#' Assigns a Unique ID to each RAW Data File
#' Finds all RAW files and assigns a unique ID. Once the ID is assigned,
#' it is immutable; each file is identified by its CRC check sum,
#' code and file size, so not by the file name; if the file name or location
#' has changed, the ID will remain the same, but the file name is updated.
#' Some meta data with paths to RAW data is stored as header information, currently
#' located at the end of the file.
#' @section
#' Possible scenarios:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{(rule 1)}}{ RAW ID file does not exist and must be generated}
#' \item{\code{(rule 2)}}{ new RAW file is added,}
#' \item{\code{(rule 3)}}{ RAW file is missing,}
#' \item{\code{(rule 4)}}{ RAW file has duplicate in different folder,}
#' \item{\code{(rule 5)}}{ RAW file has duplicate with new name,}
#' \item{\code{(rule 6)}}{ RAW file moved to a different folder, and folder needs update}
#' }
#' @param pRAW path with raw data, if missing, then will prompt for path
#' @param pRESULTS path for results, default: uses pRAW
#' @param idFile name of file with IDs, default: RAW-ID.csv
#' @param f_post function to customize sample, type etc.
#' @param forceRegenerate logical, regenerate file, use with great care only
#' @param fixDuplicates logical, if \code{TRUE}, duplicates are removed, use with care only
#' @param removeIDs CAUTION: will delete IDs listed as vector
#' @param noData logical, if \code{TRUE}, returns RAW ID file name otherwise RAW data
#' @param verbose logical, if \code{TRUE} outputs information about the process
#' @return returns \code{TRUE} if name has a valid format
#' @seealso \code{\link{raw.getFileByID}}, \code{\link{raw.getIDbyFile}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' raw.updateID()
#' }
#' @export
raw.updateID <- function(pRAW = "",
pRESULTS = 'data-raw',
idFile = 'RAW-ID.csv',
f_post = NA,
forceRegenerate = FALSE,
fixDuplicates = FALSE,
removeIDs = c(),
noData = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
# Get RAW-ID.csv File name and location
fIDfile = raw.RAWIDfile(pRESULTS, idFile)
if (verbose) cat("RAW ID File:", fIDfile,"\n")
# Get path for RAW data
if (pRAW == "") pRAW = raw.readRAWIDheader(fIDfile)$path
if (is.null(pRAW)) {
pRAW = .promptRAWpath()
} else {
if (pRAW == "" | (!dir.exists(pRAW))) pRAW = .promptRAWpath()
if (verbose) cat("RAW folder: ",pRAW,"\n")
# check if ID file already exists
# -------------------------------
ID <- 7 # lowest ID
if (file.exists(fIDfile) & !forceRegenerate) {
rID <- raw.readRAWIDfile(fIDfile)
rID_list <- raw.readRAWIDheader(fIDfile)
if (verbose) cat("Found",nrow(rID),'IDs in IDfile.\n')
if ('IDmax' %in% names(rID_list)) {
ID = as.numeric(rID_list$IDmax)
} else {
if (nrow(rID)>0) ID = max(rID$ID) + 1
} else {
if ( (forceRegenerate) & (interactive()) ) {
a = readline(prompt="Are you sure to delete RAW-ID.csv (yes/NO):")
if (tolower(a) != 'yes') stop("Call raw.updateID() with forceRegenerate=FALSE.")
if (verbose) cat("Will create a brand-new data file.\n")
rID <- data.frame()
rID_list <- list(pgm = "RAWdataR", path = pRAW, paths = c())
# check if any files are missing or have changed:
if(nrow(rID)>0) {
# check all files for changes
for(j in 1:nrow(rID)) {
fname = file.path(rID$path[j], rID$filename[j])
if (file.exists(fname)) {
crc = .getCRC(fname)
if (crc != rID$crc[j]) {
if (verbose) cat("Content in file ", rID$filename[j], " has changed! Making new ID.\n")
# file name is the same, but different CRC code; therefore, either the file was
# altered, or the same file name is used for a different data set: therefore, maintain
# the old ID as a missing file, then create a new ID for this file.
rID$missing[j] = TRUE
r <- .addFile(fname, ID, pRAW)
if (!(crc %in% rID$crc)) {
# add the file as a new file
r$altered = TRUE
ID <- ID + 1
rID <- rbind(rID, r)
} else {
# CRC is found elsewhere
j2 <- which(rID$crc == crc)[1]
