ANY',
								model 						=	'ANY'),
						methods = 	#These methods need to check if objects are initiated. If not, it needs
									#to initiate. If so, it just returns object
							list(getOrigNames = function(){ 
									if(!inherits(origNodeNames, 'uninitializedField') ) 
									else stop('origNodeNames never initialized!')
								getExpandedFunctionNames = function(){ 
									if(!inherits(expandedNodeFunctionNames, 'uninitializedField') ) 
									else {
										expandedNodeFunctionNames <<- unique(model$modelDef$maps$graphID_2_nodeFunctionName[origGraphIDs_functions])
										expandedNodeFunctionNames <<- expandedNodeFunctionNames[expandedNodeFunctionNames != 'DOES_NOT_EXIST']
								getExpandedValuesNames = function(){ 
									if(!inherits(expandedNodeValuesNames, 'uninitializedField') ) 
									else {
										expandedNodeValuesNames <<- unique(model$modelDef$maps$graphID_2_nodeName[origGraphIDs_values])
										expandedNodeFunctionNames <<- expandedNodeFunctionNames[expandedNodeFunctionNames != 'DOES_NOT_EXIST']
								getOrigIDs_values = function() { 
									if(!inherits(origGraphIDs_values, 'uninitializedField') ) 
									else stop('origGraphIDs_values never initialized! (this indicates a bug in the nimble source code: should not be able to build a nodeVector without initializing OrigGraphIDs_values)')
								getOrigIDs_functions = function() { 
									if(!inherits(origGraphIDs_functions, 'uninitializedField') ) 
									else stop('origGraphIDs_functions never initialized! (this indicates a bug in the nimble source code: should not be able to build a nodeVector without initializing OrigGraphIDs_values)')
								getSortedIDs_values = function() { 
									if(!inherits(sortedGraphIDs_values, 'uninitializedField') ) 
										if(inherits(sortOrder_values, 'uninitializedField') ) 
											sortOrder_values <<- order(origGraphIDs_values)
 										sortedGraphIDs_values <<- origGraphIDs_values[sortOrder_values]
								getSortedIDs_functions = function() { 
									if(!inherits(sortedGraphIDs_functions, 'uninitializedField') ) 
										if(inherits(sortOrder_functions, 'uninitializedField') ) 
											sortOrder_functions <<- order(origGraphIDs_functions)
										sortedGraphIDs_functions <<- origGraphIDs_functions[sortOrder_functions]
								getSortOrder_values = function() { 
									if(!inherits(sortOrder_values, 'uninitializedField') ) 
										sortOrder_values <<- order(origGraphIDs_values)
								getSortOrder_functions = function() { 
									if(!inherits(sortOrder_functions, 'uninitializedField') ) 
									else {
										sortOrder_functions <<- order(origGraphIDs_functions)
								initialize = function(...){
									if(inherits(model, 'uninitializedField'))	
										stop('model missing when creating nodeVector')
									if(inherits(origGraphIDs_values, 'uninitializedField') )	{
										if(!inherits(origNodeNames, 'uninitializedField') ){
											origGraphIDs_values <<- model$modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(origNodeNames, FALSE)
											origGraphIDs_functions <<- model$modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(origNodeNames, TRUE)
											origNodeNames <<- model$modelDef$maps$graphID_2_nodeName[origGraphIDs_functions]
											origGraphIDs_values <<- model$modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(origNodeNames, FALSE)
									else if(inherits(origGraphIDs_functions, 'uninitializedField')	){
											origNodeNames <<- model$modelDef$maps$graphID_2_nodeName[origGraphIDs_values]
											origGraphIDs_functions <<- model$modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(origNodeNames, TRUE)

thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.