if (fname != file.path(rID$path[j2], rID$filename[j2])) rID[j2,] = r
} else {
# filename is not found anymore, declare missing
rID$missing[j] = TRUE
## remove duplicates??
if (fixDuplicates) {
m1 = which(duplicated(rID$crc)==TRUE)
if (length(m1)>0) {
if (verbose) cat("Removing duplicated ", length(m1)," files.\n")
rID <- rID[-m1,]
if (verbose) cat("There are",length(which(rID$missing==TRUE)),"missing files.\n")
if (verbose) cat("There are",length(which(rID$altered==TRUE)),"altered files.\n")
# Files in the RAW folder
if (verbose) cat("--> Updating / adding new files from",pRAW,".\n")
file.list = dir(pRAW, recursive = TRUE)
file.list = file.path(pRAW, file.list)
if (verbose) cat("Found",length(file.list),'files in RAW folder.\n')
for(f in file.list) {
# if it is a directory, then do not add
if (dir.exists(f)) next;
# add the file
r <- .addFile(f, ID, pRAW)
# check if file already has an ID
if (nrow(rID)>0) {
if (r$crc %in% rID$crc) {
# check if the file name is the same
m1 = grep(r$crc, rID$crc)
for(m in m1) {
if (r$size == rID$size[m]) {
if (r$filename == rID$filename[m]) {
if (r$path != rID$path[m]) {
# path has changed, set to previous path
rID$path[m] = r$path
rID$missing[m] = FALSE
} else {
# path and filename are the same, do not add
} else {
rID$filename[m] = r$filename
rID$path[m] = r$path
rID$missing[m] = FALSE
} else {
warning("CRC matches, but file size differs in file:",f)
# rare case: crc matches, but file size different
rID = rbind(rID, r)
ID = ID + 1
} # end FOR
} else {
# CRC is not in RAW-ID, so add it:
# if post function adds additional columns, such as substrate
# those must be added first to r, use fill = TRUE
if (ncol(r) != ncol(rID)) r = .extendColumns(r, names(rID))
rID = rbind(rID, r)
ID = ID + 1
} else {
# first ID to add
rID = r
ID = ID + 1
# CUSTOMIZE with post function
numRows = nrow(rID)
if (is(f_post,"function")) rID <- f_post(rID)
if (numRows != nrow(rID)) stop("Error in f_post() function. Make sure to return same number of rows.")
# UPDATE header information
# ----------------------------
rID_list$version = packageVersion("RAWdataR")
rID_list$pgm = "RAWdataR"
rID_list$stamp = Sys.time()
rID_list$path = pRAW
if (!(pRAW %in% rID_list$paths)) rID_list$paths = c(pRAW, rID_list$paths)
rID_list$IDmax = ID
# ----------------------------
if (length(removeIDs)>0) {
m <- which(rID$ID %in% removeIDs)
if (length(m)>0) {
if (verbose) cat("Removing:",length(m),"IDs.\n")
rID <- rID[-m, ]
# CLEAN UP Paths
# ----------------------------
for(p in rID_list$paths) {
rID$path = gsub(paste0("^",p),"",rID$path)
rID$path = gsub("^/+","/",rID$path)
# ----------------------------
if (verbose) cat("Writing RAW ID file: ",fIDfile,"\n")
if(nrow(rID)>0) raw.writeRAWIDfile(rID, rID_list, fIDfile = fIDfile)
if (noData) {
result = fIDfile
} else {
result <- raw.readRAWIDfile(fIDfile)
#' Return filename by ID
#' @param ID list of RAW file IDs
#' @param pRESULTS results folder
#' @param idFile name of the file the the RAW IDs
#' @returns data frame with filename, path, and other information about the file
#' @seealso \code{\link{raw.getIDbyFile}}, \code{\link{raw.updateID}}
#' @export
raw.getFileByID <- function(ID,
pRESULTS = 'data-raw',
idFile = 'RAW-ID.csv') {
# name for file that stores the RAW IDs
fIDfile = file.path(pRESULTS, idFile)
if(!file.exists(fIDfile)) return(NULL)
rID = raw.readRAWIDfile(fIDfile)
m = which(rID$ID %in% ID)
# helper functions
.getCRC <- function(filename) {
strtoi( raw.getMD5(filename, 7), base = 16 )
.promptRAWpath <- function() {
if (interactive()==FALSE) stop("Provide pRAW argument in raw.updateID().")
while(TRUE) {
pRAW = readline(prompt="Enter path with RAW data: ")
if (pRAW == "") stop("Need a RAW location folder to proceed.")
if (dir.exists(pRAW)) break
cat("RAW data folder not found.\n")
.addFile <- function(f, ID, pRAW) {
r = data.frame(
ID = ID,
path = .truncatePath(pRAW, dirname(f)),
filename = basename(f),
crc = .getCRC(f),
size = file.info(f)$size,
type = .getFileType(f),
missing = !file.exists(f),
altered = FALSE,
sample = "",
date = format(file.info(f)$atime),
meta = ""
if (is.na(r$crc)) stop("Cannot generate MD5 check sum for file:",f)
.truncatePath <- function(pRAW, pfad) {
pRAW = gsub("\\\\","/",pRAW)
gsub(pRAW,'', pfad)
# returns file type
.getFileType <- function(filename) {
type = ""
f = basename(filename)
if (grepl('\\_XRD',f)) type = "XRD"
if (grepl('\\_XRR',f)) type = "XRR"
if (grepl('\\_AMR',f)) type = "AMR"
if (grepl('\\_FMR',f)) type = "FMR"
if (grepl('\\_AFM',f)) type = "AFM"
if (grepl('\\_EDS',f)) type = "EDS"
if (grepl('\\_SEM',f)) type = "SEM"
if (grepl('\\_Rxx',f)) type = "AMR"
if (grepl('\\_DAT',f)) type = "VSM"
if (type=="") {
f = tools::file_ext(filename)
if (grepl('nid',f)) type = 'AFM'
if (grepl('ras[x]*',f)) type = 'XRD'
if (grepl('ibw',f)) type = 'AFM'
if (grepl('tiff',f)) type = 'AFM'
if (grepl('\\d{3}',f)) type = 'AFM'
if (grepl('csv',f)) type = 'table'
.extendColumns <- function(df, dfNames) {
mIn = names(df)
d = df
for(m in dfNames) {
if (!(m %in% mIn)) {
dAdd = rep("", nrow(d))
d = cbind(d, dAdd)
names(d) = dfNames
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